/zoo/ - Zoophilia

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internal cumshot Animal Enthusiast 04/21/2024 (Sun) 20:33:25 No. 12696 [Reply]
anyone craving a video of a pov insiode the vagina of a woman taking a dog? ive seen videos with the go-pro inside the woman and you can see a man cum inside her, but ive not seen anything like that in the zoo realm. does anyone have a need like i do to see the internal cumshot of a dog in pussy?
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>>14783 man these take me back. i saw these on tumblr when i was like 14 or so. was very new to zoo porn but i thought these were so hot. i dont think these ended up being real but i still like them. wish there was more of them

Advice on Brainwashing my boyfriend to get into zoo? Animal Enthusiast 06/04/2024 (Tue) 07:59:09 No. 14513 [Reply]
any advice on brainwashing my boyfriend to get into zoo? im a hardcore zoophile and its definitely one of my biggest kinks. unfortunately my boyfriend is not so open minded. theyre the type of furry to say people who looks at cubs are pedos and people who look at feral are zoos. is there any advice on how to slowly brainwash them into viewing zoo? theyre into degradation type stuff if it helps. i love him a lot but i feel like such a piece of shit knowing that if he knew my true desires that he would hate me. i want him to become enlightened like us.
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>>14513 >Hardcore zoophilia Lmao get fucked zoosadist
>>14619 It says hardcore zooPHILE as in someone whose really into zoo and ferals. not that they're a zoosadist.
Is he the bottom? Start fucking him with a dog dildo.

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A place to post your dog's dominating jewels Canine balls 11/29/2023 (Wed) 14:05:17 No. 9776 [Reply]
I couldn't find another thread for this so decided to create one. I feel like dog's balls are very underappreciated 😋
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>>14534 Woah Unbelievably hot! Thanks for sharing ❤️
>>14534 happy father's day, anon

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Verbal guys Animal Enthusiast 04/12/2024 (Fri) 22:10:44 No. 12573 [Reply]
Share some videos of dudes being verbal while fucking.
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>>13556 Nooo it's gone :( what was the vid?
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How to train dog to suck your dick/have sex? dogfucker 04/15/2022 (Fri) 22:42:39 No. 3286 [Reply]
See title. I want to train my dog to suck my dick and to let me fuck it. (Note: the dog in the image is not my dog.)
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I don't think I've seen the tutorial but personally I plan on getting a very young pup and encouraging their suckling tendencies all the way into adulthood. I'll use baby bottles with increasingly larger nipples until it matches my size. Once it gets to a dick sized nipple, I'll make it into a sweet treat he/she occasionally gets as a reward. Some sort of sugary cream inside that only comes out if I squeeze the bottle. I'll then work on his/her endurance so that it'll suck for as long as 30 minutes until it gets the treat. Replace the supersized bottle with my cock and we're set for life and it'll associate my cock as a calming reward for being a good dog. That's my plan, in theory anyway.
>>6551 How's it going?
>>14268 I didn't expect to see my old comment get revived a year later. It hasn't happened yet. No house, therefore no dog. There's more lively discussion in the blowjob thread. My plan was more complicated than it needs to be.

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Farting animals 09/01/2023 (Fri) 20:29:34 No. 8417 [Reply]
For who those who want to view flatulent videos of animals farting animals from horses, cows and dogs without having to risk a scat video [NSFW videos please, no youtube, tiktok etc]
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>>8425 /zoo/ is the "board" we are on, this "Farting animals" thread is a "thread" a weird one, at that, but at least you don't want scat
>>8424 why no YouTube/TikTok/etc.? good stuff there
I know a lot of good horse farting videos out there, there is a couple videos from some guy on zoox18 where he actually swallowed horse farts as he rimmed him. The absolute dream

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ITT animals you would fuck if given the chance Animal Enthusiast 09/08/2023 (Fri) 13:17:14 No. 8557 [Reply] [Last]
For me it's fortune the cat
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>>10084 Balls are the best man haha 😋
>>8834 I've came to this pic of this cats sassy face so many fucking times and im even hard typing this rn... i think ive gone too far bros...
Lioness/tigress, dolphin, some bear, probably a spectacled bear or a a simple black bear.

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Ideas to talk about animal pornos you would make Zoo porno fantasys 12/11/2023 (Mon) 02:33:20 No. 9977 [Reply] [Last]
Imagine if Beast was legal and dogs or other animals where allowed to be in pornos with high budgets on websites like Pornhub or other porn studios what would you make ifbyou where the director
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i used to see goats stuck in fences, like they cant pull back because of the horns. I really want to make a video with them like the "help me stepbro im stuck" kinda stuff. Walking up to them seizing them up. Petting them around telling there will be no problem just calm down. Kneeling behind them in fucking position but still in clothes trying to pull (dry hump) visible boner. Getting great shot of their pussy, udders. Grabbing groping it. Circling finger around pussy opening it up. Taking off the clothes. Kneeling back down pulling into the dick, and from that on just sex End would gapping pussy leaking cum, walking away be just leaving them there used for the next finder.
If it was legal, I'd focus on big production scenes, things you couldn't achieve with amateur or underground movies. Big stunts like getting Leana Lovings in mostly nude dog cosplay to run a train of 101 dogs, all with a team of handlers and fluffers, getting the dogs ready to 1 after another, all cumming in her pussy doggy style, and she's knelt over a novelty oversized doggy dish that collects all the creampies leaking out of her. the grand finale being her on her hands and kness, face in the bowl drinking up every last drop of cum while a dog is mounted behind her, knot stuck in her battered pussy.
If it would be legal I would like to see a porn studio like Petlust making videos with big cats, big reptiles, exotic animals. I would pay to see a guy doing a lioness, in a properly lighted studio, with multiple camera angles. Also would love to see a guy with enormous dick fucking a pony mare, or getting fully sucked in a calf's mouth.

