I roll a virtual d3 on if I use btc, eth, or Monero. I’ll have to look into that inherent tumbling aspect of Monero. Would be nice to simplify it to just that. I use the virtual servers to touch the storage. And I have my own system of touching the servers anonymously and without tracing back to me. And yes cloud storage isn’t exactly ideal, but I take the squirrel approach and I have a handful (and plenty free), a few get taken down but it’s a rather rare occurrence. Suppose I missed mentioning having no log VPNs as well (and using the servers to supplement that as well) in my rather exhaustive list. As for the ATMs, my plan is to use cash for those so then I’m actually air gapped. I planned before those became a thing to pay other random people in cash to buy crypto, but I’m not even going to elaborate on how self damaging of an idea that is. Tried a lot to come up with a system to make it work so I would finally be actually distanced since there is that link from my original buying on the blockchain ledger, it’s just a convoluted mess to get to there. I figure if it’s at that point whoever is actually putting in the resources to get to me then I’ve likely got bigger problems (and I’m likely to be aware of that then).