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Furry loli/cub 2 VHSEPHI 03/05/2023 (Sun) 17:01:17 Id: d071f5 No. 33407
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It's funny how fans of gay cubs argue that there's not enough s/cub for their own threads. Retards.
>>46640 >Cream with proper bunny paws Based!
>>42563 She should rub herself and cum in front of him next time.
this might be a bit of a stretch but does anyone know where that one hmv creator on iwara went? they did a bunch of cub hmvs titled joyride cub hmv, 360 cub hmv, etc. they seem to have been deleted off the site, wondering if they post anywhere else
>>49544 Name of artist of the second pic please and link
>>49784 I'm glad there's artists that are still drawing cubs, instead of teens. Teenage furs are weak sauce. Fuck off with that.

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Getting really tired of Inkbunny lately with them posting nothing but gay shit. I hate gay cubs.
>>50104 Well, what you feel towards gay cubs is what most people feel for cubs in general. Just don't be a hypocrite, and your favorite thing will be allowed to stay. Gay cub enjoyers are your allies in this.
>>50104 >himself Motherfucker this is cuntboy!
>>50106 Not really, gay cubfags find cunny to be gross. Not only that, it's what cub artists pump out constantly. Sorry for pointing out the fact it's primarily gay shit and I'm sick of it.
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>>51095 We need porn of Jodi Platypus from Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood.
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Does anyone have an archive of an artist called skullwomb's stuff? He had a meltie on Baraaq and nuked all of his works in 2022. I've tried searching other image boards but all the links are deprecated, the best I can find is this site but it's more than likely incomplete: https://hentaiera.com/gallery/1154671/

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