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Tickle Hell Anonymous 10/24/2022 (Mon) 16:54:41 Id: 79ae22 No. 31785
My favorite scenarios. Lees trapped in eternal (or lifetime) torture, maybe with a break now and again to give them hope, but otherwise they're trapped forever in ticklish agony they can't escape. Either stated outright, alluded to, or just possible because the lee's surrounded on all sides by some tickle monster. Stories work too.
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I've been meaning to gather all the '1 million years tickle dungeon!' variety of these in one place anyway.
>>31785 4th pic is so fucking hot! Damn it I wish I was that slime tentacle girl
>>32036 I wish I was the one being tickled by that slime tentacle girl
>>32049 I get you, I mean the scenario is just perfect for both sides.
>>31903 I remember seeing that girl right there. The third one with the fleshy pit with the yellow tentacles tickling her. Do you have the full image set for that? I remember seeing it on pixiv but I think its gone?
>>32054 No idea, bro. I just looked through all my bookmarks and can't find it. It might be part of a multipage one I just skipped over. It might still be there, so I'll try and look for it later. in the meantime pics related, and thanks to everyone for providing me with stuff I missed.
>>32076 Dont suppose youve got the source for that fourth one?
>>32087 Sadly, I do. It's from a deactivated dA account called wiizulovesu. they showed up, posted like 3 drawings, and were completely gone the next week, thankfully I snagged this one before they nuked everything. Anyway, more hell scenarios please
Tickle hell futa edition
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>>32141 Uncensored version, where did you even find the censored version, don’t think caroo posted it anywhere besides twitter
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>>32306 I think I got it from his pixiv
>>32141 >>32448 That Bea one fucking destroys me goddamn
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>>32450 Oops. Didn't realize I reposted it
More from my vault, including my favorite piece Redscript has ever done. None of that gross foot shit + plenty of focus on other spots + eternity of torture = perfection. Also two more random ones.
>>32585 Despite the fact I can't follow redscript's art bc of his foot gunk fetish, I will say that his Lynn comic was absolute god tier material. God damn was it well executed
>>32762 I'll look for some stuff.
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>>33451 I'm glad that guy made a comeback, his pixiv was inactive for a good while
Pics unrelated but the scenario that's currently living rent free inside my head is a tickle take on the Prometheus myth. Someone offends the gods and as punishment they're eternally bound, helpless as monstrous ladies ravish them with ticklish attention for hours and hours every day. Sometimes there's a change of pace and the monsters fuck the victim instead. The length of the torment each day, and the stretches of pleasure between them, change too often for the victim to ever get used to, and this is just going to go on forever. No escaping the attention of horny, immortal, tickle-hungry monster girls that never, ever get bored of torturing them.
Pulling this back to the front page because I have a craving. Post more lees in inescapable scenarios
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I can't describe how I love when tickle torture lasts forever, without any chance for rescue or even rest. I wish secret tickling facilities, similar to dtka66's/permanent tickling curses really excited and people just mysteriously "disappeared" just to be tortured for rest of their lives or even eternity...
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Btw, the best part (and very rare) is face expressions. It's so pleasurable to see poor doomed eyes in tears and literal madness
>>50205 God, it's a shame baronstrap gave up the extreme tickling vids. Lost a treasure there.
>>50205 Adding to this, you could pay to have someone 'disappear' to one of these facilities, pay for some optional extras like denying them orgasms, and it's just too good to pass up.
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>>50241 And, you can anonymously indicate to authorities on certain person you want to be permanently tortured
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Sometimes I really wish it was really possible to just anonymously report a woman to secret tickling facility and then she just "disappears" without any chance to be found. Missing posters, news reports about mysterious disappearance, while the poor girl is literally going mad because of tickling that extreme, nobody experienced before yet... Lifelong containment without any hope to be freed. What has she done to end up like this? Maybe she offended someone or just became a victim of a cruel joke? Or maybe she foolishly showed her bare feet on public. Yeah, she totally deserves it. And now she is going to end her days restrained, gagged and blindfolded with her poor, all blushing from tickling soles are sticking out of the wall. Who is she? Somebody's wife? Daughter? Or maybe mom? It doesn't matter. Her new life is a constant crazy laughter and horrible torture. Just a silly barefoot tickleslave...
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>>50368 Artist?
>>50297 seek help
>>50231 Jumpscared by my own thread popping back to the front page thanks to a bunch of people with excellent taste. This one, though, I like this one the most. Keep it coming, break them for eternity.
>>50456 This topic definitely needs more attention
Gopher's tickle prison sets are far and away my favorite version of this. The combination of the machine setup, the video visor forcing them to watch their own torture, and the AI constantly taunting them and telling them how screwed they are is just so, so good. It's such a fucking shame he's leaned away from them and that he does more dudes than girls.
>>50472 You forgot other best parts: constant mocking that the only way for victims to deal with torture- is to loose their sanity.There is no hope for help. Every tickled character in his comics doomed to suffer for rest of their days. I heckin love all this "And since then, nobody have seen them again" stories
>>50297 >Or maybe she foolishly showed her bare feet on public >Who is she? Somebody's wife? Daughter? Or maybe mom? It doesn't matter. Her new life is a constant crazy laughter and horrible torture. Just a silly barefoot tickleslave This alone makes me diamonds. The singular act of wearing what most people would consider normal clothing (Crop Tops for Upperbody fags, or sandals for foot fags) would trigger someone's neurons enough to have them disappear as you mentioned and they'd go through the wringer while they are being looked for and their loved ones are none the wiser is just underrated. Imagine a mother/daughter duo being taken because they went to the beach, or were at the mall together or something. Like, fuck...
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>>50474 Yeah, exactly, the AI rules. Guy's got a talent for seriously cruel dialogue. Not just eternal torture, but a constant voice in their ear reminding them of such, never letting them forget that they're going to suffer forever for even a second. There's a Deku set where an image of Ochaku here gets projected onto his visor, the AI giving a friendly update on her unrelenting torture and teasing him about which one of them will go insane first. Again, guys, bleh, but god damn, that's just incredible. Rub salt on every single wound they have.
>>50476 I like how in Misty comic he straightly said "She had never been found and spend rest of her days being tickled to insanity"
>>50477 Indeed. It's hard around these parts to find someone as degenerate and perverted. What would be extra fucked up to add to this would be if they are put on certain sites where people can auction off what kind of tickling they can go through.
>>50483 Or being dragged into pocket dimension of constant tickling and agony, where victim can't die and will suffer for eternity or even more if we're talking about fantasy/sci-fi lore
>>50478 I like to read these kinds of situations from the victims perspective, it falls heavily into straightjacket/bondage/restraint etc tags if you try to search for them on the boorus or pixiv. especially the stories, stuff goes hard, shame that I have to live with mtl
>>50483 THIS
Imagine a girl just minding her own business, does her casual stuff and ends up here. This is her new home now. Her world. After a few years of her containment, it will be hard to recognise her again. Just a gagged and blindfolded crying creature. Muffed giggling, absurd amount of tears all over the face soaking blindfold and pure insanity
>>50531 They still need to eat and drink anon. Defecate too, clean that shit up. Oh and after a certain amount of time in a uncomfortable, unatural position the body tends to lose sensations other than pain making the captive more annoyed by the tickling than in constant hysterics. Exhaustion plays a part too. After the certain amount of time the body just gives up responding. Tickle hell sounds hot and spicy in a fantasy, magic land where all these problems can be alleviated by 'a wizard did it' or 'muh technology' but when you stop to think about it they would fail hard irl.
>>50532 I wonder, theoretically, how close you can actually get to making a tickle hell like this work. Getting sensitivity and stimulation down to a science, to predict exactly when a person stops processing the feeling and how decide much stimulation can be applied before exhaustion. How much downtime is needed between sessions and how much exercise or socialization (if any) is necessary to keep the mind intact and able to experience the tickles to their fullest. Lots of engineering and logistical problems to work out about feeding and excrement, muscle atrophy, psychological state, et cetera. The kinds we see in fiction are obviously sci-fi, but given enough time and resources I'm sure you can achieve something similar, at least approaching optimal.
>>50532 That's nice, anon, no one thinks that deeply about their porn.
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Anons, we need more content about infinite torturing. Post it, tell us what do you think
>>50535 Are you sure you're not a psychopath?
>>50543 No, just an edgy fuck.
