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Game of the Month #16 (January 2025): Iridion II (PC) Anonymous 01/15/2025 (Wed) 11:21:10 Id: cd86ae No. 1061108 [Reply]
>What is this? This is exactly how it sounds: A game is chosen each month (which will be relatively or totally obscure on purpose) with hopes of bringing new avenues of playing potential to anons with narrow video game perspectives. The goal isn't necessarily to pick bad games, but obscure ones nobody, or as few people as possible, have played. You can play the game and then use that fact as bragging rights to others! You can use it to broaden your backlog horizons! or you can forget about it. It's up to you. THIS MONTH: Iridion II (PC) >Where do I get this? 7E2A1BD9 GUIDELINES FOR FUTURE GotMs: Poll for February 2025: https://poal.me/a35q30 If you do not like any of the games in the poll, you can either add a new entry manually, or reply to the OP with a different suggestion. Don't come crying to me if you don't like the game, blame democracy. If you DO suggest a game though, please, report all relevant information on the game (magnet/dl link, interesting mods, guides, tutorials on tech, speedrun etc.). Feel free to suggest any and every game you can think of, bonus points if it's games that barely anyone has played or talks about in the [Current Year] or that fit the month thematically. However, try and follow these rules: 1) No game that relies on modern hardware. If the game cannot be pirated or emulated properly, or no working emulator for the game exists, most people won't be able to enjoy it, rendering the thread kind of pointless; 2) No always-online games, meaning no live service games or mobile games that are dependent on external servers, unless a backup instance of said servers has been created by its fans or the offline content is significantly larger than the online content;

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Edited last time by Zoom on 01/15/2025 (Wed) 11:22:23.
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>>1061145 Damn, they really put in the bare minimum with this. Does it at least still have the music editor on the title screen?
>>1061317 I'm sure OP can put in some trigger warnings for you next time anon.

PC Hardware & News Thread: SSD Edition Anonymous 12/01/2024 (Sun) 00:02:45 Id: dcafb7 No. 1045288 [Reply] [Last]
>Discuss PC Hardware & News >Share Specs & Pics Current News >Ryzen 9000 X3D series out late Jan 2025 >RTX 5000 due early Q1 2025 >Intel's new CPUs suck ass and Intel is pozzed by DEI Last thread >>977640
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>>1062120 Look into a used System76 laptop, they have coreboot flashed by default
>>1062182 I've had mine for years & the displays work on both. One of them made a ringing noise the other day that I never heard it do before, but it stopped once I disconnected & reconnected it. Hopefully, it's not screwing up. >>1062185 I still think you notice a difference from standard motherboard audio. Not talking strictly about impedance.
>>1062185 mostly depends on ohms

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Video Game Waifu Thread #2: Festive Fun Edition! Anonymous 11/16/2024 (Sat) 19:24:04 Id: 83c839 No. 1040342 [Reply] [Last]
Previous waifu thread got bumplocked, so here's a new one! Just in time for the Christmas season as well! So, /v/, who's your videogame waifu? Got some good art of her you simply must display? Done anything to show how much you care for that lass? Gather around and share! Or you can just talk about your favorite female charcters, if that's more your thing. Show us all why your waifu truly is the best girl!
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>>1062122 >What's Wakfu?
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>>1062122 French MMO
>>1062133 I see. Seems neat. After looking it up a bit it does seem like it'd be fun, but not in the mood for such a game. And like I said, burned on the genre as a whole.

