/delicious/ - Cake

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Mothers whoring out daughters 04/24/2022 (Sun) 09:17:19 Id: f42d67 No. 24537 [Reply]
Since I'm a bit retarded so couldn't find any search here and looking through each page is a major pain in the ass, the 'Mothers whoring Daughters' thread is starting here.
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>>24537 >>16206 There's already an Mother Daughter thread on here.
>>37075 That's just oyakodon of all varieties, from pimping preteēns to yuri incest. This thread is specifically about mothers selling their daughter's for cash, and doesn't even necessarily include the mother in the action. I think it ought to be expanded to any situation of giving away their daughter sexually while present, as long as it isn't the MILF being fucked.

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Asian Cake Thread Anonymous 07/23/2021 (Fri) 01:46:31 Id: f6fd79 No. 15726 [Reply] [Last]
Post Western lolis of Asian ethnicity. I.e Cartoon Asians (ex. Haley Long, Trixie Tang, Kitty Ko... etc. ). https://baraag.net/@nhy35sorry/104903119243288564 https://baraag.net/@Nyoronyan/106388973885324879 https://baraag.net/@garbledina/105223230600280460
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Asian loli called Kun-Ni ...sorry was stuck in my head

Harry Potter Anonymous 05/22/2020 (Fri) 22:47:47 Id: f38413 No. 993 [Reply]
Thread for anything related to the wizarding world.
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There used to be a really good picture of Hermione laying back with hands above her head, now can't find it anywhere. Quite sad.

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Playtot Anonymous 07/15/2023 (Sat) 02:08:22 Id: 56e924 No. 36782 [Reply]
Thread for uploads of BBSMN/Playtot albums. Dropbox links for issues 1-6 are available at https://kemono.party/fanbox/user/65658636?o=0.
Issue 7 dropped recently. Does anyone know where to find it?

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Short Delicious Self-Insert Scenarios Anonymous 01/03/2021 (Sun) 16:45:00 Id: 54bd71 No. 9597 [Reply]
Art is good, but sometimes it's not enough. Share some fantasies you have that include various cake characters you love like you're telling a story. They could be either lewd or sfw wholesome stories, whatever you have in mind. I'd really love to hear them. Would be nice if you also attach some nice art of the character in your story. I know there's various loli erotica out there, but I'm rarely in the mood for long stories with slow build-up and characters I might not care about.
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>>9615 That's cute and wholesome anon, it made me smile, so thank you. Still, I'd feel like a shitty older brother if I didn't lift hard enough to carry my amazon princess imouto around no matter how tall and stronk she got. But to reiterate being my imotou's oversized self heating teddybear makes my soul feel warm.
"Confessions of a Camp Counselor." >Be you, >Camp counselor over the summer, somewhere in rural Oregon. Hosting this girl-scout group over the summer, most of which seemed more keen to be with the female counselors >Can't really blame them, you were tall and muscular with dark hair and the only male counselor so you mostly kept safety watch. Only there for more practical help >This one girl always seemed to hangout by herself, and got repeatedly bulled by this seemingly more popular ginger chick. >Skin was pale, bordering on sickly with short black hair and dark eyes. The other counselors seemed to take it easy on the ginger, named Brittany who seemed to torment the pale girl, named Violet. >One time, during an archery lesson a fight seemed to break, more so the ginger girl wailing on Violet, the first time you really had to step in. >Needless to the say, most of these 13 year old girls held off the moment you showed up. >The odd part was, that Violet hugged you, yet you had never spoken to her. She was so small compared to you which made you feel even worse for her. >You decided to take to the nearby lake with me for a private talk. >Typical "Are you okay?", "Is she bullying you?" type questions. She said yes to all but god knew if the others would have bothered to actually punish the ginger one. >You could tell Violet was pretty worn out, that from-a-bad-home energy some kids have just by how they look. >She confessed she was hit at home and that she was sent to summer camp by her mother who seemingly hated her. >The fact she admitted all this to just after one conversation seemed to indicate how lonely she truly was.

