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Animal Enthusiast 02/29/2024 (Thu) 02:23:47 No. 11576 [Reply]
story time. So, one day, 14-year old me was announced by my mom that we were going on a trip to mexico to see my grandma. My aunt, who lives with my grandma, had (still has) a male great pyrenees named Loki that i just had to fuck with, but i never got the chance to.... until we stayed long enough that they went grocery shopping regularly. The first time they went, i stayed saying that i wanted to play with my aunts xbox, only that when they left, i already knew what to do. As soon as i saw the car leave through the window, i told my grandma, who was in her room watching tv, that i was going to go outside and play with loki. I went outside, and he was sleeping until he heard the door open. He quickly got up and started chasing me playfully, eventually making him follow me to the back of the house, which was somewhat narrow but long. At first, all i did was sit down and he sat next to me while i pet him. Then, i jerked him off which got him real horny. Red rocket and everything. I knew he wanted to fuck me, so i proceeded to pull my shorts down and stood on my hands and knees, he then started to fuck me for about 1 1/2 min when all of a sudden i felt him nut inside my ass. Knowing what a knot was, i quickly moved away, deciding it was my turn. I then made him lay on his back, belly up, and fucked him while jerking him off too until i nutted inside him. He was surprisingly submissive. Every time we did this, it started off with me letting him lick my dick and balls, and now every time we go and visit them, he always tries to sniff my crotch. I move him away when im around my family, knowing what he really wants.
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>>12518 Nice. I like writers. Here's a link to my telegram group.
>>12519 I don't use telegram but I appreciate the offer

Bitch or Stud Animal Enthusiast 08/26/2022 (Fri) 13:25:07 No. 4778 [Reply]
Adopting, got the oppurtunity to pick between an intact bitch or stud. The bitch is a husky and the stud still has yet to be chosen. I swing either way with dogs but I'm looking to fuck them on the regular, fine with anal for the male. Way I view it is the male gives me more versatility since I can have him mount me or whoever I bring over. Plus I can fuck them. But with a female I can prolly fuck them more regularly. Any opinions on one over the other?
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I haven't been able to find a consensus for this, so I'll ask personally. When is a good time to introduce your bitch to sexual contact? I'm aware that you should be petting her everywhere from day one, so she's used to being touched on her genitals. I've read some articles on the Zoophilia Wiki and they say different things. One says that it's beneficial to her if you skip sexual contact during her first heat, to let her get accustomed to the mood changes during heat. Meanwhile, another says that you're fine to finger her, but shouldn't try to actually fuck her until you can get a few fingers in. Feel free to chime in.
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>>6624 I've gone with the 2 year policy. That's when the majority of breeds are well into adulthood.
I was about to roast someone here till I noticed this was a necropost.

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animals User 08/10/2023 (Thu) 21:51:43 No. 8103 [Reply]
photo of dog
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>>12503 Happy doge.
>>12503 Cuuute!
>>12504 >>12507 Here's a link to the group. 10 spots are open. https://t.me/+LUZJpzOVHpliOTcx

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What is the smallest dog you can safely have sex with? Animal Enthusiast 04/06/2024 (Sat) 10:26:55 No. 12432 [Reply]
I live in a very small flat so not much space for a dog. So big breeds like Husky or GSD are probably out of question. When I mention to friends I want a dog but I have no much space, they are like "Get a yorkshire terrier" which is a dog that a male human can't penetrate (also they are really ugly). I mean technically he can, but then it's more like zoosdism than zoophilia :-D That made me think... so what is the smallest breed a human male can penetrate without hurting it? Maybe Akita Sibu? Or something else? Whatdya think? Any experience with this?
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>>12438 >vets can tell if it's a human fucking their dog no they can't
>>12432 The ideal breeds would be the basset hound or the grey hound. The basset hound is just small leg wise and every other way is a normal sized dog and the grey hound is asleep for over half the day so should be easy to adjust to your lifestyle.
>>12432 The size of a dog doesn't relate to the size of the cookie, of course a little size difference exists, but it's like comparing teen's and adult's eye radius.

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Animal Enthusiast 03/01/2022 (Tue) 22:19:52 No. 2504 [Reply]
Which dog is the best fucked?
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>>2504 For me it's a nympho poodle
>>2504 I wonder what ever happened to Jean Daniel
>>2504 There's a California breeder who sells Beacuerons to zoophiles, so I'd imagine they'd be a good lay.

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Veronica Silesto Veronica Silesto 11/21/2021 (Sun) 04:20:17 No. 1183 [Reply]
She popped up kind of out of nowhere. Does anybody have some of her works? Her Openness about her "Hobby" seems kinda fishy. She even is on Twitter. Payment Options are not Anonymous as well. So far i only found a 40 min compilation, but not a single full video. Makes me wonder if you Anons got some Wares.
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>>12079 This some good stuff. I wonder if there's anymore full videos of her?
Does anyone have Peach Party full video
Her stuff is hot garbage to be honest

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Animal Enthusiast 04/07/2024 (Sun) 21:20:41 No. 12442 [Reply]
>not afraid to show uncensored dog cock why were the 90s this dangerously based?
>>12442 Can this be the unofficial animal cock, balls, piss, etc. in movies and television thread?
>>12443 sounds like a plan
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The Plague Dogs (a sad cartoon) has very detailed testicles and sheath of the two main characters. Was long before censorship occupied TV and likely was drawn by practicing zoosexuals, just like us. Sometimes the main characters pose very sexy. I bet both dogs were smelly & musky between swimming parts!!

