/zoo/ - Zoophilia

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Meta Anonymous Board owner 07/09/2021 (Fri) 05:18:10 No. 14
Welcome to /zoo/ You're encouraged to engage in zoophilia safely and tell everyone about it, and post all the video, photos, and art of it you find on the internet. To become a boardvol, just participate in discussion about zoophilia and maybe post some content! Then state your account name in this thread. Banners are minimum 300x100, maximum 500x150. Please include /zoo/ on it. Cloaca is already a vol. I didn't ask, I just did it.
>>14 What did you finally get the board? Congrats bro
>>14 Wait lol cloaca didnt get the board? So funny. Also no link to >>>/vb/ or >>>/kin/ ?
>>16 He said he gave up since he didn't think the board would have enough people. Links added, no problem~
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>>14 Sorry again for the delay on the transfer. As far as content vis-a-vis global rules goes, /zoo/ material has only two stipulations: It's legal to possess, share, and view it in the US except for citizens of Oregon. You should consider putting an "Oregonians GTFO" disclaimer in your board header, rules, or FAQ. The other is that US Federal law bans media showing animals being physically injured under the so-called "animal crush" law. So you can't allow things where an animal is being tortured, is bleeding, is obviously being physically harmed in some other way, etc. This law does not prohibit depicting non-injuring sexual acts, so the vast majority of /zoo/ content is just fine. Good luck, have fun.
Edited last time by Acidadmin on 07/09/2021 (Fri) 05:28:41.
>>19 LMAO oh man. Also thanks man you're awesome!
>>20 The violence stuff is already on the rules page! I'll see where to put that oregon one I suppose.
>>20 Yeah thats more clear.
>>23 We could just make a fuck oregon thread And sticky it.
>>26 Or every day make sure somebody throws a "also, fuck oregon" on their post
>>23 Oh and something on the banner probably a good idea. Plus funny so bonus points.
>>27 YES
>>33 Fuck yeah those are great!
>>20 > It's legal to possess, share, and view it in the US except for citizens of Oregon. Since when? I'm out of the loop.
>>47 >all drugs decriminalized but >can't fuck animals what the fuck Oregon
>>53 Minor note: Decriminalized =/= Legalized
>>55 Decriminalized is just about as good for small timers. Legalized would be better but so would legal zoo. I am not an oregano though so idgaf other than it is retarded.
I wonder if Kazu wants to vol this board
>>57 I mean I dont give a shit. Animated horse puss is horsepuss too.
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General discussion, dog sex, horse pussy Things seem to be going alright. I want at least 2 more vols. Currently on staff: Cloaca and Chai It'd be funny if the next 2 start with C but that isn't likely. Filters: Bеastiality > Bestiality Anything else need doing?
>>53 Anon, fuck the drugs. Since when have they made beast legal for every state but Oregon? Stacy's mom had it going on. But her pony had a nicer ass.
>>68 I'll vol.
>>72 Oh I remember you. You delete a lot of your own posts.
>>73 You arent wrong. When I say something stupid sometimes I rethink it. The other occasions I was arguing with a troll and when his posts got deleted my posts just became spam. So I tidied it up. If that's not cool no hard feelings. Just an offer.
>>74 Not a problem! Just an observation. Where else do you vol or own? Your account has been around a good while, but I don't actually know what you made it for. You know good practices for ban times and stuff? It'd also be great if you could anonymously contribute to as many discussions as you can. It's my opinion the staff of a board should engage with the anons that drop in to stimulate that activity and make me feel more like sticking around. Especially early on, when it's possible no one else is going to.
>>70 It's similarly lacking in overt criminal status more than overt legality in most states, some the act is criminalized and media isn't. It's a clusterfuck as always. Drugs are important though.
>>76 I think so. >>>/k/ Link me if you could btw. And yeah anonymously is the way to go. I shouldn't imagine this board will need much watching in any case.
>>78 Link you what? Anyway, all seems good to me. Ban times go m for minutes, h for hours, d for days. Lots of people are going to use proxies, so avoid permabanning. No duration, or an invalid duration (like using w for weeks, as that's not an option) will be permanent. 0m however is actually valid and will ban for 0 time. If you have questions or anything, say so. Now we have Cloaca, Chai, Vampyr
>>81 Standard is what 1 day? So 1d ? And on the site message i meant if you wouldn't mind adding a link to /k/ although it must be getting pretty full. Whats max 250 characters?
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>>78 >>>>/k/ Of fucking course.
>>83 1d is pretty general. If it's just someone getting really heated, like spamming because they got angry, give them 1h to cool off. Unless it's a serious problem, or they're spamming something that is individually rulebreaking. >>85 hahahahahahaha
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>>85 Lmao I mean it comes up from time to time it is true. >>87 Right on. Yeah.
>>88 Also I added the link for >>>/k/ Don't worry about length, there's tons of space. [Weapons](/k) is barely any text.
>>89 Nice and I added you as ANIMAL FRIENDS
>>90 You know, something about all these boards cross-linking each other feels like old internet. Geocities, devblogs, and so on. Most of it discovered via each other. And it gives 8chan a bit more family feel. "family feel" is a weird thing to say about animal porn, guns, and shitposting
>>77 I see... Thanks for the explanation.
>>91 This webring has been the best thing to happen all week. And yeah it is a little surreal on occasion. Anyway i got work in the morning. Good night anons.
>>14 >You're encouraged to engage in zoophilia safely Don't forget legally, depending on your locale.
>>20 >It's legal to possess, share, and view it in the US except for citizens of Oregon. Negro, there's more stipulations than that. /zoo/porn legality of distribution, production, and possession each vary wildly by state. Where the hell did you find it was only illegal in Oregon?
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>Search legality of bestiality porn >Get results for legality of child porn >And results for legality of lolicon Wew. https://www.aerlawgroup.com/blog/is-lolicon-legal-in-the-united-states/
>>105 all should be legal tbh
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Hey BO can you edit my horsepussy thread title to just be /horse/ general or something? I know my UID is different but this is OP I just had to ban evade on another board.
>>119 Done.
>>121 thanks a stallion is fine, too
>>122 I just changed it to /Horse General/ and added all horses welcome to the maintext. I think it's clear that stallions are welcome, but I am open to further revision.
>>124 I like it.
>>130 I like you.
>>137 based
>>139 I do not like you anymore.
>>140 based
>>119 >I just had to ban evade on another board What for?
>>145 Ban evasion, of course.
>>91 So what is the exact Oregon statute? I've just been using 123 as a placeholder in the fuckoff oregon post. I mean I guess it doesn't matter, but it feels kinda amateur just using the placeholder forever.
>>202 Well looking into it I think in oregon the act itself is illegal under ors 167.333 but viewing it is I believe covered under ORS 167.341 "encouraging sexual assault of an animal" and it does specifically state possession of digital computer pictures is a Class A misdemeanor. So I am not a lawyer and don't practice the law. But I am going to reference these in the fuckofforegon pasta. Oh heres some legalese related [2015 c.324 §2] might mean something.
My version: fuck u oregon
>>206 It is more succinct.
oregon git ye gone
>>14 Could we please get a link to >>>/lit/ in the board message?
>>232 yes
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>>237 Thanks man! Have some of the rare frogtits Not french.
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I made a banner.
>>296 heh
>>20 Oh hey hey hey hey Acid you'll never see this but I have some bestiality with Asuka!
>>332 Heh.
>>14 What are the rules on "gross" content (scat, pee, worms/insects, vore, birthing, etc)?
>>393 [clicked on Reply too early] Should that kind of content be put behind spoilers like how other porn boards do?
>>394 yes
Finally a /zoo/ board! Fuckin based I <3 dog knots and horse flares and feral gay shit
>>402 Well then you came to the right place.
>>402 same
Why are you into animals Chai
>>402 I hope more find this place UwU
The #1 thing that's stopping me from posting here is fear. I got a 30-day bean on 4chan for the normal zoo discussion threads I usually make on /b/ and I wanna talk about zoo with some bros, but I'm spooked about posting on here. I never posted on the OG /zoo/ either. I've said it before on /b/ but it seems like a small niche place that hasn't been found out and has very few users like here is a perfect place for a honeypot. I wanna chat about zoo but spooked of what I don't know. I don't know how secure this "8chan . moe" is and even though I'm using a VPN (and the unnamed) and have always used a VPN on 4chan, I still get spooked that I'll still somehow get found out. IDK, I guess it's the thought that on 4chan, posting about zoo is something you can still have some deniability because there's no real zoo, just talking about it and feral yiff. You could legally pass it off as a "it's just a drawing" thing like the same way people do with lolis, but on here it's the real deal. Get doxxed on /zoo/ and there's no excuse.
>>539 Just announce you don't live in oregon and you are fine. I don't think we ban people here. It's never come up. Everyone is just having fun talking about horsie boners. Oh and nice cock bro. No need to spoiler here.
>>539 I wish you the best in being able to talk about your feelings, your experiences, your kinks, and fun stories, and just generally have a good time. Do your best to not leak info you don't want people to know. And do use a VPN, tor, what-have-you. I don't see any reason to worry about it since it's all legal in most of the US, but it's standard affair.
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>>541 It's honestly not feds I'm worried about (not 100% anyways) it's more the super anti-zoos who will do everything in their power to doxx people. I know you're all posting here so you obviously trust the site enough to do so, but has 8chan . moe had any security issues in the past? I can't really find any information about 8chan . moe anywhere other than from the homepage. I know it's a revival, but how well is the actual security?
>>542 Well security is a personal issue If you give any website real info sooner or later it will leak. Hacks, accidents, bad mods, etc. Always practice good opsec. Now all that being said so far we haven't seen any anti-zoophiles yet. And so far have had no issues. If anyone comes to the board just to harrass people then yeah they will be b&.
>>539 Quit being a paranoid faggot and post snake pussy.
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>>547 Who needs snek puss, when the mouf looks like this?
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/zoo/ has fallen off of the top boards list. This is a travesty. >>551 Why not fuck both?
>>573 I mean it updates like every 12 hours. We got knocked off for the AM shift everyday anyway. I once looked into it. You only need like 3 posts every 12 hours to stay visible.
>>551 Yup I see no problem face fucking a snake
>>606 Yeah I'm starting to understand cloacas fascination
>>612 same. its turning more into a tight hole fascination....
>Acid says he got lawyers to redo the legal info on threads >the fuck oregon pasta is untouched Is it good enough then?
>>637 The inplication is that a real lawyer, with an actual law degree, who went to law school, and passed the bar. Sat down read my bullshit, and then turned to Acid and said "Yeah that's good, I like where he calls them gay, keep calling oregonians gay is my legal advice. I will go to court for you to do that. 8/8 would represent again." Wow. That makes me chuckle a little not gonna lie.
>>641 Getting clean, to get dirty. I like it.
This was fun but I'm bored of it and you can only own 3 boards so I'm handing ownership toooo Cloaca
>>655 Farewell. And the chai arc ends. But the Cloaca arc begins, first off the BO is dead, long live the BO. Second any changes bossman?
>>655 Oh shit, oh fuck.
>>696 >takes a week to realize he's in charge Nice boss.
Ur a feggit. >>>/b/52263
>>701 Accurate
>board owner is a scalefag blessed board
i like zoo
pasen links donde pueda ver zoofilia gratis
>>725 Something links please for zoophilia thanks. Oh he wants bestiality links. Err the nepi only gave me one. https://equibooru.com/equine/booru/tags/
Theres three rules here. Rule three isn't actually a rule. So there are just two rules here, and they are basically the same fucking rule. So we have basically only one rule. No animal torture. And yet some asshole keeps posting animals being tortured.
>>547 He has a pretty valid reason to be paranoid honestly.
Is "Animal's Dark Paradise" forum active for now? Does anyone have an Onion3 link?
>>641 hot dog water :)
Telegram links please
>>14 >less than 2 month >already double some boards post count Fucking hell. I will make bestiality thread on February
>>821 Awesome! Looking forward to it bud
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When I'm not jerking off to horses I do enjoy a good book. On that note /lit/ just started an active book klub. All are welcome. >>>/lit/334 This month they are reading chuck palahniuks fight club. If your bored why not come hang out and read then talk about it anons?
is there a canine equivalent for equibooru?
>>851 If there is I have no link for it. Sad day
>>826 >halfway through promise >abandoned board JUST
>>1182 Cloaca was always kinda... Well nevermind. The point is we arent totally abandoned, someone mods the board still, and we stay very active.
Okay guys time for a bit of housekeeping >BOOOOOO Hey c'mon, it's not my fault. Anyway. We are officially abandoned. Cloaca hasn't logged in for months, and despite all that we have never left the top ten. We stay more active than 7/10 boards even with only one vol keeping things tidy. But we need a BO. And Chai is never coming back. So let's start the search for our new BO! Maybe get a fancy new CSS in the process, and even a couple new banners. Now with all our daily activity I know some of you anon's are here daily. So here's your chance. The job is easy, keep illegal activity away (no zoosadism, cp, and remember to post our lawyer reviewed legal disclaimer in every thread), delete spam, blank posts, and on occasion speak to management. We need someone willing to dedicate at a minimum 3-5 hours a week. Act as a shield against anyone trying to shut us down, and be every /zoo/ anons advocate against hate spam, or malicious rumour mongering from other BOs. Chai had some tips and tricks I will pass along to the new boss. So c'mon, don't be shy fellas. Leave a brief description of experience moderating, reasons for being a good BO, and if you sound right we will support and guide you through the claiming process. If we get multiple candidates we can do a community vote. There. That about covers it. Love you guys, and no matter what I will still be here. In closing... FUCK OREGON.
>>698 >>1212 OH FUCK, OH SHIT. I forgot Chai left me the board. If Vampyr is around, I'll make him BO. Most of /zoo/ disgusts me anyways. I just like snakes, and maybe the occasional girl sucking weird animal dick.
>>1212 You do have the time to be BO, right? You seem pretty dedicated.
>>1227 >>1226 Ugh. Yeah I mean I do. Fuck it fine I'll do it. But at least let me /vol/ you, and bump your scaly thread.
>>1228 Congratulations. Someone more responsible is now BO. I'm glad to have shitposted this board into existence by motivating Chai in the first place, but I don't have the time or motivation myself.
>>1228 Also, there's only three banners, and they're all hentai. /zoo/ ought to have more banner and more variety.
>>1230 Well I guess that's the first order of business then. Tomorrow though. First I'm drinking myself unconscious.
The BO is dead, long live the BO. And so the Cloaca arc has ended, this board was made as a gift for him, and moderated as a labor of love. He will always be welcome.
Okay we need two volunteers to help moderate. I have to sleep sometime, and as such we need at least two vols. If you are interested post here and leave a name.
>>1226 >I just like snakes good taste
im a 20 year old female in oregon looking get knotted for the first time,
>>1562 >I'm from Oregon! Oh. Shit. Well then you gotta leave. Uh. You know your state has heavily criminalized pictures of zoo? And as such you are breaking the law by being here? Remember our pasta. OBLIGATORY FUCK OREGON POST ATTENTION ALL OREGONIANS LEGAL INFO YOU MUST READ. IF YOU ARE FROM OREGON GTFO ACCORDING TO ORS 167.341 [2015 c.324 §2] YOU ARE MEGA GAY, AND ITS JUST NOT LEGAL TO HAVE MEN SO GAY. YOU MUST LEAVE NOW. IT IS A CLASS A MISDEMEANOR TO REMAIN. LEAVE LAWBREAKER NOW! LOOK DONT ASK ME YOU VOTED FOR THE TOO QUEER FOR INTERNET LAW FAGS YOU DEAL WITH IT.
>>1593 wrong thread, man
>>1596 >>1595 >>1594 >>1593 Damn it. Wish I could merge individual posts to another thread. It would be a shame to delete these, but they really don't go in this thread.
Still hiring Volunteers. Anyone?
>>1617 kazu
>>1664 1 vol down. Need one more.
>>1676 I would volunteer but I don't even have a username here
>>1738 >>1676 you know what fuck it I made one emp
>>1743 emp added. Beautiful, and so we have a full roster. I'm taking a nap.
this board made me sick to my stomach and I fucking jerk it to vore holy shit
>>1773 Didn't ask but okay.
RIP Trevor
This board is very relaxed. No one ever complains, or asks for anything. I mean guys c'mon, I fuck up from time to time. It's okay to come on here and call me on my shit. I mean everything can't be perfect right? You guy's can't honestly tell me you have nothing to gripe about.
>>2129 my only complaint is that it is too quiet, especially in the snake thread
Why does linking directly to this board not work? https://8chan.moe/zoo/ I have to go through the front page to get here.
>>2313 Oh, I guess it works as a link, but not when I copy and paste it into the browser.
>>2313 A legal requirement, Acid has every porn board with "unusual" content set up with a fake 404 page if you link it. I think it was requested by the host, but it's been a while. Sorry for the inconvenience.
>>2316 That really sucks. That's going to make it harder for people to come here. Even /rule34/ has this requirement. Seriously?
>>2333 Do you want CNN making an article about this place?
>>2334 There weren't any articles about Beastforum or the old /zoo/, even until the day they went under.
>>2333 I mean we're always in the top ten boards, and so highly visible to visitors cause we are on the front page. It's not super hard.
>>2346 /zoo/ has fallen off the top ten boards.
>>2363 Wow. That almost never happens. Time to write a couple more Mare gynecology: the ongoing series I guess. Dump porn guys.
Can this place be an exception? Both Zooville and Equibooru are on the clear net. Come on.
A question from a curios non-zoofag porn collector here, specifically for the zooporn consumers. How much of the material you spank the monkey to (no pun intended) is old, pre-internet material? Or at least material that existed on home video before it was shared online? I often wonder this for many "forbidden fruit" genres of porn, and how the old underground circles that distributed the material worked.
>>2647 I have lots of old stuff, but unless it was shot on film and digitized in modern times, the quality is almost unusable these days. Most of the oldest porn looks like a pixelated postage stamp on my 4k monitor now. It was okay 2 years ago when you had a dial-up, a hard-on and a newsgroup reader, but the modern stuff is just way better. I hope at some point i'll be saying the same thing about any "old" porn that isn't super-HD and VR. Technology makes porn better.
>>402 Perfect
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>>641 Man this is literally the best image i'm ever seen so why anyone doesn't made a banner of this before? I made one with some subtitles here..
