/delicious/ - Cake

It just tastes better.

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Furry loli/cub 2 VHSEPHI 03/05/2023 (Sun) 17:01:17 Id: d071f5 No. 33407 [Reply] [Last]
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Does anyone have an archive of an artist called skullwomb's stuff? He had a meltie on Baraaq and nuked all of his works in 2022. I've tried searching other image boards but all the links are deprecated, the best I can find is this site but it's more than likely incomplete: https://hentaiera.com/gallery/1154671/

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Pokemon - Gotta Catch Em' All Lincoln Board owner 05/12/2020 (Tue) 02:48:33 Id: c223aa No. 204 [Reply] [Last]
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>>54265 Oh ah... that's right!
>>54266 Now... edit for Serena nude and uncut please.

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Quality Cakes in Old Advertisements Anonymous 01/17/2022 (Mon) 19:42:06 Id: 000000 No. 21159 [Reply] [Last]
I stumbled across some of these recently and have started to collect them. Cute girls and cute dresses are always a good combination.
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>>53755 Too bad Andrew Loomis never released a book called How to draw cakes.
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>>53905 they sure did...
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Is there a tag for? Anonymous 04/12/2023 (Wed) 05:57:56 Id: 0529c6 No. 34365 [Reply] [Last]
Facing the camera, preferably looking at it, pulling down their own pants/panties and pulling up their shirt. Made me think, is there a tag for this? So I made this thread, for specific things you see repeated as a pose or as a theme, but that you're pretty sure have no tags on any Booru or Pixiv. And maybe, just maybe, you can discuss a tag into existence. Sister thread: >>34214
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>>52689 Name of manga please
>>52698 Waku Waku Baishun Shoujo by Senju Rion

Louise's Burgers Anonymous 06/10/2020 (Wed) 21:34:07 Id: a76b8a No. 2325 [Reply] [Last]
A thread dedicated to the youngest member of the Belcher family.
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>>52590 >>52591 Oh no, nothing wrong with this being on here this look great! Millie wouldn't mind being on a Louise dedicated thread. Who know, maybe it was her who started it.
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Upskirt / Pantyshot Thread Anonymous 02/01/2021 (Mon) 17:02:58 Id: cebc70 No. 10427 [Reply] [Last]
A thread dedicated for cakes, revealing their cutely patterned surprise underneath their skirts and dresses. (Not to be confused with underclothes.) Fanarts are pretty much accepted the most more then actual screenshots.
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>>53392 Found the full-color version of the Heart of the City 2-14-99 strip.

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Hailey's On It! Anonymous 04/30/2023 (Sun) 23:46:28 Id: dbc061 No. 34832 [Reply] [Last]
Thread for the new upcoming show, Hailey's On It! Didn't except people to already be doing arts of it. So making a thread for images of the show to be posted on is a good head start before it premier.
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Big Booty Thread Lincoln Board owner 05/12/2020 (Tue) 20:52:58 Id: 4fc721 No. 238 [Reply] [Last]
Here's a thread dedicated to all those flat girls with the odd bubble butt. This thread is a sort of tribute to SB99's work, but any big butt art is appreciated.
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Animated Gifs/Webm Lincoln Board owner 05/11/2020 (Mon) 21:13:51 Id: 69dfca No. 188 [Reply] [Last]
Post gifs, webm and mp4.
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WordGirl Thread Anonymous 07/06/2024 (Sat) 18:21:50 Id: ead521 No. 45315 [Reply]
I didn't see any specialized threads on here about the greatest edu-tainment superhero to ever grace the small screen, so I decided to make one. Caption for the third image: >"I know there's already a superhero who flies around in his underwear, Bob, but I don't want people to think I'm a copycat!"
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>>54215 Glad this show got a resurgence

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Anne-Marie Thread Anonymous 08/14/2021 (Sat) 16:32:23 Id: 3f5873 No. 16331 [Reply] [Last]
I don't see any threads for our loveable lil Anne-Marie, let's fix that
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>>49495 its Jenny from Oliver & Company
>>28775 https://www.renderhub.com/sillytoys/anne-marie-all-dogs-go-to-heaven well after like jeez almost 3 years there's finally a model that's a couple of bucks. if anyone is willing to buy it, fix her up to be a bit closer to her movie design that would be awesome and well you know what to do after that :)