>>50535 You would have to treat it like a prison. Each prisoner gets alone time and social time, exercise time, food water bathrooms etc. Guards and such to keep prisoners in line and in the building. Girls are chosen every couple days to be locked into the mechanisms for an hour or two every day. Girls not scheduled for tickle torture are treated to spas and pedicures to keep their bodies softened and sensitive. Lotion baths, lots of exfoliation, etc.
>>50546 Boooring Isn't this thread supposed to be cruel hardcor tickling with no rest? And you are talking about vanila slice of life shit
>>50542 That's a great one, even with MTL. The way it stimulates the hell out of her then gets pissed when she actually cums and punishes her for it is so unfair, I love it. By the end she can't see a thing, can't move at all, can't speak, scream, or laugh, getting her nipples sucked when they can't produce milk, bladder full but can't piss, pussy and clit teased from every angle, body cursed and drugged to the peak of sensitivity, and of course every inch of her body is getting tickled straight to hell, all with no end, rescue, or the slightest bit of relief in sight. Perfection. I love long-term and/or endless setups that get shadowed like this on the final image. The lights go dark, the door shuts, and then her suffering never stopped. There is nothing more to say or see, because you've already seen what's going to be happening for the next forever, there's never going to be another change in this scenario. The end.
>>34038 Thinking about this specific scenario again because ever since this thread got bumped and I read through it, it's been on my mind. The victim bound on top of a pillar or mountain, all they can see is sky in every direction. And then they hear the scratching of their tormentors climbing up to get them for the day. They can only beg for a mercy they know won't come as the monstrous ladies close in, and they never know if this is going to be a day of pure tickling, edging, overstimulation... or a combination of the three. They don't have an option but to lay there and take it. Also @ the one who said "hurb durb uh they need to eat and sleep and shit so this is just pure fantasy," yes? Duh? why are you thinking about it so hard? Shut up and post tickle hell.
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Aaand nobody has never seen her again...
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I've lost count of how many times I've beat it to this sequence. There's one of those ero trap dungeon runs beforehand, but it doesn't have any tickling. Also loli warning, I guess. That's fine here, right?
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Bye bye, Mari-chan~ Sensitive cranked up to 11, absolutely non-stop tickling and pleasure torture, can't die, can't go insane, can't break, not even the possibility of mercy for hundreds of years, and confirmation that she's never rescued or released, screaming in agonized laughter until the end of time. Perfect, just perfect. Sanity maintenance is essential for these setups. If there's the slightest possibility that they'll break and enjoy it present, then the eternal nature of their torture means that's going to happen eventually no matter what. Can't have that, can we? It's not a tickle hell if the suffering stops.
>>50674 Perfect just perfect. Imagine having hopes and desures, building plans for future... And end up like this. Horrible, humiliating unbearable
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>>50675 She's a cocky little brat too. Here she is at the start. >unbearable Um, ACTually, that's wrong, it's completely bearable. Look at her in >>50673, bearing it. These girls are always saying stuff like that. "Please, stop, I can't take anymore!!" "This is unbearable, make it stop!!" "No, no, it's too much, noooo!!!" What a load of bullshit. She gets tickled and laughs, she gets stimulated and cums, everything keeps working as intended. Where is this limitation they keep screaming about?
>>50671 Fuck it, I'm just gonna gush over this. The way she tries to talk her out of this and just gets completely ignored. No, no, Mari-chan, it's already too late, there's nothing you can do. The way her captor in detail explains why she's going to be tortured forever, and the way Marilyn barely has time to react to it and beg for mercy before being overwhelmed by the next orgasm. The way the tickle torture starts the moment after she cums, without giving her any chance to recover. Better get used to it, Mari-chan, you'll never get a chance to recover again! The way she already feels like she's going to die, the tickling thrown into the mix is just pure agony, and the final component of her hell is revealed. You can't even go crazy, Mari-chan; the agony you're feeling now is never, ever, eeeveeer going to stop, not even for a second. The way she just starts screaming for help and how her first of truly countless ticklegasms tears through her. There's no need to say you're cumming, Mari-chan, we know. Really, it'd be easier to say when you're NOT cumming. Not that you'll be able to speak for long. The way her captor confirms she's serving her new purpose perfectly. Did you know, Mari-chan? With you powering up your tormentor, the odds of you ever being rescued become that much lower! In a way you already did this to yourself, venturing into this dungeon that's way past your level, and like so, you're helping make sure you'll never leave! And since you can't break or go crazy, you'll have all of eternity to dwell on that! The way she begs for death, wishing for anything but this, when this is the only thing she'll ever experience. And see? Already cumming again, no chance to recover. You probably would actually die if you could. Too bad! The way she's sealed away, locking her in her private hell, and she can't even react to it. The last words we hear from her are "Can't stop cumming," isn't that great? Nothing else is going to happen; she's going to keep suffering like this, in the dark, without ANY kind of variation for maybe hundreds of years. Can you imagine her being finally checked on and begging for mercy? She'd still be sane, after all, suffering just as much then as she is now. Can you imagine the despair strong enough to break her on it's own when her captor seals her back up after the checkup? Or even better, when she finally, inevitably decides she's checked up enough, and assures her that this will be her last visit, she won't get any kind of contact until the end of time, her veeeeery last kind of relief being cut off forever? The tidal wave of desperate pleas as her pod is sealed up for the final time, her cone of vision narrowing on her captor's cheery final wave goodbye? I might like this set too much. Fuck Gopher, this is where it's at.
>>33625 how great of an artist redscript would be if 80% of his works weren’t the most vile, repugnant, nauseating utter filth that have plagued the foot/tickling spaces
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>>50531 >>50532 >>50535 I would have thought this goes without saying when it comes this depth of fetish fantasizing. Kinda like trying to explain a joke, you end up sorta ruining it. But if you want to try and analyze what we might be unconsciously doing to rationalize this fantasy, this is my stab at it. Yes, obviously holding a victim in perpetual bondage and tickle torture is unfeasible. Being held in tight mummification or splayed by a tentacle monster beyond one or two hours will become more painfully torturous than the tickling. Muscles will fatigue and burn up unpleasantly. Then the physical limits of tickling and the response to it. Laughter turns hoarse, nerves and skins wear down. Then there waste management which most people don't even want to get into. Which bring us to food, water and sleep. Fitting in meals and adequate rest so the victim doesn't collapse into nothing. If not that, then there is the psychological/mental limits of a person. You want to approach this pseudo-climax point of breaking their mind and mental fortitude to become a mindless tickle slave. But beyond the first couple sessions after that point, the thought of institutionalizing basically a vegetable is quite unsightly. Therefore, the approach I think people take, whether they're aware of it or not, is one of two and then somewhere in between: One. It's fiction. It's fantasy. You quite literally suspend your disbelief. Ticklees exist in this liminal spacetime where their bodies exist in prefect condition. Skin and sensitive nerve are forever in prime and ideal condition for tickle stimulation. No need to eat, drink, piss or shit. Yet they have an endless supply of sweat, tears and cum. Somehow they have unlimited energy to struggle in bonds and laugh endlessly but will have a realistic, convenient periodic cycle of expending that energy to be tired/exhausted so that you can divide their apparent immortality session by session. As for their mind, that's just whatever the hottest idea to you. They may try to stay vigilant against the torture despite it being futile. Letting despair and hopelessness slowly seep in day by day. Perhaps until they reach the critical point and just snap one session. Instantly switching from a hardened resolve to a maniac masochist that's now begging for more. Or Two. You exercise trying to imagine how these worlds, machines and/or Eldritch horrors operate and that in itself becomes the fantasy. The impossible sensitivity increasing oil and magic fit here too. This can range for anything as seemingly simple as arranging the ever-popular Tickling Asylum like in Laughing Pines to the insane Multiverse Dimension hopping shenanigans of Redscript. So somewhere in between would be stuff like wtfeather or when Briel7 does IP characters. Where is this facility Samus is being held? Why are they tickling her? How long have they been and will be tickle her for? Don't know, don't care, and probably a long time. Also when it comes to fantasizing these scenarios, you can just jump to the juicy bits you want, like skipping around in a porn clip. Key moments being; the Anticipation before the torture; The Beginning of the tickling and the victim first panicked reactions; The Mind-break; And an Aftermath after an unfathomably extended duration. TL:DR If you're thinking too much able how a Tickle Hell works, you probably are. And if you want to think hard about it, then be my guest.
