/delicious/ - Cake

It just tastes better.

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Frozen desserts 08/04/2021 (Wed) 07:04:16 Id: abb0d8 No. 16058 [Reply] [Last]
Post cute Elsa or Anna lolis
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>>16587 Dude, I'd be insulted if you DIDN'T share this amazing, perfect stuff. Also, maybe link the resources for those clothes and all? I just think it'd be nice if I could use some of that in my own creations, if you're okay with sharing.
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Toph Bei Fong Anonymous 06/28/2022 (Tue) 05:28:02 Id: 000000 No. 26680 [Reply]

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Anonymous 06/23/2022 (Thu) 02:31:45 Id: 58f624 No. 26498 [Reply]
This is Natalie. Say something nice about her >Natalie is Matt and Katie’s older sister and legal guardian. She’s a college student who has to look after her younger siblings since their parents passed away, two years prior. She can get into a lot of stress since she’s studying, looking after her younger siblings and trying to have a social life. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ZDP8bl7mDL8QpO0yF-wXc2tG2aaNC0vL
Hi, Natalie

LoliRock Anonymous 01/13/2022 (Thu) 05:32:37 Id: a8a61d No. 20959 [Reply]
Anything related to LoliRock. There's a severe lack of good LoliRock R34. The main characters aren't really lolis so I don't know if this is allowed.
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>>23243 ye, its not for everyone - its basicly a french hommage to sailormoon, much candy and cuteness, and girls in frilly dresses! - like everything i love - haha
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brrrr I love Lolirock
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Ojamajo Doremi Anonymous 07/08/2020 (Wed) 08:31:40 Id: 723d86 No. 3500 [Reply] [Last]
Legendary, actually awesome, some times fucked up show Ojamajo Doremi. If you know this show, then you know it gets intense, and also you know there isn't a TV show with as much lewd fanart and doujins as this one. If you don't know, watch it because it's awesome. Remember /mahodou ? Any chance we can rebuild it?
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>>26712 Beautiful originals, but the thread is no longer bumpin' Save 'em for thread number two.
>>26627 >Why is that? We filled it up with posts. I think the bump limit is something like 500.

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Minus8 thread Anonymous 07/04/2021 (Sun) 21:05:34 Id: 931f88 No. 15291 [Reply]
Now that he stopped making those, post his old cakes here.
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-8 @chtkghk is their baraag but they haven't posted in 3 months jeez it's like you guys aren't even fans/degenerate cartoon porn addicts
>>24263 Who asked you?
What really shits my ass is that since he doesn't use Flash anymore, loli edits are much harder now.

Víla Amálka Anonymous 03/17/2021 (Wed) 16:13:36 Id: b5c830 No. 12064 [Reply]
Why are there so few lewds of this cutie? Look at her, she's just gorgeous and super cute.
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>>25689 >>25690 Beautiful.
>>25693 Thank you!

Sims 4 modding! Anonymous 05/21/2022 (Sat) 17:00:07 Id: f35470 No. 25295 [Reply]
Anyone know if there's an extension or mod for Whicked Whims that includes lolis?
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From jimbob1330
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Stuff i saw EARLY on

Anonymous 01/19/2022 (Wed) 16:10:52 Id: 83bf1e No. 21225 [Reply]
Why are so many western loli artists from south america?
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>>21343 there is only two genders: Big black men and their little BITCHES!
>>24551 sure, america.
>>21353 >Contrary to what your puppet masters tell you, most pedophiIes aren't exclusively attracted to kids. I have no puppet masters >yes you do but that is actually a decent point. >>21344 >are you seriously telling me there aren't married pedophiles? Another interesting point.

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Mooning Josh 04/17/2022 (Sun) 01:07:21 Id: 45e8c8 No. 24314 [Reply]
A thread for posting some of the tastiest moons possible, be it images, gifs, or vids.
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>>24339 Why she has no panties?
>>24341 because at that time was strange to villagers use something underclothes
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Harem Girls Anonymous 01/08/2022 (Sat) 03:56:08 Id: 36afcc No. 20662 [Reply]
I just wanted to set up a new thread for cute girls wearing cute harem outfits (the skimpier, the better).
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Billie Braze thread! Anonymous 02/25/2022 (Fri) 23:32:55 Id: 71684b No. 22623 [Reply]
The game got cancelled, but she is just too cute to be forgotten!
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>>23888 Ideally a normal game because that would have a wider spread which would in turn lead to more lewds.
>>23895 Good ideia! Unfortunately she is not that popular to someone make a fan game of her and her brother.

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Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl Lincoln Board owner 07/17/2021 (Sat) 10:48:44 Id: 98bfcb No. 15623 [Reply]
Since it's the talk of the town, figure we have a thread just for it. So feel free to discuss the upcoming game with a side of a lot of /delicious/ in the mix. PS: The game is coming to PC, so expect nude mods of at least 4 of them so far. Helga Danny Phantom Sandy Cheeks Zim Nigel Thornberry Michelangelo Leonardo Spongebob Squarepants Patrick Star Reptar Lincoln Loud Lucy Loud Oblina

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Edited last time by Lincoln on 07/17/2021 (Sat) 11:07:30.
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>>18053 I'm not expecting much, but I need to know that too.
No Harvey beaks No buy

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Crossover and Tentacles Anonymous 07/21/2020 (Tue) 09:59:16 Id: e734e6 No. 4220 [Reply]
Here is a twofer: any thing that involves one or the other? or both?

One Loli to Rule Them All Superior_Dragon 06/26/2020 (Fri) 04:43:34 Id: 921f30 No. 2885 [Reply]
There's tons and tons of extremely adorable lolis...but there can only be ONE (1) indisputable Queen of Lolis. The only question is who's #1?
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>>2891 I love Sakura, but the fact they added the shota boyfriend pisses me off to no end.
>>7938 I'm glad Syaoran is at least decent and they're really cute together. Plus, better than yuri, because yuri is not pure, despite what himedanshi say, but as per the wife rule, you can just imagine a pre-Syaoran-knowing Sakura.
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>>8593 I did prefer how they got together at the end of the manga over the last anime movie.

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Drawthread H Superior_Dragon 12/13/2021 (Mon) 04:24:18 Id: f0b218 No. 19637 [Reply] [Last]
Welcome to Drawthread H! Please observe the rules posted as follows. Rules: - Leave reference images and/or clear descriptions. No tl;dr, please. - Linking past Requests are not allowed. They must be new. - Repetitive requests will be deleted. Repeated offenders will be warned and/or banned. - the Bump Limit is 600. Once we reach 550 posts, ALL BETS ARE OFF! If you have a new request, it can wait until the new thread. FOR REQUESTERS Add "+REQUEST" in the subject title for artists to find easily. - 6 is the max number of request per user per thread, no exceptions. Chain requesting is fine (5 per post), and you may be free to swap out a request for a different one. - Do not request male original/self insert characters (You) created. - No bumping/seconding your requests within the same thread to avoid clutter. - Past Requests are not allowed, nor are repetitive requests of the same theme, character, and/or series; variety is important. FOR ARTISTS Add "+DELIVERY" in the subject title.

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>>23341 You're welcome. I'm happy you like it! >>23343 No. Just want to stay an anon.
>>23393 >>23393 >>23393 New Drawthread is Here!!!!!
>>23394 Finally

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