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Grotesque Cake Anonymous 12/19/2024 (Thu) 09:02:11 Id: 7870dc No. 51262 [Reply]
BODY HORROR. Transformations, genetic manipulation, mechanization, abnormal growths. This isn't a thread about guro, torture, vore, scat, or mutilation. Those things may show in this kind of art, but only incidentally. Guro, torture and scat are not the point of this and ideally should be minimal. Share cakes that are generally grotesque and abnormal. Cakes that are the result of experiments, curses, mutations, mad science, deviant evolutionary paths, cruel magic, supernatural realms, and everything that turns the human form into a mockery of life.
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Uncany Cunny, my adoration Abnormal cutie, abomination Misshapen object of my devotion Macabre genetic manipulation! Lovely and sickening is her form Science and lust, beyond the norm Dark fascination, love and revoltion Genetic orgy! Nightmare in motion! GAAAAAAH! GAAAAAAH! GAAAAAAH! My sense and my mind are gone Oh science! What have you done! Tiny specter back to life from pain

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Twelve Forever DevanDrake99 02/25/2022 (Fri) 07:13:59 Id: 1544ce No. 22592 [Reply]
Thread for the Netflix animated series.
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Unteralterbach Thread Lincoln Board owner 05/11/2020 (Mon) 05:45:41 Id: 05a58a No. 154 [Reply] [Last]
Welcome and enjoy the most funtastic infamous VN game ever made. Talk about the game, it's story, characters, fan art and possible ideas for sequels. If you haven't played it, get it here from the official site. https://unteralterbach.de/index.en.html Android Build: https://mega.nz/#!5Nph0CBA!INi-wbumiSdCLrkJ2BQ6Ru3Yh1tOKDtmdYBJYaats3c Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20170920081057/http://unteralterbach.net/index.en.html Walkthrough: https://sites.google.com/site/unteralterbachquickguide/unteralterbach-guide-ver-1-3-english
483 posts and 407 images omitted.
How do I find the PNG of the girls in the files? I want to make a personalized cover like the one for the first anon in the thread.
>>52682 I think there's a couple different times you can sex her maybe it's the other time. Or maybe it requires using the broom? >>54213 You need the "source" version of the game download to easily get the images.
>>54214 Thanks!

Hamtaro Anonymous 01/07/2022 (Fri) 16:56:23 Id: 3dc8fc No. 20629 [Reply] [Last]
Why didn't Hamtaro take off the way Ojamajo Doremi did? The characters were just as good if not better then what Doremi had but Doremi was the show that was remembered and Hamtaro was forgot about. Anyway; Hamtaro thread.
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>>53815 I don't think they did anything Hamtaro related.

Source? & Stupid Questions thread Anonymous 04/30/2021 (Fri) 02:45:44 Id: 64872c No. 13322 [Reply] [Last]
First try using https://iqdb.org/ or https://saucenao.com/ before asking for sources of pics. >This thread is for: - asking the source of a pic or comic - asking about the current status of an artist - asking for higher res versions of a pic or comic - making on topic questions that don't belong in the meta thread - containing standalone source?/more of this? threads in a single place - answering/spoonfeeding any of the above >This thread is 'not for: - making drawing requests, use the drawfag thread for that - requesting edits of any kind, use the appropriate edit threads for that - questions about the board and its staff, use the meta thread for it - containing pesudo-request threads (threads with a single image and nothing else), they need to be treated independently
Edited last time by Lincoln on 06/24/2021 (Thu) 00:59:33.
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An artist known as cryptid taka / cryptidff recently deleted a bunch of their content. Deleted their baraag and had it taken off ATF. Found some on sankaku but wondering if anyone has the rest of their stuff
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I can't find where/who this picture is from, anyone have any idea?
Anyone have Aleuz91's Lost and Unused Arts. do aleuz91's archive link, to see private commissioned and Unused arts?

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