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DONKEY KONG Anonymous 01/16/2025 (Thu) 20:38:12 Id: f555e3 No. 1061714
D K DONKEY KONG Which is the best Donkey kong game and why is it tropical freeze? More importantly, how come Nintendo hasn't made any DK games lately? I have pretty much given up hope of a 3d collectathon like 64 but having Retro hammer out another 2d platformer can't be too much of a hassle. Maybe just have a new studio make a whole new kind of DK game? There is a lot of things you can do with DK and his extended family.
>>1061714 Where does it ever say Chunky Kong is related to Donkey Kong? I thought he was just related to Dixie. It's weird if he's related to DK because then Diddy and Dixie have an incestuous relationship. I mean I know they're monkeys and wouldn't give a fuck, but still.
>>1061718 I have no idea. I just found the chart and thought it was funny. The wiki doesn't say anything about it.
>>1061714 Press F to pay respect.
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>>1061729 I want Rogen Dong fucking dead, you hear me? DEAD!
>>1061729 The image is shit quality and when I watched the Nintendo video he just seems "off" but what's actually different? I can't tell, but it feels like he just looks incorrect.
>>1061737 They're rewriting history so that DK looks more like his appearance in the movie adaptation Say goodbye to the design which Rare invented
>>1061760 >Say goodbye to the design which Rare invented i.e. the GOOD design
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>>1061729 They un-bolted him, the squarish proportions steve mayle's is known has been entirely scrubbled. I must admit, nuts and bolts character design was too angular, but this feels like the opposite end of the problem. We'll get used to it I suppose
>>1061810 Yeah, that's how I feel as well. It's just weird making such a drastic design after so long.
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>>1061714 When it comes to the development of a new DK game, alot of rumors and speculation have been pointing towards EPD Tokyo as the new devs for the series going forward. Going by the 2D action game hiring that Nintendo posted back in 2020, that's most likely when the new game started development.
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>>1061840 <look up EPD tokyo >3d all stars >3d world >super mario odyssey. >mariomaker 2 What the fuck? Is there still hope for a 3d DK?
>>1061842 Unless it turns out to be EPD Tokyo's unique take on 2d Mario, I think the 2d game is the Donkey Kong game we're getting.
>>1061840 Wasn't the "new" DK game that was leaked just the Mario and Donkey Kong remake game from last year?
>>1061810 >We'll get used to it I suppose No. I refuse.
>>1061881 No, that was confirmed to be a seperate thing, mainly developed by NST. I think when Pyoro first leaked it, they made it seem like it was a new DK game, only to reveal that it was just a remake of a spinoff title on the GBA.
>>1061760 He looks like a semitic ape, especially with the more obvious unibrow. Except cranky to look very jewish, like a rabbi.
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>>1061904 >He looks like a semitic ape He needs to look like his voice actor

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