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ISO Zeekwitt BC 11/17/2024 (Sun) 01:04:49 No. 21013 [Reply]
Zeekwitt was banned from ZV and I’d love to get in contact with him. Any help would be appreciated. PFA
>>21013 do you want to fuck his dog or something
>>21018 Nope, just wanna talk with a fellow tailhole lover. I’ve seen his content and his posts on ZV and he seemed like a fun person to chat with. ZV bans anyone for looking at a dog the wrong way and I’m upset he suffered that fate there.

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Animal Enthusiast 11/10/2024 (Sun) 23:22:13 No. 20851 [Reply]
does anyone have videos of horses farting up close pov? there was a few videos on zzoo8x18 that have sinse been privated
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does anyone have any noisy, farty horse or cow anal? or any scat stuff :3

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Animal Enthusiast 05/31/2022 (Tue) 12:50:40 No. 3992 [Reply]
Remember the good old time? Where are you going for you needs since the site became more vanilla?
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>>20835 It's chan culture. If you got something to post you post it on the board, not in circlejerk chats. Also, half the time those chat links lead to "no limits" niggers who don't actually want zoo but try to rope you into pedo shit.
i just miss the incest board from the old 8ch . net
What Zoo sites allow downloads?

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Cats Animal Enthusiast 11/10/2024 (Sun) 04:21:12 No. 20831 [Reply] [Last]
Anyone have stuff of cats in heat or know of any places to find it?
Edited last time by DDBoy23 on 12/31/2024 (Tue) 19:54:34.
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More pleaseeee omg
I actually have quite a few of these videos... I can't remember which drive it's on tho

looking for old vid LittleFang 11/20/2023 (Mon) 07:07:41 No. 9588 [Reply]
LittleFang here, love seeing people repost my vids!! I had one that I released ages ago, but it got taken off of Zoox18. It's another compilation ZMV with a bunch of different audios, sort of laid the groundwork for my other videos. If anyone could share it that would be super cool!
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>>9588 >LittleFang Where can I find more of your stuff? Zoox18 is too slow for anything and I can't find your vids anywhere else huge fan btw
>>9589 You knew him? I knew someone called LittleFang on Discord but he deleted his account in 2020 and haven't been able to get back in touch, wondering if this is the same person.
Is that the dog that got huge BD dildos up his ass?

Animal Enthusiast 12/23/2023 (Sat) 08:11:46 No. 10179 [Reply]
Hey /zoo/, I know one of you out there has a P-subscription to Feral Frenzy, and we need that someone to help us update the public repository. The site linked below uses h5ai as a frontend, and uses a drive subdomain for file uploads. You can upload content by clicking the upload button at the top right and uploading to the appropriate directory, we have it named and have subfolders for WIP and finished content. Contribution is absolutely appreciated and benefits everyone in the thread. aHR0cHM6Ly9pd2lmdHAueWVyZi5vcmcvU2hhcmVkJTIwYnklMjBvdGhlciUyMHBlb3BsZS9VcGxvYWQlMjBmb3JtL0ZlcmFsJTIwRnJlbnp5JTIwUGF0cmVvbiUyOEFMTCUyMENPTlRFTlQlMjklMjAzLTI1LTIwMjMv Thank you! :-)
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>>19545 It is in Base64. There are a lot of free sites that let you paste and decode it. But the link you get from the code has been taken down.
Does anyone have the newest vid from etheross with the mare and the orcs?

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Best Knot Pullouts el doggo 05/25/2024 (Sat) 19:54:45 No. 14133 [Reply]
Who's got some good stuffz featuring one of the best sights to see? Didn't see a thread for this yet, so hope I'm not reposting by accident! "Best" obviously just some flavor text. Post away, regardless!
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sucks this thread's dead, had some goodies here, was hoping to see more
>>20820 Other than fag content this entire board is pretty dead
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Alain Bentancourt or MyZooStory Anon 09/30/2024 (Mon) 20:10:05 No. 19267 [Reply]
does anyone have access to the MyZooStory Telegram channel which is the one that he posts his content on? has anyone bought his paid content and can post it here? any of his interspecies content is a bonus if posted here
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>>19380 source or it didn't happen
>>19267 >Alain Bentancourt How do I enter the telegram channel?
>>20841 Kys pedo

Sissy/feminization and/or crossdressing? Animal Enthusiast 05/18/2022 (Wed) 23:12:12 No. 3853 [Reply]
Anyone got anything with sissy/feminization and/or crossdressing? I would prefer real animals, but I don’t really care (image as example)
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>>17205 That's okay, I'm an equal opportunity dogfucker. I'm sure your pup would look great with something in his ass or his sheath (or both!)
>>17235 Very based
>>16997 Someday anon will deliver :(

