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Sheath Docking? Animal Enthusiast 09/01/2024 (Sun) 20:02:42 No. 17990 [Reply] [Last]
I assume these are screencaps, anyone got them and more?
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>>24161 that knot bulge in the third one is so hot

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Sharing Questions Animal Enthusiast 01/31/2025 (Fri) 22:44:07 No. 24150 [Reply]
Serious question, I want to share my female but don't know where to start. I would like to hear success stories, get sexual health tips, get security advice, learn where to actually network with zoos. I know Zooville exists but its crap. may be willing to share one or two videos I did with a Beastforum friend in return.pic related. I couldn't compress the mp4s down enough yet.
>>24150 >Zooville exists but its crap how is it crap. it's literally the best resource outside of old BF you can get if you're zoo what, do you want random gooners from this shithole contacting you on TG
Besides BF, telegram is really your best bet. You really can't find a "safe" place that isn't infested with pedos or a fed honey pot.

AI: Its pretty complicated to get good results - wanna share your adventures? Animal Enthusiast 01/19/2025 (Sun) 01:02:20 No. 23715 [Reply]
AI: Its pretty complicated to get good results - wanna share your adventures? Dont mind the creepy face in the window.
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>>23778 Do they even have control of that? Their stuff looks all over the place. I was always under the impression this AI slop is random. Also what is pedo shit? None of them look like kids to me. Most are obviously fake AI anyway. Maybe if you bitch to the mods enough they’ll enforce that this board is for fags only.
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I've made some zoo content on my PC but I'm not into it enough to download any zoo loras.
>>23733 That first one is insane what the hell? Snakes are so underrated, they’re so erotic and seductive. Wish there was more like that. I might be biased because of my Kaa fetish. Do you think you could do Kaa scenes but looking like that with AI?

Giraffes RK50 08/09/2024 (Fri) 04:39:38 No. 16877 [Reply]
There was a request by >16700 in the rhino thread for giraffe mating material, so here is the content of my archive. Feel free to add anything new to it.
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>>16919 Missed these, they weren't as obvious. First and second video: >>16894
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>>16894 What's the song on the second video?

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Owners pulling out or fucking there dog until there full of cum dogs fucked until leaking of cum 01/23/2025 (Thu) 22:09:17 No. 23932 [Reply]
Owners filling there dogs
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>>23964 Tbf I assume that of every duplicate thread that gets made.
>>23932 yes ?
>>23964 he doesn't like bitches,he likez sister..

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Men n dogs 07/19/2021 (Mon) 16:07:34 No. 457 [Reply] [Last]
We've got women getting fucked by dogs, how about men fucking dogs?
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>>24712 Can't be any more retarded than going for the tailhole (and hurting/abusing your dog in the proccess) instead of the big puffy wet cookie. Thats infinitely more retarded
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Your favorite actress/es Animal Enthusiast 10/17/2024 (Thu) 23:53:11 No. 20047 [Reply]
Im curious of why the community doesnt praise these hot hardworking actresses on four legs as they deserve. Share your favorites and learn of new ones. Mine is Zack18's Lea, her mouth is very hot and her body is very nice!
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>>20139 bro.. >>20535 fake af that's definitely your friend's number lmfao
>>20047 Lea is easily the hottest dog I have ever seen in any zoo site, she is perfect from muzzle to ass
>>20047 From where is the picture? That maw is hot

First Time Thread Anonymous 07/25/2021 (Sun) 04:03:11 No. 544 [Reply] [Last]
What animal did you have your first time with? What breed? Were they male or female? Are you male or female? How'd it go? Was it something you properly planned out or was it a spur of the moment thing?
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>>19976 Only for worse because of the life complications it would bring lol you would have objectively had a better sex life, especially if the boys figured out how to share you (which they would have eventually). Have you been at these kinds of places online since then? Or rediscovering and reawakening this aspect of yourself has lead you here?
Our dog was sniffing around me when I was jerking off in my bedroom. I was pushing him away but he ended up licking the cum off my hand after I came. Later I let him lick my dick while I was jerking off and I came on his tongue and he just lapped it all up. He really liked eating cum and sometimes he followed me into the bathroom trying to lick me when I had to take a piss.