Kingdom "Pozzload of" Come: Deliver(a shitty product)ance 2: Electric Boogaloo: Drama Edition Anonymous 01/18/2025 (Sat) 00:42:08 Id: e8640e No. 1062146 [Reply]
Hark, Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 releases in just a few more days Now, hold your excitement, because there has been some drama in the past few days which have incited speculation about the content of the game and not all of it is unjustified speculation. I'll be including all known information about this situation in this thread, feel free to contribute anything you can find to help out. <Where to start A few days ago, there were several reports that the country of Saudi Arabia has banned - or at least, hasn't yet cleared - the release of Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, with the alleged reason being that there are "unskippable gay scenes in story mode" https://archive.ph/243kc https://x.com/VGA4A/status/1879150290680893691 <Okay so this is just speculation based off of a precarious tweet from someone that isn't directly working with the Saudi government/licensing board? Well, not quite. See, there is more to worry about. There are also leaks coming from /v/ on 4chan from someone who received an early copy and found something surprising in the game. Well, that just so happened to be an African dude. Now the history buffs among us might already consider this a little sus on its own, but for the rest of you out there, you might be interested to know that the inclusion of a black is very interesting indeed given the previous statements by the lead developer of Warhorse Studios - Daniel Vavra - the creator of Kingdom Come, having commented in the past saying "There were no black people in medieval Bohemia. Period." That original tweet was from 2015 shortly before KCD1 released and received quite a lot of controversy, that time from the left side. Alright, so you may be asking yourself, why worry about rumors when Daniel Vavra himself is an avid twitter user and surely wasn't afraid in the past to set things straight. So concerned fans took to twitter to ask him, but Daniel Vavra was strangely....reluctant to clarify anything...
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>>1062178 Kerbal 2 was a way worse fuckup than just bad publisher influence. Take 2 tasked an entirely separate dev team to repurpose the original game, without the ability to ask the original devs what any of their code did, on a shoestring budget with insane deadlines and wanted to turn a somewhat complex sim into dumb youtuber bait physics game with "not minions" for mass appeal but also massively overpromise on feature to make OG fans stick around.
>>1062181 It was all on the publisher though, that's exactly what it was. Publisher influence fucking up a franchise.
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>LOOK AT ALL THESE TWITTER POSTS no You have a fairly distinctive posting style, and always seem more interested in culture war bullshit than actually playing games. This should be merged into GG.

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Another MMO Thread Anonymous 10/16/2023 (Mon) 07:00:36 Id: a1e7db No. 897003 [Reply] [Last]
The last one is sinking off the board, and the previous attempt at a new thread was done by a faggot who could not contain his shitposting. What the fuck have you been playing lately?
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>>1061868 Doesn't seem like it, no.
>>1061872 Well that's a relief.
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IT'S FRIDAY NIGHT MUTHAFUCKA Anonymous 10/04/2024 (Fri) 19:57:43 Id: 2a5f54 No. 1022880 [Reply] [Last]
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>PLAYAN Need to try something short, not sure what I'm in the mood for. >WATCHAN DS9, going to finish the second season tonight. >LISTENAN Lord of the Rings soundtrack >READAN Something that's way too damn long >EATAN Grilled chicken >DRINKAN Nothing special >FAPPAN That is a secret >FEELAN Happy the family's home.
>PLAYAN <Quake expansions (Hard mode) Scourge of Armagon and Dissolution of Eternity were a fun challenge although both of the final bosses are incredible easy to cheese, currently playing Dimension of the Past and it feels harder compared to the main game and the two previous expansions hard mode mainly because things like ammo and health packs are way more scarce and ambush rooms are more common. >WATCHAN Mr. Bones 40k >LISTENAN Made in Abyss OST >READAN nothing >EATAN Carrot soup >DRINKAN water >FAPPAN Asahina Makoto works on sadpanda >FEELAN Ok
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>PLAYAN Pokemon Firered: The Cancer that is leveling Magikarp in early game edition >WATCHAN/LISTENAN Catching up on sportsball stream vods. >READAN I did get a Devotional for Christmas that I intend to break into at some point. Even if skimming it seems to indicate it being more for married guys with families, of which I'm neither. >EATAN Chicken and roasted potatoes. >DRINKAN Water. >FAPPAN Not really in the mood tonight. >FEELAN Pretty damn productive. Built my new computer desk, fixed up my old computer desk, did some house cleaning, now I just need a mic for a finishing touch.