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How dog mouth ruined my sexual life Animal Enthusiast 10/10/2023 (Tue) 01:19:51 No. 9115 [Reply]
As the title says, I will tell you how a dog ruined my entire sex life with her heavenly mouth. It was around 2020, one of my friends got stuck out of the state and had me watch over his house for a couple of weeks. Since my biggest responsibility was to watch over his dog I took the chance to bring over my girlfriend so things were less boring, but it actually ended up ruining all the fun for me. One day as I walked out of the shower my friend's dog, a beautiful mixed mutt that looks like a labrador with some husky traits (since I know you guys care about these details), jumped at me with her mouth wide open directly over my crotch, I thought she was going to bite my dick off but she actually started suckling on it, and I'm not going to lie when I say that it was the best thing I have felt ever. Since that I almost always took any chance I had to fuck her mouth without my girl noticing, but this backfired bad when her pussy now felt boring. Ever since I still can't get off properly by any means, no toy or anything feels just as good. I can't afford my own dog and I don't know how to tell my friend to borrow me his dog without outing myself, what should I do?
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>>20028 Yes, it is. But the real key is finding or maybe training a "natural". Lot of guys pry open a dog's mouth and throatfuck them, or hold their mouth shut on their cock, and that is absolutely not the same thing as a dog happily, willingly, and knowingly taking your cock right in their mouth and start sucking on it. It's pure heaven and part of that is they love it too, because it sends them back to their happiest time as a puppy, sucking on their mother's teat. It's deeply gratifying for them and they will often close their eyes and just zone out in bliss, while you might be doing maths in your head to try and keep from cumming in ten seconds so as to prolong the pleasure. Some dogs will resign themselves to being forcibly mouth or throatfucked, but it's not like they're enjoying it, so I find videos of that just *not hot* personally. It's rapey and sadistic, the dogs don't like it, and yeah, they may like the cum but, still not cool imo
I discovered something curious with my bitch yesterday. She allows me to fuck her mouth often, she never looked bothered about it not even the first time I did it. Since some days ago she finally went on her three years heat and I was planning to fuck her, but no matter how much I played with her pussy and teased her she never leaked even a bit. So I gave up but I was already pent up so I fucked her mouth as usual, I decided to finger her while doing it and surprise, she was soaking. She even took my balls in her mouth as I was deep in her throat for the first time with zero effort, I think I conditioned her to get the same satisfaction from getting her muzzle fucked as with mating.
>>20767 Most bitches don't generally get super-wet like human females and don't need to, canine penises are wet and he provides most of the lubrication with jets of prostatic fluid. That said, I once encountered a bitch who would often get a slime trail on me during just a thorough loving petting sesh that didn't involve genitals at all. So, some girls do. I also found that a couple other girls really responded to a well-lubricated thumb teasing or just entering their anus when being plowed from behind. Some dislike it but most I've tried it on will get very wet almost immediately, which is a cool feeling if you're inside and feel the change.

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pls dont eat me Animal Enthusiast 07/20/2024 (Sat) 02:16:29 No. 16081 [Reply]
also best websights and other media
i don't have any salt, ur safe for now

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Mandog23cm Anonymous 11/05/2024 (Tue) 23:56:18 No. 20721 [Reply]
I'm curious if anybodies got Mandog23cm"s content on here, been looking for it everywhere and i just can't find it!

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Hello Animal Enthusiast 11/04/2024 (Mon) 21:17:20 No. 20700 [Reply]
This is my alter ego!! ❤️❤️ I howp you like! 🥰

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Massive Dogs the biggest of the Breeds Animal Enthusiast 01/30/2024 (Tue) 12:08:49 No. 11012 [Reply]
has there ever been any big and I do mean really big dogs that have had sex with really hot women women who look like the following bonuses for footjobs, more than one dog gets to have sex with her and cums inside her, accidental anal and if she has to make the dog stop because it's hurting her far too much.
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>>11076 Tell me you're and incel, without telling me you're and incel.
>>11089 >>11656 >>11662 A surprising amount of THOT simping in the zoo community.

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Animals Throbbing/Erect el doggo 05/22/2024 (Wed) 20:10:11 No. 14012 [Reply]
Truth be told, one of the best sighs in my opinion is a nice horse cock hanging or throbbing freely, or even a nice twitching rocket. Why don't we get a thread going for some erections hanging free? Not gonna lie it's whatever, but I really dislike how some of the other threads have people grabbing the cock. I think it's much better to just see that cock (image or video) just doing its own thing, you know? Feel free to post anyways though!
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>>20633 Randomly came across this on twitter just now
>>20648 No link to the source tweet? That’s like finding an ore vein before the mineshaft collapses.

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Breastfeed 11/02/2024 (Sat) 03:31:30 No. 20638 [Reply]
Need more breastfeeding content
Only time I’ve really ever seen anything like this is people using cats for their tongues. I’ve never seen any actual breastfeeding like this. Thank you, genuinely. This is lovely.
i know were there is a pile of brestfeeding puppy's but WARNING you will need a really good antivirus and one hell of a popup blocker. you have been warned. https://tickzoo.tv/tag/breastfeed/

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