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Tickle Sex/Tickle Fucking Anonymous 08/18/2022 (Thu) 10:12:40 Id: f77a75 No. 27224
Not tickling dicks, thats this one >>5041 Not tickling pussies, thats this one >>16611 Not tickling while being milked thats this one >>56 And not tickle footjobs thats this one >>7572 And we're not talking just penetration by a phallic tentacle or tendril or amorphous gloopy blob. And were also not talking penetration by dildos or machines or milking device. Just actual penis-in-vagina sex where one or the other or both parties are being tickled.
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I will allow sex scenarios where the couple thats fucking are tickling someone else to their own pleasure
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And fuck it, I guess we'll also throw in blowjobs while tickling too, lest we make that a whole thread in itself
the aot one the fucking is implied
https://pornzog.com/video/7284281/ff-m-tickle-sex-long-version/ There's far too small a content pool for this topic. Tickle sex is wild and amazing. The video is a guilty smut pleasure. The women are trashy and the guy laughs like an idiot but the tickle sex is gold. I've had it where the girl is tickling my underarms while I'm on top, and me tickling her sides and belly when we're doggystyle. But I'd love to get a third person tickling my feet like this in clip, it's so fucking hot. Admittedly I'm also into when the slim bitch starts spraying his face with breast milk. I like the idea of a woman marking a man like that during tickling.
This style is pretty underrated, I want to see more
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>>27329 I feel like the Arab slave trade with Middle Easterners wrecking the shit out of pale white women is fertile grounds for content. Like some Ottomans nabbing some milk white Eastern European women and becoming obsessed with their soft, sensitive feet and tickling them for days on end just to get off.
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>>27329 Man, I find those faces to be a huge turn off for me
>>28853 Complete opposite for me
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>>28853 I like em, I think they really sell the hysteria the girls are going through.
>>28853 I'm much more disturbed by the ugly bastard to be honest.
>>27224 >>27225 >>27525 Say what you want about the guy; he does some quality tickle fucking.
>>27224 I've been seeing this artist on the e\site quite a bit, yet I have yet to find a link to their threads or who they are. Can someone tell me who this is?
>>45143 Cheshire Caterling, or Chesh in the other threads. He's a long time, and well-known tickling fetish artist. https://www.deviantart.com/cheshirecaterling I'm also curious to know which thread his art shows up in, in e/, if you don't mind sharing. It's alright if not.
>>37158 Sauce/sauces?
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As one of those who experienced tickling and sex I must admit that this combo is the best what was given to the humankind
>>45222 Gelbooru. I just used the tags “tickling” and “sex” and there they were. >>45257 Oh absolutely. I had one ex years ago when who was open to tickling that actually let me tickle fuck her once. She described it as total sensory overload and claimed it made her orgasm that much more intense.
>>45257 >>45291 Any tips for making tickle sex work? I've tried a few times but she gets too sweaty and clammy for my fingers to really dig in and too focused on how the sex feels to really react to the tickling.
>>45291 Must have been great moment. My gf is extremely ticklish so I have to tickle her lightly only otherwise she hates it. She loves being tickled by feathers or her feet being licked while having sex, but moaning usually wins over laughing. Another bliss is when she is on the top and I'm cuffed on the bed while she rides me and tickles me at the same time. Every time it's like this, it's very strong and intense. >>45297 Depends on the girl. The tickle sensitivity during sex can change depending on the situation or the person. I recommend to try using mouth or other tickle tools. On feet, or nipples, neck, etc. Also she can feel ticklish during sex but doesn't laugh. That's also ok. Not everyone laughs while feeling ticklish. Try tickling her mind too with your words, you will be surprised how sensitive she can get. Also light tickling can be more ticklish than the intense one.
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>>46963 ,,,I'm sorry, where's the tickling in this one?
>>46963 that's just fucking incest
>>59342 .. out of 10!
>>46963 What happen to Pico-Kun? He just vanished in an instant. Shame to I usually liked his art (this one not so much).
>>59367 Idk, but I always had a theory that it was Symb’s secret shota alt. His pixiv favorites suddenly stopped the second Piko Kun existed, Symb did have a handful of shota in his pixiv favorites so it wouldn’t be out the idea he liked that stuff and the art style was just his but not as good. Always kept it as a theory since I didn’t have much evidence other than those three things
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I'm gonna pretend the last couple posts didn't happen and return to the regularly scheduled programming. For all our sake's
>>59369 I kind of wondered that myself. But at the same time, Symb has draw F/M stuff before. Hell, he's even done art of Ben 10 before to. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/98404191 So it wouldn't make a lot of sense.
I can't believe these were missing here..
Y'all want more incest?
>>59454 Incest aside, I love the idea of a girl being tickled while riding a cock with her frantic squirming and wriggling doing all the work of fucking the guy pretty effectively.
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>>37158 Holy shit, the way she's covering her mouth because the tickling and fucking is just too much. So hot Does lesbian sex count?
>>64877 The OP Mentioned penis in vagina specifically, but to he fair I'm unsure where you would post that normally. I don't think I've seen a cunnilingus thread here.