The new banner looks fun to me, lol
>>2959 >>2797 Yeah, it's also easily the most professional one we've had yet. Usually I just throw one together in 30 seconds.
>when you eat peanut butter for the first time and realize why dogs love white women so much
>>2669 >but the modern stuff is just way better No doubt, but history's important. I honestly think it'd be pretty cool for the older stuff to be preserved and kept alive long after /zoo/'s been legalized.
Added a custom spoiler. Next upgrade will be a custom css. I'm thinking a lot of blue and octopusses.
>>3107 No offense but I don't think that custom spoiler is very good. It looks like a regular picture and it does not really conveys the message that it is a spoilered picture.
>>3121 No offense taken anon, as that was my intent. It looks like a normal pic just cropped so people will click it, and instead of getting bigger it's just gonna be a picture of poop. Because that's the only thread which uses spoilers. So then disgusted this random visitor closes it and is left staring at Tony's smug face. Him and the horse he loves. And that scenario is hilarious to me.
On to the next bit of business. Spoilering the poop thread. It's not a rule, but Chai did it anyway. As the mod I have to look at every pic no matter if it is spoilered or not, so ultimately it doesn't affect me. So I'm asking you guys. The users. Since this issue solely affects you. Do you care if that thread is spoilered? And if so, should it remain an unwritten tradition? Or be elevated to a new board rule. Bearing in mind we already have like 7 rules. Which is way more than the 2 or 3 I prefer on my other boards.
Edited last time by Vampyr on 04/06/2022 (Wed) 20:47:42.
>>3145 as a user I prefer all scat pics to be spoilered because I don't want to see unspoilered scat pics at the top of the page when I am browsing the index.
>>3145 I would prefer the spoiler please
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>>3151 >>3150 And so it is decided. Let it hereforth be known that poop is spoilered in these here parts, and we don't take kindly to folk what do be postinifying photographic type pictures without Tony's smug face covering that shit up with his pure love of a horse.
I'm looking for a video from redflare, it was a mega compilation he deleted his account some time ago, seeing if anyone downloaded it or not!
>>3446 First of all. That isn't nearly enough description to be able to help you. Second don't spam the thread. People can see one post a lot easier than 2 or 3. And finally this is the meta thread for discussion of the board itself. Depending on the exact content of these videos there are far more appropriate threads to post in. And finally there are a lot of requests that occur. Honestly enough to where I am thinking we need a request thread.
We now have a sister board in /b/ again. And for the first time since chai we share BOs. Though I'm gonna be watching a lot more people, let me assure everyone that I will still do my best to see your board is kept clean and happy. And as always if you need anything. Just let me know. And also I guess feel free to post there.
>>3484 remove the word filters and enable names dog fucker
>>3503 No, and no. Lol
>>3504 why you trying to larp as not a rulecuck on /b/ then? Muh i wouldn't delete it if it wasn't multiple thread but you're still gonna get unfunny word filters
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If its not spam I don't give a shit. Its /b/ so yeah don't make 20 of the same thread and it gets left alone. >unfunny wordfilters Lol aww baby gonna cry?
>>3507 you're not funny and you're killing the board
>>3508 I strongly resent that sir. I'll have you know I want to the yale academy of comedy. It is highly prestigious. Sir that is slander and I am hiring an attorney.
>>3509 still not funny i kinda see why you'd have to go after dogs instead of grills tbh
remove the word filters and enable name dog fucker
>>3512 >still deleted despite no spam remove the word filters and enable name dog fucker
>>3513 What was? Oh are you making a shitdick thread? Well do it man. I agree that's probably what fucking a dog leads to.
>>3514 remove the word filters and enable names dog fucker
>>3516 No. Lol
>>3522 >still deletes it remove the word filters and enable names dog fucker
>>3523 ho actually i see what you did there i bet you think you're smart. i'm smarter tho check this one out i bet you didn't expect it
>>3524 well actually i'm very dumb because i made that thread in a long gone tor session and can't self delete it, i guess you win
>>3525 I would have just restored anyway tbh. You laughed though don't lie.
>>3527 i didn't dog fucker you're killing my board for no reason i don't feel like joking with you. let's not even talk about the whole calling the cops on users.
>>3528 >I don't feel like joking with you >this is serious /b/usiness >anon I am super serial Oh man let me get my pants on then. Alright why so serious?
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I saw your current spoiler image and decided to adapt it to a better format. I also made an alternative version that removes the sepia filter of the original image. Thoughts?
>>3872 I love it, and it looks a thousand times better than my lazy work. Thanks anon! Adding the non sepia one I think. Very classy.
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Now lets give this a test.
>>3874 Oh that is nice. >>3872 Yeah thats fucking beautiful anon. Thanks again!
>>3874 beautiful
>>821 nvm, i dont like people shitting in this place. Have some goats https://youtu.be/mtOD19C7J48 I got 2D pic but that would reveal my board
Another month.
>>4030 Since hwat
>>4105 Just another month. One more of many in a man's life.
>>4106 sounds cool.
Why is this board so dead suddenly
>>4030 nigga balls
>>4208 Fucking gross. Nigger lovers must leave. We do not allow that kind of bestiality here.
so this is the secret /fur/ hangout board i see? glad to know that twitter furries have thier own personal safe space where they feel accepted #JewsArentVAlid
>>4243 Valid what? Targets? Lol I strongly disagree.
Update complete. Enjoy the new look fellas
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Holy shit, you are 1337 h4x0r5 now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nh__ka1wn4
>>4702 Uh...
Well there you go. Howdy spic glow in the dark niggers. Nothing here is illegal under US law. Seethe more.
so is there a zoo board that is actually active?
>>4765 Yes. This one.
>>4290 Thanks doc.
do you guys think we should open a group chat on another site?
>>4836 no.
>>4704 isn't that video from the donkey fucker country anyway, why would they have a problem with this board
>>4878 >wasnt that news program from south america? Yes anon. Which is why I said hello to donkey fucking glow in the darks. >why would they have a problem with this board. Did you not watch it?
>>4878 the subject of the video is on darkweb. there is nothing to do about the board, it was just showing in a clip for 0.002ssec.
>>4880 Anon they have a whole conversation about our dolphin porn thread. And second of all whats your point? They are watching anon.
Considering there is another request thread at the top of the board again (instead of using the existing request thread), should the request thread just be pinned? Just a suggestion...
>>4998 Yeah thats a good idea. Pinned.
>>14 So I see the site is just http... Any takers as to if this might be a lot too?
>>5268 what are you talking about? https works just fine here
>>5268 >>5271 There was some trouble with cloudflare last week. It has since been fixed and you should no longer be having any issues. Sorry for the inconvenience.
what is the backup site for when this inevitably goes down eventually?
>>5501 You see that text at the top of every single fucking page on this website? "The backup domains are located at 8chan.se and 8chan.cc. TOR access can be found here, or you can access the TOR portal from the clearnet at Redchannit 3.0." I'm gonna guess that. What a stupid fucking question. Nothing here is illegal, and furthermore we haven't had a single legal problem in the year this board has been up. If we had I would let you know. Shit /interracial/ gets fucking lawyers on there ass practically monthly, but you guys? Nothing. Even zoox18 pussied out when I told them to go fuck themselves. So relax kid. I got this. Sites fine and always will be. And even in some weird situation where some faggot tries some legal shit I will gladly go to court and take his fucking money. We are not a fly by night operation. We are protected. By me. And I WILL NOT let you down. I swear this upon my immortal soul.
>>5506 >Vampyr is a zoophile Better than a pedo I suppose if it was legal you wouldn't mind it I bet
>>5508 You can fuck off and everyone else can have a Merry Christmas!
And so we enter our 3rd year together. I trust everyones doing allright? Personally I have never been better. I love you all anons, and hope everyone is having a fantastic day.
I have discovered an absolute trove of zoo vids on a website called aporntv - they used to have zoo right on the front page but they've tried to hide it a little more over the past 2-3 months. I'm worried they might delete these thousands upon thousands of videos, so get in while you can. Searches like zoophile, petlust, k9 and zoo man all bring up the content. Is anyone else familiar with the site?
>>5811 Dump everything you can here for posterity.
>>5811 yes. because you are the most clueless dumbass ever. you literally just did a google search for beast videos because that's the first link that comes up when you search that. you arent fooling anyone. apornTV is just another zoox18 mirror, which is then another site that is a mirror of 10 other sites that all redirect you to sponsored sites when you click on random videos and never give you the actual video. there's nothing of value there.
would it be possible to encode videos into format that actually works on all devices? without breaking everything? so many MPEG stuff that wont play with many browsers
Anyone else get banned from Zooville for no reason?
>>5914 No. They can;t ban people. Their server is too jank. If you got that message it is a generic glitch. Just keep spamming reload.
>>5936 That's not true. I was banned for sharing Puppy porn. All I shared was some pictures, (no puppies) and a video with an interview of some chick saying she would have sex with dogs.
>>6018 Yeah Zooville is proper fascist about banning people for the smallest thing. I kinda get it, they don't want their site to devolve into a cesspool of CP, vore and abuse. But they are quick to drop the banhammer, and it's kind of weird to browse their forums and see posts from someone who had posted something completely innocent an hour before marked as a banned user. Also some folk with great content from a few years back marked as banned, but maybe that's just what they do to accounts they deem inactive. Dunno.
>>5896 >would it be possible to encode videos into format that actually works on all devices? like what?
>>6036 > I think too, they want to get rid of people who say they just enjoy watching. That's what I did, and I was condemned by people because i'm not a Zoo. I just like seeing a woman, who enjoys a dog. I'm not into seeing people humiliated or animals being abused.
"Abuse" is a subjective term and right now those Zooville faggots use "abuse" to push their simp propaganda stating that any time a dog whines that's rape, any time someone puts a dig in a dog's ass, that's rape. They are a bunch of zoomer "animals cant consent" pieces of trash and their entire goal was to capitalize on the deletion of beastforum. go fuck off.
>>6040 normal mp4 or perhaps webm?
>>6050 If a dog whines when you're trying to have sex with it, that means he or she is uncomfortable and you're raping it. Happy dogs pant and show you their genitalia for you to play with. If you're having sex with animals who are in pain, you're a zoosadist, and trash.
>>6070 No it does not, dumbass moron. You are a little piece of shit teenager that has never seen a dog before in your entire life. Dogs cannot speak with words. They communicate with sounds and actions. Whining does not mean it is painful you moronic fuck. By your fucked up RETARD logic, every time the vet gives them a vaccine and they cry that is abusive and should not be done.
>>6082 Sure, dogs don't like going to the vet, but it is in their benefit to get treatment, even if they don't understand it. If you're trying to get off by sticking your dick in a dog and he or she is crying, you are an animal abuser and a rapist. My girl lies on her back and spreads her legs when she wants action, and humps me because she likes sex with me. My boy grabs my arm and thrusts to show when he wants fun. If either of them whine, I stop until they're comfortable. But I love my pups and I want them to love me too, which they do.
>>6097 You speak just like a liberal, you keep moving the goalpost every time someone calls out your bullshit because you can't admit you're a brainless, mindless, piece of trash that's full of shit. You are a homophobic simp loser. That is all you will ever amount to. An abrasive piece of fucking trash that can't stick your dick in a human before you stick a gun in your hand.
>>6101 Lmao triggered
>>6101 Well, those are certainly words. Don't make much sense, but, yup, definitely words.
>>6101 yeah whatever faggot.
>>>/v/786527 What's /zoo/ think about Spain legalizing animal fuckery? Is there really anyone here that would take issue with legal dogfucking under the stipulation that no harm come to the animal?
>>6202 I leave near the frontier with Spain. I seriously think about moving there.
>>6202 I think that he way they are going about it, separating abuse from what is, arguably, playing with your pet, is only logical. Most countries already treat pet animals as something between property and a person with rights, so why waste resources persecuting what would otherwise be a victimless crime?
>>6202 From a practical point of view there's not much more you can do beyond physical injuries. Trying to sus out the desires of the animal is going to be impossible both because it's hard to read the desires of a random animal you don't know and because a lot of people straight up refuse to acknowledged that an animal could enjoy / be apathetic about sex.
ZooPride rules!
Zoosexuality is beautiful
i love dogs
>>6501 >>6502 >>6514 These are all statements. Not questions. You seem to misunderstand the purpose of this thread.
Does anyone know CSS? I think a custom background would be cool.
>>6525 Yeah it was a dumb idea nevermind. The oregon pasta has been put on the board banner. Cause it saves me time posting it in every thread. The only requirement legally for our board is that ridiculous but lawyer reviewed statement. So its there. I know its silly.
>>6614 how long will it be up
Do someone has CP
Go Away. And stay go away.
>>7186 No, and GTFO
>>7156 Well since I never made it. Zero minutes.
Edited last time by Vampyr on 06/03/2023 (Sat) 21:03:52.
>>7156 Oh I thought you meant the custom css I never made. You mean the Oregon Pasta. Well forever actually. One of the only legal requirements for running this board and allowing it to exist, is that post being in every thread, which got annoying to do after 2 years cause no one but me did it, so sticking it on the banner saves me time. The downside is yes its permanent.
(11.13 MB 3508x4960 vvvvv_2.png)

I did this draw, my first draw about this topic, but I didn't know in which thread to post it, so I do it here.
>>7287 Not into horse cock, much prefer pussy, but good job. Sometimes I wish I could draw, but then I remember that it actually takes practice and effort. Well done.
>>7287 Pretty cute girl, drawfriend. Would be interested in seeing more, /zoo/ or not.
So, what sites are left that are worth a damn? Luxure.tv used to be the go-to but it looks like that's gone now.
>>7287 really neat artstyle, got a blog?
>>7412 zoox18 and zootube1 I guess.
>>7474 Sure, @eridhaaa333 on twitter
>>7412 Did you try luxuretv dot com?
anything this board needs help with currently? is it possible to volunteer as a tor user? I'm not able to post files, but idk what other restrictions there are for onionheads, if any
>>7543 Yes I need vols. And do you know css? Or can you make banners? Make an account and then state your account name case sensitive. Oh and since im likely to forget to ever say this again. Thank you, this board exists purely because of the dedication people like you put into it.
You may also want to create an element account for quickly getting a hold of me. But the boards small enough to where we prolly dont need IM accounts yet. Nonetheless I already have one for other boards so if your into that then yeah we can do that. But if you arent it doesnt really matter. I mean hell the jobs easy. Enforce the local rules which are the entirety of the laws we operate under and have to worry about for the sake of keeping the board legal and online.
>>7553 >css.. banners my css knowledge is rudimentary but I do understand basics of it, have some experience with html, css, php, python, etc. Banners will be fun, I've put a fair amount of time into using GIMP and am not much of a drawfag but can edit pretty gud. I'll make some static .png to start with, then experiment with .gif animations. >Make an account I'll enable js for a while and figure that shit out later, and drop a name once I reg one. >>7554 as for element? I'll have to look into that, not familiar with it. guessing its like discord, matrix, session, or similar, but idk for sure went back and read every post in this thread.. congrats on having the longest arc as BO in this /zoo/'s history so far btw you're welcome! and thank you again, as well, for your efforts in keeping this alive. /zoo/ boards like this have gone a long way to help me feel less isolated/alienated as an animal lover. I'm sure other anons feel similar, whether explicitly stated or not.
>>7556 Awesome!
>>7543 >>7556 >account reg'd Lynx >banners some quickies, nothing special, but some good for lulz.. and since tor users can't post files, here's links instead https://anonfiles.com/E1sdn707zb/dolphin_png https://anonfiles.com/a0tenf0azf/bw_sheep_png https://anonfiles.com/W7s6n40bzf/adam_png https://anonfiles.com/Lfs4n703zd/lizard01_png https://anonfiles.com/Q9s4n900zf/I_ll_be_in_my_lab_png https://anonfiles.com/R7s9na08z0/cougar_png https://anonfiles.com/7dscn90az3/koyagi01_png btw, I already know a workaround to be able to upload directly, but won't specify (to avoid abuse by others), & am too lazy right now to set it up
>>7570 Added and added.
>>7554 >element Are you aware of any good zoo rooms or spaces on element?
>>7784 I am not. Sadly. I suppose you could try and make one. But surely someone knows one that already exists?
>>7788 just realized I said that in the wrong thread my bad
>>7850 Eh its fine. Youre good bro.
>>2797 I think I've seen that picture many times but never realised that there is zoo porn anime on the screen. Awesome!
>>7891 Huh. made that a banner on this board and have seen it a hundred times and also never realized that. Good eye anon.
>>7891 >>7895 It's "more, more" from diga_foxdog if you were wondering
>>7570 excellent work anon
If you have an issue with bestiality then please keep it contained to the meta thread.
tried making an animated banner, I think it turned out alright https://anonfiles.com/l1W54d67z2/giraffe_gif had to stabilize the shot, since the original was pretty shaky- that was good practice, hadn't done stabilizing like that before. that giraffe seems experienced at sucking poles btw ;D makes me wonder what kinda fun zookeepers get to have!!! >>7915 thanks bro, more to come, but I don't have as much time for this as I'd like to
>>8020 Nice! Added anon.
>>8021 wow, that was fast, admin-anon :) 5minutes here's two different takes on another animation I practiced on, from the dog bj thread. first has more frames, so its smoother, but also almost 1mb https://anonfiles.com/sfW04f6dz5/dogbj_gif second version was resized differently to skip the balls and focus on muzzle action; and has a frameskip ratio of 1/2, so its ~half size, to load faster and reduce bandwidth, but appears less smooth as a result. https://anonfiles.com/i7WbJe6dz5/dogbj2_gif your choice on which to add, if either
>>8027 Yeah I am always around pretty much. Except when im not. Gonna try the first one for starters abd see how it do.
>>8027 First one didnt look like it was gonna work. Too big. But it seems to be fine. So hey alright good job! Nice anon added.
>>8029 lol
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How can I take an extreme account?
>>8434 looks fake
>>8434 There are no extreme accounts. It is either a bug or some kind of shadow ban.
>>8434 that's just a meme image someone made and uploaded
>>8452 >or some kind of shadow ban. thanks for the tip, I wondered about this. the site seems to not like downthemall. when I tried bulk downloads, sometimes they all turned out as that. seems like some kind of 403 response from server.