>>50681 Don't care for loli shit but this written out description? Good. Excellent. I like it. Keeping this like I would any of those tickle captions. >>50747 One simple fantasy of mine that I have is some poor soul trapped in a deep, dark pit. Above them, they see a light. On occasion, someone falls down from far above, but they're quickly and gently caught by the other residents of the pit: Intensely tickle-hungry slimes. Neither the slimes nor the victims get tired, hungry, or thirsty, and each slime is personally tailored to maximize their victim's ticklish suffering. Whenever the POV victim is allowed to look around, they see endless others suffering like they are. But usually their field of view is taken up by the face of "their" slime, their demon, cooing down at them, teasing them endlessly, finding new and even more excruciating ways to draw laughter from them. The demons never get bored and they never stop. The difference is that the victims do break, but there's ways around that. The POV character is told as much; the demon slime notes they're struggling to get to a rock or tool or cast some sort of spell, but they can't reach it. "It wouldn't help, anyway." chides the demon, "And I know because you've tried it before." The demon reveals that with a passionate kiss on the lips, it can erase any amount of the victim's memory that it wants. It does this every time they snap or fall into madness, or just whenever they start to get used to everything. And with a cute little giggle, it reveals it's erased thousands of years of memory from its victim, its toy, its personal plaything. "I love watching your face when you learn it again. I never get tired of it~"
>>50811 That's actually fucking brilliant and I'm kinda mad I didn't think of it before. The Demon Slime thing could also psychically project visions of their previous tortures. Show them all the different kinds of tickling they've been through, what they become when they eventually snap and how the get memory wiped and wake from their comatose only to be thrown in the pit again and repeat the cycle. Sometimes that revelation itself is what drives them mad, even begging to be mind wiped again to not know this knowledge of their fate. The Slime Monster would say that Of course they will wipe their mind again, but only after a couple centuries of tickle torture while they know. So the other victims in this hell hole would hear the doom-saying cries of this one victim screaming about they are all fucked and have been trapped here for eternities.
>>50855 Don't be mad, that's why we're sharing fantasies here. I think of this shit way too often to be healthy anyway. I really, really like "begging to be mind-wiped" though holy shit I'm making that part of my fantasy pics are good but if yall reading this have similar fantasies, don't be afraid to share them here either. Story links to tickle hell themes? Also fantastic, put 'em here. oh i should probably post content too huh, here we go.
So! How does a tickle-hell-chad-enjoyer like youselfs reconcile wanting to see someone you find sexy and lovely absolutely anihilated by unbearable ticklish stimuli for the rest of their existence and wanting to, you know, keep someone you love safe and happy, like a normal person? Are your tickle hell fantasies reserved for some hot souls(les) undeserving of your genuine affection? Do you resort to the tried and true fantasy of your 'lee of preference secretely loving every second of it even as they beg for mercy in ticklish screams? Do you not care, as you embrace the ticklish suffering of all those deserving of your affections as a true showing of your dark and perverted devotion? Do you do the sane thing and reserve all your tickle hell fantasies for the 2D world, while leaving the most modest of your tickle fantasies and realities for the people in your life you might actually care about? As a tickle hell enjoyer that also wouldn't actually like to see some they love having their soul broken through tickle torture, hot as that might be, these are the questions that keep me up at night.
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Please don't ask how they actually drink the potions.
OP here again. So for the better part of a fucking decade or maybe longer bc i can't remember exactly when it started, my go-to hardcore tickle kink fantasy has involved some kind of weird alien goo hive. The aliens in question are hot blue women w flexible tails and long tongues but that's a matter of course for me The fantasy always involves the victim of the week (whatever character or oc I'm focused on, or just some generic victim if Im not) sealed in the indestructible, unyielding slime and just had at for extended periods. the aliens themselves are merciless but whatever magic or tech is infused in the hive keeps the victims awake and without need no matter what. Imagine my surprise and delight when I find Gahowolf and his sadistic dryads, which are basically EXACTLY my fucking fantasy down to the green goo and plot contrivance that keeps the lees alive and healthy forever. Imagine my disappointment and annoyance when he chooses to focus almost exclusively on the ass hole. Sometimes, he makes gold though. Keeps me coming(/cumming) back.
>>51018 >10 Where is this from?
Need more bellies and midriffs put through hell. Aside from the last pic; I just like that one. one day when I see this thread again I should share my recurring fantasy about the "Pink Room" with yall.
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>>51289 Lemme guess. The "Pink Room" is a room encompassed by a pink amorphous goop slime monster that engulfs the victim in tickles them with various tentacle shapes, right? If it sounds like I'm goading you to elucidate us with your "Pink Room", it's because I am. Also take no offence. I'm just joking around. It's just funny that most porn and fetish ideas boil down to 'Slime monster'
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Good to see the best thread on this website is still up. Also good to see that the Dark Samus caption I wrote like a year and a half ago is still in circulation. Hell scenarios are the peak of the fetish, bar none
>>51359 make no mistake, I'm glad badperriot has been doing more of those. I'm a BIG fan of tickle-hungry slimes, goos, and oozes. But no, the Pink Room is a recurring concept in my fap fantasies. It's based on the vid linked, sort of; in this creator's earlier works, the victims were all trapped in an expanse that looked like an endlessly large, pink-decorated room, but none of those early works ended up in my saves. The concept sure did, though. The Pink Room is what it sounds like: endlessly large room filled with pink furniture. it sends doorways at random into the world, waiting for ticklish victims to accidentally open them. Anyone who does is pulled inside, never to escape, as ticklish devices and hands manifest to tease, edge, and tickle them for the rest of their existence. Sometimes it's "kind," overstimulating victims by making them cum over and over, but it's always back to tickling eventually. side note: i wanted to put some vids as examples but they were too fucking huge lmao, so you get a link to the guy instead: https://www.iwara.tv/profile/user202980/videos
What about found footage type plot? Imagine, dude gets an email with one single message "Guess who!" And then he notices bunch of photos and videos. It's somebody he knows very well and she is being brutally tickle tortured in any possible way. Who is she? Maybe his girlfriend? Wife? Or even mom? The kidnappers message every day, with photos of poor girl doomed for eternal torture, mocking and bullying him...
Sharing another thought with you all: some femboy adventurer encountering a demon or tickle mage in the depths of a dungeon as he was on a quest for a Necklace of Immortality. The attacker of course swiftly incapacitates the adventurer with a ticklish assault, but eventually the adventurer wins and escapes. They eventually find the necklace and put it on, only to find out it comes with a curse: slow movements, heightened sensitivity, heightened libido. Just as its creator, that very same demon, desired. The victim is taken to a prison deep below the dungeon where the hopeless screams of dozens of other adventurers, all wearing the same necklace, are heard as they're ticklefucked by spells and tech and what have you to power the demon's own immortality. Femboy is shut into a prison that quickly begins taking advantage of his new state as the demon goes and places a new necklace on the very same altar above and awaits the next victim. Pics unrelated but I didn't want to just post text.
I love industrial tickle hell setups. Her torture has some kind of purpose and the torture is just a means to that end. It makes it horribly impersonal, her captors just see her as a cog in the machine, with no reason to ever even consider making it stop or letting her go.
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I like the idea of world where exists a secret organisation, kidnapping women for lifetime tickle torture
Necroing my own thread because Redscript delivered another nugget of gold amidst the tide of gross shit. And also jimbobadob's slime queen because I can't remember if I posted it already but I don't care. "Slime queens drag their victims away to places they'll never be found and tickle them for the rest of their lives" is fucking hot, so I needed a version of the pic with that description.
Pulling this one back to the front. Didn't want to post repeat pics if I could help it so I'm stretching a little here. Damn, though, remember when alienshade did traditional art? I miss it. His 3-D stuff is... OK, I guess, but it pales in comparison to what he did with pen and paper.
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I'm not sure how much this counts as hell, but it's long-term tickle slavery staring Best Girl Rin, so whatever. Not shown: Rin loses her servant, stumbles into an alley while escaping, and passes out. Some rando finds her and sells her to a tickling brothel. There's several rounds of customers before this, but this one that sells it as a tickle hell for me, so here we are.