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>>64877 >>64915 Yeah thats fine. I remember wanting to be very specific about trying to categorize tickle fucking/tickling sex at first >>27224 To not confuse it with the various ways reproductive genitalia can be involve in tickle fetish acts. But immediately after the thread started I came up with exemptions and inclusions like blowjobs >>27226 or separating the acts of tickling and fucking between parties involved >>27225 So we can add cunnilingus to the list. But the original stipulations still apply. Not looking for inanimate or non-human objects to but used while tickling like a fleshlight or dildo. Not magically flowing feathers tickling a cock or vagina. Nor fantastical monster things like octopus tentacles or android sex automatons Just good ol' fashioned suckin' an' fuckin', and somebody's got to be laughin'
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>>64930 Got any more of kiimmo's stuff?
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>>67054 Sauce?
Lord, give the patience to re-explain how to reverse construct a Pixiv url from the filename >>67077 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/118760663 https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/22261677/artworks I'd caution going to the colored version as it's an odd choice of fluid color to be coming out of her pussy. They've done it for other pics too. Stick to the sketches and pretend its cum.
Is this even physically possible to do? I imagine you would need a great deal of stamina to keep going while holding your partner in place.
>>69870 Can confirm, it's possible, and not even especially difficult, as long as she's reasonably flexible.
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We established a while back that cunnilingus counts, right? Also, whoever Julius Bort is, thank you for commissioning Ryu2 to draw all these tickle sex pics. Pretty great stuff.
>>69909 Mind telling me about your experience? It looks like it could be fun.
>>69931 Sorry, here is some actual tickle sex for you to enjoy.
>>69931 Tbh it was fine. She wasn't much into tickling, she only ever really went with it to humor me. Plus we were students at the time, so we had to worry about making noise. I'd do it again, though, for sure.
>>69966 college or high school? not trying to be weird, but depending on your age range, it is a different experience between you and your lover.
also anyone got any more animations or gifs of this?
>>69976 The only artists I've seen that would and have depicted tickling and sex in animation are Avijustfeet and polarbearnsfw so far. Fighting for a Cloud Part 2 features one scene with it, and there's less buzz for polarbear leaks than for avijustfeet. Plus, futanari is not everyones cup of tea. Though as a tea drinker, more pb leaks would be welcome for a chance for more content in this department.
>>69991 awww, man. yeah, these two are just too realistic. that's a weird thing for me to say, but their styles are just too realistic to people and it turns me away. i dunno, i'm weird. my sexual foot or any sex stuff i like is with fictional characters that're animated to hell. not saying like cartoon cartoons, but this is just too realistic in the body and how it's draw with Polar.
>>70007 No worries. Different strokes, ay. If anything, this speaks to the lack of animations of this in general. So put the call out for more of this
>>70067 hell yeah, this is the animated stuff i get into all the time. but yeah, people really need more animations of all this foot and nsfw stuff. certainly a lot better than irl porn.
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>>69870 This is similar to how I finish with my wife almost every time. Having her cross her ankles helps.
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ijwt_art's OC have been more involved in sex recently and they're taken a foray in animation. So with any luck it'd be cool to see them put 2 and 2 together. Apologies to resident "too-realistic" anon, you'll have to sit this one out.
>>70209 Everyone on here is sleeping on ijwt.

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Finally some animation. Even if its MMD anime models and futa. Beggars can't be choosers
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Found this random Japanese tickling animation with full voice acting; think it’s from a game possibly. It’s pretty brutal but sadly also focuses on being tickled to urination a few times however the last 3 minutes or so involve some intense tickle fucking to the point of mind break. https://rule34video.com/video/3592017/hanako-of-the-toilet-let-s-play-tickling-games-ijigen-kichi/
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>>78999 Much better one by the same guy with no pee. He actually has four in total in his user profile but the other two are kinda meh. https://rule34video.com/video/3516789/a-female-ghost-appeared-from-the-tv-but-she-had-a-lewd-body-ijigen-kichi/
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>>79021 But where is the sauce
>>69870 it's... fantastic
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i guess pussy licking counts too
>>79784 Sauce?
>>27224 what the fuck happened to dick and milk threads ?! there was good shit there
>>80522 Wondering this as well
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Question Do you think face-fucking a lee while tickling them would work? They'd be laughing while you have your cock in their mouth so tickling them would cause them to laugh around your dick, right? It should be no different from when they moan while giving you a blowjob. It's a small vibration but you'd still feel it. Laughing is more intense. But then I think 'well wouldn't this be dangerous?', like choking them while they're trying to breathe air in and out from laughter. But then again, they could just breathe through their noses. And it's not like people don't already tickle gagged ticklees anyway. And far crazier things have been done to subs whilst shoving a cock down their throat. In this fantasy, you're not really giving the lee any consideration to begin with. Breathplay is a thing too. I think I just answered my own question. Well, I answered whether you could technically do it, which, yeah you could. I think what I'm asking is whether or not you would want to. Would it feel good or y'know just add to the lees humiliation in addition to tickling them whilst also getting off. At the very least I'd want a ring or a tube gag on them before trying anything. I think the thing that would answer this is an actual video the people trying this, but off the top of my head I don't think I've ever seen this done on camera
>>81271 Biting.
>>81271 In two of the pictures you've posted they've been put on a gag that keeps them from biting down; that'd be my main concern and why I wouldn't do it.
>>81271 I did it and would do it again. Highly recommend. You hang the lee's head of the side of your bed and tickle the upperbody. Not practical for a long time, but really sexy
>>81504 Do you have anymore work by this person? Loved their works.

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