Selectively breed animals for sex with humans, the animals who get to reproduce are the ones that are most able, willing, and good at, fucking humans. What's the appeal of bestiality? For me its the thrill of seeing a human female getting sexually stimulated by, and providing sexual stimulation, something other than a human male who she finds sexually attractive. I like seeing females giving and receiving sex acts with animals, but also machines, robots, monsters, shotas, unattractive humans, etc. The thing I like most is when something that is not sexually desirable (or better yet, not associated with sexuality) crosses the line to becoming sexual by engaging in sexual activity within something that is sexually desirable or associated with sexuality, an attractive female human.
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>>9032 >For me its the thrill of seeing So, either you're a cuck, or you're just being disgusting. You don't personally like sex, you just like seeing when weak people are degraded and ultimately destroyed. Most active posters here, I'm going to wildly assume, are here because they like having sex with furry partners, and since we're social creatures but said partners can't actually talk, we come here to talk about what can't be talked about it the real world.
>>9032 It would be interesting to see in the inevitable hedonistic dystopia future if pet breeds do start being selectively engineered for sexual pleasure. It'd just be a matter of what wins out first, animal rights groups or sexual liberty?
I can't find the legality of watching this in Florida, at least I'm not Oregonian. Anyone know?
>>9199 humans are animals, so having sex illegal 🤮
>>9144 i think it mostly has happened by accident during domestication, i guess you could breed for things like enthusiastic licking but i think things like health and personality are still the priority
socially retarded board owner, this is the thanks I get for breaking up the dead silence with horny little snippets of first-person fiction? did you know that drawings aren't real either?
>>9748 I appreciated the creative writing, anon. This board is just too autistic and could not resist um actually-ing it
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Why the hell are all the thumbnails like this?
>>9823 Take archive out of the url "archive.8chan.moe/zoo/" if the word isn't there then Idk
>>9931 Mods?
any one can help me to sign up here ?
>>10094 there is no sign up needed
>>10094 Newfag comments like this truly make me depressed at how difficult it is to talk to fellow zoos. It’s kind of sad that a bird this small is one of the main/only clearweb places to talk.
I was wondering, who is the board owner these days?
>>10188 Same as its been for 3 years now. Vampyr. You know. The obsessive?
>>10198 Didnt he kill himself?
>>10188 Why you wondering?
>>10200 Are you on session? I am a board volunteer and I am not always sure how to moderate some posts. It would be nice if I could get some advice from time to time. >>10216 I kind of lost track of who was owning it after it changed hands so many times.
>>10217 And happy holidays to you too my fellow degenerate.
>>10222 Checked and yeah that makes sense. I am on element: https://matrix.to/#/@vampyr33:matrix.org
zooville.org down?
>>10222 No seriously though message me on element.
>>10379 Happy Nude Deer~
>>10244 Doesn't work either.
Saw a clip on gaybeast long ago. Guy in a rough-looking stable or basement, looked like broken concrete in the background, fucking a heifer really hard. She was grunting and carrying on quite a lot, arching her back to get that cock. I think at one point he slapped her ass. Couldn't download from that sh*t site and never saw it again. Anybody have?
meant to put that on the request thread
anyone else notice the massive influx of sadist shit? Board used to be chill but now half the new stuff that gets posted is borderline gore and/or people asking for it
>>10540 Yeah, noticed that too. That Monkey Hate thread was the most blunt I've seen. When will these sadists know that they aren't one of us?
I been busy. Will purge them more soon.
Don't forget to purge the faggots as well. Like >>10540 >>10559
>>10601 This board is full of fags. Difference is we love our mates. Unlike you it seems
what happened to the bigawoo thread?
>>10640 deleted since he posted content where he very likely was fucking drugged or dead dogs
>>10645 and we couldn't decide that for ourselves? fucking lame
wheres the porn
>>10992 I don't know, maybe try opening your eyes to find it.
>>10992 Yes I'm looking for fortune cookies
Hello frens, come check us out on >>>/x/ for spooky stuff! :)
>>11242 Does /zoo/ even have a board mascot? Someone should fix that if we don't.
>>11256 It doesn't have to be a mascot. You could ask for any animal. Like a jaguar / cheetah, wolf, horse, etc.
/zoo/, want me to make any animal avatar to represent you?
>>11257 Just a regular-ole animal is lame though. Besides, it's not like any fighters engage in combat on all fours, so what would even be the point? That's why I think having a proper mascot would be better. >>11259 Yes please, thank you.
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I made Aryanne for /zoo/, if that's okay. /zoo/ is formally invited to fight in the 2nd tournament.
The thread moved to >>>/icup/5579 (if /zoo/ wants to stay updated)
>>11276 >>11454 >Just a regular-ole animal is lame though. For a board that is about fucking animals, it would be a lot more appropriate than anthros.
Does /zoo/ want to give any emotes? >>11462 I decided to go with Aryanne for /zoo/ because I saw her in the banners. I don't think /pone/ is around to object. But Aryanne's design in-game isn't that detailed. And I couldn't get the swastica tattoo.
>>11454 If /zoo/ wants, I could scrap the horse head design and try to make a human-mlp hybrid.
Listen to me. We want swastikas and giant horse boners. Whatever is more likely to shock people. I wouldn't mind a shirt with a middle finger and the confederate flag tbh.
>>11476 I want an emote that's an extremely large horse cock. Or a swastika.
Do our characters get a quote before the match? If so ours is "I will literally rape you to death in your sleep"
>>11454 That's the laziest goddamn design I've ever seen. That's really bad man. Make it Mr. hands at least. With a swastika and a horse cock staff weapon
>>11482 Mr. hands?
OH, I recall who Mr. Hands is.
>>11476 put a fortune cookie
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2nd tournament finals in 32 minutes. https://cytu.be/r/8duels ^join quick
An answer to a question an anon asked niggers are banned across this entire board because I'm a racist and I hate looking at niggers and I cannot stand the sight of them. do not post niggers. I will probably ban you Another Anon has been spamming reports he is upset that there is so much national socialist imagery on this board. The reason for this is I am a national socialist and I'm never going to remove that imagery no matter how much you report it to be quite Frank if you report people for being Nazis I'm going to ban you not the people that are being Nazis so stop fucking asking everyone else hope you have a great day take care.
>>11940 thanks vamp
>>11940 This is a very pleasant surprise
>>11940 based based based TND
>>11940 based TND /bleached/ sends their thanks
>>11940 Based. Fuck niggers.
>>11940 scat is fine, just spoiler it — but you hate seeing niggers, so they're forbidden. got it starting to realize that graph was right about the authright and scatophilia
>>12265 As gross as actual poop is, it's still less gross than niggers.
That is so funny, the whole classroom is laughing at that one my good sir
>>9199 it doesnt say anyting about watching this being illegal. just downloading it
I have a dog and I want to have sex with him. If anyone has any experience please help me on how can I get him to fuck me
>>12291 That isn't a meta question, make a thread.
>banned from zooville for something i didn't even do, no chance to appeal because all communication channels require having an account that isn't permabanned fuck that site. at least you faggots aren't a bunch of circlejerking judgmental pricks
>>12316 As long as it don't break US law then it ain't my problem. Your fine bro. Shit this site has at least 3 ban evasion methods baked in.
>>11476 >Rosemi-sama based
Hi there
What the fuck happened to this board the last two years? It used to be filled with cool people like me who worshipped animals and their cocks and liked seeing women or men serving them. Now it's like all sick fucks who want to rape animals in the mouths and shit. If this is the only type of person left on this board it's not for me.
>>12375 The fuck are you talking about? Animal abuse is federally illegal and not tolerated here. If you see any then fucking globally report it. Anyone even requesting it is breaking the law.
>>12408 April fools day my dude
>>12410 ... dammit. You got me nigger.
petition to spoiler necro and keep it to its own thread as long as it does not contain killing/mutilating/abuse? I cant find anything saying it's illegal for someone to share sexual videos of deceased animals, but will keep looking. I know it's not the same as scat but if you think about it, poop is plant necro so... Please let me know how we feel about this, I like civil discourse and I like necro. Thank you for your time and acknowledgement.
>>13019 "And might I suggest a few points to consider answers for when you do 1. Is it legal, if so then what right do jannies have to remove it? If its being removed for another reason then what is that reason. 2. If they make their own thread and spoiler it can anons live with that? Assuming its legal of course. 3. We are just talking about necro, and not outright abuse which is already federally illegal under the ACT act of congress." See zmv thread
As far as I can see, as a technicality, necro is no more illegal than bestiality in general. I did see a case of where a guy got caught taking advantage of a dead deer; he made a novel argument that the animal was no longer a deer, but meat, as it was dead. Iirc he lost that argument, but the pretzel logic of the laws just defy rational thought. If anti-beast laws are really intended to "protect animals from sexual abuse", how can that extend to protecting a corpse which is not sentient, and is indeed basically just meat? I think the guy had a point. But the law is going to find a way to punish someone for what it perceives to be "shocking or disturbing behavior" whether it's technically and expressly illegal or not. That said, that particular individual has some real problems, he was also convicted of killing a horse bc he wanted to have sex with her. That is just the absolute worst imo. I think most would agree. I'd happily throttle the guy if I encountered him. I dunno. I like deer. Lots of people do. Given the option, I have no doubt that a huge majority of deer-fanciers would vastly prefer having sex with a live one over a dead one. It's not so much they like necro per se, but live ones are near impossible to interact with on any level, much less getting frisky with. It's hard to even find good quality photos that show their genitals in any detail. I'm sure they have been taken, but normies discard such photos as "ruined" and certainly won't post them. People are embarrassed and/or repulsed by themselves and by extension, all animal reproductive organs. Somebody will post a photo that includes their dog's testicles in all their glory- next thing you know they're being admonished to neuter their dog. Why, so you don't feel tingly when you see them swing? Anyway, I digress. The tricky part becomes determining origin and intent. Ok, so here we have some dude sexing up a corpse of whatever. What caused its death? Did he kill it just to have sex with it? I think everyone here can agree that is the ultimate abuse and is wrong, and it shouldn't be permitted. But how does one know? I've seen deer necro on zoox. Some seemed to be obvious roadkill, but others- did the guy shoot them? Maybe he did. Then- Is it wrong for him to fuck his prize before he butchers it? I honestly can't see the harm in that. As evidenced by that one guy example above, there are guys that would kill something just to have sex with it. But I think that is one rare case and shouldn't be used as a fair representation of what is happening in almost all necro videos. The ones I've seen look to be usually roadkill, and a few cases of possibly hunted. If someone is causing no harm by having sex with something, is that harmful to anyone? Should it be banned just on the merits of "that's gross" or "I would never do that!"? I don't visit the scat thread, not my thing. Fine by me that some like it, who am I to judge?
jesus christ what is wrong with people getting off on animal death is NOT ok, even if it is legal for hunters to get a stiffie when they snuff out a life it doesn't belong on a zoo board.
I think it's fine, honestly, as long as it's spoilered. This is a zoo board. It doesn't make sense to ban things just because they're "gross" or "wrong." Don't pretend that you're not a fucking degenerate just for being here
>>13045 I think a good play could be no blood, obviously no snuff (ew gross) and maybe even separate roadkill and hunted animals. I would even be good with just roadkill tbh but I think a trophy hunter and trophy cummer are equally as ethical. So far looks like majority positive, but no clue who all looks at meta thread
>>13056 Agreed. It's also a good way to get unique content, like raccoon, cat, and stingray creampies. Some fisherman could do the impossible and make a shark video. Loads of possibilities considering the easy access/uploading of moe Separately fellas, if a pet passes away and you were balls deep while they were alive, what's worse exactly about a gooey send off?
>>13054 The point of spoilers and thread restrictions are to keep it out of your way. Railing animals isn't "ok" unless it's whales and monkeys in terms of consent. To those that cry degeneracy, I say this: tell your family and coworkers you like dog butts lol
So debate seems to have died down, carcass fuckers win? I guess? Well. There you go people. Now tell that one guy to make an account and then tell me his name so I can vol him, with a special beat of mostly that thread I guess.
looking to meet like minded people
>>12375 The mouth is the last hole you can rape a dog in
>>13127 vol? also good job team, we pulled through in the end
Here is a torrent link to my huge collection of Dog Zoo I tried to organize it but its just to much. Its a big mixture of good bad awesome, Gay, Straight, Group. https://shorturl.at/kmyQU
sorry here's the a link that works
>>13158 How many videos do you have of dogs getting muzzle fucked?
>>13164 There's a few maybe 20 or so this is what I've saved here and there for like 10 years. Again I tried to organize it into folders but I gave up it would take me hours to do it
>>13158 Do you have sheath docking?
>>13155 Local volunteer, slang for which is vol. We don't use janitors here, we have volunteers. That means you never get paid, and are expected only to work when you feel like it. Cuz I don't wanna clean up a necro thread, that's your job now. So make an account and tell me the account name (case sensitive) so I can make that account a local volunteer, that gives you the power to delete posts and threads. So if anything illegal gets posted on the board and you see if before me or another vol, you kill it.
>>13169 Yup not many
>>13177 Done, cool. Ask if you have questions.
>>13184 Will do, ty
>>13019 I know it is a bit late but I have a counter point: how do you know the guy didn't kill the animal just before the video so he could fuck it? And i am not talking about hunters, cumming in their trophies.
>>13178 Please show something that wasn't reposted anywhere yet of doggy sheathe docking footage.
>>13262 Well, we don't. Sometimes it's pretty evident that something is roadkill. Are there those who would kill an animal just to fuck it? Yes, I have no doubt. There are people who kill humans for that purpose too. It's horrible on any count, agreed. But I have to think that of all the necro I have seen, the animals were all either pretty clearly roadkill or hunted. Now, did that hunter butcher that deer? I fucking hope so but essentially you're posing a question that can't be answered without firsthand knowledge. If there is such an encounter on video, I have to believe it's a very small percentage of what is out there. I'd say even most dead animal fuckers do still have a conscience and empathy. Are some psychopaths? Sure. Probably a higher percentage than the population-at-large. But also, going out and killing most wild things isn't terribly easy. Hunting requires skill, knowledge, tools, and patience, which are things that a person with an unsound mind may not possess. Anyway. If you see something on the thread that doesn't seem right to you (like, I dunno, a hunting/fucking video?), please report it.
Please get shitheads like DD and Roadkill out of here. Abuse and necro is the shit that is going to get this board in trouble. For fuck sake man.
>>13325 Abuse already isn't tolerated here. Necro isn't abuse, unless you killed the animal for it.
>>13340 It doesn't matter if it is not "abuse" retard. For anyone "normal(Or not)" looking in. Necro make's everyone and everything in this board look worse.
>>13351 Lemme chime in real quick with my two cents on that. >It will make normies hate us Everyone on the other boards hates you, and daily lobbies for your removal from the board and the site. Number one request to the admins from anons is the removal of this board and the banning of bestiality across the site. This does not happen for one exact reason. Me. I agreed to take full responsibility for (You). And the admins tolerate it and this board because they are libertarians and believe in free speech. As long as you aren't breaking the law, they do not care. Now when I raised the idea of allowing necro they were iffy. They told me they aren't aware of any laws on it, but that it is very distasteful and they personally don't care for it. But that is true for many boards here. As long as nothing breaks the law then they allow it. I lobby in threads for (You). I talk in IRC, and various chats. I have worked tirelessly to aid admins whenever possible and assist this website, and also you guys. When you get trashed in chats I stick up for you. And I was told it's my call whether to allow this. So hey I am giving it a shot. For 2 reasons. 1. Its legal and the limits of what this board allows is that. 2. DeadDog seems like the old BO of /zoocore/ and I may have helped fuck him over there a few years ago. So I wanna make that right. Now as concerns being controversial. I am a big fan of Eric Bischoff of WCW fame. And I love his book "controversy creates cash". This board alone has already been featured on the evening news in several countries for exposes on the darkweb, and several tiktoks on what 8chan is. And that drives traffic. More users come here because this board gets on the news by being controversial, and telling people this website exists. Where free speech is the ideal. So I don't give a fuck if this makes people dislike this board. This fucking board is a national socialist run board with swastikas fucking everywhere, fuck what people think. I certainly don't care. Now all this being said if you can find where this is illegal I will of course listen to and consider that argument very closely. Thank you for your time, and have a good day, and may God bless you my brother in Christ. -vamp
Bubbles here! Having read our glorious despot's post, I'd like to add "Embrace infamy." I hate Jim even more than you guys disgust me, but who cares what others think? I think Jim's notion of embracing infamy is entirely correct because people are gonna hate us, anyways. So, fuck them! The idea of dogfuckers being concerned about their image is laughable when everyone already thinks you're gross! If you have a problem with the content because it personally offends you, I think you should just say that and not hide behind the dead idea of optics--especially as it relates to you in particular. And let me ask you--what about scat? That's allowed despite being exceedingly gross, but I suppose the morality is... less in question there. Still! I hope all of you understand the significance of embracing infamy as it pertains to us! Jim made that our motto after purchasing the original 8chan and its safe to say that we--8moe and all the other splinter successors born upon 8chan's corruption into 8kun by the traitor Jim--were born in infamy. Everyone hated us and everyone hates us now! That won't change. That will never change. Fuck optics!
>>13364 god damn it, am I gonna have to scrape this website too
>>13366 No, if at any point we get interest from law enforcement it would be mentioned in one of the annual transparency reports that the head admin Acid makes periodically on >>>/site/. Which I read and would tell you anons, if something needs to be removed for legal reasons we already have a policy to just kill it. So if someone has a problem with necro then the NECRO stuff may be removed, but they'd have to be a cop or a DA, and its super unlikely because as far as I can tell it's legal. But even in that worst case scenario the only content lost would be the necro stuff which I have to imagine is a minority of my users. Anyway don't worry about that. This board is a great resource to use as a backup for other sites. If its ever in danger, or when the day comes that you have your own zoophiles to moderate you and I can retire and leave one of them in charge. I will tell you first. But all that being said only a fool trusts anything online to be permanent. Always backup everything. The world could end at any minute, or the internet itself could. Take care, buy a gun, stock supplies, and don't do anything illegal. Watch yourself friend. Hard times a coming.