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End. Enjoy your new life, Rin-chan~
Dragging this thread back to the front because I've been high on an idea lately similar to the one I posted about a while back, with tickle hell being filled with slime demons that can erase the victim's memory. It's also merged with the eternal tickle cocoon from >>50681 Hero defeated by some kind of demon/monster/etc, whatever you want, and a big deal is made about a tattoo the victim's back is being inscribed with. The ler holds down the victim until the tattoo is finished, and then before putting on the finishing touch, they reveal what it's for: it's a dangerous spell or tool which grants the victim immortality and limitless stamina, but at a massive cost: every year, their memory is reset to the moment the tattoo was fully inscribed on them. Victim is taken to their new eternal home, some evil tickle pod, and just before they're shoved in their captor finishes the tattoo so they always remember they have it, and what it does, but can never remember just how long it's been. Maybe their pod helpfully keeps track of the years as they turn to decades, then centuries, so the victim is consumed with hopelessness every time they see just how long they've been suffering without mercy, breaks, or hopes for release.
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Me reading with a hot coffee and my fuzzy blanket on a cold winter evening (wholesome)
In the original story for these, the woman was trapped by aliens who were running experiments on her. The wall she's trapped in was stated to be able to keep her healthy and alert no matter what they put her through. In the end, they released her with her memory of the abduction wiped from her mind... but, y'know. what if they didn't? What if they just kept her and a few other humans trapped in these walls for a while? Maybe for the rest of their tortured lives?
>>54280 Tysm for posting these, really keeping the thread alive here. Can I ask where you found it?
What about a scenario similar to the Matrix where someone is directly jacked into a virtual realty simulation? In the real world their body would be hooked up to numerous machines to regulate and facilitate all their bodily needs (nourishment, vital signs, waste management, etc) while in the virtual world they’d be enduring an endless hellish tickling nightmare that never ends. The mental anguish would be completely real to them while the technology outside the simulation could prevent them from ever succumbing to exhaustion or dying from it. Hell I’m sure the A.I. from the Matrix could easily unlock the secret to keep someone from aging as well, they just never implemented it to keep the illusion of a “real world” more believable. Either way since often times in a dream weeks, months or even years can pass while only a few hours do in the real world, it could go for what would seem like centuries to the victim. Now I’m imagining someone, after all that mind breaking tickle torture, being unplugged from the simulation, now a raving hysterical lunatic screaming “PUT ME BACK IN!!” as it’s become the only reality they are capable of comprehending and the sudden lack of torment is utterly terrifying for them. And I know this is specifically a “tickle hell” thread but ponder this. Could even be a bit more benevolent; an eternal heavenly paradise where the pleasure centers of their brains are directly connected to tickling to the point where they crave and indulge in every ticklish moment with every ticklegasm just as mind-blowing and intense as the last. Would make them even more hysterical and insane if they were to be suddenly removed from it and returned to a reality where tickling doesn’t give them that level of pleasure.
>>57618 [Pomesame Teishoku-ya] Uramenu Rin-chan (Fate Stay/Night) [English] [biribiri]
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Lemmy Koopa, perhaps the most eccentric of the Koopalings. And after an encounter with a peculiar cult, the worshippers of K'tchiku, that seemed to crank up to 11 and a half. He was captured for three days and three nights before the Koopa royalty was able to track him down. He seemed relatively unscathed, but a bit out of it. Giggling like a madman in a cell he was. When they took him back, he was confined straight to bedrest. And there he remained in his room for a while until the Magikoopas could figure out for sure that he wasn't cursed. Occult members can be dangerous to deal with. His room remained locked, and his windows barred, and the armored koopatrol wandered the halls day and night. One night though, upon the new moon, something seemed to break in him. He awoke that night bound in an impossible straight jacket with neither seams nor openings, but like a new skin to him. And his legs were bound into a great stone stockade, his feet sunken in flush with the facing. The all consuming black of the new-moon night crept in through the bars of the windows, through the murky glass. It crept across the floor, not quite slithering, but rather growing lengthwise toward him. Not stretching, nor extending in any natural way, but simply elongating, simultaneously as blobs and tendrils. It attached to the stone block, before seemingly melting into something more recognizable, albeit with a gleamless matte surface, yet a jelly looking texture. The only gleam coming from its surface was from the various eyeballs, twitching and flicking back and forth, bubbling in and out of existence. And the blob spread itself out in a wriggling mass of tendrils along his feet, now merged fully with the stone. And they tickled. The slippery, yet dry surface tickled like enchanted feathers upon raw nerves. He was a ticklish sort, surely, but this was a whole new level. Not like the hairbrushes that wracked his soles at the hands of the cult, not like the crinkly floss that sawed between his toes and kept him barely conscious. This was a tickle that cut deep into the soul of the sole. Tickled with the shattering intensity that would come with a hot coal upon a cut. Upon his soles, between his toes, along his ankles, and slithering up his body, the formless mass lazily squirmed upon Lemmy's trapped body. And all he could do was howl with laughter, hoping beyond hope that one of the guards would quickly come in to save him, that the Magikoopa sect would dispose of this heinous blob of pure ticklish energy. Or even, that one of his dear siblings would come in and take his place as a ticklish sacrifice, as this was tickling in its purest possible form... A koopatrol heard hysterical laughter pealing from his room. He thought maybe he should alert a squad or a magician, or even the King himself. But he was both curious of the Koopaling, and not at all eager to incur the wrath of a fire-breathing king awoken in the late of night. He unlocked the door, and peeked his head into the room... And what did he see? But a lone Lemmy, sat bolt upright in his bed in his polka-dot pajamas, hugging himself tightly, with his feet pressed up against the footboard of the bed so hard the wood was cracking, just sitting there, shaking and laughing uncontrollably.
>>57692 Still grooming people, Sodie?
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So anyone else ever just stumble over comments like this that somehow make the picture just ten times better? I know it's some random low effort comment but my stupid tickle-hungry brain simply can't get over it. Just think about it. Look at this naked, sweat soaked, quivering mess of a girl. That helpless look of pure ticklish exhilaration on her face as every single stroke of a finger over her silky smooth skin completely overwhelms her. Unable to stop herself from drooling in her total loss of control, crying tears of laughter while the relentless tickling wreaks chaos in every last corner of her mind. That stupidly happy expression as all she can do is laugh and laugh even more, as if she was having the time of her life. While in reality, she would give anything, absolutely anything to escape her endless suffering. She would be a slave for the rest of her life, sell her soul to the devil just for a minute of rest, just one precious minute of being allowed breath freely, without being forced to howl in ticklish laughter, without her soft, delicate body being subjected to those agonizing sensations. But no matter how much she laughs, how much she screams for mercy or what promises she makes, the tickling simply goes on. Look at that delicious body. Invitingly nude and totally helpless as the ghostly hands hold her perfectly still, so that not even the smallest writhing or squirming can disturb her relentless torment. Those smooth, clean shaven armpits that are so absurdly sensitive, that she wants nothing more than to protect. Good thing these hands are so much stronger than her, holding her arms tight and leaving those cute pits wide open and perfectly exposed for relentless tickling, no matter how much she begs to them to leave them alone. This magnificent pair of full, perky tits, no doubt sensitive beyond belief, and in their cruelty the fingers focus exclusively on the hyper-ticklish undersides and those throbbing, rock hard nipples. That single ghostly hand hovering right before her delicious, ticklish pussy, performing the same unbearably titillating motions over those soft, smooth lips forever and ever. Never touching her aching clit of course, not even once during those billions and billions of ticklish strokes along her sensitive sweet spot - she can only dream of being allowed to cum. That is, if the hellish ticklish torture consuming her entire mind and body even allows such thoughts. Finally, behold those perfect, dainty little feet. So cute and helpless, held properly in place by another one of the big hands, while her tender, creamy soles are simply abused without end. Look at these toes adorably squirming, performing their endless dance to try to alleviate the mind melting sensation of ticklish agony even a tiny bit, to no avail. This beautiful pair of soles is just way to soft, way too sensitive not to take advantage of and scribble and rake their nails all over those pale surfaces. All of those different assaults on her exquisitely ticklish body and more hit this girl every single second, making every waking moment a living nightmare as she loses herself in laughter. She probably couldn't even take a minute of this. An hour would seem like inhuman, genuine torture to her, something she would never submit herself to willingly. But fortunately, she has no say in the matter. So what if after one hour, it doesn't stop? What if the tickling simply carries on for the next hour, and then another one? For a day, a week even? But this, as horrifying as it might be for her, is nothing compared to what is awaiting this poor girl. Even after a year of relentless ticklish torment, an unfathomable amount of time spent crying, laughing and begging for it to stop, it won't end. Not only that, but it won't even register on the scale. What will seem to her like an eternity of suffering is basically nothing, an infinitely small spec of time compared to the 500 million years of tickling that she is yet to experience. New species will emerge and go extinct, new continents will be formed and during this endless amount of time, she will be in the exact same position. Naked, helpless and so, so ticklish. Unable to move, unable to stop laughing, unable to do anything but lose her mind in crazy ticklish laughter and suffer. Just howling and begging for mercy that will never, never be granted.
