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DIGCATH 08/19/2023 (Sat) 20:07:56 No. 8231 [Reply]
TeamRussia anybody know anything, films and actresses' etc
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yes but want info on others

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Shiba Inu Bestiality Anonymous 10/16/2021 (Sat) 02:40:23 No. 974 [Reply]
I don't see mush zoo content coming from this specie...so if you have any image or video you can share if you want.
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>>8141 lol, I find the birthing process super hot, I wish I could find some good vids tho
>>9618 Yes please, even thinking about that scenario is giving me a hard on
>>9631 Do you really believe that? I'm pretty sure he's the same guy who wrote that his girlfriend fisted a malamute and that put her head in a cow's bum. All bullshit! xD

RedFlare 11/14/2023 (Tue) 07:47:24 No. 9539 [Reply]
I uploaded 4 videos to AnimalPornRocks prior to deleting my account after the Sappho snafu and the nuking of the site. Megamix and Dogpark aren't too hard to find, but I had a dickgirl HMV and a stallion-centric ZMV which I have not been able to find anywhere despite my best efforts. If anyone could reload and share these, I'd be incredibly grateful as I do wish to see how far my editing has come since the RF days. Also, if you know me, no you don't. Don't text me or anything, I stopped texting you because your friend seduced me with unspeakable things and I wouldn't say no >_<
>redflare is like 50% schitzo yeah, actually that checks out I guess. Love the edits dude but for the love of god stop namefagging and lurk more

painful fucks Animal Enthusiast 08/16/2023 (Wed) 00:29:41 No. 8147 [Reply]
Let's see some human pain. Post vids where they simply can't handle being fucked...
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Here is a good DP clip with some pain
>>8162 I wouldn't take my rottie's cock unless I just shit. I worried about him gettng and infection and then getting outed to my parents by the vet if we had to take him for antibiotics. He didn't care though. From the first time I dropped my drawers he was on me like a flash. I nearly cried the first time it hapeend so fast.

Fence-hopping advice Animal Enthusiast 04/05/2022 (Tue) 14:59:55 No. 3122 [Reply] [Last]
Looking to get with some horses. There are plenty nearby me, farmers leave them loose overnight typically, far enough away from their ranch. Looking for any advice regarding fence-hopping.
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>>9460 Edgy boi OwO I've already surveyed both places. The later is empty at night and no one sleeps there. Problem is how close to the road night be. And cows discarded already... It's industry area and Rentacop always strolling around the place
>>9469 Even if there are no humans in the vicinity the anon above you is right to an extent, you don’t know any of the animals. They aren't sex toys but breathing and thinking animals who will kill you if they don’t like you Hell in my town some girl got his ribs broken by a donkey because she tried to give it a handjob

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Animal Enthusiast 08/26/2023 (Sat) 02:30:45 No. 8348 [Reply]
hello friends i come to you in a time of great need, a need for sauce
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Beautiful girl with good ideas (based on her shirt), gives me hope for the world
So has there ever been anything with her filmed?

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Bi couples biZoo 10/02/2023 (Mon) 05:24:00 No. 8941 [Reply]
Anyone has any vids or pics of couples both enjoying some zoo fun? I've only found this screenshot from a video. If anyone has more of it, I'm sure I'm not the only one who would like to see more. I find it so hot when both partners are enjoying themselves equally. My dream relationship!
I think that screenshot is from a couple that went by 'Fidorit' on motherless like a decade ago. I've seen occassional clips from them on other porn sites, but never anything more than a minute or so. https://motherless.com/m/fidorit Only picture left is one of his dog sniffing his asshole, but if you search 'couple' on most zoo porn sites at least one of theirs will come up. I have also been searching for more of this couple since zoo porn got banned on motherless :(
>>8962 aww, such a shame, but thanks for the info! Shame ML doesn't allow zoo any more, judging from all the other extreme stuff on the site, it could have been awesome for zoo content as well.
I didn't know at first they were zoos until my partner told us a picture we took who had a guy in the background had a fellow animal lover who has pretty good taste https://www.zoofilialovers.com/users/dangderg/videos/ enjoyed speaking to him

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STDs from zoo encounters? Animal Enthusiast 10/11/2023 (Wed) 03:00:46 No. 9132 [Reply]
Hey. Let's say that hypothetically I have a friend who owns some animals and may let me fuck them. What are the risks? Does the animal pussy and/or cock kill human STDs or would I be better off using a c*ndom?
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You'd probably be fine going raw, feels better anyway. But if you're paranoid you can wrap, no judgement...
>>9132 > Does the animal pussy and/or cock kill human STDs No. If you don't know who else has fucked it, wear protection.
There are numerous zoonoses that can be transferred between animals and humans. In regards to sexual encounters, most of these are bacterial infections, though cross-species viruses and parasites are also possible, and even fungal infections in some cases. As well, if there has been previous sexual contact between the animal and a human with an sti/std, the potential for the disease to still be infectious to another human can last for hours or even days. While the animal itself may not be able to be infected by the disease, it can still live inside the human fluid inside their body for time, as long as it's within a relatively human temperature range. For certainty, use a condom. Also, use latex, as sheepskin condoms do nothing for stds. Also use water based lube. Note that this will expose the animal to latex, which it may be allergic to. And, if we're being honest, you're probably going to just bareback it anyway. You'll probably be fine, but it's not guaranteed.