webm thread - member movies edition Anonymous 12/06/2024 (Fri) 23:22:06 Id: f10463 No. 1047545 [Reply] [Last]
They no longer make movies out of games, this time you get to play the movie! You can be sure the second I find a nigger there will be a video of him getting whipped. Last thread >>1018065
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>>1062058 sounds like it
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Successor Naming: Consoles, Games, & Other Related Paraphanalia Anonymous 01/16/2025 (Thu) 23:13:51 Id: ad78ab No. 1061794 [Reply] [Last]
Do names matter? Do they really contribute to success or failure of a product?
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>>1062089 >why have no Japanese companies ever attempted their own ridiculous fun anime grand theft auto type game? Shenmue, Yakuza, and Way of the Samurai come to mind. >Side tangent but also why hasn't bandai or some other company that owns all of these crazy space anime ever made a space-style Grand theft Auto or Mass effect type game where you go around in a spaceship (or giant transforming robot) and collect a harem of alien girls and do mercenary and bounty hunting work like something out of outlaw star or cowboy bebop? Spectrobes? It could also be because the Japanese tend to prefer less open-ended narratives compared to people in the West. Need look no further than how the only "originator" of the RPG genre that has remained intact and thriving in it's transition over to Japan was the Wizardry series, meanwhile Ultima and M&M fell by the wayside over there. And how while the West focussed more open building upon the CRPG aspect of exploring a large open world where you can do "anything", the Japanese were more focussed upon dungeon crawlers and linear character-driven narratives (To the point that even "open-world" games are still linear in their progression). In addition, it's likely that you'll never get that kind of game because people are tired of sandboxes and open worlds. They take up too much of the player's time, and developers almost never take advantage of the game's design nor structure a coherent narrative around it.
>>1062089 Japanese pop culture doesn't glorify crime much compared to America's and open world stuff isn't as popular there. The closest you'll ever get is probably Yakuza/Shenmue.
>>1061954 >>1061954 A company like Microsoft is too big, that means nepotism and getting away with a ton awful decisions and which in turn means hiring awful managers that thrive in such environment and end up producing yhe biggest turds while getting golden parachutes for them. The whole pipeline is fucked and there's not much to do about it besides watching them fail and laugh. Xbox only thrived when it was mostly isolated as a division of Microsoft, created by a bunch of counter culture guys, once most of the original crew left, it was done. Just another part of corporate.

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AI General ( Stable Diffusion / DALL-E / Chatbot / Voice Cloning ) Anonymous 01/12/2025 (Sun) 20:15:47 Id: 2fee5a No. 1060375 [Reply] [Last]
Smug Spoiler Edition [Copied from previous thread] ── ✦ ✦ ✦ ── Use this thread as a catch-all for AI related topics. Try to stick to vidya & help your fellow anons out. PLEASE SHARE EVERY NEW RESOURCE YOU FIND OR CREATE ── ✦ ✦ ✦ ── Resources: https://pastebin.com/fLMeAMb1 Previous Thread: https://archive.fo/ZMDOK Previous threads are moved to >>>/ais/ [500 posts or Page 13 before next thread]
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>>1062121 Human intervention makes it more convincing, but then that IS human hands fixing AI mistakes. Ideally you get a good roll that needs as little intervention as possible. >>1061900 Never knew anyone who does this since panties breathe well enough. Exposing that area to filth & contact against everywhere they sit is less sanitary, not more. If you advocate for free-bleeding next then I'll know you're just trolling. >>1062118 Doubt this is a woman, but confirms exactly what I said. >>1061895 If you want more hidden knowledge women who live with parents often masturbate with the handle of a hairbrush because the presence of a hairbrush is otherwise innocuous in their bedroom while a sex toy would be potentially embarrassing if anyone found it.
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Port of Rosa from Gundam X: Under the Moonlight to Illustrious. Illustrious seems to be pickier about using monochrome data. https://civitai.com/models/1151823/il-rosa-after-war-gundam-x-under-the-moonlight-ii-x-under-the-moonlight?modelVersionId=1295503 >>1060376 I'd like to see more of Mana ( >>1061856 ) grabbing Rosa.
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>>1062142 Poking at it some more, the issue may be the Pony checkpoints I used had a VAE by default and Illustrious ones do not not. Using PDXL versions of the Rosa and Mana LoRAs is fine for request.

