/delicious/ - Cake

It just tastes better.

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Read the rules before posting. 【Loli】【Toddlercon】【Hentai】【Rule 34】【Shota】【Straight Shota】【Trap Shota】【Furry & Kemono】

Older Hentai Thread Anonymous 12/17/2020 (Thu) 06:25:54 Id: 3df62b No. 9108 [Reply] [Last]
Post loli hentai from past decades, 70's/80's/90's preferred.
44 posts and 84 images omitted.
pregnant children
>>31414 Which is the ultimate missing the point. Up there with lolis with breasts.
>>31426 I can get behind preggy lolis, specially if they're in a sci-fi setting or a fantasy scenatio with magic and spells. It's not my favorite thing but I see the appeal. >Up there with lolis with breasts But I 100% agree there. Oppai loli is an abomination.

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Christmas Cake Anonymous 12/22/2022 (Thu) 17:47:26 Id: 0419dc No. 31525 [Reply]
A thread of Christmas themed cakes. Can be from Christmas specials or cakes wearing or doing something Christmas-y
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Mangma11/mangamaster thread 08/27/2020 (Thu) 20:03:30 Id: 112858 No. 6225 [Reply]
Post some of their godly lewds
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I'd there a Megamaster thread yet?

Bunny Years VHSEPHI 01/01/2023 (Sun) 12:13:05 Id: acef3a No. 31796 [Reply] [Last]
New year, new animal... the bunnies!
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>>32298 I like the style. Who's the artist?
>>32306 me brother, thanks. when i said oc i meant original content, not original character
>>32277 This is an adorable piece, but I kinda wish that they were wearing two different colors, or even just one of them in white, rather than both being in black

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French Petite Pâtisserie 12/20/2022 (Tue) 18:27:18 Id: ce932e No. 31473 [Reply]
"Vive la France" Cake Shows with native french Language.
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>>31474 What is the cartoon or comic source of the character elaine?

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Magic cakes Anonymous 10/15/2021 (Fri) 12:42:11 Id: c6ac73 No. 18019 [Reply]
Dedicated thread just for witch cake. No fairies please.
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>>18037 >animes let us some goods series about witches Indeed. Ojamajo Doremi being the best one ever.
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Magic cakes are interesting. They can actually use magic to stop you from raping her.

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Fudge cake tier list Anonymous 10/09/2021 (Sat) 19:26:22 Id: 5eaece No. 17874 [Reply]
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>>20094 >>20116 >Lilo that low
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I hope I understood the assignment.

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Destijl Anonymous 05/07/2021 (Fri) 07:07:40 Id: 4651a7 No. 13654 [Reply]
A thread devoted to my favorite loli artist. He did a few sets featuring the lovely Riley Andersen (Disney-Pixar's Inside Out): a series of Riley with Dug (Up), a couple heroes from The Incredibles, Sulley (Monsters, inc.), solo shots of Riley on a swing, etc. I don't have most of those and I am missing many pictures from the sets I do have, but I will share what I have here.
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>>13704 >Posts shit art. >Gets surprised when people call it shit art.
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Destijl is great, normalfags hate him. He gave me a dirty ass-to-mouth fetish.

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Age Difference Lincoln Board owner 05/12/2020 (Tue) 04:48:31 Id: 0c3567 No. 214 [Reply] [Last]
A collection of forbidden love between an adult and his delicious cake.
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>>17440 How about there being no limit on ages? Baby fuck'n is awwright!
>>31454 Just help convert the entire planet to the only correct religion, and you could have your wife at home cooking kebab, while you vote Dems. Islam is BASED!

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Jack-O Challenge VHSEPHI 08/27/2021 (Fri) 07:41:30 Id: 392a48 No. 16740 [Reply]
Two days... and this meme become very famous So bad on loli is still very light
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Bad overall drawing skills aside, this is one pose that really shouldn't be drawn by people who have yet to gain a good grasp of anatomy.
>>16917 please don't whore yourself out, Tanya!
>>31294 It's for the fatherland to attract new recruits

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Pixiv Eulogy Thread Anonymous 11/16/2022 (Wed) 00:09:17 Id: 9fc597 No. 30507 [Reply]
>https://archive.ph/4ztVq Starting December 15th, all loli, incest, beastiality, rape, or guro art used for transactions via BOOTH, pixivFANBOX, and the pixiv Requests feature will no longer be allowed on the site . Any postings of those in nature after Dec 15 will automatically be set to private. Post /delicious/ pics from Pixiv that will most likely be removed or privatized a month from now or before. I'll start with stuff from JCM2. RIP Pixiv.
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>>30538 so this is among the first casualties as this artist フニャニャック (Funyanyaku) aka gnsisir, has deleted his entire art on Pixiv and is only putting them on fanbox exclusively. >>30535 Uroboros's works on Pixiv is gone as well.
>>31160 ???? their pixiv accounts are fine
it's already the day but i don't have to worry because some of my friends from atf and pixiv told me that this rule will only apply to transactions like fanbox, booth and pixiv request system. but at least it won't be affected in the pixiv gallery.

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Realistic cunny Anonymous 08/08/2022 (Mon) 02:47:15 Id: c66720 No. 28001 [Reply]
No 3dcg
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>>29178 pikachuwow / mewtwowow, there’s a thread for him.
>>29145 This site was funded by an ethnic Jew, you know.
>>29104 Who are they?

This thread needs more
>>21523 Just a heads up for those not aware, tickling refuge has a loli thread. https://8chan.moe/tkr/res/3548.html
>>6616 I fucking love this artist--they do some *really* hot stuff on Pixiv...

ilulu 11/07/2022 (Mon) 02:27:09 Id: 5c4ee4 No. 30275 [Reply]
images gif videos ilulu is top tier waifu

dop content update thread Boogaloo 08/24/2022 (Wed) 22:14:26 Id: 7377a2 No. 28442 [Reply]
Anyone got the newest posts/mega links or want to update the kemono page?
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Hope someone is able to update it last update to the kemono page was may.
The kemono upload thing is finally back up so if anyone wanted to update it they could do it now
here is the latest archive that i could find also someone update his damn kemono page. https://mega.nz/folder/QR01kYYL#mu5b0Dz0SR0eeCjyfubQzA

Dop Anonymous 08/04/2022 (Thu) 06:54:54 Id: 6668ac No. 27835 [Reply]
Fat assed cakes
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Can someone please update his kemono page the damn thing has not been updated since may.
https://mega.nz/folder/QR01kYYL#mu5b0Dz0SR0eeCjyfubQzA here is also the most recent archive from what i could find.

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