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I've gotten a couple commissions like that so here's my insert with various OC cuties

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muaha gyaru 06/26/2023 (Mon) 01:06:47 Id: 7db68f No. 36302 [Reply]
saekldnjabhs sjjs

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Bottomless/ Partially Undressed Cake Anonymous 02/17/2021 (Wed) 17:33:02 Id: 27b553 No. 11206 [Reply]
I love it when we have a view of the good stuff while they still have some clothes on. Like when someone maybe impatiently undressed them or when they're showing a peek of what they've got. Or when there's only just one or two small pieces of clothing which accent the nude body underneath. I'd really love to see more stuff like that.
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>>36142 Wassup Anon, do you love bottomless cakes?

Anyone got this comic Anonymous 06/08/2023 (Thu) 03:51:15 Id: 328655 No. 35809 [Reply]
For some goddamned reason, I can't find this on sad panda so I'm wondering where I can read it https://n3f.gumroad.com/l/SiiTA2023?layout=profile
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>>35813 Link opens blank page.
>>35839 you need to login first on e-hentai.org with a account, then you will can enter to exhentai in some minutes.

Cakes in AI art Swiss Dude 09/02/2022 (Fri) 22:45:52 Id: baa717 No. 28633 [Reply] [Last]
Let's see what things we can create
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SDXL 0.9 torrents: pastebin.com/b8kXrkAF
>>34728 Does anyone have the Catbox to these? I want to check out the prompts.
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some shanty I made

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Mabel and Mason's Super Secrets (Gravity Falls) Anonymous 06/03/2020 (Wed) 05:07:06 Id: 224e94 No. 1913 [Reply]
Enjoy! Share with your friends!
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>>9743 Do you recall any titles of the books?
>>35522 I've read a number of them growing up and I sometimes try to look them up on Google books and eBay to see if the preview (or someone has took a photo for buyers) has the pages in the book those illustrations were in, but usually they don't most of the time
>>35522 Oh as for actual titles here are the books I've read over the years that have slightly triggered my fetish all of which have an illustration of a person on the toilet on one of the pages

Robeshiri's art Anonymous 05/22/2023 (Mon) 17:09:53 Id: 178b7e No. 35392 [Reply]
Does anyone know what happened to robeshiri? He was a loli/tot artist, He disappeared a few months ago, does anyone know if he has posted something new Or what happened to him ?
>>35392 https://kemono.party/fanbox/user/74503174 Here's all his paywall shit there was also a hentai galleria site that had everything but I can't find it so have this.

Jade Chan 01/02/2023 (Mon) 06:02:13 Id: 891ede No. 31843 [Reply]
Hello people, I am new here but so far loved this site and have been doing my contributions on different threads here and there. Today I want to start a Thread where we can share our common like for this beautiful cake Jade chan.
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Lolidom/Femdom Anonymous 06/27/2020 (Sat) 06:49:48 Id: 86ea5f No. 2925 [Reply] [Last]
A thread for cakes in control
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Where's the series where the daughter is cucking her mother by fucking with her father in front of her? I think we could make a series about this where the girl somehow forces her father into letting her rape him whenever she wants, and force the mother to be her cuckolded slave that gets abused. Perhaps she also rapes her mother on the regular as well, she does all this despite being barely out of her toddler years, and this requires some explanation. Remember that episode where a little boy had the powers of God? He could get anything he wanted from anyone at any time, and it was only when he was denied what he wanted that he started to behave and feel genuine joy. Might be a situation like that, or something more toned down like mind control or blackmail (could be as simple as threatening to complain that her parents are sexually abusing her using the evidence from her sexual assaults on them), whatever the case the girl is unusual in that she's horny, a genius and a psychopath. Maybe she's had her adult mind that went back in time to her body in the past when she was a child.

Dommy Loli's GoblinThighs 05/20/2023 (Sat) 03:27:43 Id: b48ee3 No. 35318 [Reply]
a concept I drew before cause I love it. Loli's putting adults in there place and taking charge.
Already a thread for that. >>2925

Cartoon Saloon thread Speedy05 05/07/2020 (Thu) 14:27:28 Id: 594675 No. 58 [Reply] [Last]
Post some of the cutest girls in all of Ireland (Saoirse and Aisling)
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SFW fan-art Moldovan 12/02/2020 (Wed) 05:36:41 Id: 18d7dd No. 8284 [Reply]
Bring on the adorable fan art.
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It's out.
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