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Switch 2 announced today Anonymous 01/16/2025 (Thu) 10:18:02 Id: 46c05e No. 1061434 [Reply] [Last]
Edit: It was announced. More details on April 2nd https://youtu.be/itpcsQQvgAQ?si=cOMpOEsP1qTLkzO- Basically everybody who's anybody in the game leaking scene says today Nintendo plans to shadowdrop a Switch 2 reveal, the 16th has been a consistent date thrown around for a little while now. No games, no software, just a console reveal. This is following huge Switch 2 leaks, up to and including actual photos of the console. It's not anything interesting, it looks like a bigger Switch with the words "Nintendo Switch 2" on the back. This is a heavily cropped photo of an actual unit somebody has, they've posted better ones since but I don't want to go digging for them.
Edited last time by Mark on 01/16/2025 (Thu) 14:34:18.
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Did they add Hall Effect thumbsticks or what?
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>>1062156 8bitdo does Hall Effect thumbsticks, and GuliKit makes 100% fittable Hall Effect thumbsticks to drop into Nintendo-made Switch controls with no hassle.
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>>1062155 8BitDo Ultimate 2C shares Switch controller design and works with both too.

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NIHON FALCOM THREAD: Forward Relentlessly Edition Anonymous 11/18/2023 (Sat) 02:48:20 Id: 3d9289 No. 908347 [Reply] [Last]
I was hoping to make it to the shareholders meeting before the old thread got bumped off but it looks like we'll miss it by a couple of weeks. >Latest News -Falcom's 2024 title is all but confirmed to be Kuro No Kiseki 3. We don't have a title or any details yet, though, and likely won't until the shareholder's meeting in December. -Ys X released on Playstation systems and Switch. As of now, no PC announcement has been made. CLE likely will make one going by their track record, but who's to say when. Durante and his team will eventually make one too, as the norm is now for them to release the Japanese PC version and patch in the localization later. Either way, we likely won't see fan translation efforts until a PC version materializes. Thankfully, the Switch version will at least mean easy access to the Japanese script, which was a major problem when trying to translate Kuro 2. Speaking of... -Kuro no Kiseki 2 has had it's main and sub scenarios translated. That is to say, main quest, side quests, events noted on the map and connect events. Most NPCs are still machine translated. This is following Kuro no Kiseki 1 which was completely translated down to the last NPC. This was all done before NISA even officially announced their Kuro localization. As long as they remain three years behind, this should stay the norm. >Fan-translations Kuro no Kiseki 1 Translation: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1nN-39bcBkES4Wg-3-rGlRqTARuQhGybB?usp=sharing Kuro no Kiseki 2 Translation: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/120XMXZinIOWUvzyFZj4bZRYBSoZGMChO?usp=drive_link Hajimari no Kiseki Translation (NPCs incomplete. You might also have to use the CLE PC version and not Durante's. Not sure.): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1WpcNwWXIAdrEitf7z0nIM6sZF7t3pQmw Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana English patch: https://files.catbox.moe/f9gv0g.zip >Undubs Mega of every undub: https://mega.nz/#F!k5ZjwTCD!A4Uyb67OpQQ_qCoB-zvx0g Merge the JP voices and Dummy files into one folder and dump that folder into the voice folder.

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When do I get to play Dinosaur Resurrection?
CLE Kai PC port out next week. From what I hear the JP script got lifted from a leak a while back. This is good news. One of the biggest hurdles for the Kuro 2 translation was not having a copy of the JP script available (since Japanese MTL is infinitely better than Chinese and Korean) so all being well a translation should happen reasonably quickly.
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Drawthread - Comfy fall improvement Anonymous 09/24/2024 (Tue) 15:38:37 Id: 75382b No. 1018232 [Reply] [Last]
/v/ Draw Thread Archive of last thread: https://archive.ph/v1UHd Last thread: >>986513 Thread making resources + the OP can be found here: https://mega.nz/#F!Suhz0D5Y!BSrBrV1kxK9B5G1SSiJmwQ REMINDER TO SAVE THREADS LOCALLY (and all the pictures you want to) SINCE ARCHIVES DON'T HAVE IMAGES ANYMORE Relevant Boards And Threads >>>/loomis/ >>>smuglo.li/a/ - Drawing Improvement Club >>>/a/2358 - /a/ Drawthread >>>/drawarchive/ - Mirrored drawthreads with images; living archive Books and Tutorials If you're starting out, just have as much fun as possible and give it your best shot. Don't worry too much about these as they're info overload for absolute beginners. Sometimes they get nuked but >we try to keep them updated. https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/ https://www.mediafire.com/folder/5strtvods5gda/Drawgfag_Resources

