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Otter Otto 07/07/2024 (Sun) 18:21:03 No. 15523 [Reply]
Damn these creatures are so cute as well as sexy
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>>I think god needs to create another extinction event
God needs another extinction even honestly
>>15904 Well, you're getting your wish in a roundabout way. In case you have your head in the sand as most religion-brainwashed people, we ARE in the midst of a mass-extinction event, created by ourselves, MEN, and not your fictional deity- the same one that can't/won't save the rhinos can't/won't save your/our sorry asses either. Your god, indeed no-one's god (of the four-thousand+ religions on the planet), exists. There is no karma, no reward, nor punishment. When you die you'll get the biological bliss carrot a dying brain bestows on its owner, that's it. You will achieve your own nirvana for a moment as your brain cells starve for oxygen, and then you'll be dead. Sayonara. There's no harp nor hellfire, being. You'll die just like the rhinos, except no one will be grinding your appendages into powder for old chink men to try and get their dicks hard. Your god won't save you from death just like he won't save you from life. Guess what cookie? Life is hard and no one and nothing gives a fuck what you think, including your imaginary friend. Animals are eaten alive every second on this world. Think they enjoyed that? People are killed every minute. Where is their god? Nowhere. That's just how it is. Think they didn't pray? Or to the "right" one? It makes zero difference. Still dead. If some dude wants to fuck an otter, think your god cares or will bolt the guy, or extinct humans for that? Laughable. You are hopelessly ignorant about how things work in our universe. Someday, our entire planet will be destroyed, and absolutely not one shit of care will be given by anyone not left on it. Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.

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Horsecore Animal Enthusiast 08/14/2023 (Mon) 18:22:56 No. 8124 [Reply]
I see some nerd tried to make a thread but just replied, here I'll take care of it. We all know what it's about, we all know some parts have been leaked but iirc MrsBeast replied on Beastforum information I thought was interesting and it sucks that info has been lost. 2LDR: It's apparently several takes and shoots meant to be complied into one video that involved multiple women. One of the women took everything like a champ whilst the one couldn't handle it and backed out. Eventually the stable owner got contacted years later because a chick wanted to try horse dongs and it might be leather jacket chick or stripped dreadlock. I know there's a clip from the old Midnite Crow forums of the larger horse and chick from the already well documented part 2 dogsbacon uploaded on Zooville pulling out with cum gushing and dripping that hasn't resurfaced.
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>>8124 I heard a rumor that there was a lost clip of horsecore where the horse's cock actually some internal damage and blood came out of her pussy or something
>>15784 It was a heavy flow peroid from what women viewers said
>>15788 As if women watch horse porn. Dog porn, sure, many. Never horses, though. Anyway, I saw a clip of horsecire video quality with blood, I don't know if it was a part of it, and another much more modern. Those things definitely can do damage to cunts.

Sex toys Animal Enthusiast 08/27/2022 (Sat) 20:52:04 No. 4792 [Reply]
Hey, anyone else here have a partner not into actual animals but into the toys and sheaths? Mine loves the primal hardwere sheaths and bad dragon toys, specificially dog, horse and dragon ones but is repulsed by the idea of trying the real thing. Also general beast toy thread
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>>4792 NEEEEEED to see more pics and vids here! Anything involving strap-ons or fleshlights being used is a huge+++
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Most of my toys are animal themed, they're usually way better than the normal ones

Stories Time: Animal Sex With Thot Edition Animal Enthusiast 04/08/2023 (Sat) 11:22:39 No. 6665 [Reply]
post videos of regular but really hot chicks telling stories recounting their time when they had interspecies sex bonuses if there's actually a video of them having sex with the animal, even bigger and better bonus points if it's them having sex with other animals asides from dogs or Horses and the gold trophy award goes to anyone who finds them having sex with any deep sea creatures

Animal Enthusiast 07/11/2024 (Thu) 21:24:15 No. 15735 [Reply]
I was wondering if there was a creampie threads? If not let's make one! And I guess throatpies count as well, but I'm sure the feeling of pumping a dog and filling her up must feel nice.

My bitch is too tight 06/16/2024 (Sun) 02:55:21 No. 14843 [Reply]
Exactly what the title says, I want to fuck my dog and have tried a few times, but she is far too tight for me, the circumference of my dick is too high and at least what I have tried to use as lubricant hasn’t worked, I thought I’d already trained her well enough though a few years of toys and using my hands, but seems I was wrong. Does anyone got any suggestions on how to spread her out further? She is a full grown pitbull, if that helps (she’s not the dog in the picture)
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How has it been this many hours and OP Hasn't checked back Does he have no faith?
>>> what I have tried to use as lubricant forehead. A bottle of KY lube can be obtained for less than 10USD, what are you doing?
>>14843 Is she fixed?

Vintage zoo 07/06/2024 (Sat) 21:32:10 No. 15489 [Reply]
I am obsessed with the topic, and I need to look for more information on this topic. Could you help me find good content?
Sorry I don't have any content. It's really hot how in the early years they didn't give a fuck about recording and distributing porn that is now taboo, though
>>15489 That book cover reminds me of Mabel Stark, the most badass (99.9% likely zoo) to have ever lived. During her act she had her tiger Rajah mount and attempt to fuck her onstage, which looked like an attack to the crowd, who would be thrilled to find she survived afterwards. Her white leotard would hide the presence of the tiger's cum load all over her. A more official account: "Stark took a rejected tiger cub named Rajah and trained him. With Rajah, Stark developed her signature act, which catapulted her to fame. Stark would wrestle with Rajah in the ring. The audience usually believed that she was mauled by the cat until the end of the performance. Years later, Stark revealed that during the acts, Rajah was actually relieving himself sexually. She adopted her signature white uniform to prevent the audience from seeing the tiger’s semen." Fucking hot. Occam's razor, you know goddamn well she was in there with him after hours getting her cunt stuffed with tiger meat and cub sauce. Sweet jesus what a woman.