>>57947 500 million years isn't eternity, but it's a long, long, long time. Can you imagine after 10, how she's begged and pleaded and claimed to have learned her lesson, confessed to every wrongdoing she's ever done in the hopes of mercy? But it doesn't stop. By 50 years, she's confessed to every wrongdoing she THINKS she's done. Every imagined sin, everything she can conceive that may have landed her here, in the vain hopes that baring it all will earn her some leniency. But it doesn't stop. By 100 years, she's claimed she's pure, that she's suffered enough, screaming into the surrounding darkness that she's learned her lesson, that she'll be a good girl, that she knows what she did wrong and she'll never do it again, that she'll live a life of purity and grace, that she'll be perfect. But it doesn't stop. By 500 years, she's run out of things to say. She's entirely run out of ways to beg, ways to rage, ways to curse and swear and plead and cry. There's nothing else she can think of to lighten her sentence, because she's tried every approach/ And there's still so much longer to go. (pics unrelated but i didn't want to just put text)
>>57693 take your life
>>57947 Thanks anon, that's hot enough to be caption in itself.
>>58130 That's some pretty nice art, source?
This is probably one of the hottest images I've seen in a long time.
>>58150 Look like GuiltyOrion's artstyle.
>>58182 Where can I find them? Or at least, some of their other work?
>>57983 Yes, it is likely that after a couple centuries of uninterrupted despair and pleading for the tickling to end she will simply give up. It might be easier to just abandon all hope than to constantly scream into the void for mercy, further torturing herself with the illusion that if she just whimpers and pleads enough, someone will take pity eventually. But I think if you'd want to hear her sweet begging again, all it would take is to pay her a visit in her realm after 10,000 years or so. The sheer amount of suffering she'll have endured by then would be beyond comprehension. More than a hundred lifespans experiencing nothing but the most horrendous, mind melting tickling all over her naked body. Her skin still as soft and perfectly smooth as it was on the first day, still just as sensitive - if not more. The overwhelming desire to be free, to feel something else than the relentless overstimulation of all her ticklish spots just for once, it's all that has been on her mind during this unfathomable time span. She might very well believe that a million years have passed, with every torturous minute lasting an hour to her tickle hazed mind. How lucky that you can clear up this little misunderstanding for her. It's been 10,000 years girl! You've been tickled for about as long as human civilization has existed. From when the mammoth went extinct in North America until the invention of the internet, that's the amount of time you've spent naked, restrained, and tickled out of your mind without a second's rest. Can't move a muscle huh? Can't protect those cute pits and those nice, pampered feet at all, can you? Still as helpless and sensitive as ever? Perfect. Knowing how unbearably ticklish you are makes it so much more fun to leave you here. Oh right, I almost forgot! As of now, there's 99,9998% of your sentence remaining. So much more time to think about how horrible those fingers feel on your tender soles, how it makes you go insane having those sexy thighs squeezed. How there's nothing, absolutely nothing you can do to stop it. Except... you give me a reeeally good reason why I shouldn't just seal this realm back up ~ Then just enjoy the ensuing drama as she begs you from the depth of her heart, in a desperate attempt to convince you. Pleading for everything she is worth, all through tears of delicious laughter. Watch her struggle to get out the words through her ticklish distress as she offers herself to you, promises you everything you could think of, a perfectly submissive slave broken by tickling. And the despair in her eyes when you finally tell her it wasn't enough, that she'll get her next chance in another 10,000 years - maybe. And until then... more endless laughing and suffering ♡ >>58013 Lol thanks
I can't tell if I posted the correctly translated version I got from here or not, but whatever. Man, yknow, Gahowolf struck gold when he created the dryad sisters and their forest of eternal tickle hell. Just the descriptions in the first pic alone are enough to get me hard-- a gaggle of gorgeous women who will never get bored tickling you and who are fully willing and able to spread you for their pleasure and tickle you in ways and spots you never thought about. And if you get used to the tickling, they overstimulate you instead until you're either begging to go back or your mind is melted enough for them to return to tickling with a fresh slate. And don't even get me started on that purple slime who's stated goal is to capture people and ticklefuck them forever. A+ material. too bad he's fallen so hard for asshole tickling and sounding.
Ya know…all these ideas about being tickle tortured for years, decades and centuries straight…they all always come with one major issue. Even if you bless the victim with infinite endurance and stamina and full on immortality where they can never be physically harmed, the psychological toll the suffering you love so much takes on them is still an issue. After only a few days to a week of nonstop tickling, the victim will begin suffering from legit psychological trauma and inevitably their minds will break as they disconnect from reality entirely. Full blown insanity will set in over time as any and all ability to process the sensory input shuts down and they essentially go catatonic. And sure you can also say they’re somehow immune to psychological damage but then that robs you of their frantic displays of genuine panic and suffering you crave so much. You won’t get that delicious desperation and emotional breakdown that makes it so enticing. They’ll just take it hour after hour, year after year with that same initial level of reaction but can never be truly “broken”. In a fictional setting sure it can still work I guess but I’ve always been a chap who still needs at least a little logic in lieu of total suspension of disbelief. For me there has to be some kind of breaking point where they’re completely physically, emotionally and mentally fatigued; utterly decimated and awash in an afterglow of dread over whether it’s truly over and you with a sense of satisfaction for having completely broken them. Thousands of years of tickling is like listening to your favorite song on loop forever…eventually you’re gonna get tired of it.
>>58382 If you can grant eternal life then you can grant eternal sanity too. See >>50673 and >>50681. I'd call it an essential component in any tickle hell.
>>58382 And that's why this particular fantasy will always just BE a fantasy. If you can't get behind their minds eventually eroding into nothing, you can do something like >>50811 where vast swaths of memory are erased to allow for new and fresh bouts of suffering.
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Man, I love this guy for his concepts. Some of it is a little bizarre at times, but I've always adored this absolute gem. It has so many of my favorite things: Strong, proud warrior girl being broken, a completely undeserving victim, ticklish doom bad ending and pure sadism. She's begging for forgiveness after mere seconds, completely unable to deal with the unknown sensation. Her tormentor is simply delighted with her desperate reactions, listening to the frantic pleading and laughter escaping the bottle with glee. The look of pure excitement on her face says it all - she knows exactly what she is doing to the poor girl, and she is loving every second of it. And then, the peak of cruelty - she buries her somewhere in the middle of nowhere, essentially taking away her last hope of ever being rescued. And she lets her know too, taking pleasure in the way her victim panics and begs her not to while she seals her fate with a little shovel. Pat pat - aaand now it's just a patch of dirt like any other. The help she's screaming for won't come. Most likely, not even the witch herself will remember where exactly the bottle is buried after a few days. Our strong but oh so ticklish warrior girl is doomed to spend the foreseeable future trapped in her own little pocket dimension of tickle hell, with almost zero chances of being rescued.
>>58743 The sorceress sealing her in just a random patch of dirt where she'll likely never be found, leaving her to suffer for who knows how long is a concept that's got me diamonds. Now my tickle hell fantasies have swapped from malevolent slime demons to just random unfortunate getting Got by a wizard with too much disposable income and too much sadism. Thanks for this bud.
Fed to a tickle-hungry slime, and left to suffer when all useful information from her has been extracted. Enjoy the next few years of your life, because that scientist doesn't seem too keen on the idea of letting you escape your situation in any way.
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>>58742 >>58743 The best part is that the story just moves right along. She never appears or gets mentioned again, at least not in what's been posted. Just remember that during all the wacky tickle torture shenanigans past this, Wanda's still in hell. Being tortured non-stop, every second of every minute, screaming with laughter. Hell does not require a witness. >>59285 This has a translation somewhere.
>>59285 Sauce?
>>59295 I wish this had a translation, just the poor girl getting her feet brushed inside a box endlessly
>>59285 Did the sequel to this ever come out? I saw a preview one time of the second girl that’s being forced to watch getting it in Part 2 but I never found it.
