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Intrinsic Zoo complications Anonymous 10/29/2021 (Fri) 02:41:00 No. 1084 [Reply]
Usually when people talk about the problems one faces as a zoo they talk about how the "outside" affects them: problems embodied by the statements "society doesn't accept me" or "my family keeps asking me when I'll get married," so let's have a thread about the intrinsic complications one has with being a zoophile and how one deals with them. That's not to say you can't talk about problems with extrinsic elements, but try to keep the discussion centered around things one can change or change one's outlook on without having to worry about other people. For example, you can talk about how you reconcile with the possibility of living through 4 to 9 canine partners in your lifetime; how you deal with only being able to have the most primitive of conversations with your partner; or how you approach not being able to cohabitate with a partner due to size constraints.
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I can't be the only one who finds this topic crucially important
>>14249 Same here. One of the few healthy and constructive threads on the board that's not just porn. Have a bump.
>>3743 Yeah I hate to say it, but the vast majority of zoos seem fucked in the head. Even other owners. I don't want to risk my partner's or my livelihood for some psychopathic degenerate

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Does anyone have this video? Animal Enthusiast 07/14/2024 (Sun) 04:52:29 No. 15859 [Reply]
I was wondering if anyone has this video or anything like it? I've been trying my hardest to find this video on zx18 but no luck as the thumbnails are wacky right now. If anyone knows who this is or has more please do let me know. Thank you ^-^
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>>15930 they charge 100 dollars for access to the vids
>>16017 i mean, about the only thing trusted can mean is sharing something with your face and name that would otherwise get you in extreme trouble
>>15997 no idea who you are, but I'm glad you seem to be doing gods work fucking them boys open

i have an external hard drive with zoo porn, where do i hide it Animal Enthusiast 08/12/2024 (Mon) 17:21:31 No. 17102 [Reply]
500gb hard drive with all my zoophilia porn saved on it, where do i hide it incase i dont want it to get found and searched? because right it its just been sitting next to my laptop for the last few weeks but nobody in my household said a word about it and im kinda getting scared as ai put more shit on this.
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Use VeraCrypt whole drive encryption dumbass. https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/Home.html The drive will look in formatted and blank to anyone who plugs it in. You may want to set the read only attribute On the drive to prevent anyone from formatting it.
>>17493 Who else is going to keep the complete PetLust collection from disappearing?
sage goes in all fields sending this to interpol FBI MI6 and most importantly the PNP itself

How to get best friend into licking? Animal Enthusiast 08/27/2024 (Tue) 16:41:59 No. 17695 [Reply]
Allow me to explain: we're both gay furfags on a fucking basis, and we both share an odd fetish b/c furry. I won't get into any particulars but I will say one of the many "methods" used is occasionally a feral animal licking While it's not his favorite method, he tolerates and occasionally favorites it on his DA. However, he draws the line at genital licking (vanilla, I know but it's what I'm into) in the past he expressed interest in it but that faded with time sadly, he tolerates my interests but never snitches or outright rejects; however he's also not into it into it if you get me Is there a way to gradually re-ignite that experimentation in him? Or to gradually get him interested in it? He doesn't outright reject me or anything so perhaps there's potential? Or should I just keep dreaming?
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>>17759 Tl;Dr we're into foot licking and one of the many methods that happens is getting an animal to lick feet sometimes. So naturally, I wanted to take it to the next step
>>17776 I wish my girl would stop licking my feet every morning. It's pretty annoying.
>>17781 Put hot sauce on your feet

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Koala and kangaroo mating 08/26/2024 (Mon) 14:24:03 No. 17626 [Reply]
Mating pics and videos here.
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>>17688 With exception that he doesnt lock his penis into a cervix, but it's mostly similar
>>17701 Here is a diagram of the female reproductive system for those interested

Badger penis Badgers 11/22/2021 (Mon) 11:22:27 No. 1201 [Reply]
Does anyone have any kind of a photo/video that shows what a European badger penis looks like? They are too elusive for me to find any. :-D
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>>1201 Sorry anon but apparently there's no badger genitalia on the internet, at least you can settle for this image.
He aquí un mantra de filosofía Bagdelyana: Lo anómalo, repetido al hartazgo, tiende a lo normal. Lo anómalo sólo cobra sentido si es excepcional. Un beso escapa de lo usual. Que la decidan almorzar y no viceversa es muy abnormal. Sus pupilas se encogen. Besos, abrazos, poética, nada de nada empata a ser ingerido por tu amado. En un nulo interín para fruncir los labios y recapacitar sobre las artes besatorias de su pangolin de miel, es que su cabeza resbala en succión al vacío, su tráquea y nuca son enclaustrados en una generosa turgencia cutánea. "Voilá" De ojos risueños se priva de parpadear, no quiere perderse un segundo del tipo de apex biológico que Él Barón proponga confeccionar para consumirle. "U-Un-Uno S-S---" Su memento mori le roba el aliento, eufórica se ve incapaz de inmortalizar unas últimas palabras. Cumpliría uno de sus sueños humedos más sucios y primitivos: Conformar parte de Él, perpetrar el acto de amor máximo. Ofrendar cuerpo y alma a su amado. Al final todo queda en el terreno de una fetichista fantasía vorefilica, la cuenca que Él Barón orea no prosigue a tragarla, ni masticarla, mucho menos digerirla. Todo en lo que funge es en camuflar las palabrerias de Él y amortiguar las respuestas de la terapeuta. "Ejjemm" Se aclaro la garganta en la herrumbre atmosférica del semidios.