>>13366 Scrape? As in scrape the content before it's killed or scrape evidence of visiting the site off your drives? If it's the former, imageboards are inherently ephemeral and you should be downloading shit as it stands. This isn't a permanent host. None are, really, but especially not imageboards. Threads are made to die and that's the nature of our impermanent beast. If it's the former, I don't even know what to say. You're probably on a list just for posting here because we KNOW glowies are VERY interested in inageboards--especially 8chan and its derivatives because we are a hive of scum, villainy, and white nationalist terrorism. So, yeah! You should wrap it up to begin with, really. Stay safe!
>>13374 >imageboards are inherently ephemeral not when the threads here have lasted for years >we KNOW glowies are VERY interested in inageboards nah. I've been browsing sites like this since the late 2000s. and nothing's happened. I don't even use a VPN
>>13385 >not when the threads here have lasted for years And very few imageboards last for any notable length of time! Boards can be deleted, staff can be changed, sites can die, rules can change, etc. Ephemerality is fundamentally built into imageboards by design regardless of how long threads happen to stay up due to relative inactivity. >nah. I've been browsing sites like this since the late 2000s. and nothing's happened. I don't even use a VPN Same! I started browsing 4chan in 2005, two years after it was created, and never bothered with that shit. That doesn't make what I said any less true and I recognize that I'm probably on a list somewhere. We do know for a fact that glowies are interested in imageboards. There's concrete evidence. I admittedly think it's unlikely that anything will happen to any individual posters, but that doesn't change the core issue. I rawdog imageboards, but that doesn't mean it's the most intelligent thing to do even if I'm fine.
>>13385 The admins are very stable and so is the entire site philosophy, the global moderation team is excellent and responsive, even this board as small as it is has 4 dedicated local volunteer moderators. It has content thats been around for years because its legal, any illegal content I identify, remove, and report for a global moderator to ban, and if its illegal, log the IP address. If LEO officially asks for info on that post then they get it, but that's never happened on this board because again nothing illegal is here to be seen and reported. So you are correct, but also so is my girlfriend, and if you back talk her again I will fucking kill you. Anyway have a nice night!
being ethical and a necro lover is fucking hilarious, really massive mental gymnastics at play. Even doing this move without consulting with people who have law degrees (instead of armchair lawyering yourself who still didn't find any actual anwser btw, you still didn't even figure out if its legal or not in all of the 50 states) is unbelieveably retarded disaster waiting to happen.
>>13512 Questions, are you a lawyer? Do you have a law degree? Have you attended law school? Have you passed your states bar? Are you willing to dispense free legal advice over the internet anonymously? If the answer to any or all of these questions is yes, then I also have a followup question. Why though?
>>3503 Huff
>>13528 No but I would definetely not follow through this without actually making sure we don't have another Oregon-like situation since clearly people still aren't convinced about the legal status of distribution and posession of necroshit in each state.
>>13364 >2. DeadDog seems like the old BO of /zoocore/ and I may have helped fuck him over there a few years ago. So I wanna make that right. You're actually okay with that place? What the fuck is wrong with you?
>>13572 I have no strong feelings about it any way, the same as this board. At the time I thought he was trying to steal anons and split the community, but maybe he wasn't. Anyway. If it is legal then he has a right to free speech the same as anyone.
>>13576 "I may have helped fuck him over there a few years ago. So I wanna make that right". You somehow feel sorry for that sick fuck and their animal abuse board? Are you that fucking dumb?
>>13610 I am still not sure if what he had was abuse, if it was then it was illegal, and therefore should be banned. My logic when asked was my board allows the absolute limit of free speech allowable zoo content, if anyone makes another zoo board and says its gonna have more extreme things then this board then that board must exist solely to post illegal content. I am not sure that's true however. I never got a chance to ask him what the hell that was all about.
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Is this another zoo instance where bestiality (a.k.a. ASAM/animal sexual abuse material) is allowed, or only zoophilic stuff that's not apparently inherently unethical (such as horse pooping videos)? Sure, you can't verify everything as 100% ethical, but we could at least try.
>>104 It's also illegal in Virgin Islands and I think Washington or something?
>>13629 The board allows all legal content. I don't give two shits about ethics.
>>13630 Probably but the admins only requested we talk about oregon.
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>>13632 Well, I guess I could make a thread for ethical content and see what happens. Past abusive material may or may not directly contribute to the creation of new material, and animals don't have the capacity to feel violated by the photos (only the actions), but it could create a market. I wish it was easier to find more anti-contact zoophiles like me. All the ones I met on Twitter are strict moralfags. Like let me have muh free speech without having to support harming innocents. Fat troons and e-celebs on Twitter don't warrant as much respect as kids and animals (still some, but not enough to where I can't fucking shitpost about Johnny Rebel's music because it's WAYCIST), but people with this sentiment r damn near impossible to find.
>>13629 Get out of your safe space bubble. Fucking animals is okay, and it's also okay if that's not your thing. Just don't come here expecting to change an established community
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>>13661 There's more evidence that it isn't okay than that it is. On the physical side of things at the very least, there are veterinarian anecdotes that many animals have ruptured walls, and whether or not you blame newbie retards or not is irrelevant, as supposed "safe sex" isn't really talked about in these circles AFAIK, and the risk seems quite high. As for psychology: an animal shouldn't be groomed into becoming hypersexual. It's not healthy for them to have a stronger urge to fuck than normal or want to fuck humans. They might want to fuck more humans if one fucks them. We also don't know if it triggers PTSD or other discomforts, as animal psychology isn't very well known. You can't say it's ethical with so much confidence. At least admit you're horny and trying to cope. Saying "I don't care, I just wanna smash" is more respectable than pure baseless delusion. Better to be GG Allin dark gigachad blunt cooming than hide behind tard shenanigans.
>>13663 Safe sex is mandatory on zooville. I think they set good sexual health standards there, they have guides for sex that use up to date behavioural science and build on established knowledge from the long term zoo community. Every part of it can be made painless, harmless, and fun, with the caveat that the animal has to actually be attracted to you and want to have sex, and want to have sex with you specifically.
>>13663 Oh also we totally know if it triggers PTSD in dogs. It does if they're forced into it or have a painful time. We understand quite a few mental health conditions in dogs at this point in time and can medicate and provide therapy for them.
>>13663 Ah right, because the bitch in heat rubbing up against her humans that never showed any sexual interest in her isn't her asking to get fucked. Again. Get out of here with your moralniggering. Also, nowhere in my post did I ever say hurting animals is any kind of okay. Obviously someone who tries to fuck their chihuahua is a retard and shouldn't be taking care of an animal in the first place. The dog doesn't see interspecies sex as wrong, and the dog also doesn't give a fuck. As long as you're a good owner and take good care of the dog and don't abuse it, there is nothing bad going on. And fun fact. Bitches and mares can barely orgasm with males of their species, as the males don't care about actually pleasing them. Where as a human can bring their bitch or mare to orgasm because we do.
>>13663 I personally don't like seeing male humans top animals anymore unless it's a horse. My philosophy is animal cocks belong in human holes, generally not the other way around.
>>13678 >>13679 Interesting arguments. I may meditate on them some time. If any damage is caused, at least the blow is lessened by people not being total retards.
>>13669 What's the current status quo with zooville/zoovilleforums? Is it still an onion site?
>>13725 it's clearnet
>>13760 Do you have a link, or should it not be posted here? And do you know any good sites for scat, since zoovilleforums disallows it?
>>13790 Holy FUCK is this site spergy. I need to find more zoo forums that aren't unmoderated CP pits.
>>13801 I guess not entirely terrible, but I prefer chan-styled forums where moderator opinion is based more off of user opinion than personal opinion. I'll take what I can get from there. :P
>>13801 I just finished reading the first post in the rules section. They sure are picky about the ‘correct’ way to fuck animals.
>>13803 >>13801 it's pretty great if you're only there for amateur porn, though. it's where you can get new, high-res, un-watermarked (fuck zoox18) content be sure to download and keep what you like, though. mods are prone to randomly banning and deleting content they decide is "bad"
>>13847 I got banned from there because I said that a zoo forum should be more inclusive to non-contact paraphiles (didn't even name a specific paraphilia), and I was also kinkshamed. Dumbass forum.
>>13611 If animal abuse material was legal, would you allow it here?
>>14092 Why even waste any time and mental effort postulating on that imaginary scenario? It isn't legal, full stop. I do wish you sadists would just go flog each other all to death and leave the animals out of it.
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Necro is less morally dubious than normal bestiality. Necro is only wrong with humans because of religious and social reasons. With animals, it's just meat, and people already use it for taxidermy dolls and stuff. :P
>>14153 i agree honestly. dead raccoons and deer are just nature's fleshlight,
Can you please start reinforcing rule 4
>>14339 Let's get THAT one down. They're sperging hard.
>>14373 >>14339 Namefags, and namefag drama. They cannot help themselves, always. And that is one of several reasons why its a rule. So yeah it's about time for a purge soon. Prolly tonight after work.
>>14339 What's rule 4? Can't find the board rules anywhere beyond the general no abuse, spoiler scat, and spoiler necro.
I think some phone poster just spammed a few threads. Should kill it. Won't. Lol.
Ever since necro got allowed, all sorts of abusers have felt they gotten the green light to post horrible stuff on here. I thought I could just ignore certain threads and move on with my life but now I'm seeing vids of dudes hitting their dogs and orally raping them? This sort of stuff is going to get us unwanted attention. (sorry, I didn't read the conversation above in full)
>>14586 Yeah. thats a real problem. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do about it. Hire more vols? Make it banned again? Meantime just keep globally reporting any abuse.
Anyone know where this is from?
This board has had a large influx of necro and rape content. I don't appreciate seeing that here. Clearly some people have no standards, or don't care about the animals they see being treated like abused fuck toys. The majority of the BJ videos are forced. There is also way too many videos being posted with the animals whining in discomfort.
>>14606 >>14624 Yeah. I don't wanna make a decision in a rush. But your devotion to the board and loyalty are noted. I will need to consider this matter further.
>>14629 What rush is there, its a black and white matter. If you keep letting that crap stay here, a bunch of people will just leave and youll end up left with those necro sick fucks. Atop letting abusive content stay up. If you need help clearing it up thats another matter entirely, but it makes little sense why it was ever even considered letting that shit on the board in the first place.
>>14631 Because necro is apparently legal. And this board exists precisely because it so legally grey and close to the line. Anything that we can allow. We should.
>>14632 Thats how boards become targets and how they end up shut down. Theres a big difference between videos of zoophilia and people raping animal corpses. And just because you allow some things that skirt the line of okay does not mean you have to allow everything. Necro and hurtcore content shouldnt even be considered remotely okay.
>>14650 As far as I can tell "hurtcore" refers to animal abuse, which is federally illegal, and as such allowed no where. And yes, I think everything which is legal should be allowed. The only limits on free speech is the law. And any argument about taste in reference to animal porn is disingenuous. Now as for the claim that this makes a board a target. Anon if there is nothing illegal, than feds can watch all they want. There's nothing to take action against, and being controversial creates heat which creates interest, and that gives us free publicity. This board has already been featured on several nightly news programs, whereas the rest of the site has never had that kind of attention. A certain amount of notoriety is desirable.
>>14 Mark here, please take me off the volunteer team
>>14660 LMAO, c'mon bro when you realized what'd I'd done while checking latest posts and seeing dog cocks everywhere, you legit worried for a half second that /v/ got spammed with animal pr0n right? Classic prank. Anyway yeah removed, have a good one.
>>14664 Yeah no worries. It was funny, but it was also kinda fucking me up lol. Nothing personal one way or the other.
>>14623 Zooville video of a trans woman
>>14671 The fuck is a "trans woman" lmao What kinda faggot calls another faggot "trans woman" what a fucking cuck holy shit, bitch ass nigger I am serious. You should fucking kill yourself and save the world a bullet.
Namefags is a term used to describe an anon who fills out the namefield, uses a tripcode, avatarfags (posting a picture of a anime character with every post as if it was you, aka an avatar) Or in any other way attempts to make himself as a unique individual known. This is the default on any bulletin board or forum dating back to the first days of the internet, to even exist you had to have an identity. To communicate you had to choose a name. Image boards on the other hand have always felt very differently about identity, and believe that there is strength in anonymity. It is a Local Rule on this board that namefags will be banned, and every post they have ever made will be deleted. There are various reasons for this, cultural, and historical. In short fuck namefags and this is your final warning. Anyone namefagging after this post is getting fucked up. If you have namefagged and suspect a ban is coming, you are correct. Tomorrow I conduct a great purge. Thank you and have a great night.
Okay purge time. If your post is gone and you are now banned and wondering why. The answer is you namefagged. Don't do that. LET THE BODIES HIT THE FLOOR
>>14676 Thanks for defining the term. "Namefag" is not self-explanatory. Perhaps the rules should include the definition of this local slang, so people might be more apt to understand and comply?
>>14683 Says the guy namefagging
Rule 1 needs an edit
>>14706 Well, not a bad idea, and I suppose it is local slang. But its been in use for over a decade. At some point you new guys need to learn the local culture. >>14707 As Chai wrote about at length in the meta thread... Which I think we are in right now? The BO needs to namefag and #rs if making any post about rules and such. So I agree with you, but was instructed to do so anyway >>14709 Sure,what part of it?
If someone doesn't know the meaning of namefagging they deserve to be ridiculed. Lurk moar or in this case do a single fucking Google search.
https://www.academia.edu/45093770/Peled_2020_JANES_34_1_Bestiality_in_Hittite_Thought no thread to share so have it here there are quite few academic texts concering bestiality in the ancient world, this being one of them
>>14826 There was an article many years ago I remember reading that discusses ancient religions, and how they worshipped animals, stars, and other planets and shit. There was some consensus with those involved that believed that zoophilic activity with the animals they worshipped would have been highly likely, as modern "morals" and "ethics" wouldnt have been a thing, and that it wouldnt be surprising to find our distant ancestors might have a leader who fucked an animal they worshipped in some kind of ritual, not unlike a "sacrifice" been made to them.
Mods, is it OK for me to make a "Questions you're afraid to ask" thread? The other forums are such prudes that I'm afraid that I'd get banned just for asking some of the questions rattling in our heads.
>>14874 What kind of question? >t.not mod
>>14910 kys pedophile tranny nigger
>>14874 Yeah prolly
Lmk if this is wrong, I'm trying my best
>>14874 Not a mod but the answer is yes. /zoo/ doesn't ban users for just asking or discussing things usually seen as immoral in places like zooville. Here you're free to talk about analing the dog and fucking animals deemed Haram on ZV. And a question won't hurt. Just don't namefag like the nigger above.
>>14676 As a vol, I assumed I was supposed to namefag so my assistance can be requested or I could be held accountable for a mess up. Idk if this is an exception but please let me know what to do in the future. Thank you!
>>14955 Obviously staff is an exception. Just don't namefag unless your post is directly about the board or you modding something. Also damn you just killed a buncha posts. Mostly mine. So. Please don't do that. Also ban length is usually 1d or 1 day. Written in the field as 1d. We don't permaban. Global staff can and will but only for something like a felony or above.
Edited last time by Vampyr on 06/19/2024 (Wed) 22:01:47.
Addendum: never wipe posts by ip/bypass. If a post isn't illegal, then it doesn't matter if the person made another post later on that was. We don't have any personal grudges when we moderate. So yeah don't ever do that. It is however hilarious that you just deleted 40 of my posts and then permabanned me though. Anyway have a great day dead dog
>>14957 what?
>>14962 You require clarification on which part of my statement?
>>14956 >>14957 Very sorry, won't happen again
I notice IP banning is done liberally, but I wonder its effectiveness since most people should probably be using a VPN even if they make it themselves. (I know zoo is on paper legal in some US states but ask anyone who knows a busted zoo and only a minority were Oregonian, because they acquit you on chargeA and get you on charge B.) I also wonder if it'll lead to a 4chan (cough cough glowies) situation where known or detected VPNs are blanket blocked. Probably no good solution there.
In the scat thread, can we start having a mandatory labeling rule? Since the videos are all spoilered, I have no idea what they are.
>>15077 The site offers several solutions to ban evading built in. Theres redchannit, the tor link, the three different clearnet domains, and of course using a VPN.
>>15109 Only on the condition that you tell the thread for me. I'm lazy. But if you do that then sure.
I am proposing a new rule to ban "Session" usernames and similar requests for offboard chat services. They have shat up multiple threads already. If you have something to post post it on the fucking board, don't direct people to shitty chat apps.
>>15405 No vote needed, instantly seconded and passed. They destroy communities by stealing interaction and content from a board. Any community porn or otherwise allowing offboard chat shilling is allowing their community to be stifled and possibly destroyed, that's a drastic outcome but I have seen it in small boards. And finally I have long suspected the only reason to have a offboard chat is for illegal shit. And I am under no obligation to support or encourage such activity. So for all these reasons this is now local board law. Signed Vamp
Edited last time by Vampyr on 07/04/2024 (Thu) 09:50:11.
Hey I just quit the website. Nothing to do with you guys, but sadly you now need a new BO. Sorry. Good luck for the future.
>>15434 what? are you a Vampyr, i guess BO (Board owner) ? so what that even mean for whole board -can it function without BO? is board going to be closed without Bo, after some time? is there still any mod active? Why you didnt switch admin/BO right to someone else BEFORE leaving?
>>15439 >so what that even mean for whole board -can it function without BO? Yes. A board can continue to function without a BO in the sense that users can still use it and board volunteers can still do their work. However, only BOs can change the configuration of a board (banners, CSS rules, volunteers), and boards where the BO is solely responsible are totally immoderate beyond the enforcement of the global rules by the global staff. >is board going to be closed without Bo, after some time? No. When a BO becomes inactive for several weeks, its boards become available for reclamation by any user. A board can only be archived/locked by an administrator. >is there still any mod active? According to the logs, this board has additional moderators. One of them can become the new BO if s/he agrees to it.
>>15444 I can take it for now until some new BO really wants it.
>>15448 Emp's not a bad choice. Even tempered, motivated, and a genuine friend of the community. He knows the current culture and can maintain and expand on that. He will of course undervalue himself and offer to help for the shortest time possible. Last favor I can do ya buddy. Take care. -vamp
>>15450 Appreciated. See you space cowboy
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>>15453 So whats your vision for the boards future? Not for or against you being BO just curious what your outlook is, what your feelings on the current rules about necro content are etc.?
