/zoo/ - Zoophilia

Animal Love

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Request thread Anonymous 04/27/2022 (Wed) 03:28:02 No. 3449 [Reply] [Last]
You ever misplace a herd of sheep? Can't find that horse? Well let anons know what you are looking for and maybe someone has seen it. Or knows where to find it. Try your luck today cowboy, and post a description of the video/picture you can no longer find. Or maybe never had to begin with.
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In this video: https://www.bestialitysextaboo.net/20525/the-future-dog-sex-domination-mix/ at 0:09 in there is a vid of an Asian woman rubbing her pussy on a black labs asshole. I assume that it’s from that same video series with the Japanese women rimming/getting fucked by a black lab and a yellow lab. Where can I find the full clip of her scissoring her pussy with that male-bitche’s tailhole?
Anyone have the struppi horse collection? she gets mounted by mini horses.

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Meta Anonymous Board owner 07/09/2021 (Fri) 05:18:10 No. 14 [Reply] [Last]
Welcome to /zoo/ You're encouraged to engage in zoophilia safely and tell everyone about it, and post all the video, photos, and art of it you find on the internet. To become a boardvol, just participate in discussion about zoophilia and maybe post some content! Then state your account name in this thread. Banners are minimum 300x100, maximum 500x150. Please include /zoo/ on it. Cloaca is already a vol. I didn't ask, I just did it.
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>>25291 >bfdi on the dogfucker forum Wow.

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Scat Anonymous 07/12/2021 (Mon) 17:24:41 No. 272 [Reply] [Last]
Alright, lads. Post some shit But also spoiler that shit bro. There was a vote, and it was unanimous
Edited last time by Vampyr on 04/07/2022 (Thu) 19:20:56.
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>>25106 Gotta use VLC player or anything aside from Windows media player
>>25356 Fuck off with to a other thread you cunt
>>21175 any way i could contact you to get them?

Opinions on people getting into zoo at an early age? Mop 10/06/2022 (Thu) 15:29:58 No. 5057 [Reply] [Last]
Alot of zoos I have talked to tend to become a zoo at the age of 12-19, and I honestly find it pretty weird as I am one of those people too. Fucked our farm dog at the age of 14
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>>25387 I would say it's way more taboo now. Back then people were either unaware or never really thinking about it. I remember my older cousin bought brazilian DVDs of women and horses that he would show off and no one really gave a shit, it was just some weird exotic porn. Now people immediately start drawing parallells to pedophilia and if you get exposed for having any connection with bestiality there's an endless hate mob online that will stalk and harass you to the ends of the earth. So no one is going to try to stand against anti bestiality laws publically, even if the laws are fucking stupid and have no logical arguments. I think more people than ever are engaging in zoosex but I think it's going to become more and more illegal globally.
>>25390 To be honest i think that zoophilia is looked down upon as much as pedophilia...
>>25402 Fascinating, but uh hey whats the uh rules though? I mean every place has rules, surely this place has rules right? Whats the uh, whats the first rule? I'm just curious

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Zoo splitscreens / music videos Animal Enthusiast 05/02/2023 (Tue) 21:13:01 No. 6878 [Reply] [Last]
Seems like splitscreens and music videos are very uncommon. Post any you have.
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>>11495 More like this pls
>>25255 need sources to all those real life clips
>>25265 sources to real life clips?

Maw thread Animal Enthusiast 05/28/2022 (Sat) 15:41:47 No. 3947 [Reply] [Last]
anyone got more?
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>>25131 Uploaded some: oshi.at/cZuPo >>25140 There are already some groups for that on Telegram. One is called "RL Maws & Jaws". Should be on the list with all the furry Telegram groups. I wouldn't mind dumping everything into a channel or group, but I don't want to taint my number.
>>25141 https://pomf2.lain.la/f/efgzi8zj.7z pw 8chan Looks like oshi.at deleted it after no dls or got butthurt.
Bump, more maws plz

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Mating press 10/24/2024 (Thu) 22:22:02 No. 20372 [Reply]
I want to see owners, pinning down their bitches and getting them mating pressed till they're impregnated and full of seed
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>>24271 Pretty sure this is Hobo's owner.. at least this dog appears in some of his videos, notably the one where Hobo is bound and raped :|
>>24777 Ooooohhhh fuck!!! Hnnnnnnnggggggghh The way the cookie just wraps around homo sapien coxck is so hot. Damn, anyone got the full video

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Necro Necro 09/17/2024 (Tue) 18:43:14 No. 18712 [Reply] [Last]
Rules No blood No injuries holes Post must be spoilered and labeled with the animal and hole being penetrated
Edited last time by DDBoy23 on 09/17/2024 (Tue) 20:59:40.
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We need a chat group like on simplex or sumthin
>>23170 Anybody got a re up?
Anyone got vids of people playing with dead animal dicks

