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cow thread? murb 03/03/2022 (Thu) 05:13:27 No. 2526 [Reply] [Last]
itching for some cow content. drop it here boys
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Vaginal then anal vids
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>>14987 thirding it. Please reupload these great fisting cow vids. >>11435 >>11511 >>11757 >>11918

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Animal Enthusiast 02/15/2022 (Tue) 20:52:06 No. 2330 [Reply] [Last]
Amateur Girls + Dogs thread I have no idea how this isn't the most popular thread on this board.
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is every thread on this board larping first and content third?
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>>24926 I take it you're new here? About half the states in the union make some aspect of what we're probably talking about in this basketweaving chatroom illegal, so we're not from any of those states. Nope, not there. Newspapers has proven meeting people is dangerous, and heck everyone here hates meeting people anyway -- its why we prefer dog&pony shows. Larping is the safest thing to do. Always let the werewolf do the typing, and everything is fine.
>>22576 So is most zoo porn lmao, unless we're talking lost media like gingytrix or some some ugly woman from asia in a mask selling shitty 'exclusive' zoo porn on telegram, everything on here is already elsewhere on the internet. 99% of zoo porn these days is just reposted between clearnet sites ad nauseum.

Bestiality Torrents! Animal Enthusiast 07/01/2022 (Fri) 04:57:37 No. 4315 [Reply] [Last]
So...what about bestiality torrents? i hear that you can get some nice contents on this thing... So if you have a torrent file or magnetlink you can share here, can be any zoo (dogs, horses, dolphin, varginal or anal anything..)
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>>24891 I roll a virtual d3 on if I use btc, eth, or Monero. I’ll have to look into that inherent tumbling aspect of Monero. Would be nice to simplify it to just that. I use the virtual servers to touch the storage. And I have my own system of touching the servers anonymously and without tracing back to me. And yes cloud storage isn’t exactly ideal, but I take the squirrel approach and I have a handful (and plenty free), a few get taken down but it’s a rather rare occurrence. Suppose I missed mentioning having no log VPNs as well (and using the servers to supplement that as well) in my rather exhaustive list. As for the ATMs, my plan is to use cash for those so then I’m actually air gapped. I planned before those became a thing to pay other random people in cash to buy crypto, but I’m not even going to elaborate on how self damaging of an idea that is. Tried a lot to come up with a system to make it work so I would finally be actually distanced since there is that link from my original buying on the blockchain ledger, it’s just a convoluted mess to get to there. I figure if it’s at that point whoever is actually putting in the resources to get to me then I’ve likely got bigger problems (and I’m likely to be aware of that then).
>>24895 I would just try to find a way to buy monero without kyc requirements (There's a lot of ways) The IRS put a $600,000 bounty out for the first hacker that can show them how to trace xmr transactions years ago and no one claimed it yet. And honestly you probably don't need a whole Virtual VM, Just run a vm locally or a bootable os like Tails if you're worrried about fingeprinting then use a vpn on top of a socks proxy server bought with crypto. That type of setup is good enough for real cybercrime not just downloading porn. Just put the vms and zoo stuff in an encrypted folder/drive if you're worried about it being on your pc I would trust that more than having it exist in some company's warehouse
It works.

Bears masturbating Animal Enthusiast 09/20/2024 (Fri) 09:48:09 No. 18830 [Reply]
Videos and pics here. ANIMALS ONLY.
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>>21421 Hey you could end up like that guy from Golden Kamuy. Went out like a legend.
>>21421 Hey you could end up like that guy from Golden Kamuy. Went out like a legend.

Bonnie Pics Animal Enthusiast 05/02/2023 (Tue) 20:20:30 No. 6877 [Reply]
Does anyone have the old Bonnie Pics? There used to be a torrent on beasttracker.
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>>6877 There are some torrents on zootracker that appear to be her
Any update on this, please? I loved Bonnie, and her non zoo scenes were great too

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Sexsunitis content Sexsunitis thread 05/18/2024 (Sat) 16:35:12 No. 13779 [Reply] [Last]
Does anyone here remember this guy. He made a whole bunch of videos with dogs and cows involving scat. Thought I'd make a thread dedicated to him
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can someone convert the cow vids to mp4
>>23938 ever heard of vlc player ?