>>15531 My current stance is no major change for now. It works, there is not much drama, things are fine. I am not a huge fan of necro or scat but there have been no major issues so far so I will let them be as long as they stay contained. When it comes to session/telegram and other chats I think they should be contained in only one thread. My overall stance, is to allow free expression as long as no illegal content is posted.
>>15546 Personally I equate necro to a form of abuse but it ties into the difference between a zoophile vs a beastialist, with one being less likely to care about the animal theyre fucking, and the simple fact that I dont believe for a second some people into necro are not above killing an animal just to fuck it. The session stuff though needs to be fully banned and I'll just be blunt, its full of pedophiles and theres no need for it for zoo stuff because it just means less people posting here. Means a way for people to escape consequences for things like abusive content too. Ive also seen multiple groups end up essentially just becoming pedo spaces. How long they last that way I cant say because when that shit gets posted i always left the groups. Now I dont even bother. This place is fine, dont really need more places, because if it cant be posted here then it proly shouldnt be posted period lol

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Does /zoo/ want to re-join the 3rd Soulcalibur 6 tournament? It is being hosted here >>>/icup/5943 Coming this weekend.
I'm not really keen on tg/session either. Maybe I'm too boomer to think IM platforms are the way to go to share media files and share about zoo stuff but I'm open to be convinced otherwise. Idk I don't like the way ppl seems to beg and crawl to get invited on closed groups
>>15598 It is not about playing, but AI. Boards suggest a contestant, contestant is made for AI to play.
>>15600 Basically, boards give an idea, I make the character in character creation, & it will fight in the tournament we're watching on the cytube.
>>15585i dont know because I havent ever been in anything that has to do with necro content. There were older groups that I havent seen referenced here that were overrun. I dont bother with session now I just still see the threads on 4chan and they still seem to be pedo spaces. People say "no limits" or "nl" but that tends to always end up being pedo shit instead of zoo. I get your viewpoint of the necro thing, I just see a big different between consuming for sustenance vs taking sexual pleasure in death. Philosophically we could argue a dead animal is no different than a "natural" fleshlight, but for me its just too ick. I have ntalways stayed away from spaces that include it. I should also say this, my views about people into necro stem from the fact that I met a person who was gonna let me work on his farm and we were gonna play with all his animals, but he started talking about this kink he had of fucking his pigs and culling them as he was fucking them. It was very disturbing, and his argument was that they were gonna be killed for processing anyway, so may as well enjoy them. Needless to sayI didnt take the job. I like canine and equines for the most part and i am not okay with them being dead or killing them for those purposes. Im also a zoophile though, so I like to develop a loving relationship with the animals I have been with physically.
>>15585 also, I am assuming its not okay to use nametags again since that person who went on his tirade about them is now gone?
that should say now ^
>>15605 well alot of research has been done into people into eating shit and stuff, and it points towards a variety of mental disorders, so I think thats just a subsect. The real issue I have with specifically feeding animals shit is that it can be dangerous and cause illnesses, and people who do that to themselves can choose to take that risk, the dog or whatever they are caretakers of is being tricked into it, and it could end up harming them. So its a form of abuse to me. See the thing to keep in mind with people who want to bring up "what about hunting" or other whataboutisms is that they will come up with 1 million different whataboutisms to try to justify their own bullshit. Ultimately its up to the owner to decide if theyre gonna want their board associated with that kinda stuff. Zoophilia is already a red line in and of itself, but add in scat, necro, abuse and so on, and youre crossing two redlines together. Thats why I have never posted anything of myself playing with animals anywhere that any of those things have been allowed. I dont want any association with them. I only come here because its one of the few places zoos can still converse. ZV has gone to shit, you have to tread super carefully now, and hardly anything good actually gets posted there these days. The real golden era was back when the zoo IRC chat was a thing, used to meet alot of great folks, and met a few irl. We had some fun times, although as a bottom boi only my experience with females is pretty limited.
for scat stuff specifically there are loads of medical studies about people into that, and it almost always points to mental issues of various severities and kinds. feeding animals shit is a whole step further I feel.
>>15605 Previous character was the old BO, who was, and is, a narcissist.
>>15605 THe previous character was Aryanne. /zoo/ would have to think of a character. There are wolf masks, lizard men, rhino masks, horse masks, leopard masks, cat masks -- could use these?
>>15609 yeah honestly wasnt a fan of them either, they had some odd priorities and they acted a bit too much like a general 4chan troll than anything else.
>>15588 Does the game have animal characters?
Isn't shit eating animal abuse?
>>15611 Admitting I'm a narcissist doesn't mean I dislike myself. Go fucking kill yourself faggot.
>>15616 I was a halfcuck troll until they permabanned my ip. So he's not wrong.
>>15617 what even is a halfcuck troll?
>>15618 I don't know. But I did post there, and I can be a prick. So. I will take it. Traditionally it just means someone who fucks with people for the fun of being a dick. Which is also accurate.
>>15619 Zoocore was shut down because I didn't wanna download and go through zip files to make sure all the porn was legal. Don't post links to zipped files and you will be fine prolly. Couldn't hurt to ask on >>>/site/ to make sure first though.
>>15615 Case in point lol Grow up, you dont have to act like youre on /b/ here. At least Emp and DD here can seemingly have good conversations. The board is better with them taking the lead.
>>15621 Yeah, but not everyone likes it. >>15623 Like I said a while back. Prolly fucked you on that whole deal back in the day. My bad.
>>15621 is he still doing his characters on streams? Used to enjoy his stuff, also liked Dan Browning since he actually went for more than just trolling the scammers, dude actually hijacked their pcs and got a few of the scam centers shut down
So I was the only Global who modded zoo shit, cuz I owned this board already. It made sense. But with me gone it occurs to me the team is probably a little leery of expanding zoo boards. Though its not against rules so unlikely anyone would stop you. Anyway my bigger point was they could use a new global who can deal with zoo. Only a BO can be a global. Collateral. So that'd be Emps choice if he wants to apply. If he did that'd definitely make it easier for DD to remake his board though.
>>15627 The only downside I can really think of for making two seperate boards like that is that it would end up splitting moderation teams between them, meaning it would be easier for coordinated troll attacks against one of the boards. Having it all together means all the BO and the rest of the mod team can keep any eye on one board, and react faster to any potential threat, which is a real thing to consider when dealing with any sort of public zoo themed forum like this space is.
Anyway glad to see my two vols getting along so well and the succession to have been figured out amicably and quickly. I have no worries that you guys can handle things perfectly if not better than I did. Til later.
>>15632 I dunno if E can do it but it would be nice to see you in a sort of sub owner position if youre not already
Moving the scat and necro to zoocore doesn't sound like a bad idea to me. As for splitting mods, I don't think it would be an issue for mods to vol on both boards. And I can't imagine there being so much traffic on both boards combined to make it impractical to mod two boards at once. But I haven't even been made BO yet as far as I can tell, so in practice nothing has changed yet.
>>15636 yes, it is I
>>15634 less thinking of traffic and more on the lines of trolls taking notice and trying to attack one or both boards, it used to be more of an issue than it may be today though
>>15637 so is the use of names okay again now?
>>15639 I don't mind as long as it is not a source of drama. But as I mentioned, the transfer is not official yet, so anything could still happen.
>>15640 ill just wait till its official then, no rush lol
>>15589 Telegram is just convenient to share things because of the 2gb file limit and it's at least sort of private, but not really anonymous since you need to connect your phone number. They ban zoo servers if they get reported. Session is good for chatting but the file size limit is too low to share videos. tbh I hate that the community gets more and more split up into random servers that inevitably get banned.
>>15642 That is possible. I am having trouble with IRC right now, so I may need to send an email.
>>15643 oof, linking phone number is a clear no go from me, even if I most likely miss out on good content, I'll stay away from it. >tbh I hate that the community gets more and more split up into random servers that inevitably get banned. Yeah that's a point I forgot to mention too, we can agree on that. I wasn't really part of a 'community' before I'd guess. Sending messages here is the most active I've been about zoo in my whole life, I've only lurked before, but ever since Zx18 went full retard with their watch limit and website update I somehow ended up here while looking for a bypass.
I wish there was a place where we could upload full quality content, but hosting is not cheap, especially for this kind of content.
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Ok, /zoo/. Here is your contestant. Do you want any fighting class or weapon for him to use?
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1ST MATCHES OF THE 3RD TOURNAMENT /hisrol/ LARPchan vs /ac/ Ylva /vore1/ Raven Emma vs /b/ Vampyr /ac/ Camila vs /vhs/ BBQ Pit Boy /fringe/ fringe-tan vs /hisrol/ MMM-tan /av/ Avellana vs /vb/ Phoebe /hisparefugio/ Refugida vs /vt/ Tokino Sora /site/ Asuka vs /arepa/ Lionza /argentina/ The Creature vs /zoo/ Legoshi /t/ Terry Davis vs /leftypol/ Alunya /fast/ Sonic vs /v/ Vivian James /brit/ Anglo vs /arte/ Artemis /arepa/ Simon Bolivar vs /brit/ Matt Easton /t/ Libbie vs /monarchy/ Grace /yuri/ Shizuru vs /fur/ n8 /argentina/ Pres. Milei vs /hisparefugio/ Hispita /hispol/ Esther vs /vore1/ Daphne /pol/ Erika vs /ita/ Rita /b/ commiecat vs /pol/ pol-tan /v/ Punished /v/ vs /christian/ Christ chan /delicious/ Cake vs /2434/ Bro Lovelock /tkr/ Lila vs /eris/ Grandma
>>15699 Is there like a jar to express the support?
Dunno if Emphas been able to take control of the board yet but there are a couple troll posts up now.
How does it feel to see representation in the Republican party?
>>15920 Would.
>>15920 Shame vance is a twat. Funnily enough, Turkmenistan's ruler is all but certified to have a thing for horses. I remember either John Oliver, Stephen Colbert, or John Stewart did a segment about just how much he loves them lol, its pretty funny.
>>15928 You know that this is fake, right?
>>15877 I just did. Please submit a report if you see anything worth reporting.
New rule: Do not make threads asking for people to DM you on third party chat platforms.
>>16413 gay rule
>>16413 good rule >>16414 kys faggot
>>16413 so are you going to kill this thread? https://8chan.moe/zoo/res/1418.html
>>16419 I am undecided yet on that. I made this new rule in reaction to a couple of other threads that I saw popping up.
>>16413 Also stop replying to these threads and report them instead.
>>16438 You finally became board owner? Awesome. Quick question, if an anon asks me for a very specific video i have and i request a pic of his hard throbbing cock ready to be jerked of go doggy porn, will i get banned? Please allow dick pics, i get faggy thoughts everytime i watch zoo.
>>16439 I don't really care if I see a dick pic or two, but I will care if I start seeing too many dick pics. I do want people to feel comfortable "socializing" around here, but keep in mind that this is a board about animals, not human dicks.
>>16466 Cool i guess. How many is too many? Also, can i see your hard throbbing cock? I'm getting the hornies for your board owner cock emp. Mmmmm, yeah
>>16469 >Cool i guess. How many is too many? Exercise self-control and you won't have to find out the hard way. >Also, can i see your hard throbbing cock? No.
>>16500 >no Tssk, you're no fun. What better way to spice up the board than by posting your hard, veiny and throbbing board owner cock. Fuck i'm so hard right now. Pleeeaaaseeee emp, with a cherry on top. Also, i have to ask, what is your stance on the scat and necro shit. I'm personally diagusted by that shit and think it paints a very bad picture for us. Some of us love our pets and the thought of some fag getting off to their corpse or shit is repulsing. Maybe you can create a board for them and i even have a name. /scat and necro nigga faggot kikes/, how's that. Let them take their extreme degeneracy elsewhere
scat, necro and vore is going to be the death of the board if you encourage that kind of person to post here, it is going to chase off everyone else and i hate having to be aware that they exist
>>16506 For real. I'm always complaining on those threads but my cries go unheard and ignored. I doubt emp is going to delete them though as he's close friends with Dead Dog, the faggot that started the necro thread.
>>16506 >vore what
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/zoo/ anons are welcome to post animals at >>>/8flags/ but only wholesome SFW animals like /an/ What is /8flags/? >A hybrid board for /ck/ foodies, /k/ommandos, /vr/ retro gamers, /an/ animal lovers, /mu/ songbirds, /u/ dykes, /mlp/ bronies, /fast/ Chris Chan with Grace-chan the party princess!
EMP!!!! GET YOU IGNORANT BOARD OWNER ASS IN HERE. Some of us weren't here when you allowed necro and scat on this board. I think it's time for another debate. I will start off like this >Zoophilia Zoophilia is a sexual attraction of a human towards non-human animals. It involves being drawn to creatures that cannot consent to sexual interactions, and may manifest as sexual fantasies, urges, or actual sexual activities with animals. Key Aspects Sexual attraction to non-human animals Involves animals that cannot consent to sexual interactions May include sexual fantasies, urges, or actual sexual contact with animals Also known as zoosexuality or bestiality >Necrophilia Necrophilia is a term derived from the Greek words “philios” (attraction to/love) and “nekros” (dead body). It refers to the sexual attraction to or engagement in sexual activities with a dead body. This phenomenon has been documented throughout history, dating back to ancient cultures, the Greco-Roman period, the Middle Ages, and the modern era. Key Aspects Sexual attraction: Necrophilia involves a strong sexual desire for a dead body, often accompanied by a sense of fascination or morbid curiosity. Dead body: The object of attraction is a deceased human being, typically in a state of rigor mortis or decomposition. Sexual activities: Necrophiliacs may engage in various sexual acts, such as touching, kissing, or intercourse, with the dead body. Necros and zoos are two completely different groups of people. Zoos love their "LIVING" animal conpanions whereas the necro fags love to desecrate the corpses of dead animals. Our ideologies in relation to our animal companions are conplete polar opposites of each other. This board is called Zoophilia, just cus the corpses are animal doesn't mean we have to allow this here. I'm disgusted by the fact that someone on this board would rather fuck a dead animal than enjoy the companionship of a warm and living animal. I propose a new board for the necro kikes. Dead dog can create it since she was able to create the thread in the first place. Since scat is "plant necro" according to her, we can move out both scat and necro in one blow and make this board what it's namesake implies, LOVING OUR ANIMAL COMPANIONS
sometimes I wish being an annoying prick was a bannable offense
>>16764 >waahhhhh, tolerate my bizarre fetish Idiot, you chased me fom your disgusting thread and i brought valid points to the table. You come here and give a retard level rebuttal. I wish i were surprised, necros have very little brainmatter after all
>be me >wake up with a heavy cold >chest and joints hurt, also am weak >go for a walk >see dog sleeping >sudden surge of guilt for even thinking about having sex with a dog and watching bestiality >feel disgusted by myself Am i redeemed? I feel better knowing that i won't rape my dog, even if it means dying as a virgin. Anyone else ever experienced this?
>>16781 There is nothing wrong with consensual zoophilia on a moral level. The only reason you feel disgusted is because society grooms people into zoophobes. We're taught that it's a sin, that it's illegal, that it's disgusting. But that's not true, it's a love as valid as any consensual hetero, homo and anything in-between relationship. kids can't consent btw.
>>16781 uhh you don't need to die a virgin anon you could just be a normie and fuck a woman
>>16788 no one is taught or groomed into being a "zoophobe." normal people just naturally find it icky even farmers who deal with an animal's birth and reproduction probably find it icky. if they're not already zoo
>>16793 I'm a 22 year old khhv with crippling social anxiety. Maybe it's cus i grew up in an abusive household
>>16796 kike psychology isn't real, it's bullshit to resolve oneself of responsibility
>>16845 So you're saying 20 years of abuse and violence hasn't affected me at all? Why am i positive for everything listed then?
>>16845 Now that is some low IQ bullshit
>>16845 Leave it to an anon board for retards to come and show how retarded they are with the utmost highest confidence in the world. Also it should be "absolve" in that sentence, not resolve.
>>16765 >brought valid points to the table Are you the same person from a week and a half ago calling everyone necro loving kike nigga faggots before essentially begging DD to send you pics on tg? Because if so, your “arguments” were basically the equivalent of just saying “NUH UH UR GROSS” and calling people faggots and kikes and only accomplished annoying other people and sounding profoundly retarded. Yeah the vast majority of people either detest the necrozoo content or are indifferent to it that’s why there are so few places willing to entertain/host it at all, and as a relatively new browser here I’m just personally happy to have found at least one place with like minded people. I’m not gonna sit here and morally grandstand saying that necro is perfectly moral and not fucked up, or try and intellectualize it to try and make it seem perfectly fine, or bitch and whine that you don’t partake. Frankly, it’s weird and fucked up and I don't know what caused me to find it attractive, but it is what it is and the obnoxious complaints will do nothing to dissuade people from it the same way me going into the scat board and screeching that they’re shit-eaters won’t stop them. The site/board owners decided to allow a necro thread with rules in place to limit/remove any sadism and it’s up to them to decide to keep it or remove it in the future, so if you don’t like it, then just don’t view the thread and let everyone enjoy what they enjoy. And if the day comes where the thread is removed then it will just move to a new place and you’ll have the last laugh then, but until then I hope you find peace with the fact that not everyone is going to enjoy or like the same things as you.
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Guys I think I might have figured out a new way to troll furries. I join this feral group that has a rule that says, no humans in porn. So I Photoshop a picture that they deleted to comply with the rules. Well my idea is to do this again, but also include "real" animal anatomy on these "furries".
>>17108 Hello my fellow furries. Have you ran out of good furry x feral porn and the rest of the good stuff is gross and illegal human x feral? Well I got the solution for you. I call it, furgot x feral.
>>17108 Furries will do anything except admit they're a zoophile and 90% of the fandom are too.
can never post again. fuck you.
>>17583 ok so now it's working again. wtf.
