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Bat mating 08/11/2024 (Sun) 02:32:55 No. 16977 [Reply]
Bat mating pics and videos here
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Like RK50 said, there isn't much quality material out there. Bats are skittish creatures, and unless they are in captivity, they will fly from you like birds. These are the ones I could find in my drive that were worth uploading to here. The rest is either too obscured or too small to make out the goods.
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Bonus peeing image for those into that stuff. If anyone else has bats, place em here.
Once saw a video of a male fruit bat raping the shit out of another male. Its gone now.

dad found the horse porn folder Animal Enthusiast 08/06/2024 (Tue) 16:48:16 No. 16776 [Reply]
dad found the horse porn folder what the fuckkk what should I do omgg
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A guest was snooping and found something, not sure what, but he mentioned it when drunk one night, that I had weird porn on my computer. I came back with a plausible reason. I told him that all of the computers I had were old and taken out of the the trash, that I repaired them. It wasn't unusual for them to have all kinds of crazy shit still on the hard drives. This may not work for you if the provenance of your computer is known, sorry.
btw, you're crazy to keep anything on a native drive, thumb drives are dirt cheap and usually come with encryption js
>>16872 Voting for this suggestion.

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animations of the bloodhwak woody 08/03/2024 (Sat) 12:02:19 No. 16622 [Reply]
Do you have the bloodhwak animations? I like it a lot and I can't see it on zoox18 because it's very slow!
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also that's a picture of drew not bloodhawk. He has no relations to the bloodhawk animation team
Why do people use ZooX18 and zoo forums for furry? Not judging you for liking it, just seems odd to use a medium that's more legally and morally disputed than what you're actually trying to find. Most of that animator is cub, anyway. I do suppose it may be removed from e6 because its mods are so sensitive but as a tangent there's stuff on X18 that isn't even hard to get.

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Private Telegram Group Reviews Animal Enthusiasts 08/05/2024 (Mon) 01:41:52 No. 16684 [Reply]
Has anyone bought any of the zoo creators private telegram groups, if so how were they and were they worth it? I’ve talked to a few but want to know if they’re good if I’m forking over $10-80 whether that be monthly or one time.
>>16684 only an absolute retard would pay for that shit

spotted hyenas pseudopenis Spotted hyenas 07/18/2023 (Tue) 20:30:53 No. 7771 [Reply]
While i do not think anyones been brave enough to fuck one or recorded any up close anything involving spotted hyenas is very cool
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Bumping with some hyena mating. They seem to stay mounted for quite a while, makes me wonder if they're cumming the whole time? Or if there's a mild tying mechanic or something. I also love their motions, slow and deep.
>>10466 Been looking for this for years, lost it when my old laptop died
>>16416 Seems when a female is ready for sex her organs somehow shift back behind her legs. I don't think anyone has any images of the females is mating preperation.

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Seal and fur seal mating vids and pics here.
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>>16499 I have a rhino archive just as extensive as the elephant one, if you are interested I can start a rhino thread?
>>16550 Yes please, anon.
>>16550 If you could that would be great! Unfortunately i dont have time as of now to filter and edit the content i have

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Who is this guy? sind 07/27/2024 (Sat) 17:35:12 No. 16383 [Reply]
I’m trying to find more content from this guy. There’s three videos I’m aware of. I included links for two of the videos. The third video is on Zoox18 but since the website change I cannot find that video. The video was about 15 minutes in length and it featured bondage, oral, and anal sex. Does anyone know who this guy is and if he has more content or a way to contact him. Link 1: https://www.bestialitysexvideos.com/11969/awepoo-bdsm-buttfucks-male-dog-1-of3/#related-more Link 2: https://www.bestialitysexvideos.com/11845/male-dog-gets-throat-fuck-anal-creampie/
He goes by frog and his dogs name is hobo
>>16383 He is a known animal abuser. Bondage, biting and hitting his dogs. Fuck off psychopath.

