/zoo/ - Zoophilia

Animal Love

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Hyena mating Hyena mating 09/17/2024 (Tue) 13:54:27 No. 18702 [Reply]
Videos and pics here
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I wish there was some detailed comparative image sequence or even a vid showing how does a male Hyena dong changes at it nears to ejaculation. Everything I've already seen leads me to believe that their dickhead bloats up not unlike how a horecock does just before cumming in order to form a pressure seal inside the females vagina.
>>24458 I bet hyneas like blowjobs.
>>24482 In the wild male and female hyenas suck off female hyenas but male hyenas do not receive blowjobs

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#dogbutt #dog #butt #anus #asshole #tailhole #butthole dog butts 10/17/2021 (Sun) 09:14:08 No. 977 [Reply] [Last]
dogbutts. post your best photos here
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-can somebody add more gaped stuff ,especially gsd like this?
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how could anyone say they don't want to make out with it

AI ZOO Animal Enthusiast 02/08/2025 (Sat) 23:20:09 No. 24452 [Reply]
Upload here your AI generated ZOO
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Why do people keep making the same threads instead of bumping ones that are already near the top.
because the board doesn't default to a catalog view, which it probably should

Animal Piss Animal Enthusiast 01/29/2022 (Sat) 01:22:48 No. 2027 [Reply]
Anyone have pics of animals (horses preferred but any are fine) peeing on people (preferably not drawn)? I found a vid of it once but I cant find it anymore and it was super hot
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more piss pleaseee
does anyone have a method or idea for collecting dog pee from walking trails or parks i tried putting cups next to usual marking spots with limited success people either throw them out as trash or the collected volume is very low from just marking rather than actual urination
>>24498 get your own dog you fucking werido

Cookies Cookiehound 10/24/2021 (Sun) 19:52:36 No. 1054 [Reply] [Last]
Can we have a fem dog thread? So many dicks not enough cookie love
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>>24340 Hnnnnnnngh!! Watching a homo sapien male touch and stimulate animal pussy is so hot. I can't wait to get a doggo someday >>24450 >>24376 Same
>>24339 Who are you? Why did you keep this stuff to yourself this whole time, post moar please XOXOXO
>>24457 Dude, I got that from zooville. I'm just some anon.

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The laws of /zoo/ and how they came to be Anonymous 07/17/2023 (Mon) 22:16:43 No. 7748 [Reply]
In the beggining was a thread on /b/, and it was good. Created by Cloaca and tolerated by Chai/Silvia, it lasted a good month before Chai decided to create a board for the expanding zoophilia community. But Lo there was a problem. A board had been created and abandoned with only one post years prior, and so it needed to be claimed in order for it be used. Chai told Cloaca to go to >>>/site/ and claim the board, but he thought it a waste of time. "It will die a lonely death after a sole week!" he doth proclaimed, and so he did nothing. By this point the date was approaching July 4th and yet Chai doth pushed forward and asked that the board be given unto him. >>>/site/3105 And because of the date it was ignored for a day or two. (I stand by my comment in that thread, Acid shouldnt have to deal with dogfucking on the 4th of July.). But in the end the board was his. And he made 3 laws abd 3 laws alone for us to operate under (plus a third law Acid insisted upon in our own meta thread here on this very board.) and these were. 1 : No real depictions of zoosadism, animal crushing, or necrozoo. 2 : No glorifying animal abuse. 3 : Posting personally identifiable information is ill-advised (but not forbidden). And this law was good. And lasted for a good year or two before requiring revision.
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>>23998 Don't know what you are missing out on Dogfucker! Your dog will never hold you close and look you deep in the eye whilst calling you a good boy. Fucking a dog is the equivalent of starfishing, it just stands there. Meanwhile, your bro will be touching you all over and making you feel loved
>>7757 >vamp nigger
>>24005 When dogs dont want it it is like starfishing. When she or he is willing then you can see what it is like to truly have sex with a dog, and most people are missing out in some of the best pleasures only a dog can give you.

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Animal Enthusiast 10/03/2022 (Mon) 04:42:26 No. 5033 [Reply]
best zoo porn website now that animalpornrocks is down?
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>>24256 Does this mean that the euro pigs actually distinguish between rapey shit and harmless zoo and let the latter slide? Strong doubt about that.
>>24256 Why must the good shit die like this?
>>24256 If you're going to be a lying troon, at least give us an actual working userscript (public & private).