>>17584 Go back to hell you darkweb freak. 8chan.moe on the clearweb everyday cus i got nothing to hide
Love the color scheme
>>16781 There's nothing to even redeem yourself for, my friend; your feelings are perfectly natural, innocent, genuine and harmless! In fact, they're outright beautiful, because you - us zoophiles - love our precious, furry lil companions with a passion, honesty and intensity that no normie in the entire world could ever even come close to, since they will never see their dogs are equals or respect, let alone embrace, their desires, instead even spaying/castratung them, which is cruel and just proves that they view them as lesser beings. I reckon you've seen more than enough doggy porn by now to know DAMN well that doggies can not only consent to lovemaking, but really enjoy it to the fullest and often even initiate the act, themselves, being horny lil sluts and craving their human partners' passionate, loving touch~<3 Honestly, my boi, I'd even go as far as to say that you should be proud of those feelings, as they are proof of just how beautiful and genuine your love is. I sure am proud of you! c: And any adorable lil fluffball would not only be honoured but also the happiest puppy on earth if they got the privilege of being loved and pleasured by someone as passionate as you! Carry on, my friend, with your chin up and your spirits high, knowing that you have the privilege of experiencing animal love in its truest form and knowing that any animal would be lucky to be loved by you! <3
>>16781 >>17865 Huh, weird, the second video is not what I wanted to upload, lmao, oh well, never enough goodies, anyway~ uwu But in all seriousness, man: Passionately and sensually fucking the living shit out of your precious lil feral partner is without a doubt the most wholesome and intimate act of love you could ever possibly engage in with them. It will not just strengthen your bond, but create a new one entirely, on a level you've mever seen before... Trust me, I speak from experience: Do it right, do it consensually, do it genuinely and respectfully and your dog will love you like no dog ever loved a man. Regardless of whether your relationship is romantic or just friends with benefits. The loyalty is undying and the love is earnest. I believe in you, my man! Go for it~<3 Make your cutie the happiest canine they deserve to be! :3
>>16781 >>17865 >>17866 See these adorable lil angels? ouo Do you see the sheer, overwhelming joy, pleasure and ecstasy they're relishing in? This could be YOUR dog partner! This could be YOUR beloved good boy or girl! Do not deny them the love and pleasure they're owed~ uwu
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>>16781 Animals can consent anon. Horses are proof of that.
Boards overrun by spam posters again, and I would be up for seconding the request to redebate scat and necro being allowed here, because I agree that its going to push people away in the long term.
>>17888 I know right? Though I don't understand why they keep saying we lost when I can't find on this. A little more context would help
>>17945 as a quiet necro enthusiast... it's not killing the board, but goddamn am I sick of all the session/telegram/etc links fucking clogging up the place.
Agreed, all the Session/Telegram messages that are posted outside the telegram thread are annoying, and the TG thread has been gradually draining people off the board for years
>>17945 I don't like necro but I wouldn't say that's what's killing the board. Like they've said above, the constant spamming of session/telegram shit is annoying as hell.
>>17945 get rid of it, it should never have been encouraged in the first place and it makes us all look like freaks
>>17945 Kill necro and scat. It gives outsiders the wrong perception of zoos
>>18062 actually no, surprisingly not there's actually several of us i also reported the new attempt to start yet another TG thread and it got deleted
>>18077 >take my word for it This board needs to implement IDs asap
>>17888 I'm disgusted at the board having either scat or necro... When there's literally a more disgusting version called zoocore. Why not move it there? It kills my Bonner to see the Necro board at the top
>>18234 Disappointing, but I knew it was coming. I would definitely appreciate getting /zoocore/ unlocked.
>>18234 It should have fucking stayed but these brain damaged fucking troons couldn’t let us have one fucking spoilers thread? Come fucking on, my guy, /zoocore/ won’t ever fucking come back.
>>18234 Good, now nuke the necro kikery you posted here you kike demon
>>18240 Nigga, fuck you corpse fucker. Rot in hell with your other kike freaks
ok, so with necro thread gone where can i find that content now? is there an necro board?
>>18274 I bet non-zoo necro fans go to the dark web for that sort of material so I'd look there.
praise the lord our spotless reputation in the wider world has been restored to its virtuous and shining glory.
>>18234 Bring back necro
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>>18240 >Calls people brain damaged while he wants to stick his limp microdick in a dead animal The absolute statr of necro fags
>>18274 Why did they get rid of necro?
>>18307 Moral/ethical differences that led to complaints pretty much. While I’m a little sad it’s gone, I can understand the decision from an optics and to a slightly lesser extent, moral point of view. While I think the rules that were put in place to remove any zoosadism and manage the content posted are good, and yes I bet seeing a necro thread drove a few people away, I personally think all the session/TG chats posted probably did more in terms of gradually siphoning off users than the existence of a necro thread did.
>>18329 Because one spoilered thread was such a fucking problem compared to a bunch of fucking teenagers shoving giant garbled strings of text around on every single goddamn post for some stupid encrypted messaging app they're all gonna share CP on anyways.
>>18329 Yes it totally spoiled the /abdl/ mood.
>>18329 honestly, it feels inevitable that everyone is going to leave for session or other such apps. The things I really liked are gone from this board and can only be found elsewhere now, so why stay? I hate using session but thats looking like the future for zoo content as more and more stuff is deemed too extreme for 8chan, beastforum etc. I love this board, and its users. made me feel like less of a freak, and i had likeminded people do discuss things with, but now it just kinda makes me sad. I miss old 8chan.
you dont think theyll stop because you removed one thing?
>>18378 Call me skeptical but I thought signal was some FBI trap so I hadn't participated. I know I can't expect much on clearweb but at least I can argue that I'm not breaking any laws or associated with anyone.
>>18378 >>18402 >Gone from clearweb Hey anon from china here. I doubt you will be in trouble for this but the goverment here went after a group of zoo users and busted them, I think they made stuff in Indonesia. the torrent was (allegedly) a honeypot with child stuff in it. Please be careful of any chinese torrents right now. These last few months they have been going after artists who draw zoo/furry/erotic stuff and cracking down harder than before. Not that iwara stuff is usually good.
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>>18425 LOL, is that what all those torrents with word salad bait titles the past year have been? I had thought that the American feds were not so stupid obvious, and I guess I was right. It was the Chinese feds all along.
You're retards if you think signal or similar apps are any safer than any other things you do on the internet in any other way. There is no reason to move to these sketchy "ultra secure 420 encryption" services unless you got actual fucked up things to hide. Enjoying the animal sex together as anon on the board is ironically more "safe" than chatting in group chats on those apps. As another anon mentioned the people on these chats probably end up sharing cheese pizza anyway, and that will actually get you in trouble, unlike animal porn which is mostly legal and the feds don't have the resources to pursue if it isn't. And regardless, going off and circlejerking somewhere off-board is against the spirit of chan.
>>18483 ^^ all the chat group spam shit should be nuked too.
>>18483 >There is no reason to move to these sketchy "ultra secure 420 encryption" services unless you got actual fucked up things to hide. If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear, citizen.
thank god I'm only interested in fucking animals who knows what horrors I would see on Telegram
>>18499 Don't mind the mating. Not super into it myself but there's a clear interest and it doesn't hurt us.
>>18499 >Getting rid of session threads Are you the new board owner? What happened to emp? And yes, please get rid of the scat bullshit. It ain't normal to feed your dog your shit >inb4 fucking animals is not normal Fuck off. I want to love animals not expose them to degenerate fetishes. Take the scat to whatever hellhole you buried the necro shit since, by your own words, scat is plant necro (cringe btw) you kike whore
>>18548 Zoos having the audacity to be intolerant of others is just ridiculous. As hated and as reviled as we ALL are, where does the concept come from that what others do is "degenerate" and what you do is good? My, aren't you just the shining white knight of zooey virtue and wholesome dogfucking?
>>18572 Anon very clearly meant feeding your pet shit, not the other way around. Making your pet eat excrement is abuse and I'd say every poster agrees that abuse isn't fucking welcome here. I couldn't care less about people who want to eat the shit produced by their animals though, and nobody else should either.
>>18437 >bait titles No, there is "legit" people (read: Randos + people in power like your burger pedo politicans) making money. The zoo stuffused to be openly advertised on weibo and other live streaming sites but they've cracked down on that since Xi's "morality" drive in 2016. Everything in china is like that. You pay money for exclusive content but they put a teaser video to prove they are not talking shit. It's not like china women are magical more moral than american woman. You had girls taking out "ant loans"(Think: student loan) from Jack Ma's company (Founder of Alibaba and psuedo-jew) who then had to sell videos of themselves eating shit and nude videos. Jack then made an fool out of himself by shit talking the chinese version of the fed reserve to western media during a meeting about intrest rates and got his asshole fisted by government without lube as a result. What happened was the triads got caught killing chinese police (burying them alive, I am sure you americans would love to do this to your federal police), harvesting organs and running women like irl cocksleeves. There was major headline news of them tricking a few IRL streamer models (read: dumb bitch) to Burma, abducting them and fucking them to death within a month. So there was a crackdown on them because too much attention. Said people needed new income source after they got kicked out a Burma (Myanmar) and fucked off to Cambodia/Indonesia/Malaysia/Laos (They got kicked out of the Philippines by pro-us factions) and doing zoo/bbc videos because it's not "strictly" illegal in china except under the general morality law. Which they aren't prosecuting with the death penalty anymore...
>>18572 We are all degenerates but you take it to the extreme. Feeding your pet your shit is abuse you shit smelling faggot. Jesus chtist >>18586 This guy gets it >>18587 >i thought it was a funny line Adorable >Offsite stuff is against the rules How do you mean? Is scat not hosted on this site, i thoughy it's within your power to nuke threads
>>18586 >>18628 As a shit degen, I agree. >>18634 At least get rid of the abuse content begging. Maybe keep it softcore. .
I think necro would be fine to have again if moderated and checked carefully
>>18660 Rot in hell corpse defiler. Scum like you deserves the wood chipper >>18674 >Just gone Good, and keep it that way. It disgusts me to see resting animals defiled by some lunatic whose weiner gets hard for a corpse, fucking disgusting >DD (Dead Dog) Why do you keep this name corpse fucker, it's indicative of your extreme degeneracy and that you secretly want corpse defiling content back on here. ROPE YOURSELF PLEASE.
>>18680 >Consistency Consistently stupid that is. Yeah, the world is disgusted by me, but imagine how they'd feel if they knew you were an animal corpse fucker? At least with a living animal they'd know that maybe you lacked intimacy and loved your pet a little too much. They "know" that these things happen. But a dead animal? Shut up filthy kike. >make me wanna bring it back Proving my point, you still think about animal corpses. The reason necro is so controversial is cus some of us can't stand the sight of our dead animal companions being desecrated. As for dindus, leave them out of this. On that note, why do we hate dindus again, should we not allow dindu zoos in as well? Anyways, at the end of the day, we are both degenerates. I love my doggo so much and the thought of someone getting off to her dead corpse disgusts me. It's ironic how you necro fags always go "but the normies see you as a degenerate" whenever you get called out. Yeah, they do, but in our degeneracy let's at least have some decency. There's a reason necro is also disliked in the normie world. It's the thought of our deceased loved ones being defiled for someones sick pleasure that makes us mad, normies and zoos alike.
Hypothetically, If I was to have sex with a dog. Would anyone be able to tell by looking at said dogs genitals?
>>18695 Yes and no depends what you do. Fucking a female in her pussy, probably no unless you fuck her up real bad. Normal sex noone should be able to tell. Sucking off a male or letting him fuck you again no. Any anal action with either, yes and there have been cases of people getting fucked over by this, but usually only if a family member suspects something and checks specifically for sodomy through a vet.
>>18696 >gets blasted with facts and logic >can't come up with a logical answer(imagine my surprise) >calls it whining instead Jesus you are dense. Is this the smartest necro faggot on this board? When did i ever say that animals can consent? Every damn time you necro scum get called out for your braindead degeneracy, you immediatly go for the "animals can't consent" line. That doesn't make it ok to defile a dead animal. Also on the topic of consent, listen to this you sick fuck. My doggo was in heat and she started rubbing on me and was showing me her swollen vulva. She didn't recoil or try to bite me when i stroked her down there, in fact her vulva twitched and pulsed when i did so. Truth be told, i've never been with a woman and probably never will but i was intimate with my doggo in that moment and we've been closer ever since. Everytime she's in heat she comes to me and i gladly satisfy her needs cus i love her so much. She comes to me cus she knows i mean her no harm and will take care of her every need with extreme passion and love. Can a dead animal do what i just described you slimy faggot? >agree to disagree Let's agree the necro fags ain't right in the head. We are all sick in the head but come on, DD, DEAD ANIMALS. Zoos are all about loving animals and i don't think defiling a dead animal is love. It's something a zoo would never do.
>>18716 YOU FUCKING KIKE WHORE, I HATE YOU. Anons, this kike skank brought back the necro thread to spite me. I made a comment there saying how much i hate these sccat fags and guess what she did? She deleted myy post to push her narrative, to delude others into thinking we are all ok with scat. Fuck you DD you fat skank kike whore. I know you did. Just look at these screenshots i took. The corpse fucker responded unintelligly to my reply with the usual necro ramblings >le illussion of love >le animal had no "choice" >muh connections >necro is love too at aroumd 20:48. The kike then went to the necro thread and deleted my reply complaining about the reborn necro at about 20:58. So much for the last bastion of free speech. All the times i saw "edited by DD" on the old thread, it makes sense now. You are a reddit tier moderator faggot you kike whore. My doggo loves me amd a dea animal will never love your skank self. Disgusting stink ass, rotten pussy, obese ass kike bitch, go to hell
>>18716 >zoos can't love animals >you could hurt it >le human connection >a living animal is just the same as a dead one What a dense kike you are. My picrel instantly btfo all the schizo ramblings you just typed. Leave fags and normies out of this, it's between us. A dead animal cannot react the same way as a living one. Animals have emotions too. That's why a doggo whines when it's sad and shakes it's tail when excited. Can a dead animal show these emotions? Answer me that you kike whore. I've also noticed that everytime you reply to me, you always try to shift blame to other groups. Last time it was dindus and now it's faggots. Stand your ground you whore >muh husband YWNBAW. As for deleting my post on your kikery thread, i'm still pissed off about that. This board was supposed to be the last bastion of free speech, hidden away from the surface we could say whatever we want. And then you came alonng with your reddit mod attitude and look where we are now. Dumb bitch, i allmost feel sorry for your "husband". Wait a minute, is your husband dead? That would make a lot of sense, a dumb kike whore using necro to remember her dead patner. Plausible, sorry for your loss kike but i'm still anti necro
>>18725 >You make a fair point about free speech, so I have restored all 3 messages in that thread. Good girl, that's something we can at least agree on. This place is the last bastion of free speech, so let people speak their mind(except for CP freaks, those should stfu and go in a wood chipper). Anyways, back to our debate >As for emotions in dead animals, there are none. That's why it doesn't matter what happens after they're dead, there's no risk of hurting them. Look at my picrel here >>18723, this is what it says regarding the antonyms for zoophiles >Antonyms of zoophile might include animal abuser, animal hater, or speciesist. These terms describe individuals who exhibit harm, disdain, or disregard for animals, which is in stark contrast to the affection and respect implied by the term zoophile. >individuals who exhibit harm, disdain, or disregard for animals, which is in stark contrast to the affection and respect implied by the term zoophile >DISREGARD FOR ANIMALS This is what i'm focusing on. You said a dead animal has no emotion, thus making it ok to defile it's corpse. You've disregarded the fact that this animal was once alive and happy and loved. You threw this all away just to satisfy your deranged fetish, you no longer see the animal for the being that it was but rather as a piece of fuck meat. Hope you see where i'm going with this. As a zoo, when my doggo passes on, i will give her a proper burial because i loved her in life and i still love her in death. She might be emotionless, but i still love her, which is why i give her a burial you would give for a loved one. Zoos and necro fags are two completely different people. That's why i advocate for you to create a seperate board (/Scat and necro fags/) to dwell in your fantasies, you will never see me there. This board is called /zoo/- Zoophilia, which is the loving of animals. Necro is not loving an animal, it's desecration of a resting animal. Your kind do not belong on this board and i will stand on this hill for as long as free speech remains on this chan.
ever since necro was allowed on this board, rates of faggotry have been significantly higher. some of it probably unrelated but like, fuck, man. the board's been shitted up by it, both by the people who like it, and the people who don't. DD, your innability to understand why people are upset about necro makes you look like a retard, and the incessant namefagging (how come this is allowed but tripfags not?) comes off as very annoying when there's no need to in 99% of your posts. >>18730 >Good girl You do realize this makes you look like a massive faggot, right? Why would you say that? What could have possibly been of benefit as a result of saying such a thing? anyways, you do realize that DD isn't going to be swayed by your autistic rambling, yeah? you're wasting everyone's time. and RK50, can you please stop making new threads for things that already exist? You're just killing off old threads for no good reason. Sharks can go into seafaring, we already had a big cat thread, and christ are there too many horse threads even though everyone only uses maybe 2 at any given time. not every species needs its own thread.
>>18731 Finally, someone who also hates necro >ramblings Faggot, i brought nothing but facts and logic to this debate. If anyone's rambling it's you >muh too many threads >le faggots everywhere That sure is not rambling /s
>>18732 Who's this based fellow?
>>18731 I called her a good cus she did the right thing. She brought back the replies she had censored or whatever in the name of free speech. That sounds worthy of praise if you ask me. She's an necrofag alright and she won't be swayed, noone would sway me from loving my doggo either, but i want her to take the necro shit off this board and take it to their own board
I dislike necro as much as most people, but why are you so incessant on shoving it off the board into its own containment board? The beauty of image boards is that threads allow you to contain different parts of an interest to its own corner. Mares here, cookies there, doggy dick in this thread, sea creatures over there. I find it easy to just ignore threads about stuff I'm not into. The only thing we as a group stand against is animal abuse. People who put innocent animals in pain and distress for their own pleasure are scum, worse than pedos even. I would never fuck a dead animal, but I don't consider necro as abuse because the animal simply isn't alive. I'm not one to defile corpses, it just feels wrong. But so does fucking an animal to someone who isn't a zoophile or a zoo ally. So does fucking the gender you're not attracted to, or participating in fetishes you aren't into. (And don't spin this into "well then fucking kids should be fine, you just don't understand", but I'm hoping you aren't retarded so maybe this disclaimer isn't necessary) Does having a necro thread make us look bad to outsiders? Yeah sure. But we're not here to look good, we're here because we aren't wanted or welcome anywhere else. And besides, most normies consider normal fully consensual zoophilia to be as "bad" as any sort of necrophilia. All sexual activity that deviates from the norm is bad to them. I'm not completely against creating a separate necro board, but I don't see this as some pressing issue.