>>59295 Good observation, and beautifully said. It's just perfect right? The uncompromising cruelty of her predicament, the never explicitly stated but nevertheless plain certainty that she is still there, laughing and suffering every single second. Losing her mind in hysterics and desperately begging to be freed while her exposed, unbearably ticklish spirit body is abused mercilessly without a second's rest. No deus ex machina for our poor hero, no sudden plot twist to save her from her completely undeserved torture. The tale continues without her, her glaring absence undeniable confirmation that she is still securely tied up, helpless and naked and relentlessly tickled in her little bottle where noone will ever find her. Even if, by some happy coincidence, her friends would at some point learn about her fate - where would they even begin to search? How long would it take them to plow up an entire forest? No, it's much more likely that she'll stay right where she is, her fruitless pleas for mercy never even reaching anyone's ears. Wanda will forever be suffering in ticklish agony for the crime of wanting to help her friend and fight evil, and each new issue without her serves as a sweet reminder...
>>58742 Source?
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Not much to add to this one, the dialogue says it all. I love the sadistic teasing while they are tickling her to madness <3
>>60458 I swear Redscript's gallery is like a treasure island full of land mines. Full of downright vile, nauseating foot gunk and smell fetish, but once you've navigated through all the disgusting shit there's some genuinely amazing tickling art. He's so talented in making these sadistic, never ending torture scenarios, it's so fucking hot. Real shame you have to sift through a pile of literal garbage to find them
>>60558 Those people really should have their noses cauterized...
>>60558 Agreed. Dood really needs to stop doing either one or the other. That or actually needs to learn to catalogue them properly so we don't need to hold back a vomit when searching for fap material.
>>60817 I completely forgot about that guy, but I hope he's doing well. He's got some love for eternal hell scenarios. I'm not big into feet, but the phrase "teleports away when the victim is on the verge of rescue" has been spinning around in my head for days now.
>>60944 He came back to DA this month after a 7 months hiatus, the toe ring pic is three days old.
>>60944 damn, now I'm curious. Do you have the sauce?
>>60944 I know exactly what you mean. It's a real 'up to 11' kind of thing, she can't even be rescued. The point on her soul getting sent to the torture gods is a lot, though.
>>60981 Ironically she's still probably better off than the guys in the first post, the ones trapped in the trees. That's one of my favorite hell scenarios of all time; the piece is called Fruit of Eternal Life and anyone trapped in one of the trees is sucked into a grove in another dimension, from which rescue is impossible. I've personally had a bit of an altered fantasy with it, where the grove is attended to by a sadistic druid that sometimes helps the trapped men to climax just to make them more sensitive. The additional layer of teasing helps the fantasy along imo.
>>60944 Only thing better than no rescue is a rescue gone wrong. Hope he draws that scenario one day where she barely, just barely misses the one chance not to have her feet tickled for all eternity
>>60981 The comments on this one lmao
>>61004 I think her poofing away from some one-in-a-million chance of rescue at the last second is worse than just being in some hell dimension. Dangling hope and ripping it away is far crueler. >>61026 See, this guy gets it. >>61027 Meh. That's petty.
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The title and description of this one is just... >Pharaoh taken to hell >All she can do is scream forever Mmm. It's the simple things.
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Honestly can't decide what I love the most about this one... First of all I like how tight and unforgiving the bondage is. No slack, no wiggle room, even her neck is restrained with a collar. Zero chance of ever escaping the machine's snug embrace. All she can do is sit there and take it, slowly go crazy in her perfect immobility~ Even better is the torment itself. The tickling is so savage, no holds barred, all out tickle torture. What does it matter it's not really happening when she can clearly feel hundreds of tendrils violating every inch of exposed, hyper sensitive skin? Invading every nook and cranny of her helpless, ticklish body, overloading her mind with their nothing but the most agonizing tickling imaginable? Twirling in her smooth armpits, burying themselves in her belly button and between her cute toes and even tickling right on her poor little clit? So many options to make her squeal, and the tentacles chose all of them~ But perhaps the best is the complete indifference of those two scientists observing her, just calmly standing by while she's laughing herself to madness. No empathy, just cold professionalism or mild amusement at best. All it would take them to end her horrible ticklish suffering is one push of a button, and yet they just watch this girl lose her mind, begging and screaming with laughter, hour after hour. Just watch her pretty naked body convulse and her brainwaves go haywire as she experiences ticklish hell beyond her worst nightmares. No mercy for ticklish little girls ♡
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https://kemono.su/fanbox/user/70479526/post/7094066 Highly recommended. This dude is goated when it comes to doom scenarios. The translation is a bit wonky but if you can look past that it's grade A material
>>62873 surprised there aren't more tsunakama pics on this thread. guess I'll drop some in. as for the translation, he puts the text to download so you can use something like DeepL or Sugoi to translate it
>>31785 God dammit. I'm addicted to the first image. Every time I get bored with whatever I'm trying to use, my mind always comes back to the first pic of the guys stuck in the trees. This shit is fused into the folds of my brain now. It's not going to stop. They ate the fruit, they gained immortality, but now they have to pay the price. The translated versions I've seen floating around say that their skin becomes unbearably sensitive, too, and that the final panel has all the guys wondering at once why no one has come to save them yet. fuck. I'm betting it teleports its victims to some eternal tickle grove. I also noticed that all of them have their ears covered by the trees. They likely can't hear all the other trapped victims screaming for help that will never come and will never find them, but some of them can actually see the others who've been trapped. How do you think it must feel for a new addition to the grove to be planted next to someone who looks like they've been there for years? How fast do you think they lose all hope and go insane? It's been a fucking miracle for me personally that so many artists have been making references to this pic. I need more like it.
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>>63357 I like when this happens every once in a while. Someone makes a piece of tk content and we all go "That's the shit right there". I'd say the ElektraTouch's animation and the mimic tongue heels did this too >>36993 This is the translation
Forgot the first half >>36992
>>63476 Who the artist? And the source?
>>63485 @eggafterdarkkk on Twitter (refuse to call it X)
>>63476 Holy fuck those expressions got me good Any more like this from this artist? Can't exactly see their twitter (refuse to make an account).
Some of these are a stretch. More of what my mind makes of them than the actual contents of the pics. But still, here's some more.
Niggas be posting anything with tentacles now and calling it "tickle hell"
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>>63985 Be the change you want to see Anon and contribute if you're going to bitch.
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>>63985 A lot of these pictures are missing the artist's descriptions that make it clear.
Exactly my cup of tea. The complete helplessness of her situation. How wild she goes from the tickling and orgasm torture, her relief when she thinks it's finally over. Only to realize that she has so, so much more tickling to look forward to as the devices return and lid to her tiny cell closes. Who knows when anyone will bother to check on her again...
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Loli again, but god damn if this doesn't fit.
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Whoops. And this is translated by the artist, so no complaining about the shit TL quality.
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That last page is just a textless version of the second-to-last, but I think having it there elevates the whole set. Wave goodbye to the bratty battery, everyone. She's not going anywhere, but she'll still never be seen or heard from again.
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>>65175 uhhh, excuse me Sir? This art that you have submitted clearly does not feature tentacles, horns or any other visual key that would indicate it is taking place in a tickle hell™ setting. You may have mistakenly assumed that this is the place to share depictions of girls being subjected to hot, sadistic and never ending tickle torture regardless of their physical environment, but that is no longer what we are going for in this esteemed tickle hell™ thread. Please delete immediately and upload images with a bleak color palette and poorly rendered 3D models of trident wielding devil girls instead.
>>65215 B-but my tickling-oriented cyberpunk hellish dystopia...
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Can't remember if I posted this comic already. Don't care, posting it again plus another newer pic mostly to get the loli shit out of the thread preview.
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>>65222 Uncensored version of that last one. Artist seems to post uncensored stuff on their Twitter @eggafterdarkkk
>>65216 That's the best kind. Power generation is the most hellish of tickle hells, so impersonal and cruel. Tentacle pits ain't shit in comparison.
>>65249 Thanks king I'm not making a twitter tho. If that artist has any more in the same vein, it'd be amazing if you could post it here.
>>60944 Worst thing, one of the greatest pics he ever did, he deleted. I remember he posted as a Halloween special and it was that chick from League of Legends being catch by a tickle torture bug who turned into stone, locking her forever in tickle hell. Sadly no one saved the thing to post again.
>>65605 you rang?