Cats CatAnon 01/19/2023 (Thu) 21:16:48 No. 5840 [Reply]
Post cat porn. Irl is good if it exists. Cat holes, cat butts, cute cats, suggestive cats, safe cats too if you think it gets you off.
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>>9999 more like this, please
>>9999 I wonder if cats become less of an asshole if/when you do this for them.
>>10000 I wonder what emotion the puma is going through.

girafe q3ct6eg 03/31/2022 (Thu) 21:15:42 No. 3017 [Reply]
Hi guys Does anybody have giraffe porn (my friend asked) I mean porn between human and giraffe Thx
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A'right more pussy here
any more giraffe stuff?
>>6438 bump, i need giraffe cock plss

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Littlefang Toastiex3 04/30/2024 (Tue) 20:02:37 No. 12975 [Reply]
Where can I find more littefang stuff or stuff like it other than zoox18? I can't find it anywhere else. (Sorry for shitty english it's not my first language and I don't know how to use this site properly so I can't reply)
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>>12986 No not at all. Basically it's high effort content. TBH we don't post many edits on here, maybe we should. Even starting with images would be fun.
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>>12975 Found one!

Vid Jamie_is_15Uw0 05/15/2024 (Wed) 21:26:52 No. 13695 [Reply]
Anyone got mares cumming?

Opossum thread? Hemipenes 06/03/2023 (Sat) 19:33:05 No. 7195 [Reply]
Any good Opossum content out there? They have some very interesting 'equipment'
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I've only found this probably a commission but beatifull paintingm please share something x.x

horses fucking men 05/10/2024 (Fri) 08:11:51 No. 13415 [Reply]
please post all here all your videos and photos of men taking that massive horse dick in the ass idk why in the file name of the first video says "girl" when its clearly a man
>>13415 Does this really need to be its own separate thread? Some old thread fell off the catalog because you created this. We already got like ten horse threads and your making a new one? Always ask yourself when making a thread, does this need to be a thread? Have I checked the catalog to see if anyone already made this? Is it worth killing another thread for as a topic?

Zoophile survey Roadkill 05/08/2024 (Wed) 15:22:22 No. 13304 [Reply]
I found this link on zv and thought I'd pass it on to anyone who may be interested in taking it. I took it just to see what the questions were. It seems to me that the authors are pretty convinced we are all depressed and suicidal, owing to our lack of human partners. For myself, this couldn't be further from reality and I used the comment box to speak my mind on their obvious slant. Also, notably was their repeated misuse of the word "abuse" which also got them some feedback. Anyway, here's their text and a link: You are invited to participate in a research study called “Examining the Mental Health, Social Supports, and Attitudes of Zoophiles.” As the title suggests, we are interested in better understanding individuals with a sexual interest in animals. Given the taboo associated with individuals with a sexual interest in animals, it is important to gain a better understanding of zoophiles and how to best support them. The study will take approximately 40-60 minutes and is completely anonymous. To qualify, you must be 18 years of age or older, identify as someone with a sexual interest in animals, and be able to read and write in English well enough to complete the survey. If you would like more information about the study or require assistance, please contact the researcher, Alexandra Zidenberg (alexandra.zidenberg@rmc-cmr.ca), Department of Military Psychology and Leadership, Royal Military College of Canada. This research received approval from the RMC Research Ethics Board on March 13, 2024. Click the link below to begin the study: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/FBWX55J
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The way I see it they're going to publish it anyway, morally good zoophiles should take studies to slowly repair the image over a course of years.
>>13320 Yeah I know. I just like to hope
i hope to see the results of the survey later

What do you guys think of a potential mascot for this thread? Post crackhead 05/08/2024 (Wed) 12:21:57 No. 13297 [Reply]
I am thinking of have a dog or pet in general something smaller than a pig. Been lurking in this thread ever since I was in asylum so I was wondering if any of you guys would like it if I were to adopt a dog of you guy’s choice. +Names +Requests. *Note: This is just an idea, I apologize if I cant follow through but right now the idea is very much within reach
If I'm understanding this correctly, you're rebuilding your life after a struggle with addiction, mental health, or both? If that is the case, congratulations and continued recovery to you. Of course I am partial to American akitas, but I wouldn't recommend them for a first-time owner. They can be very challenging dogs. Best for first timers on the image (my opinion only): Best:. Golden, German shepherd, Bernese, Newfie, Great Dane, Bloodhound, Poodle. Good: Schnauzer, Rott, Mastiffs. Not great first dogs but you will love them anyway: Corso, Mal, Akita Not familiar enough with the Pyr shepherd temperament to mention it
Pitbulls make both great pets and great sex partners too, they are good at oral and vaginal, if you are lucky then anal too, but make sure to get a calm one because the more active ones can be a handful

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