>>18739 DD wanted to create her own board (zoocore or some shit, although i prefer /Scat and necro fags/) but she didn't and i don't know why. Like i said, zoophilia is the loving of animals. Necro is not love, it's desecration. If they created their own board for their deranged fetish i would be ok with that, bit the kike whore brought back necro here and i'm 100% convinced it was to spite me. I will hate necro fags for as long as i live, fucking deranged freaks
>>18827 >zoophilia is the loving of animals. Necro is not love, it's desecration. This. When someone's pet dies, most of us agree that it crosses the rainbow bridge. In a necro's eyes, that beloved pet is fuck meat.
>>18829 Based. That's what i've been trying to say this whole time
>>18829 >most of us agree that it crosses the rainbow bridge No, it just dies and ceases to exist and takes a piece of those who loved it, and will continue to love it, to oblivion along with it. I have buried too many in my life.
Anyone notice an influx of newfags? I'm not really complaining , having more animalfuckers to talk with is always nice, but alot of them know nothing about imageboard culture.
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>>18887 Lol, I remember saying that in 2009.
>>18887 Seethe moar oldfag. Newfags assemble >animalfucker Nigga, i'm a doggy lover not fucker
Where's everyone?
>>18883 >No, it just dies and ceases to exist Necro fans don't believe that either. When it dies, it BEGINS to exist on their dicks. And let's not even think about where these dead creatures come from.
Kiwifarms just doxxed the creator of the hung bitch video
>>18940 who?
>>18499 I like the mating stuff. It adds content and it shows animal bits, so it's all good in my book.
>>18587 I'm still here, I just have been very busy in the past weeks. Thanks for holding down the fort.
>>18988 Of course!
>>18988 Can you ban necro on this board mighty board owner? I don't know of you went through the debate but some of us don't like it. What say you Emp? I say they make their own board >>19004 No longer namefagging DD?
>>19019 seconding this necro encourages abuse, it's that simple
>>19019 this board allows for free expression and it's contained in its own thread, it's probably staying, get over it: >>15552
>>18988 Should this >>9199 be included at the top of the board? Or am i reading this wrong? It looks like it's not illegal to frequent this board in Florida like it is in Oregon. Just illegal to download anything.
>>18940 what was in the video? where can i watch it?
i keep thinking the spoiler image is joe biden
>>19069 man i thought it was HUNG like HUGE COCK, not the rope kind. big misunderstanding......
can we get rid of the annoying troll shit? Its disruptive and annoying. I keep seeing people complaining
>>19069 pure curiosity, just like you would look at gore although it disgusts you
>>19426 What's causing the complaining? Why woulf anyone complain if everything was fine?
What happened to this board? Where's the people loving animals? The whole board is just retards with bizarre fantasies now. Is this the end of 8chan?
How many vols are there on the board?
>>19769 I feel like quality deteriorated when we switched BOs. Not to throw any shade of course, it's all volunteer work and we do have more eyes on the board than ever, enough to justify inclusions in "degeneracy ice bergs" and to incite raids by Soyjak Party. It used to be much comfier though. I think allowing stuff like Necro probably contributes to the increasing uncomfiness. It's still miles better than other zoo places... and to answer your question, yes gay stuff is allowed. I still see plenty of genuine animal admirerers around though. I'm still able to go on about the beauty of dogs and the grace of horses all day long, every day, and thats all even before getting to their spicy bits, and so are many more of us. Maybe some kind of general "Animal Enthusiasm" thread might be in order. One where we just fawn over our beautiful companions.
Not to anyones surprise when you don't moderate this board it gets filled up with babbling retards unable to read and shit up all the topics.
it's almost as if killing the necro thread the first time just fully degraded the quality of the board because the fucking vol AND the bo don't wanna do their fucking jobs anymore. so now the place is overrun again. session and TG links strewn about, garbage unproductive threads of people bashing each other, and just endless fucking drama day in and day out. i know i gave up on the place even though i've helped contribute over the years but instead I just get slurs thrown at me. i'm fucking tired, guys. i'm fucking tired.
>>19839 >endless fucking drama uhh wtf you talking about where's the drama. like besides this thread board's way too slow for that
Anyone else notice how some janny faggot is removing replies that don't align with the posters intent. There's a fag who wants balls of some random doggo and i called him a faggot and that post was removed. There's also a fat faggot on the dogs thread who i called out twice and yet both posts got removed. However, if i respond positevely to some posts those replies stay. What gives? DD, is this your doing you fat faggot kike, show yourself. Emp? Who's in control here.
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Jannies have done just fine keeping all the 'drama' in this thread. The people complaining about necro are lashing out because they have strong opinions about being associated with corpse fuckers. Any other drama outside of this thread has been dealt with by jannies and drama-creators like >>19839 are butthurt about it.
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>>20085 Kys corpse fucker. The whole reason that there's "drama" is cus people are divided by the issue of corpse fucking. I personally wanted them to create their own board, zoocore, and leave real animal loving to this board. Also, i've noticed that the jannies are pruning replies in every thread that aren't positive. Suppose i call a fat fuck disgusting, that gets deleted. And i noticed the fags rallying in the young horses thread(imagine my surprise, jannies being fags and pedos). The last bastion of free speech has fallen. I can't say what i want anymore without offending some mentally fucked up janny. The activity on this board has decreased drastically in the past few months too. Old threads aren't getting replies any more and only degenerate corpse fuckers and shit eaters/feeders are here. And the animal pedos too. Christ, it's worse than i thought. Too bad i didn't move out when i had the chance, now the Session/Telegram threads are gone and i don't know where to go. FUCK YOU DD AND EMP, YOU FAGGOT KIKES. Are you happy now, this board is fucking dead and is infested with degenerate scum. There's no more animal loving, just abuse imo. Feeding animals your shit and fucking their corpses is not love. ROT IN HELL YOU DEMONIC KIKES.
>>20095 Bruh. Calm down, drama queen. I'm not defending necro. I hate it too and I've already posted in this thread about my dislike for it.
>>20095 You stupid retarded faggot mongrel, you think you have the moral superiority because you have "real love for animals" and the rest of us don't? No you still need to be lobotomized along with the rest of us. This isn't about LOVE you autist, this is a fetish, lust, it has always been a fetish. hang yourself.
>>20095 So fucking true!
>>20097 Ok >>20102 There it is >i fuck animal corpses and feed them my shit. That makes me and you, who genuinely loves his animal partner and will not fuck her corpse or feed her your shit, the same. Reeeeeee Every damn time with you retards. It's not a fetish for me at all. Also, anyone else notice how these corpse fuckers immediatly say zoophilia is a fetish and not the love of animals whenever they get called out. It's getting stale at this point. >>20111 I'm glad someone else sees it my way. Do you know where i can go to escape this pedo infested shithole buddy?
>>20130 > It's not a fetish for me at all Even where there is a fetish, lines can and should be drawn. Yes, we are all engaging in things normal people/mainstream society would condemn, but that doesn't mean it's all the same at all. Fucking a horse in heat is not the same as fucking corpse, which is not the same as fucking a child, for example. Trying to argue otherwise is just rhetoric maneuvering. Because you have a fetish for anal sex, doesn't mean you find the idea of fucking any and all assholes the same. Not all "paraphilia" are the same. That kind of thing.
>>20132 My point exactly
>>20130 Everyone knows about Zooville, but it is probably the only site that tries to show a cleaner and more positive side of zoophilia, and have very strict rules against any kind of abuse or pedo stuff.
>>20162 Oh yeah, i forgot about that. But it doesn't have free speech like this boa......ACK. Oh wait, DD and Emp, the kike faggots, are deleting every post they don't like now. Guess ZV has become the lesser of two evils, never thought i'd see the day
>>20168 omg good riddance of you, ya toxic old fart! -Wish it were true, but I know damn well you'll be back bitching about everything, tends to be a trait of asshats that announce their exit like someone's gonna cry and beg them to stay.
Anyway, as I said. Ownership changed, board went down the drain. What now? It was comfy, I don't want to go on zooville where I have to namefag when talking about cookies and knots and horsepussy and horsecock (I'm aware I can make a burner account, but you get my point.). I don't think /zoo/ is beyond saving. But question is, do *you* want it to be saved, modteam? Or better yet, are you actually taking our criticism as genuine feedback, or is it filtered out as bitching and moaning?
What's up with callista / equibooru, have the just given up? There's no way for new users to join or anything.
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>>20189 Fuck off faggot. They are doing fine, pph hasn't changed, and even more importantly, THEY AREN'T DOING ANYTHING DIFFERENT THAN HOW I DID. stop acting like my rule was glorious in an attempt to gaslight them. >Captcha per post Okay yeah thats dumb, I wouldn't recommend that. Otherwise y'all are doing great.
>>20251 But you're not an active poster and browser, are you? The board *is* less good. I'm not saying they're doing a bad job, I'm sure it can just as well be a coincidence. Just an observation.
>>20251 >vamp nigga
"No Cookies?" under the captcha always cracks me up. Yup, I'm not into bitches, so no cookies
I need lesbo zoo porn pronto
Guess the mods haven't been in here in a hot minute. Session/Telegram/etc shit all over the place again and it's like there's no real fucking cleanup again.
DD, Emp show yourselves! We need to have a real discussion about you removing my posts. I would be cool with it if were posting cp or zoosadism for example, but removing my post calling a fat nigga disgusting is wrong. 8chan is about free speech, if someone's fat and are a faggot and i call them that, does my post deserve to get deleted. I know you might be offended cus you are fat disgusting slob fags but this isn't reddit. Why are you destroying free speech. You want me to call a fat microdick slob beautiful? Go to hell
>>20669 and literally the dude that’s also shitting up the board chimes in too, fantastic.
>>20669 "Freedom of speech" has nothing to do with "freedom to be an asshole". Sure, you have the freedom to say what you want... just like we have the freedom to show you where the door is because your insistence on being an asshole isn't our problem. Faggot.
>>20669 What does calling some fat faggot a fat faggot accomplish? We're here to discuss animals, not bitch about people's eating habits.
>>20674 >"Freedom of speech" has nothing to do with "freedom to be an asshole". Yeah, it does. That's what freeze peach is, innit? You can blaspheme, commit sedition, and intentionally make people uncomfortable. Freedom of speech is incompatible with the freedom to not be offended.
>>20809 Truth
>>20809 You can, if you're not a smart person. You have the right to, just as the other side has the right to sue you for damages. Most people though have the minimum reason required to be civil and benefit from it. This works. In contrast, in a world where opposing wievs are stifled, there is no dialogue, and there is no progress. The society stagnates and deteriorates, the only ones who do well are the ruling class who controll the speech. Thjis sucks, but not as much as you do.
>>20838 >You can, if you're not a smart person. "You can" what? Either your English sucks, or your point is incoherent. Maybe both.
>>20889 Or, perhaps your comprehension abilities suck. The post is in response to another post. "You can, if you're not a smart person" is directly responding to the list of things "free speech" allows you to do. The point was that, yes, you can do all that and you have every right to. However, using it as an excuse to be an asshole won't get you very far in social situations.
>>20893 >The point was that, yes, you can do all that and you have every right to. However, using it as an excuse to be an asshole won't get you very far in social situations. Oh look, it's the old motte and bailey. Note how, when challenged, the obviously indefensible claim >"Freedom of speech" has nothing to do with "freedom to be an asshole". immediately gets walked back to: >using it as an excuse to be an asshole won't get you very far in social situations. Of course, the beginning of the discussion was not a reasoned suggestion that >>20669 interact with his fellow chantards in a more civilized manner as his motte argument suggests. No, it was him wiping this guy's >>20669 posts, because >"Freedom of speech" has nothing to do with "freedom to be an asshole" Don't police how people talk to each other. The rest of the fucking internet--and especially every bestiality site--does that now, and it sucks shit.
Has equibooru moved? Callista site seems to be down for a few days now.
>>20902 they shut down
Shit that sucks. The enshitification of the internet continues.
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>>20902 >>20903 >>20904 it looks like they're starting back up though?
>>20942 Nice! I'll check again soon.
Please use the report feature if you see spam, banned links, or anything else you think is in violation of the rules. Often I only check the open reports because work has gotten busy. Thank you.
Is there a logistical reason why someone hasn't set up a general booru for zoo shit? I only ever hear bitching about tele groups and zoox, so why hasnt someone just forked e621 and have everything on 1 site
>>21215 Callista just recently shut down after having a booru for equine content for years, money problems, I think. There also was something like beastbooru.com or something, I can't find it anymore, probably closed too. Here's a picture from it with the original filename, maybe somebody can find it if it still exists.
>>20960 we've been and nobody's doing shit please go clean up the weird ass that's going around going "send me your tg and a picture of your hard cock bro" already
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>>20942 I really hope they come back. If it's money troubles I'll gladly throw some XMR at them if they post an address on their Out of Service page.
>>21238 I noticed some of those were taken care of and no reports are left. I will keep an eye out for any left.
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>>18888 >checked them quads Hey has any feral frenzy databases been updated? Only one I got was updated in august of this year and hasn't done jack shit since.
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>>21339 I have literally all of their content downloaded I just dont know where to put it. 13.4 GB total and I wanna put it somewhere anyone can find it if they looked it up
they moved all their paid content to their own websites so auto importers dont work anymore
put it on telegram, works for now t.me/feralfrenzyleaks
>>18887 newfag here, willing to learn and be a better member of this community! also sorry for making so many replies
>>21238 How is that wrong? Ain't my fault i like seeong hard cock. Besides, the board owner said it's cool. If you don't like it just leave nigga >>21283 What!!? The board owner said it's cool to ask for cock pics. Is it wrong to have a thing for hard cocks? This is wrong you fag janny >inb4 you're a fag Get lost
>>16439 >>16466 See right here >>21238 and >>21283, emp said it's cool if an anon wants to sbow me his hard cock. You have your necro and i ain't conplaining. Let me have some fun at least. You don't know how hard and horny i get whenever i see a dude's dick all nice and hard and throbbing for animal pussy. It's the fact that this homo sapien saw animal pussy and his body immediatley starts getting ready for breeding, pumping blood down there and making him hard as he fantasises about filling some animal pussy with his homo sapien seed. EMP, vindicate me. I let you keep your necro thread, i'm not complaining any more. So why can't i have at least this slice of happiness on this destitute board
>>21393 Make a cock board
>>21446 I know it's you. First make your own necro thread you fat POS corpse fucking nigga
>>21449 Genuinely very sorry, I meant thread not board!
>>21604 Are you that fat slob DD or the fag board owner emp? Cus i will start a thread if that's not a bother
>>21618 Fat slob :) I think a thread for sharing cocks is chill, no bother at all
>>21628 ...seriously? It's /zoo/, not /anonshareshiscock/
>>21634 seconding this shit. again.
>>21618 please go back to telegram
>>21618 Yeah, alright!! Based fat slob for once >>21634 >>21636 >>21644 Why do you have to ruin my fun? Ain't my fault i have this weird fetish. You have your necro and scat shit, ehich i fond absolutely repulsive, but i'm not complaining.
>>21659 Not everyone who is against your lusting for humans is a corpsefucker and shiteater.
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>>22189 Yeah thats a funny picture
>>21384 Upload it on mega.and share the link.i think they won't take actions fast as others do
>>21384 Also,i may be wrong but i think as far as i saw mega links,maybe it will work out for you.try it when you got the time
>>21384 >>21385 >>21389 >>22282 >>22283 Here is the now dead mega link. The claim being 'illegal material hosting". I'd join telegram but I don't like handing out a handle to join somehting like that. https://mega.nz/folder/9R4XnYjZ#UEQMyETdnu57XfQCDTkdLQ
>>22471 Post it in a better place.
>>22471 I get what you're saying now.i think there's another ways to share it without getting it removed but i don't know that much methods.seems like its better to wait for someone to answer this problem
>>22600 Anonfile alternative?
>>22654 Does it work?
>>22600 Can you just post the new etheross vid with the mare and the orcs?
Just remembered this movie i saw as a teen and realized that the dog was female. Do you reckon this nigga was plowing her cookie every night whenever he got "Pussy lust". Imagine the doggo going in heat and there's literally no one around for hundreds of miles, and you haven't had pussy in years too. I wouldn't waste a second tbh
>>22715 The only reason I watched this movie was this beautiful GSD. I hate zombie stories but I had to see what's going on so I watched it anyway. But Will Smith as a biologist was so unrealistic.
>>22715 As someone who owns a dog and went through the covid quarantines, yeah that dude really would. Spending time alone enclosed in my apartment made a zoo because I saw how my girl dog using her shitting area of the bathroom too much.
>>22789 I had a stroke reading this
Well, it's official. 2025 is here and with it i will be turning into a 23 year old khhv. I'm not here to rant or anything but rather to seek advice. I remember stumbling into bestiality at the tender age of 12, on xvideos. There were some "cartoon" videos of ladies being railed by monster dogs and i loved it. It wasn't until 15 that i discovered i could jerk off and jerking it to the bestiality cartoons was really hot. Ffw a couple years and i started to drift away from bestiality and more into normal porn as i was ashamed. But that was not the end of my relationship with bestiality. When i turned 21, i started to feel the pain of being single. It hurt and it still does. Doesn't help that in my country, girls tend to become less and less as you go higher up in the education system. Bestial thoughts started to come back into my mind again. But instead of cartoons, i started looking for the real deal. Luxuretv was my main source but it was mostly women with animals, i wanted to see a dude doing what i fantasized about. That's when i discovered this place, and then zoox18 and now i jerk off almost exclusively to men going at it with female animals. It turns me on so much knowing that i could do it too, i just have to wait for the right time. But it's not all sunshine and roses. I grew up christian and the scripture has always been at the back of my head. I will go to hell for having sex with an animal. I don't want to go to hell for eternity cus i couldn't keep my dick in my pants, but at the same time, my raging hormones want me to fuck a pussy so bad. I've literally had dreams where i'm having sex with a woman and others where i'm holding a baby. *Sigh*, alas. That is something that probably won't happen. Doesn't mean i don't have to get pussy though, even from an animal. So what say you fellow zoos. I know this is the worst place to ask for advice but if i go to anyone else, i'll probably be arrested.