Animal Enthusiast 04/05/2023 (Wed) 18:27:56 No. 6640 [Reply]
guys rimmed by dogs
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>>24815 >Animal enthusiast Lmfaooooo, "Animal enthusiast" is not a person. It's just a placeholder name given to everybody. You can type whatever name you want, like i did, but it's kinda retarded
>>16274 >>16277 >>16300 This is a hot sexy twink, would breed raw everyday, no pulling out. HNNNNNNNNNNNGH!!!! Are there any other sexy twinks here?
>>16277 these are super hot. glad this buried thread got revived so i could see it. cute sissy femboys moaning while fucking dogs is so hot >>24815 this might be the newfaggiest thing ive ever seen on 8c

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Cloacal sex Animal Enthusiast 12/23/2024 (Mon) 01:13:26 No. 22500 [Reply] [Last]
I love birds so much
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>>23437 if he didn't want any of that, why would he share them at all. what would he hope to get out of it he's just another exhibitionist faggot who wants to, I dunno, moralfag and be exclusionist about it?
>>23301 "zoopoules" videos I meant
>>24605 lol u mad

Something about Elephants Animal Enthusiast 04/11/2022 (Mon) 00:34:49 No. 3202 [Reply] [Last]
Let's Talk and share some things about Elephant. Have you ever been seen some zoo content about a Elephant? like...masturbate an elephant penis? :o
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>>15354 I wish there was a good picture of the tip, to see what the actual end looks like.
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>>24730 Best elephant penis tip shots I've ever found online. It's a tough angle for photographers to get since, if you're beind an elephant when that much penis tip is showing, your legs are quite likely about to get very wet.
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>>24758 Holy shit, anon delivers.

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Seafaring Anonymous 07/17/2021 (Sat) 17:24:13 No. 419 [Reply] [Last]
Well I was handed a bunch of dolphin porn Let's have a thread for dolphins and fish then. Anything in the sea because they all take aquatic zoophilia logistics into account
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>>23508 my bad. could you post as much as you can get some here then?
Posted elsewhere but definitely belongs here too. He’s buzzing her good to get her giggling like that that loud. I guarantee she started getting intrusive fantasies about it after this.

Discord Thread 01/10/2025 (Fri) 12:54:54 No. 23348 [Reply] [Last]
Is there any discord channels of irl/3d zoophilic content being posted on? If so drop it down so others can join.
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>>24715 The way to rebuild it is how we built it the first time. By having actually quality “content creators” that then will feed a community. ArtofZoo, Cannibal Cupcake, Knotty, etc. As long as there are things like private telegrams to disseminate the content we’ll remain fractured with no real home. We make do with what we have for now I suppose, this isn’t too different from the 90s zoo community. That’s not to diminish the importance of forums, just that community celebrities and thriving amateur encouragement is the vital lifeblood.
>>24733 I mean beyond porn, dude. Without porn-free, more "normal" presenting communities this community is just going to fester and become more toxic imo. Problem is we're just not allowed to exist anywhere anymore. I'm hoping if the american tech vampire monopolies crash and burn we can carve a niche in the rubble again.
>>24738 The tech monopolies were fine to leave us be (many are actually zoo themselves). It’s the advertisers and payment processors that forced their hands. Whether by governments putting pressure on them or fearing public momentum against their brand from the bad press of exposé articles. We’ll have our time again. I brought up porn because that’s just the reality of it, that is what is the attractor state that flywheels into mass that can sustain things like healthy discussions and self regulation in the orbit. And the more approachable and less degenerate, the better.

Facial/Cumshot thread. Animal Enthusiast 05/27/2022 (Fri) 11:53:16 No. 3939 [Reply] [Last]
Cum on face or other body parts. Dogs licking cum? Even better! Let's share some videos.
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I gotchu 🙏
any more dog stuff
choose the right one🤣🤣🤣

Big cat thread Anonymous 12/11/2021 (Sat) 13:09:55 No. 1305 [Reply] [Last]
male or female, post em
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i would prefer more female big cats either getting anal or vaginal by a human
>>14313 Not working new link please
Saw this lion foreplay on my feed. Sadly no genitals but the shot was too good to not archive it on here

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Videos of dogs licking women Dogs licking pussies 04/28/2022 (Thu) 23:08:07 No. 3481 [Reply]
We got blowjobs, let's do pussy eating now
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anyone has any rimming vids??
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Rodents? Animal Enthusiast 04/17/2023 (Mon) 23:20:54 No. 6737 [Reply] [Last]
What do y’all think about fooling around with rodents and other small mammals?
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>>24542 maybe a flemish giant? they get pretty huge
>>24549 Same size bits, just bigger body.
lol even rats eat more vaginas than the nazi virgins from /cow/ and tvch

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Sheep & goat content? 10/14/2024 (Mon) 04:58:10 No. 19874 [Reply] [Last]
Anyone has some good sheep or goat content? i'd love to see sheep or goat getting fucked in the ass, male or female idc. I'm also trying to find a video in which some dude fucks a male sheep in the ass and creampies it. I'll start with 5 videos.
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Goats actually feel really nice.
>>24697 I'm jealous goats are next on the bucket list

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