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beastboy vids 03/25/2024 (Mon) 16:11:36 No. 12244 [Reply]
anybody got any of beastboy's vids online
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>>12251 Sorry the 9 sec vid is all I have besides these 2 pics
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Animal Enthusiast 03/22/2024 (Fri) 01:14:24 No. 12131 [Reply]
Does anyone have a Mega or torrent of TheMaresBeast content? There used to be one on zoovilleforum but it seems to be gone now.

>>521 >>524 humans have a bulbous head as an unintended consequence of developing to look permanently aroused. the internal shaft grew in length, and the external shaft (ie the non-fleshy thing most other animals have) shrank to compensate. it doesn't serve a purpose.
>>3604 >t. never seen what chelonians are packing at 1/10th of the bodysize & mass of an average horse
>>3790 breeding donkeys are huge, still an equine obviously but proportionally larger than a horse

Animal Enthusiast 09/24/2022 (Sat) 11:02:44 No. 4970 [Reply]
Post video-proof of animals orgasming.
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if you insist
>>11615 hey look its reverse Shane Dawson
>>11615 a terrible video, plus its kind of easy to just post ejaculation as proof of orgasming how about female animals you wanted cats? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nwhoESzAMU i think we had similair thread or at least question for dogs? but i cant find it so maybe i enlighten some of you >>10148 i would not say that this is a symphtom of orgasm (i mean pulsating anus) esp cos when dogs are tied theres hardly any much of stimulation and as a result not much pleasure.. so no orgasm if you ever have a female dog, and especially if you ever did anything kinky withy one you would know how orgasming bitch look like/behave and its quite clear then in absolute majority of zoo movies bitches are not orgasming ! but in general orgasming bitch get this "ass shake" im not sure how its called in english and after orgasm bithc is getting super "zoomies" and would run and jump around if you see a movie when someone pump a bitch like a machine, and bitch in question is lyng there like a plank - that animal is clearly not enjoying it all that much btw its extremally easy to force orgasm in your bitch using veriation of pressure method (liek one posted in YT link), you just need to put strong pressure like few centimetres forward the belly from your bitch cookie wiith one of your finger, that is direct stimulation of deep part of clitoris, and for a bonus you can also finger her if she like it. on average bitch is strarting to orgasm andshake ass in just few seconds how orgasming bitch/shakes looks like https://www.youtube.com/shorts/MLab4uLXSg8

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DDBoy 03/08/2024 (Fri) 09:23:44 No. 11731 [Reply]
I can't find the rules so my b if this is a nono, but if any east coast zoo's are up for chatting about practicing/meetups my sess is: 05641c04f646a255d0472a96755eb6eb19429a3393cc32ad43650f7f88e7eb3218 Thank you!

Animal Enthusiast 02/28/2024 (Wed) 01:47:22 No. 11562 [Reply]
Any female golden retrievers??
Golden retrievers are so rare to find zoo content of. My first lover was a female golden retriever. She would hump the crap out of me every day I saw her. She was also very possessive of me even though she wasn't my dog. She didn't like when anybody interrupted our alone time either.
>>11562 I'm a female golden retriever, WOOF!

Male vs Female Dog Animal Enthusiast 02/02/2022 (Wed) 17:21:52 No. 2078 [Reply]
Basically title, need quick answers. What do you like more, dog pussy or ass? My fear is shit dick or triggering their anal gland. Looking to drop some loads fairly often too so I lean more towards pussy since I feel like it could hurt their ass.
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>>2078 I recommend curbing down your dickbrain a little bit and spending more casual time around dogs first. It's an animal, there's gonna be shit involved, but we humans are some kind of super geniuses because we invented soap. What should worry your dickbrain is whether the dog actually wants your appendage up his asshole to begin with.
>>11411 I've only fingered a mare, but there's no way human pussy compares to that, her texture was just so much richer
I think the best people are open to both, I also think if you're super into females and just enjoy watching dogs react or the way they feel, or you enjoy sharing and discussing with owners, you'll eventually get into both. Like a gay guy may end up trying pussy, I've also talked to people who started female and tried male ass, HuskyLust to namedrop one I spoke with. Neither is "better", it depends on circumstance and personal preference. Honestly neither are for cowards, and both have certain times they're not totally clean, yes even pussy. Not sure where I'm going with this bye now.

horse name69569569 02/17/2024 (Sat) 05:36:34 No. 11335 [Reply]
I love horse anus.
Nice one. I'd like to see more, I'm pretty new to equines personally.

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