>>22826 don't worry, anon. I'm a 34 year old khhv. then again, my erotic dreams and thoughts have always only been about animals. no dreams about humans or babies or shit like that I have my own dogs and I'm just working towards getting a big plot of land for a farm to have all the animals I want at this point in fact, I could probably afford to do that now. I own a house and could sell it once I find that land. at least my financial situation is excellent. I could move rural and just transition into selling goat milk or something like that I doubt Jesus or God or whatever would want you burning in hell forever just for fucking a pig or whatever. it's practically a victimless crime, so probably redeemable. but I'm not religious so don't know how it works if you have erotic dreams and thoughts about women you aren't too far gone. you'll get really bored of being alone, and that should motivate you enough to seek something out. don't worry
Scriptures get severily altered to fit current trends. The bible was changed from condemning pedophilia to condemning faggotry. I say get that sweet animal pussy, a true merciful God won't care and likely enjoys zoo itself.
>>22840 >The bible was changed from condemning pedophilia to condemning faggotry. Both have always been condemned and still are to this day... >>22826 >turning into a 23 year old khhv lmao you are too young to be worried about this yet. There is nothing wrong being khhv at 23. It's the general attitude about virginity that is retarded. If you are still attracted to humans you still have time to find someone.
>>22834 >get bored of being alone That's the thing, i've grown comfortable being all by myself. Don't know how i' feel about another person constantly wanting my attention or something like that. >>22843 >you still have time to find someone What about this anon >>22834? Why didn' he find somebody? I can see the writing on the all, the darkness is closing in? Tell me it will be ok anons!!
Hey admin Please delete this thread and any message that has an implication of zoosadism. We are gonna become a cesspit if you just let these twats runaround.
>>23003 "gonna become" is good.
>>23003 censorship
>>23003 Seconding this. I was VERY active on this board until the change. I DO NOT want to come here anymore because you, BO, are violating the principles of the board. This is a board for animal lovers, not animal slavers and torturers. If you don't kick these fucks I will have zero reason to ever return.
>>23069 this is not /b/ you animal raping nigger spic
>>23080 whats your issue? they removed two threads where people were likely just making it up and they've deleted a couple abuse vids too, what more do you want?
>>23003 >>23080 >>23081 BASADO!!!!! >>23086 >>23081 >>23069 Kill yourselves you deranged faggots. The sad part is that the janny is also a deranged maniac and is likely to keep threads that appease it up. An example would be necro
>>23088 i mean, i find necro disgusting too, but roadkill isn't really being harmed or anything
>>23108 I don't give a shit about harm. Fucking a slab of steak is not zoophilia and it does not belong here. Stretching a taxidermied squirrel over a flashlight and then fucking it is not zoophilia. Get this shit tf out of here.
>>23126 I kneel. It's time the faggot board owner cleaned this place up. Zoophilia is loving animals. It's about "natural sex" to put it lightly. Fucking a corpse or feeding animals shit is not "normal".
I understand that those that enjoy necro have a higher likelihood of also enjoying things like zoosadism and the like, but just because some people like necro doesn’t automatically make them zoosadists and animal torturers that hate animals by default. There are many who enjoy necro, like myself, who make sure that no animals are directly harmed in the process and still have a healthy and safe relationship with whatever pets they have. I myself only go after fresher roadkill I find, and afterwards either bury it for fertilizer for trees on my property, or leave in the woods so it’s safer for carrion animals if I’m away from home. other than that occasionally frozen-thawed small prey animals ordered from websites like rodentpro like rabbits that I then feed the my pet snakes. I get the instinctive disdain towards it and that it just feels wrong, but it also wasn’t my conscious choice to be attracted to it and I make sure to go about it in as much of a humane/ethical way as possible. In my opinion to say that all necro enjoyers are horrible, animal torturing sadists because of an unfortunately vocal group of them is disingenuous.
>>23152 oh hey, more evidence that snake owners are all fucked in the head
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>>22826 Sigh, poor anon. This is probably the worst place to come for advice given how it's infested with zoosadists, corpse fuckers, zoopedos and faggots. But then again, if you tried to talk to a normie you'd be thrown in an asylum most probably. Here's my opinion, nobody cares. Nobody cares that you're a KHHV, nobody cares that you've never had a gf and nobody will care that you have a female pet. Do it but make sure you don't get caught, obviously. Normies will eat you alive for that shit. As for scripture, i'm not sure. Maybe God will be understanding, he programmed us to have these intense sexual urges after all and if you can't do it with a woman then just do it with an animal you love. Just don't be like the zoosadists and company i mentioned before and you shoulf be alright. They, on the other hand, will rot in hell.
>>23164 Kek, unironically, i just realized that >>23152 is a necrofag and he might get off to my picrel
>>22826 As a christian, who was arrested, I can say that saying things out loud is the best way, actually, to face your problems. Also, CSAT counselors. Porn addiction is a thing, general sex addiction is real, and it can be treated like any other addiction. You don't have to be alone trying to dig yourself out. Also, why are either of us here? Get off the internet so you can start living a healthy life, Anon!
>>23204 What did you get arrested for?
Is the .se domain dead?
>>23241 Its being worked on, it will be back up. It will be.
oes anyone know any information on https://callista.su from a website? Is the website accessible at all from the tor browser? because the page has only shown this for a long time. Website is temporarily unavailable We're working on restoring it, please wait.
>>23474 Ran out of money or something. An anon claimed somewhere on this board they're working to get it back up
>>23474 >>23489 I'm still quite willing to donate XMR to them if they put an address on their out of service page. Callista needs to continue.
>>23839 nah no need - i have the entire site downloaded for "personal archive"
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>namefags coming out of nowhere and shitting up the board >no new content on any thread, just retards arguing about old content >telegram fags demanding we send them content >the Necro(aka corpse fuckers thread) is the only thread with any content >once great threads now bumplocked and inactive and their replacements are abysmal >board traffic down to a trickle of what it once was Alright, i'm calling it. ABANDON THE BOARD. FLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, FLEEEEE FOR YOUR LIVES FUCK YOU EMP, KIKE BITCH
>>24082 And go where? Zooville? Nice joke.
>>24082 okay bye
>>24082 bye Ajit
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>>24083 >>24096 >>24104 You may triumph in the field of retardation for day! But against the stagnation that has risen on this board, THERE IS NO VICTORY
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banner? banner. banner!
so this is why usernames 're Animal Enthusiast of all of us. huh, interesting, gg on the coder
>>24159 Cringe
>>24167 Absolutely agree. Moronic.
>>24160 Selecting username is optional. Maybe Ajit Paj here needs to do so in the future.
>>24243 >selecting username is optional >trumPutin You don't select a username you vile, brown, TURD world pos. You type whatever name you want. Get off my board you namefagging nigga
>>24248 I replied politely and messages were deleted. Is something wrong ?
>>24274 oh its on another thread - anyway xD
JAAAANNY can you give this trumputin fag a slap on the wrist or something he's being so autistic. in like, every thread. I thought namefagging was against the rules, anyway? Not that I care, him namefagging just makes it easier to ignore his worthless posts.
>>24283 Its actually you who seems to be autistic.
>>24298 Nigga >>24283 Basado, i kneel
>>24307 Sorry I did not realize "namefagging" was such a big nazi thing for you trumpretarded people. Sorry - I will be posting anonymously from now on.
What does rule no.5 mean specifically? If I mentioned I got knotted at 17 years old, would that count? What if it was at 12? or 5? How much detail, if any, is allowed? If I mentioned I got knotted at a significantly low age, but specified nothing, would that be allowed? What if I went into detail about the feeling but not the biology or cultural implications? What if it was barely illegal, for example what if I was a month away from turning 18 but went into heavy detail? Would that be the same as offhandedly mentioning the act happening when I was very very young?
Sigh, nobody's moderating the board again and I'm getting sick of the captcha dance to globally report everything that needs to be removed on the board. Vamp, come the fuck on. Clean up the Simplex/Telegram/Discord/etc shit and clean up the goddamn childrens' posts that can't keep a discussion going without it devolving into name calling racist bullshit.
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>>24308 >namefagging is such a nazi thing What are you talking about you fat retarded Amerimutt mongrel. Wait wait wait, you thought coming here to one of the most secluded sites on the internet and namefagging "trumPutin" (extremely cringe btw) would make a difference? LMAO, WHAT A STUPID MORON YOU ARE. THERE'S LIKE 5 PEOPLE ON THIS BOARD A DAY, AND THEY'RE ALL YHE SAME. KEK, MY SIDES. Besides, i'm not even a Mutt and given how the top boards on this shithole site are all mexican/spanish, i doubt there' a lot of amerimutts that come here. Take your retardation elsewhere you Biden ass licking namefagger.
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>>24313 Pedos to the woodchipper. >>24328 >yap yap yap Shut the fuck up MOTHERFUCKER!!! Are you the pathetic pos who's always whining about telegram amd session threads? Cus of you and your deficiency of brain cells this board has gone to shit. Like i said, board traffic's down to a trickle cus the socials threads are gone. Some people want to use other platforms to get to know people you know. Bet that never even crossed your peanut brain did it? Fuck off, bitch ass nigga
>>24331 Board isn't slow because of the lack of off board chat shilling. We used to be so much harder on removing it, you'd be lucky to even see them in the first fucking place. It's basic fucking image board culture. You got something to post, post it on the board you newfag.
>>24332 Fag, trump won and spamming that honestly retarded name won't change anything. Deranged fat lunatic, do you even know what a real nazi is? >inb4 hurr duuurr, he made a nazi salute that ome time hurr Ugh, at least some politcian who got his way doesn't leave rent free in my head. Lol, lmao even >>24342 Yes it is. This board was extremely active when the telegram threads were still allowed. I remember the sessions threads having tons of replies and social sharing. Kinda weird that all that activity died and board traffic slowed down to a trickle when the threads were deleted. This isn't 2004 oldfag, the image board culture is dying even on cuckchan. Adopt or die >we used to be so much harder Kek, you sound like one of those creepy old faggots (which you most certainly are) who always rants about how the US was harder on palestine or some shit but has never actually seen a single war or battle in his faggot lifetime. Lmao, go back to bed gramps. This is my board now. The age of the newfag has come.
>>24351 I never thought anything about my nickname until now that you mentioned it. And because it annoyed someone, i will let it "rip" and keep it for all you proud boyz. By the way - I'm not fat nor lunatic. It seems that this board is filled with momma's boys who never moved out of their basements and just discovered animal porn. The same ones who scream "fag" on the street to someone passing by. Replying to this or any other of my posts with comment that includes "fag" means you have proven my point.
>>24385 Well, you unironically sound like you actually touch grass, thank the bus driver, know more than 1 woman and are able to keep a job, and when compared to the average right-wing lobotomites that sadly happen to congregate in these crevices of the internet, you literally sound like outright husband material, lmao. In other words: Someone with more than half a brain who also uses it for more than organising horsefucking videos. (Which are still nice, of course, don't get me wrong.) Sure, you're not the only one, obviously, but it never ceases to be refreshing whenever I do see it, considering the alternative is an inbred fucking troglodyte manchild trying to sound stronger by chaining together as many offensive words as their tiny lil cluster of braincells can come up with. Thank you for NOT being that.
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>>24448 >Well, you unironically sound like you actually touch grass, thank the bus driver, know more than 1 woman and are able to keep a job, and when compared to the average right-wing lobotomites that sadly happen to congregate in these crevices of the internet, you literally sound like outright husband material, lmao. In other words: Someone with more than half a brain who also uses it for more than organising horsefucking videos. (Which are still nice, of course, don't get me wrong.) Sure, you're not the only one, obviously, but it never ceases to be refreshing whenever I do see it, considering the alternative is an inbred fucking troglodyte manchild trying to sound stronger by chaining together as many offensive words as their tiny lil cluster of braincells can come up with. Thank you for NOT being that.
EMP, EMP YOU INCOMPETENT RETARD!!! Why do i have to input captcha everytime i post a reply. We talked about this, why can't you have one implementation in place rather than moving from one to another every couple of months. I swear Vaml was a much better retarded janny
>>24455 I did not touch that setting. I can't help it that 8chan keeps shitting the bed every other month. It should be fixed now.
Do any anons want to take up the mantle of restoring infinity cup 8? Infinity Cup 8 thread: >>>/icup/6370 It is completely understaffed & nobody has hosted an icup in a while. What is needed - A host (who can host the game & stream it on cytube or 8tv) - Volunteers to voice chat & broadcast over the stream - Organizers of any kind Game: Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 Resources: icup 7 archive: https://ia601509.us.archive.org/23/items/ICUP7/ ... An /icup/ tutorial: https://infinitycup.miraheze.org/wiki/Pro_Evolution_Soccer_2017 -- https://infinitycup.miraheze.org/wiki/How_to_host
Holy shit, reddit would be a gold mine if it weren't for bestiality being illegal in the states. Like look at this shit, they aren't even trying too hard, lol
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>>24504 Ok, i thought it was you. I would tell you to keep up the good work if you did any but this board has gone to shit ever since you came into power. Gifrel is what i'd have to do to you if you want my forgiveness
>>24504 OK now clean up all the threads and links asking for Democrat activism and simplex groups
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Is this the fate of all dogfucking zoos? CHewed upon and leaten down to the born by the very doggo you railed? Bewareeee!!!
>>24551 this is my greatest fear, if i die of a sudden stroke or something my dog would be trapped inside the house, that's animal cruelty :( i work from home so i think it would take at least a week before someone called the cops
>>24551 Huh, tonnes of spelling errors here, lol. My bad, i wasn't thinking straight at the time >>24555 Don't you have friends who can check up on you?
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What the fuck? We've fallen out of the top boards now!! Yet some fag will tell you that this board is just fine and not dying. Wake up, FIRE EMP!!!
>>24661 Even the nigga loving board is in the top boards list, Christ. In my nearly 3 years on this board, I've never seen /zoo/ booted off the top boards once, until now.
>>24661 And hire who? Vamp left to find a new bf, he's busy.
>>24663 DD? Fucking nigga, you happy now? Thus board's fucking dead, you can't hide that fact anymore and it's all your fault. From chasing away socialising anons and promoting your vile fetishes (scat and necro) to being an incredibly terrible BO. Why did you do this? I used to come here everyday and there'd be new content but now there's nothing anymore. Guess i will have to migrate to tg. And now here we are, just two losers on a forum trapped outside reality. Sigh, fix this place up at least. Please
>>24707 There is an easier answer, new content has become more rare since everyone started to migrate to telegram and making pay groups, before people were more willing to share for free
>>24720 are people actually paying to see this vs just scraping zoox18 or other sites every pay method is blocked on even a sniff of this shit, how would it work
>>24722 The problem there are TOSS of card companies, other payment methods are way less strict.
>>24707 Hey buddy, I hate scat. I'm also not the BO. The old and new BO said scat and necro are ok, and scat was a thread here before I ever found this site. The BO's also chose to ban the tg threads. I do whatever the rules dictate when I can manage, all I signed up for is moderating the necro thread. But I can be swayed if things are really fucked. I only brought back the necro thread because people asked for it and someone else started one. I want to be for the people.
>>24722 No need for registers like that when the transaction is a simple money exchange from one account to another. That is the case with telegram groups. And crypto helps with that.
>>24783 what's the point when you could just get all the content you could ever want without that bullshit
After consulting with 8chan admins, I have taken ownership of >>>/zoocore/, and decided that the necro thread will be moved there. The purpose of that board will be to serve as a containment zone for the necro thread and potentially other contentious zoo threads that do not break the site's rules. Other threads created there will be deleted. The move will happen probably in the next few days. Until then I will be taking suggestions about other uses for the /zoocore/ board. DeadDog is already a board vol there. Other /zoo/ vols may apply to volunteer on /zoocore/ as well.
>>25219 Finally, thank fuck. Bless you emp
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>>25219 Hooooray. You finally did something good for once you retarded nigga janny. Take the scat as well, this board is for 'normal' zoo sex now >gifrel Mandatory janny fucking session. I wanna pound your good janny asshole
>>25229 You know what? Since you want to be such an ass, I think I will keep the scat here.
>>25231 Scat is totally normal :) Maybe someone never visited inside a barn and got shat on their pelvis while balls deep inside a cow.
>>25229 You just had to go and act like a typical 4channer, didn't you and now Emp won't get rid of the scat because of it.
>>25231 >>25239 >hurr durr, i'mma keep the scat durrrrr Shut the fuck up nigga. Take your scat to zoocore you filthy butthurt janny. Kek, as if i give a damn, you've already killed this board. Kill yourself please >>25234 Nigga Wtf, you banned me. Lmao, you think that's gonna stop me. Boy are you dense Emp. Banning people cause they call you out for being a dumb BO and janny? You've hit a new low you massive retarded faggot
>>25244 No one likes you, please go away.
>>25244 Is it too much to ask for you to not be an asshole? People come here to have a good time and you are here acting like an edgy teenager who thinks being aggressive makes him cool. Go outside and touch grass.
Touch (dog) ass*
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>>25231 Why'd you ban me you fat janny faggot? You've gone and pissed me off you piece of shit. Christ, this isn't reddit you hear, you can't ban me cus i don't agree with you. What a dumb nigga pos
Fuck off faggot
>>25248 Yes he can, and also wait I can too. Fuck off faggot.
Edited last time by Vampyr on 03/05/2025 (Wed) 00:08:44.
>>25219 Oh captain my captain 💙
>>25219 not really sure if its a "use" but id suggest just having it be as much like the old zoocore boards as it possibly can.
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>>25219 I consulted 8chan admins and nothing happened.
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>25229 (You) >25244 (You) >25248 (You) you don't fuck dogs without fucking doo doo
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>>25246 I don't think the ANIMALS have a good time. They're too much of chads to succumb to desires of the flesh like us weak monkeys. They'd rather fetch ball while humans fetch AIDS.
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>>25291 Celibacy is the final solution. #volcel Remember to neuter and spay your pets so they can focus on what really matters in life. They have a much greater existence than sex.
>>25292 wizchan.org is a great site for virgins like me. From the Wiz with love. :)
>>25291 >bfdi on the dogfucker forum Wow.

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