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Cats getting penetrated Yume 11/27/2024 (Wed) 03:54:10 No. 21330 [Reply]
I've seen very few pictures or videos of cats- like, house cats- actually getting penetrated. some actually seem to enjoy it! share any penetrations you can find. anal, oral, vaginal.
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>>23644 pics as proof?
>>23644 English motherfucker do you speak it!
>>23644 Tienes TG?

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Bestiality games and mods! Animal Enthusiast 01/08/2023 (Sun) 23:07:44 No. 5686 [Reply] [Last]
I was thinking here if there are some good mod or game that have some Bestiality sex involving some animal, i see will be very interesting to put something like that in /zoo/ You guys known something good to play? like a mod for some game or a game made especifically for Bestiality stuff, as far i known, there are some good examples, like The Sims 4 that's have some good bestiality mods and Skyrim, but they are just mods, i don't known much about games made just for it.
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>>22758 interesting
>>22588 I’ve heard some lore about it. When you first meet the dog lion guy the scientist is basically in the middle of an experiment to make him fuck the special girl party character. I’ve heard some things about a shower scene on an island in the new one. And all the girls flirt with him but I don’t remember if that’s in the new one or old one or both. So there is plenty to work from without it getting ridiculous and noncanonical.
New games?

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I fucked a wasp, ask me anything Animal Enthusiast 11/10/2024 (Sun) 02:34:06 No. 20826 [Reply]
I am currently in a committed relationship with a wasp queen, yes the insect. Ask me anything in the replies and I will answer. Here is the story/context: >be me >have a bug problem >this fucking massive wasp keeps flying around the room and distracting me >try for a few days to slap it out of the air, use a flyswatter, i even tried to use chemicals >nothing works >eventually have a funny idea >assume it would never work but decide to give it a try >open some porn and start jacking off >just as im about to cum i aim my dick at the wasp >bullseye >the wasp crash landed on my table, it couldnt fly but it was clearly still alive >wasp covered in cum is kind of turning me on >decide to keep it going

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>>22109 That's what a wasp would say.
>>20826 bumping for greentext

Deepthroat Animal Enthusiast 02/29/2024 (Thu) 14:00:38 No. 11581 [Reply]
Anyone have and deepthroat related stuff?
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>>11581 This entire board needs more deep throat stuff
bump too

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Pitbull Pics needed Pitbull lover 02/06/2025 (Thu) 05:34:10 No. 24322 [Reply]
Any of y'all got any pics or vids of pitbulls? that's all

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Giant snails Animal Enthusiast 05/29/2023 (Mon) 08:59:01 No. 7109 [Reply]
Post giant snail content Bonus points for giant snail x female because those are rare as fuck
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How do you get them to come out of their shell?
This is super weird but also something tells me cumming from that is 10/10 so I'm not even mad.
my new favorite thread

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Golden Retrievers 09/14/2023 (Thu) 11:20:12 No. 8698 [Reply]
Any kind of porn with Golden Retrievers. I find this breed particularily eager to do anything sexual, most I met would tonguebath your cock the moment you dropped your pants.
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>>20574 Hot!!! But i meant like dudes banging female retrievers lol
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I can’t find good gape photos or videos Staggrey 09/13/2024 (Fri) 01:12:13 No. 18553 [Reply]
A few weeks ago I found a few videos of loose and gaped anuses on dogs and horses and nothings turned me on more, but i haven’t been able to find the original videos or even any new ones, if someone could help me either find some or send some it would be great
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>>24259 Kill yourself sadist faggot
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And I might have a few more

Hobo Anon 10/14/2024 (Mon) 15:32:33 No. 19885 [Reply] [Last]
Thread for anything Hobo related. He's stupid cute.
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>>24119 apparently not
Yeah he's usually not verbal espec in public stuff. which is very fair. private stuff may have zoophiles chatting. There's also the one in a tent where he's like "fuck, Hobo!" when he cums so that's a start.
>>24250 would very much like to see this tent video you speak of.. sigh.

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