Mr.Ed Video Thread Horse Boy 09/19/2024 (Thu) 23:07:25 No. 18793 [Reply] [Last]
Anyone got Mr Ed's / OnlyFlares video saved? Since he got kicked off the forum I'm missing his content. Esp if anyone has the condom on the stallion video
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>>20676 >10 This is Pauls content. He goes by Spirit. He has an invite only group that requires a TG premium account to join, but is not paid. Main group is called OnlyStallions. Not MisterED.
>>23711 >allowing abuse content Be more specific? You know, some people would describe anything involving bestiality to be abuse. I was under the impression that mods delete stuff that's too extreme. >sadist users That's not really preventable on an anonymous online board. You can just ignore threads you don't like and that solves your issue. This website is meant to provide a place for free expression. You should just be thankful these kinds of places are even allowed to exist in 2025. Anyway, Zooville has stricter rules and you don't post your content there so don't act like it's because you're sick of sadism or whatever. You clearly just want money.
>>18793 i need this condom - its obviously my size

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Border Collie and similar dogs Border collie and ausse dog 11/25/2024 (Mon) 18:28:44 No. 21278 [Reply]
Here will be photos and videos of Border Collie and Aussie
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>>21280 >birthing vids Glad to know I'm not the only one who finds it hot. Now I want to make a dog birth thread.
>>21280 You should post those in the blowjob thread they are very good.

Fursuiters and animals Anonymous 12/14/2021 (Tue) 05:32:30 No. 1338 [Reply] [Last]
A thread for fursuiters fucking animals. Doesn't have to be m/m only, but it seems that's all there really is so far.
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>>23679 >>23680 Yeah you guys missed out. I feel bad for alot of young zoos with no guides who are then groomed into zoosadists. Back then it feels like zoosadists were a drop in the bucket. Not saying that we werent a little rough on the dog we fucked but it everyone was alot more normal back then. Nowadays I cant even recruit people into the circle anymore because they will literally go "Hey what if we tied him up" slowly to "What if we crushed his balls while we fuck him".
>>23685 >preaching about zoosadists I've only ever heard that from zoomer furfags you've never had a dog go fuck yourself
>>23686 NTA, but I can't even tell what the point you're trying to make here is or what you're getting angry over in the first place... Are you defending Zoosads? What makes you think he's a zoomer? And do you not agree that contant today has been grossly exaggerated and made more extreme and overstimulating? Ironic for me to say, since I'm into ZMV's n stuff, but you cannot deny that there's this VERY concerning explosion in popularity of the shit that Nonny up there is describing. I'm not gonna lie, I've sifted through my fair share of gooner circles and I've stopped doing that for various reasons that all boil down to mental health and one of the things that surely fucked with me with the sheer degree of grooming that ocurred there, I mean there were kids there that were too young to even be allowed to make accounts and I WISH I could tell you that most of them were just feds, but from what I've seen, idek anymore.

Animal Enthusiast 01/01/2024 (Mon) 21:08:32 No. 10401 [Reply] [Last]
horse anal thread
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>>23742 Thanks! How do you rip them? I have a few more from there I can't seem to extract anymore!
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Vampyr hate club Anonymous 12/12/2024 (Thu) 11:06:58 No. 22035 [Reply]
Vampyr is a terrible admin of zootopia, and he must be stopped! Also hes a jerk, and I hate him. Anyway come in here and we can plan ways of making him fuck off. As always VAMPYRES GO HOME!
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>>23709 >>23717 All newfags must suck everyone off. You're aware of that right
>>23717 sure, no prob. sent you one too
I would also like an invite!

last video, part 1 of 2
part 2 of 2
Sometimes I wonder how Alpaca or camel pussy feels like, I've seen only one in the zv forums saying they're pretty tight, but camels? I wonder of anyone ever did vaginal with a camel

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Fat-tailed sheep Animal Enthusiast 09/05/2024 (Thu) 17:39:38 No. 18254 [Reply]
Thickest in the animal kingdom
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>>18784 I haven't heard this in years. Mega sage spoilered because not fat tailed
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Dressed like a slut
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>>1588 Yes. Same as mare imo. Pleasant, grassy taste and smell. I like it that they cum so easily with just a little oral, way easier than mares
Nothing better than a cow shitty anal and runny creamy scat.
>>23539 Same as other farm animals. Sheep will die if they aren't sheared for example.

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