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>>65267 I think this is the only other one they have right now that falls under "Tickle Hell", as in the victim is going to be trapped in tickle torture permanently or at least for an absurdly long time. This is actually featuring the same character as the pic you posted, she's the artist's OC. I really like her as a Tickle Hell victim because according to the artist she is extremely unruly, ill-mannered, rude, and unfriendly, but becomes super submissive very easily and melts like a kitten when she gets tickled. Seems like a perfect candidate for trapping in eternal tickle fucking to me.
>>65633 >Spectacular closeup of her blushing soles, supple and sensitive with toes tied >Literally buried alive in her tiny prison of never ending tickle torture, chances of rescue almost nonexistent
>>65633 I don't know what it is about the emphasis being put on things like "You can't outrun them, you can't fight them, they WILL get you and you WILL suffer" really gets me going. Same with the cursed armor piece. I'm not even a feet guy but i fucking love this artist and every horrible hell pic they make.
>>65633 ....I can't even read the text...
>>66241 open the image in a new tab, friend
>>65633 You are my saviour.
The second one here is especially special to me. From what I understand about the 'story' from the original pic, the girl on the right of the pic basically took a succubus deal for endless pleasure. All she had to do was sacrifice a friend of hers. Now they both suffer in Tickle Hell, the friend able to see the face of the woman that betrayed her to this torment for the rest of eternity.
>>67023 damn that's hot
If we're counting stories, this one is pretty fucked up. The concept of forced human breeding to generate increasingly ticklish humans is diabolical.
>>71922 Pretty good, but if we're talking tickle hell captions this one is the goat for me: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16tCK6rxAm0W0N37IaQGYbKaZ_YKOCmj1/view Nothing better than absolutely senseless, sadistic tickle torture that simply won't ever stop
>>71963 Thanks, my bitch ass wifi wouldn't let me post. Love the absolutely senseless cruelty of trapping her in an endless nightmare of hellish tickling, just for fun. Cherry on top is how the dumbass police basically prolongs her suffering by plugging it in and just storing it away. Brilliant tickle sadism, wish I knew who the author is
Writing for this concept is intriguing to me, but how do you think people keep it fresh beyond, "And so, she was tickled forever, made immortal and made ten trillion times more ticklish than she was before. It would never stop, the end." What my favorites seem to have in common is really pushing the envelope on just how atrocious the fates of some of these girls can be, but at the end of the day, it's all just constant tickling. How do they keep that interesting to read?
>>72074 In short, you don’t. It’s like those great songs that repeat the chorus and fade away. It’s you assuming all the shit she’s going to get that makes it hot, not lengthy descriptions of day 73829 in hell.
>>72074 Eh, I mean it all ends up being on the creativity of the writer, really. Sure, describing brushes tickling feet will get boring after 1000 hours or whatever, but much like with human cruelty irl, you can come up with as many twists and manners of making things worse for the victims as long as you're inventive enough. That's why I still believe this one is the best to come out of those cruel tickle captions from back in the day. The accumulation of a lot of horrible ticklish scenarios, one on top of another: nightmarishly effective futuristic tools, body hijacking, sexual domination, torture by proxy, the idea of brainwashing your loved ones into joining your torturers, etc., real torment nexus type stuff. And a good setup that very convincingly makes it seem like the torturers are just going to keep coming up with ways to make things worse for our protagonist. Real good shit. >>72080 I kind of agree. Keeping things vague and letting your imagination do the heavy lifting is what ultimately sells it. >>72040 >wish I knew who the author is >2024 >Tri is forgotten. Sad.
>>72074 What the other guy said. No endless, repetitive descriptions of her evermore escalating agony, but getting the reader's mind to do the job for you. Plus I think conjuring up images that the reader can actually grasp is more effective than simply repeating concepts ad nauseam. Just to take that caption as an example: "And then she never ever escaped, for infinity" will never be as hot as describing her virtual body locked in the circuits of an impenetrably secured computer, collecting dust on a shelf in some forgotten storage room. A girl screaming in laughter and shaking like a leaf just from having her palm stroked illustrates ticklishness better than simply stating "and she got 1000x more ticklish". The reader has to be able to picture it, and at least somewhat relate to what she's feeling. Just my two cents on this. >>72082 >Wait it's all Tri? Should have guessed it
>>71922 holy shit who wrote this?? literally came buckets. 10/10 I'm not even joking this is genuinely one of the best tickle hell stories I've read imo
>>72156 I don't know, so it's probably Tri.

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I love how it starts as something temporary, but ends up being permanent due to how well-received her suffering is. Her ticklish agony ends up damning her to nothing but that for the rest of her life.
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>>72168 Whoops.
>>72167 Narrator: It was. That Rin one is Kino too, holy.
>>72168 Wtfeather was cooking here. Smug little Kaguya ending up as a tickle slave for the rest of her life, to be livestreamed naked all over the world. Fucking fantastic
>>72173 I wish he had included one more pic of her being tickled while naked, but the set is incredible.
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>>72173 Such a bright future ahead of her, stripped away. So many people watching, yet not a speck of mercy among them. Imagine her screaming into the camera when ungagged. Hayasaka, President, her friends, her family, someone, anyone, please, help her!! And yet that help just never seems to materialize, does it? >>72174 I'd like more, but on the other hand see >>72080. It's better if left up to the imagination; in that respect, it stops exactly when it should.
>>72179 that last image really seals the deal
>>72179 Man I love juicy descriptions like that. You could say it's stating the obvious but putting into words the perverted ticklish cruelty of what's happening to poor Kaguya and savoring it makes it even better
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>>72181 >seals Heyo! Though yes. The fact that the dialogue is COMPLETELY cut off is really strong. Not the slightest, tiniest giggle leaking through that barely-transparent door. You could walk right past them and not notice. I bet that happens all the time too. Researchers and staff walking by cell 02, completely deaf to the desperate laughing and screaming and the just-as-desperate struggle to do so going on just a few feet to their side. It's not intentional cruelty, it's just part of their commute around the lab. And it's not like they don't know the test subjects are in there or what they're going through, it says so right there. It's just...who cares, right? I mean, someone probably does, but...look, these closed cells are for failed tests, they're just part of the ITT project now, which...uh...what's that one about again? Which group is working on that? Uh...well, whatever, surely someone's managing this, but it's not their department and not their problem. And then they're already walked off, passing thought for cell 02 already gone. The barely-visible form of the first person to even slightly acknowledge Marin and Komi in longer than they their tickle-addled minds can comprehend vanishing from their immobilized field of view. Marin's desperate laughter and screams for help from the vague, apathetic, person-shaped silhouette in the glass going completely unheard, Komi's just-as-desperate struggle to laugh and scream and LET THIS AGONY OUT!! going completely unnoticed. Just another day in cell 02. >>72244 I know that feel well, anon.
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Meteo's cooking again.
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>>73688 I don't think there's anything explicitly long-term or eternal about this, but damn if I don't get "hell" vibes from it.
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>>73689 Like holy fuck, just look at this. With tickle torture, you go to hell before you die. And then spend the rest of your life wishing you could.
>>73765 Yeah Afnull is has some decent writing and top tier scenarios. Even if most of them don't involve the same hell-adjacent eternal tickling, the sadism still shines through. This one is also a banger imo. https://www.deviantart.com/afnull/art/Kidnapping-ransom-and-a-mistake-790628949
some random ideas that might be good with some extra brainstorming: I.) >a closed off wing in an all-girls' academy with a haunted locker containing the essence of a student who had disappeared years ago. >a slacker creeps into the wing to loiter, surprised to hear faint laughter coming from the haunted locker. She opens it to investigate, only to herself disappear into a mysterious dimension that, naturally, tickle-rapes her >missing student is freed. nude, scared, and unsure of what to do. >when one person steps into the locker, they're transported to a tickle realm that they can only be freed from if someone else steps in. >potential conflict arises from the school trying to keep the thing under wraps. im not totally sure where the concept goes from here. II.) >a dystopian society where everything is paid through submission to tickle sessions. longer sessions earn more credits. >perhaps someone inherits a family member's debt and can never climb out of a ditch of tickle slavery? III.) >a rich woman, or maybe some sort of creepy android, or something, maintains a museum secluded by society, with the goal of preserving humanity's peak feminine beauty >all sorts of abducted girls evicted from society are turned into various, perverse exhibits. >i know there's that series of pics of the athelete student being exhibited in a petrified state with all her belongings hung on the wall. Stuff like that could fill up the story. >exhibits may have plaques elaborating on why certain girls were selected for display. Maybe even something as stupid as daring to accidentally let a foot pic slip on their social media. >a parallel to this scenario that's basically the same could involve a group of astronauts landing on some alternate-earth or human-like alien race, where they are taken in as exhibits in a tickle-oriented human zoo. >patrons have options for interacting with exhibits >no rescue, in the whole galaxy random thought dump, maybe some of these incite inspiration in someone?