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your greatest sexual fantasy 11/23/2023 (Thu) 22:14:10 No. 9673 [Reply] [Last]
What is your greatest sexual fantasy with animals have you imagined? Mine is referenced with the image.
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I always wanted to get a large and intact male dog. Something popular and sexy, like a german shepherd or rottweiler. Something that's strong and known for having cocks on the larger side, but not too strong or big dicked for a beginner to handle. I'd be active with him enough to where he's good at mounting and knotting my ass without hesitation, and then make an account on zooville showing him off and I'd look for people who want to experience getting knotted for the first time. Or maybe strike up conversations on places like here or 4chan in the hopes of meeting someone nearby. I'd look for men exclusively. Ideally someone skinny or chubby and fairly good looking. No older guys or ugly people. Trans girls are fine too. Young too. Early twenties or even late teens. Someone young and desperate. Someone who's young adult life barely started. We'd meet up, befriend each other, and once we figure out we're both legit I'd eventually give them what they've desired and allow them to indulge in something they thought they'd never get a chance to do. Sounds kind hearted and harmless, right? Well after a few more visits, once we get to know and trust each other more, and once my dog gets more attached, and they get better at being mounted, I'll proposition something to them. I'll ask for something in return now. To allow me to film them getting mounted. No face coverings, everything in view. I'll reassure them that it's a private video never to be shared. I just want it to add to my collection, and maybe give them a copy of they want. And if they object, I'll use my dog as leverage. They'll want the knot again so bad they'll never say no. Then I'll post the video online, sharing it to as many places as possible, and ghost them.
>>17504 What kind of weak ass faggot are you, that even in this bait you ask for consent before filming?
>>17506 Bait? Nigga wut? And sure, hidden cams on the first date are more devious. But you can't get as good a video as you could holding a camera. I want different shots and closeups.

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BeastForum post archive? Animal Enthusiast 05/06/2023 (Sat) 09:56:47 No. 6914 [Reply]
I downloaded the BeastForum 2017 torrent but I was disappointed to find that it only contains porn and none of the actual forum posts. I looked around for archives of this website and I couldn't find any. These posts must be archived somewhere because The Internet Never Forgets, but where?
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>>17323 check zooville. a lot of old beastforum people moved there
Anyone here have any dirt on the zooville mods? Like screenshots?
>>17334 oh fuck yeah anon. let me dig up some

horse cock thread Animal Enthusiast 08/17/2024 (Sat) 19:30:54 No. 17315 [Reply]
post the cock
I need a legit answer for this question finally - is it true that letting a horse dick flare-up inside your mouth a sure way to dislocate your jaw?

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Huge cock thread Animal Enthusiast 08/03/2024 (Sat) 04:59:35 No. 16597 [Reply]
Post any videos and pictures with huge dog penises
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Rimming Animal Enthusiast 08/14/2022 (Sun) 13:49:41 No. 4660 [Reply]
Dog ass rimming
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Animals and Fleshlights Animal Enthusiast 03/17/2022 (Thu) 00:33:25 No. 2785 [Reply]
Sadly this is the only one i have.
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>>14447 Comes in a cup, ready to be drank... god I wish.
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How's some rhino fun?

Animal sex toys? Are there good ones DragonFucker 08/14/2024 (Wed) 06:50:56 No. 17187 [Reply]
Hello, hello, fellow beastman here, so I was wondering if you guys have no dogs nearby or any animals close. Do you guys use toys? And if so, from what company. I am currently waiting on my toys from a website called dirty toys and they have a two holed dog one and a muzzle one, (The ones I bought) and I have no where else to buy to know where to buy, if you guy have recommendations, post down below and I'll check them out. And when they do come in I'll let you guys know first hand how they feel ^-^ thanks for reading and keep on fucking ladies and gents. (P.s. Pic is one of the toys also website here: https://dirtytoyz.com/ )
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>>17187 American-Meat is really good. Buy one, buy a full size plush from Amazon, and there you go. It would maybe cost $250 total.
AmericanMeat, I have equine and canine. Bad Dragon are known for dildos but do have penetrables but silicone is good quality. Of course silicone doesn't really feel like flesh, good stuff stretches a bit like it. Putting lots of lube on it is almost as good. Real 'internal texture' is like the inside of your cheek and no toy is 100% the same so buy a dog, lol.

Are there any animals where you draw the line? Animal Enthusiast 08/12/2024 (Mon) 08:44:25 No. 17077 [Reply]
For me its cat's, for some reason I can't look past their innocence, but any other animal I wanna rail the shit out of.
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>>17167 Even Allah wouldn't fuck that
>>17077 For me it's more the opposite question. There aren't that many animals I am interested to fuck. But I can say that most farm animals would kill my boner.
>>17192 Well... if you could cover its face with something, like a cardboard box, it looks fuckable, somewhat... xD

Bears 10/22/2021 (Fri) 23:37:44 No. 1012 [Reply] [Last]
Have some bear hugs
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>>17094 the one you asked + bonus
>>17094 There were some, maybe this was one of them? https://pixeldrain.com/u/QWjkqWyT
>>17130 omg thank you anon! that is the exact one!! Also tx RK for all your cool contributions to multiple threads!

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