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2Danimals Anonymous 07/25/2021 (Sun) 04:50:19 No. 546 [Reply]
Dedicated thread for cartoon canine cock, fictitious feral fucking, anime animal asses, pornographic porcupine paintings, sexy cel-shaded snake slits, utterly unreal udders, imaginary iguana insertions, tall tales of tiger touching, and more. Here's some hentai I just read that prompted me to make this thread. Some sheep shagging a sexy sophomore. https://exhentai.org/g/1763629/ef453fa5b2/
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>>4687 Well. He's probably not gonna respond is my point. I mean the guy fucked dogs and ate out of dumpsters. He's probably dead.
>>4689 good
furry as a stand in the kind of zoo bondage id like

ζ Interest Animal Enthusiast 07/12/2024 (Fri) 03:30:54 No. 15754 [Reply]
I am interested in speaking to those with a mutual interest in zoophilia. I do not want to date. I am primarily interested in straight men that will get off to my stories. I have experience with certain things when I was a minor. I am non-practicing. We do not have to purely talk about such related interests either. I am open to friendships. I am a heterosexual female. I would prefer to talk to men with an interest in women and certain acts. I would hypothetically enjoy videos of men and animals. I like suckling and creampies. Thank you. Note: I do not use 4chan much and may not understand certain terms. Please correct me if I get something wrong.
Edited last time by emp on 07/28/2024 (Sun) 19:34:22.
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Insults asside, Hey. I don’t think its a good idea to put yourself out there. I am not a Zoophile, and I don’t support Zoophiles. I just have a diverse interest. I think its best to not open yourself.
Can we also get married on the first date ?
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So apparently Bears can squirt like crazy. Animal Enthusiast 05/20/2022 (Fri) 01:09:35 No. 3881 [Reply]
this honestly rly makes me want to fuck a bear now.
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Found this bear on google.... looks pretty snug and warm though, still blows me away how some animals can be giant but still have tiny dicks and pussies... like camels, sows or alpacas.
>>9721 >also zoosexuality here is legal Doesn't mean you won't get lynched if anyone finds out regardless It won't be long until some kind of antizoo Tesak pops up somewhere
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Necrobump, random dumb-facts reel with a nice set on display.

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Twitter accounts Animal Enthusiast 05/29/2022 (Sun) 11:32:21 No. 3959 [Reply]
Any twitters worth following? Not just for zoophilllia can't find anything besides a few Thai guys who just have dog pics and nothing else.
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>>13228 can't just say that and not share anon
Non-contact zoophilia is allowed if it doesn't get report-bombed, but human-on-animal bestiality is tougher.
>>13228 bro now you have to tell us...

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FapZoo Archive? Animal Enthusiast 07/25/2024 (Thu) 22:30:17 No. 16322 [Reply]
Noticed it got nuked (expected) However there were some videos I REALLY liked, I think the names were Mia, Brooke, and Valeria. I just liked how much more into the blowjobs they were than just sucking the tip and shaking their head around and moaning for 10 minutes. Anyone got any of those?
Honestly, that or any good horse blowjobs. They're rare to come across.
>>16322 This guy >>>15805 ratted the site out

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Kangaroos Animal Enthusiast 03/22/2024 (Fri) 11:20:42 No. 12157 [Reply]
Post Kangaroos niggas, they rare af
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>>14830 Anon, post that shit to Necro... Not here
My bad. Sorry.
So, no Roossy?

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Animal Enthusiast 08/09/2022 (Tue) 23:28:08 No. 4642 [Reply]
thoughts on fencehopping?
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Did this once 3 years ago. Couldn’t get close, got caught, luckly I pulled a “Speech 100” and told them I was recording a video for a school project, I told them the animals were too far away and I wanted to get closer and I did a really dumb thing. Don’t do this guys. Its very risky, and theres a low chance of success. Just buy a field and buy some cows. You don’t need to risk your life for something like this.
unironically way easier if you're british, still silly though, don't do this, respect other people's animals
>>16169 No, fuck other people's animals. If they're not doing it, then someone should.

Animal Enthusiast 06/10/2022 (Fri) 13:06:10 No. 4098 [Reply]
I like giving my dog a rimjob after dinner, as we did it so much it became a reward/tradition for us and she likes it very much even when she is not in heat. Do any of you guys have the same thing with your partners, where things kinda become a chore that you like doing?
>>4098 Wish I could. But haven't you ever got ill by doing it constantly?
I would rim my dog all the time but yeah I'm worried about health risks too. As long as their diet is good and they're treated for parasites, and you clean the surrounding area, you're probably good but even then I'm paranoid

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Another Dog Gets To Taste Prime Human Female Pussy Animal Enthusiast 04/06/2023 (Thu) 18:00:02 No. 6650 [Reply] [Last]
So, who's got those videos?
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Bump. Anyone got any vids with her?
Bump bump
>>6650 goddamn, this bitch is fucking ugly

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