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>>73980 Number 3 is very much speaking to me anon. I have a very athletic friend that had a habit every now and then of accidentally posting a hint of feet on the social media timeline. Would kill to see her displayed like a human exhibit and forced into neverending tickle torture
I'm a big fan of losing the final battle of "Lair of the Kochobus". The villain (?) breaks the heroine's will first with tentacles, feathers, and hands, then moves on to destroying her by casting spells that enhance her ticklishness, make her unable to move of her own volition, and cause her to experience time as if everything took ten times longer. The villain plans to keep the heroine as her tickle toy until the next adventure stumbles into her trap. Then the Kochobus uses her ultimate magic, the "Kocho voice", in which any time she says "Kocho Kocho", the tickling sensations are even further intensified. She starts off just saying it once or twice before giving the heroine respite, then ends the game just saying it over and over and over and over and over and....
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>>74105 Haven't heard of that game, care to share it or just let me know where to get it from? From a quick google search, didn't find it by title
>>74160 Sure! It's by Watataru, same person who made Tickle Buster Ayame, Shizuku and the Underwater Tickle Castle, etc. (currently working on Tickle Fantasia). Browser version: https://watatarutaru.github.io/Kochobus/ Downloadable version (keyword: kocho): https://www.axfc.net/u/4043662 Old blog (some older games are here): https://tarutarutw.blog.fc2.com/ Current blog: https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/23059
>>74160 I also want to say, this game (Lair of the Kochobus) hits one of my favorite fantasies: the non-ticklish victim who thinks tickling is silly and pointless -- until she finds herself magically ticklish for the first time. In the game this is represented by special monster attacks or traps that increase Selma's sensitivity. There's a threshold between non-ticklish and ticklish, then another between ticklish and TOO ticklish, so in the beginning she can simply take tickle attacks without any effect, but throughout the run she usually gets more and more weak to those attacks. In light of my fantasy, some of my favorite runs are the ones in which I'm careful to keep her sensitivity as low as possible the whole time... until the final showdown, when I let her get completely dominated as described above. Let me know if you have any questions about the game!
>>74183 Not OP but does this have an English version?
>>74193 Not that I'm aware of. Watataru is planning on an English version of Tickle Fantasia but I think none of the games have been translated.
>>74197 Ah damn. Thanks anyways mate.
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>>74446 >rock hard looking at first pic, reading dialogue >immediately flaccid when she mentioned her feet smelling
>>74456 The words 'stinky' and 'smelly' should be banned from tickle art.
>>74458 Reminder that smell thread was anchored so I approve the ban of the words.
>>74458 I'd rather ban putrid, foul, and another word i can't remember right now. I hate when feet art uses those words
>>74498 Stench, that's the word. Sour too while we're at it
>>74500 CHEESY
Returning from the deviantart mines with a pair of gold nuggets. The first one is a little bit of a stretch since she's going through these willingly, but she's doing it to test them out for how effective they'll be against damned souls. So SOMEONE will be suffering these tortures for all time...
>>74501 Actually lowkey love that word LOL
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>>75603 ngl these types of pics are damn hot, but I really want a female version tho
>>75606 From an initial look at their page, it seems they strictly do /M stuff
>>75606 Can you give me the link for the autor's page, please?
Some Austrian dudes that might or might not have been ones of us centuries ago really went >haha, wouldn't it be so scary and terrible if Bluebeard tied his wives down and then tickled them until they died? >oh no, but imagine if the devil tickled seven nuns to death and then their laughter can still be heard at nights as they are tickled forever in afterlife, haha it would be sooo scary https://hauntedvienna.blogspot.com/2020/01/haunted-places-in-salzburg-beyond.html
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>>75625 Proof of immoral ticklefags in the 1700s
>>77355 Damnit I’m going to simp so hard for the artist of that Zeref drawing. It’s fucked up how good her stuff is.
>>77355 Who's the artist of the second picture ("Your teammate is aready broken...")?
>>77621 It's TicklyMavy, he doesn't post anymore on his DA account but saucenao managed to dug up his furaffinity profile: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/ticklymavy/ https://www.furaffinity.net/view/53184138
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Really like lifetime (or eternal) tickle torture scenarios. Despereate laughing and crying, doomed soles and horror of realisation of the situation. Too bad the thread is dead
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>>80061 >1st image Shit, imagine being stuck like that in the middle of nowhere. Hop the plants are poisonous, with some kind of "funny" effects
>>80060 I've been looking for those. Sauce? >>80050 >Too bad the thread is dead Then post something.
>>80065 >Sauce? Idk, found on some cringe tumbler profile, I don't remember >Then post something Eh, of course I do. Just wish more anons were active
>Please forgive mehehehehe!! I, I'll win next tihihihime-!! Ahahahahaha!!! >"There is no next time." >"This is how trash that loses twice is disposed of." >"If you don't want to end up in such a miserable state, then please, do your best." The clincher is when you realize that Lusamine herself lost twice. Where's her private, permanent torture chamber?
>>80078 Personal, rather. Privacy would miss the point of being demoted to motivation officer.
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Really like the idea of some kind of secret tickle torture prison. Victims get kidnapped or sentenced for life for some obscure stuff like "exposing bare feet in wrong place" and just "disappear". Missing posters everywhere and nobody knows what happened, while the victim screams and laughs in horror through tears trying to process their horrible fate
Not actually tickling, but I like the concept. Imagine an entire village being kidnapped for lifelong tickle torture. I mean, just look at those huge bare soles
>>80083 I just love the idea of a dedicated tickle prison like that. Helplessly bound and gagged and stimulated as they try and process what just happened as you said. I got shown these two pictures and same sort of idea. I think it's to do with the heroines being defeated in a 'bad end' and all being locked in a tickle prison together. Completely unable to escape but able to hear the laughs and moans of their friends all around them. All while knowing they could be selected and brought out for some personal 1 to 1 time with their captor at any point.
>>80132 Exactly! Such a desperate and humiliating way to end up
>>80134 Nigga what is this
>>80134 Ngl those first two images don't do anything for me, but that last one puts some ideas in my head. Whether those are people stuck in the roots, or perhaps they're part of the roots themselves. A strange form of life that grows additional, ticklish appendages but that, because of its rooted nature, can't get away. Instead of a tickle prison, it's as if the structure itself is the victim.
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>>80083 Gopher was so good at this.
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>>80156 The way they're forced to watch and listen to their own torture and how cruel the voice is is so good. Relentless tickling and constant orgasms, and she's not allowed the slightest escape from any of it, and it's never going to stop, and it's never going to let her forget that.
>>80061 >1st image THE KING RETURNS! Im so glad that artist is drawing again. He's responsible for the 1st image in the original post, too. I was actually coming here to post that exact image when someone beat me to it. >>80062 It's worse/better than you think. Victims are teleported to some eternal tickle forest where their chance of rescue drops from 'slim/' to 'none.'
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>>80134 for the mother of god sauce
>>80181 Ghostoast
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>>80168 SHIT. I wish all those evil tickling flora and fauna was real
>>80196 > Do you want to end up in their places? Uhhhmnhmmmmmmmm no definitely not (yes)
>>80204 Go ahead, anon, do crime
Never go barefoot in the cursed forest. Many souls disappeared to never be found ever again
>>80406 *soles
>>80424 That's the idea
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>>80083 one time I imagined female criminals being charged with theft or battery will be sentenced to tickle torture kept imprison like your in pic. they'll be rehabilitated through intense tickling and MKUltra until their sentencing is over or their mind breaks beyond repair.
Btw, anons, are there any stories or captions on this topic? For like, I have a strong feeling that I struggle finding content with eternal beyond limits tickling. It's not like this concept is very popular
>>81564 you got anyway of showing this to people who don't have an account on that shithole?
>>81329 I fucking love Rem in this picture. I couldn't even tell you why, she just works. Maybe it's the wink? Pity about the foot licking.

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