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>>1060748 Its clearly covered by the dewritos, dummy
>>1018233 Okay a weird request - Teagan taking care of Anya from mouthwashing, her feeding a small cake to anya, who in her vulnerable state doesn't think she deserves it. Like pic 1 but with anya being anxious and hesitant towards teagan, who being the chad she is, is patient with her and waits for her to come to her and feel safe enough to eat from her hand. Just a simple trace of pic 1 is enough, I'll provide some extra reference pics

Miku in Fartshite Anonymous 01/16/2025 (Thu) 00:36:52 Id: f00583 No. 1061264 [Reply] [Last]
Miku got added to Fortnite in the latest update She joins other characters like: >Ryu, Street Fighter >Kratos, God of War (the PS4 version) >Aloy, Horizon Zero Dawn >Jill Valentine, Resident Evil >Chris Redfield, Resident Evil >Doom Slayer, (Nu)Doom >Geralt Rivia, Witcher >Solid Snake, Metal Gear Solid Thoughts? Who would you like to see in Fortnite? You DO play Fortnite, don't you anon ; v )
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>>1062033 >>1062041 I can't watch that commercial without hearing the YTP lines
>>1062124 Whoops...wrong webm
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Meta Thread Anonymous 07/09/2022 (Sat) 21:54:11 Id: 5c9cb5 No. 640607 [Reply] [Last]
READ THE RULES BEFORE YOU GET SCHOOLED https://8chan.moe/v/rules.html Keep all of the board drama, autism, site issues, feedback and shitting on the website administration here. Do not post about illegal topics, or you will be banned. Thank you.
Edited last time by Mark on 09/30/2023 (Sat) 21:36:52.
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>>1061811 >Do shit for me No.
Mark, what did you do with your 5800X?
>>1062082 I sold it, I currently have a 7900X. Although I might sell that and get a 9800X3D since it runs at a 120TDP rather than a 170TDP

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Graphical Stagnation and Regression Anonymous 01/16/2025 (Thu) 22:02:27 Id: 083375 No. 1061748 [Reply]
<aka "they're gonna take you to the present, where your screen is fucking unpleasant" the thread >aka grafix discussion bread So I don't think it's much of a secret these days that despite <TAA, with ghosting and trailing <mandatory upscaling <framegen <raytracing and pathtracing more and more games are shipping out in worse technical states asking for more power while less is delivered. There are a myriad of reasons for this state of affairs but TL;DR something systemic is definitely going on and it's led to ripple effects like gamers buying more PC indie titles, reevaluation of the eighth generation, backlash against Unreal Engine, and the Threat Interactive drama. "buy new GPU" is no longer a valid dismissal since Nvidia's poor showing at CES, with barely an uptick in compute and the push for 75% fake frames and neural texture compression. Discuss this hot mess.
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>>1061923 And even better solution, stop buying or playing those trash games in the first place. Unless Modders have some kind of fix (and this sounds like it might not be a very easy fix from what I'm reading and seeing in YouTube videos). At the end of the day what the hell has come out in the last year or two that uses any of this technology that's worth playing?
>>1061920 >applies a smooth grease over your entire screen when moving No. It applies a smooth grease over your entire screen all the time, you just notice it more when moving.
>>1061917 Crysis 3 still looks fucking great.

Onirism is no longer indie Anonymous 10/06/2024 (Sun) 02:02:35 Id: 75763f No. 1023565 [Reply] [Last]
Crimson Tales has struck a marketing deal with a recently created publisher named Shoreline Games, made by people who recently worked on vidya like Space Marine II or Subnautica's marketing. CT keeps full control of the dev while SG makes sure the game is marketed properly. Also, the Onirism page in Shoreline Game's website claims the games is set to get its 1.0 release in Q3 2025, but knowing the game's many setbacks and what's left to do, they might not meet the deadline. https://archive.is/7ksT7 Also, here's Blueberry's father, King Strawberry.
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>>1062100 No, but you can easily spend 3+ hours per dollar of the purchase price on it, and it's all handcrafted. Last major bugs just got fixed. >So... Besides this, the little witch game, and frog gun is there anything else out there? There's >>1049178 >>1058653
>>1062102 >There's Yeah but that game is not even close to being out yet, right?
>>1062106 >Yeah but that game is not even close to being out yet, right? New update is supposed to come out this month, and the full release is scheduled for Q3 2025.

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