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Anonymous 09/19/2021 (Sun) 08:54:20 No. 868 [Reply]
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>>15184 Hmmm....I might just keep them
>>15185 Hurry up and neck yourself then you dumb cunt.
>>15252 I don't have them anyway.

Watersports Anonymous 07/21/2021 (Wed) 08:54:36 No. 482 [Reply]
Post pics and vids of animals peeing. Bonus points for German shepherds. There is a severe lack of German shepherd pee on the internet for some reason. I want to fix that.
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>>15245 sehr schön danke
>>736 sehr schön wenns pipi kommt

Asian girls ACTUALLY getting fucked by dogs Dog x Asian girls 08/24/2023 (Thu) 23:37:25 No. 8330 [Reply] [Last]
Aren't you tired of looking forward to seeing that one sexy Asian beauty getting dominated by a dog just to realize it's just a guy holding the dog's dick and the girl is just there clearly faking it? Yeah, me too, so I made a thread for that.
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>>14698 I do not know who that is. Should be a Chinese man
What's with the stupid cutsie falsetto that all the pros speak with? And, God, Chinese cameramen do that same irritating shit that Russian cameramen do where they don't shut the fuck up.
there was a news story that went viral a few years ago with a screen cap of a girl getting fucked doggy with a livestream overlay (little gifts and shit) maybe from HK? Never found the video, not sure if its around or good or not?

Animals getting Bleached/Blacked Thread Zoocist 05/19/2024 (Sun) 01:53:22 No. 13805 [Reply]
Thread of animals serving Big White Cocks or Big Black Cocks Bleached/Blacked edits of Zoo Vids or pics also accepted Or if you wanna make your own vids Bleached/Blacked ZMVs There used to be a vid of a White guy calling his Black lab a nigger and other slurs while he fucks him and i can't find it anymore If anyome has anything similar or wanna edit zoo vids/pics to be like that pls post
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Black people are DNP on this board (not my rule) so wouldn't this thread just be a BWC thread? >>14896 lol
while cuckshit is a type of bdsm, and beast is sometimes considered a type of bdsm, they are still different genres so keep that garbage out of here, way too much bdsm abuse garbage here anyway

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Blyatman045 Thread Blyatman045 Thread 05/07/2024 (Tue) 05:45:59 No. 13214 [Reply]
Blyatman045 is a Zoophile on Twitter who used to have a bunch of Zoo vids of him pounding his parents dogs while they where at work and and would fuck his sisters dogs at her house both boys and girls before he got deleted He makes tons of content weekly and for free of him Railing dogs both Vagina and Anal Vids of him making his dogs suck his dick/facefuck/throat Vids of dogs rimming him Vids of him giving cumshots/facials to dogs Vids of him cumming on his cats Vids of him sticking dildos/vibrators in dogs Also has non beast vids of him cumming in his familys pantys/clothes/food/drinks His current active twitter is @Blyatmann046 but he won't post zoo vids on his twitter no more cause his old one got deleted He posts his vids for free on his Telagram Tela: Blyatman042

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Again thank Blyatman045
Anyone know his new twitter account since he's dead
How does telegram work (never used it before). I searched for his username and he's now in my contacts. Do i message him or is there a way to just see his content without messaging him. >t.newfag (telegram)

source to a /zoo/ .gif? Animal Enthusiast 06/14/2024 (Fri) 22:24:13 No. 14802 [Reply]
I was wondering if anyone could find the video this banner from /zoo/ came from, I've never seen it before.
>>14802 here you go it was in the "best dogs blowjobs!" thread
>>14852 Based, not OP btw

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Hump day Animal Enthusiast 03/13/2024 (Wed) 14:28:40 No. 11907 [Reply]
Alright anons, post your hottest camelids. Udders, cocks, sheaths, pussies whatever.
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>>14781 Anon there is only one fucking reply to this OP. Theres 6 pictures total in this fucking thread. DO YOU SEE ANY GODDAMN LLAMAS!? Please don't be retarded in public.
>>14781 >Please don't be retarded in public. >proceeds to namefag Can't even make this shit up
>>14782 I'm sure he was too retarded to ask if there was any llama stuff... Be patient with the tards anon

Voice notes, Audios, anything sound Animal Enthusiast 06/12/2024 (Wed) 12:20:19 No. 14743 [Reply]
Only got this one, but the idea is clear: women talking about experiences and what not.
what's the sauce?

Alyssa AKA Cannibal Cupcake Animal Enthusiast 04/07/2023 (Fri) 14:41:36 No. 6659 [Reply]
Cannibal Cupcake Tribute Thread post what you got of her every is welcome, also I heard not shortly long after this she started fucking niggers under a different name.
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>>6662 Dr. Adams. https://artofzoo.com/bits-and-pieces/stray-and-adam-bizarre-interview-dog-porn-movies/# Yes, she was recruited by AOZ. I think she's living in some eastern european country where it's no so abhorrent. Perhaps Germany itself. Perhaps she's somewhere in Asia. >>12042 try these torrents: 7aa8addb 1e7c9ae1
>>14751 Been waiting a little less than a day and they appear to be unseeded.
>>14775 >a day oh boy, these exotic paraphilias require weeks, if not months to succseed.

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