Opinions on training a dog to love sex? Animal Enthusiast 10/06/2023 (Fri) 13:00:33 No. 9042 [Reply]
Let’s say there is a dog that’s new to sex and isn’t used to it. Is it ok if you train the dog to love sex and reward them for it eventually forming a deeper bond with or would you leave them be without human adulteration.
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>>9092 you already force them to live with you
>>9102 When your dog gets elderly is the time to drive out to the woods and set it free, where it can live out the rest of its life in nature.
i think it depends on what "isn't used to it" means. if it's more along the lines of "completely against it", then it's probably not a good idea. but if she's legitimately just not used to it yet, i don't think it's bad to ease her into it. the general guideline is, you should be familiar with your dog and know how to tell if she is upset or in distress. if you're actively causing this by trying to have sex with her, you should stop.

Animal compilations??? anon 12/22/2021 (Wed) 07:28:32 No. 1411 [Reply]
So I was checking around for compilations of animated/non animated animals with captions compilations and haven't really found much, there are a couple creators on zoox that create compilations like that but there aren't a ton of them anyone know where to find any??
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>>1412 is there any sort of archive of their stuff? Zoox18 has them but none are properly under an account(most if not all seem to be under the anonymous account which I assume is just where all deleted account content ends up);
>>4061 Any chance anyone has that second one saved?
>>1411 Zx18 is fucking cringe. Mfers stealing content and the charging money to access the site lmfao. Any archives plz?

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Zoo Fiction Thread Animal Enthusiast 12/28/2022 (Wed) 01:35:57 No. 5591 [Reply] [Last]
So I got ChatGPT to write a silly little zoophilia story. It’s pretty tame compared to some of the other stuff I got it to write about. After spending so much time with this app, I've come to learn which words and phrases trigger its content policy. And it’s quite a thin line. Still pretty funny considering ChatGPT will vehemently disagree with you about the ethics of bestiality.
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>>5591 Whether animals are capable of consent or not, whether bestiality harms animals or not, neither of these should matter. WE should not be concerned with the harm we inflict upon animals, because animals shouldn't have rights.
>>8949 Don't even get me started on why animal rights is a terrible idea. If we start giving animals rights, what's next? Will we have to provide them with their own lawyers? Picture this: a courtroom full of squirrels suing us for stealing their acorns or a jury of chickens deciding whether we can have eggs for breakfast. If we grant animals rights, we might as well start holding elections for 'Bark-tator' and 'Meow-sident.' It's a slippery slope, folks. Let's not forget the chaos that would ensue if we allowed animals to run for office. Can you imagine a presidential debate between a goldfish, a donkey, and a parrot? We must draw the line somewhere before we end up with a zoo in the White House!
>>8950 we'll ignore the part where dogs have already successfully held office in the US multiple times

Return to monke Anonymous 12/22/2022 (Thu) 03:46:29 No. 5507 [Reply]
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>>7664 he mad.
How's zoophilia effecting your mental health Im curious? Do you think you can stop being a zoophile if given the chance? If so why or why not?
>>8770 Can I stop thinking about fairies once I've seen them? Maybe yes, but why should I?

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Hump day (camelids) Animal Enthusiast 08/22/2023 (Tue) 00:19:23 No. 8269 [Reply]
So, there's something highly underrated about camels, alpacas & Lamas. Most ignore how huge they can be and yet how tight they can get in comparison to bovines and equines. Yet they don't get enough love by zoos in either choice or media. If you have any pictures, or general stuff with camelids Feel free to share on the board! Experiences too!
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>>8522 >most zoos don't understand how aggressive they are depends how they are raised >much less think about how expensive the upkeep is for them. not more than for a horse >I hardly think we'll ever get stuff with them because there's literally none I have some private media (pics+vids) >and it's easy to get caught this is why they are not shared :/ sorry bros, maybe some day
Well, I just learned someone in equibooru leaked my shots... I'm def not posting again here

Donkey Ass Animal Enthusiast 09/04/2023 (Mon) 20:20:37 No. 8472 [Reply]
Can we get a donkey thread going? Such magnificent anal sluts, with beautiful holes willing to squeeze your cock dry. Anything goes! Donkey ass, anal, mating in the ""wrong"" hole, etc!
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>>8477 Wow, after all this time and Trump's still ling #RENTFREE in your head. You must be obsessed, loser faggot!
>>8493 Says the only man who replies to my comment rather than choosing to ignore it. Also I’m not Andrew Tate, so calling me a faggot is not a threat to my masculinity. But for someone who seems to be looking at the sole donkey board filled with soley male donkeys and the love for sucking-off Trump over a dumb-joke, You seem to need a double-standard check on yourself and touch some grass, not your sister. Though truth be told, this Joke would’ve worked better with Biden, honestly I don’t even give a crap about any politicians or politics in general. Regardless what color anyone identifies.
>>8516 Damn that’s 🔥

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zoophilia & human relationsips DD##2gZbGd 12/22/2022 (Thu) 21:04:58 No. 5518 [Reply]
for those of you who want to be in a romantic relationship with a human, and assuming that other person was also a zoo, would you be ok with them having sex with animals? or would you consider that a form of cheating? would it have to be some mutual understanding or discussion you would have beforehand? would be interested to hear your opinions and thoughts.
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>>8398 Not interested in dating dudes.
>>8413 What are you, gay?

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Jeffrey 08/21/2023 (Mon) 07:19:15 No. 8252 [Reply]
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shed a tear, trvly a c moment

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