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We already have a thread about animals being penetrated by dildos? A crocodile 02/14/2025 (Fri) 02:46:59 No. 24604 [Reply]
Canines, felines, reptiles, equines, etc?
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>>25062 I'm not gonna report it this time, cause I'm just wondering what do these simplex groups accomplish that sharing content here doesn't?
>>24627 I also have the Monster Buck toy. Lovely. Thanks <3
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Corgis Animal Enthusiast 05/23/2024 (Thu) 23:26:30 No. 14072 [Reply]
Gonna be fucking a friend's corgi I'm taking care of. Love the breed, basically shaped like a fleshlight. Anyone else feel the same?
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>>25324 fucking adorable cookie
>>25343 Ready to be turned into a cock sleeve

Monkey Pics/Videos monkeylover4842 01/23/2023 (Mon) 04:27:53 No. 5887 [Reply] [Last]
Does anyone have any media with monkeys, please? I've been looking for so long.
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>>5887 Can someone please find some real stuff. It can be vaginal, anal, blowjob, titjob, handjob, literally anything. I just need more human on monkey porn. I already saw the short handjob video someone posted and I need to know where they found that.
>>25021 no one can find it because it doesn't exist

Any hypno/mindcontrol/whatchacallit videos? Animal Enthusiast 06/16/2023 (Fri) 05:31:23 No. 7369 [Reply]
You lik’em or you don’t, but some are good fun. Anyone got (made??) good ones? Any animals, any gender combinations/orientations; please no scat/piss. (I also found some 3D ones, not sure it’s a good fit for /zoo/)
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>>25373 0:09 in there is a vid of an Asian woman rubbing her pussy on a black labs asshole. I assume that it’s from that same video series with the Japanese women rimming/getting fucked by a black lab and a yellow lab. Where can I find the full clip of her sizzoring her pussy with that male-bitches tailhole?
>>25375 No idea. I only just came across that from gf sharing it with me and so I shared it here since it passed her stamp of approval. Thought about sharing in the zmv thread but that one’s so big and these ones are neglected.

AI generated porn Animal Enthusiast 08/26/2022 (Fri) 02:09:02 No. 4772 [Reply] [Last]
has anybody else tried out stable diffusion now that it's open and can be run locally? i managed to generate this pic. it looks off sure but it's surprisingly still good for how there must be nothing for the ai to go off of for this shit. there's potential!!
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some stuff
>>25256 I accept links to templates and LORA to make perfect and realistic cookies
>>25330 OK. More lion/lioness blowjob would be appreciated also that bird stuff is nice. How did you made these? I have a decent PC so I might do some stuff if I know how to.

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Suggestive, Fantasy Fuel, Etc Animal Enthusiast 02/02/2025 (Sun) 21:28:33 No. 24209 [Reply] [Last]
Pics to use as goon fuel, pics of nude girls next to animals, using animal dildos or just hot women with animals in general etc.
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Animal Enthusiast 02/23/2025 (Sun) 19:07:46 No. 24878 [Reply]
People who dress up as animals, identify as animals, acting as animals, or are therian fucking animals or getting fucked
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>>25335 My dick is fucking DIAMONDS!! God that eager for affection at the end too. Gives me a meme idea for a lewd degenerate Neko with qtips filling her trash and also littered about lol

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Horse General 2 Animal Enthusiast 01/14/2025 (Tue) 14:40:09 No. 23492 [Reply] [Last]
Post em' All horses are welcome
Edited last time by Vampyr on 01/21/2025 (Tue) 04:44:23.
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>>25166 Seconded
>>25151 >These are simply incredible! Rare to have so many original content so it is much appreciated Thanks Anon, i enjoy someone supporting what i am doing. >That pussy is hard to resist and she clearly loves the attention given the maregasms. I would love to see some gape shots of her pussy filled with cum. I'll try to get a gooey gape video for you kek. >How did you find yourself with such a beautiful girl? Were horses always around in your life or did you decide one day that you wanted a mare in your life? It was almost a decade ago that i decided to stop wasting time trying to get sexual with girls of my own species, at first it was watching MLP that slowly dissolved that taboo instilled disgust before thinking for years of la Luna's purple pony pussy that broke out my lust's control over my mind to really desire wanting to fuck a real pone. There was a grey mare before this filly who i had lost my virginity to and she had such a cute face that i still miss even now after she has died, he death has done something to me. There was some paranormal things happening around me during the months of nights leading up to the day i met that mare, have you ever seen anything supernatural? >>25217 Yes, some mares won't let you be with them for that long before they wish to be alone, it depends on breed and how they were raised more than any other factors. >>25166 >>25167 >>25346 I've never tried doing that yet, always thought it may make her not as tight since it'll loosen her but it might be fun maybe i guess.
>>23492 Second vid of the first post is so hot. Love the sound of his pelvis slapping into her big ass and his moans of ecstasy More like this, PS anyone got that one clip from callista.su where the guys fucking a mare and he spanks he butt?

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