/delicious/ - Cake

It just tastes better.

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Read the rules before posting. 【Loli】【Toddlercon】【Hentai】【Rule 34】【Shota】【Straight Shota】【Trap Shota】【Furry & Kemono】

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RIP Metzgeray Anonymous 07/23/2020 (Thu) 19:18:35 Id: 777d1a No. 4438 [Reply] [Last]
An artist by the name of Metzgeray AKA BananaLamp is deleting all of his stuff after his parents found out about it and were very pissed off, apparently his mom was abused at a young age and his art was giving her panic attacks, i'm making this thread to make sure all of his work isn't forgotten, find whatever you can find so his art isn't lost through time, full story here: https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1srb4l1
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>>4733 Your mom sounds really chill.

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Colour/Modify Thread Lincoln Board owner 05/11/2020 (Mon) 06:00:20 Id: e480fc No. 157 [Reply] [Last]
Request colouring, shading, modify, or any other tweaks to already drawn lewd pics you have in mind. Simple Suggestions ├ Don't be greedy or spam. We'll know. ├ Leave a reference pic for shoppers to select colours from. ├ No screenshot edits. ├ No links to external sites. └ Be patient and have fun. If all else fails, it's encouraged to learn yourself how to color/modify.
Edited last time by Lincoln on 12/16/2020 (Wed) 00:55:38.
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Weren’t we supposed to get a new thread by now?
>>22583 sorry I for got to put +REQUEST though
>>22835 OMG thanks a lot dude!

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Anonymous 01/01/2022 (Sat) 20:54:49 Id: d42985 No. 20313 [Reply]
What makes Western lolis much more appealing than Japanese/Eastern lolis?
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>>20313 Like >>20499 with flaws but I'd also say that they have more features. Eastern loli are just tiny anime characters and anime characters are pretty by-the-numbers with features and expressions. They don't resemble real people, western loli are exaggerated more uniquely and I think that personal aspect makes them more attractive and real. Her smiling face isn't the same as every other loli the way eastern loli all look the same.
>>20313 Personally it is the differing art styles for me
>>20313 In my personal opinion... nothing. Japanese/Eastern or Western loli, it depends on the quality of the drawing or 3DCG in question whether X drawing is better than Y drawing. I've seen Western drawings that are top-tier God class and I have seen Eastern drawings that are top-tier God class... I have also seen the inverse for both.

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Fern thread Anonymous 02/01/2022 (Tue) 22:12:28 Id: e19b4a No. 21765 [Reply]
Anyone have more loli drawings from Fern?? It's really hard to find!
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Earth to Luna! Anonymous 04/26/2021 (Mon) 03:23:53 Id: 2a6ca4 No. 13202 [Reply]
Thread dedicated to this Brazilian loli.
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>>20706 Wait, I'm a bit behind on the whole fuchur lore. I thought he stopped drawing?
>>20712 He did and like a dozen guys have been accused of being his alter ego, Shmorky style.
>>20713 People really want fuchur to come back. If anyone shows up with a remotely similar artstyle everyone goes crazy.

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Anonymous 01/30/2022 (Sun) 22:08:26 Id: be9c98 No. 21677 [Reply]
ITT: Fuckable waifus
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Not waifus at all, well maybe the first character counts.

Nurse Nancy Anonymous 12/13/2021 (Mon) 04:20:09 Id: 2cfa22 No. 19636 [Reply]
I was browsing Pinterest and I came across an interesting illustration of a lg in a nurse’s uniform. The source turned out to be a 1952 children’s book illustrade by Corinne Malvern and Band-Aid advertising called Nurse Nancy. Researching a bit more I discovered that aside from this Nurse Nancy there were two other similar but apparently unrelated Nurse Nancys.
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>>19758 Did he died?
>>19783 Not that I’m aware. He just stopped posting and his work has mostly been purged everywhere.

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Strelok Cakes Anonymous 05/30/2020 (Sat) 00:12:05 Id: b63fe0 No. 1486 [Reply]
GET OUT OF HERE ONII-CHAN! A thread for /k/akes. Girls with guns, girls who ARE guns, and girls in post apocalyptic settings all go here. Skinwalker lolis/lolis with skinwalkers also go here too I suppose.
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>>1493 now that's some high speed low drag operating right there
>>5805 How could you possibly tell that? It isn't even porn. Just because it's trying to be romantic or something?

Fire Emblem Anonymous 05/13/2020 (Wed) 06:44:33 Id: e4b60e No. 294 [Reply] [Last]
Cry "Havoc!", and let slip the cakes of war!
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Gone from the Webs Thread pepipopo 09/09/2020 (Wed) 07:04:39 Id: cb3b17 No. 6731 [Reply] [Last]
Lets post stuff from those artists who either retired or vanished from the face of the earth. NOTE: i'think i should recomend NOT posting stuff from artists that got in legal trouble, that's for the best. Ill start with my favorite and one of my inspirations, ISU, the guy who actually knew who to draw thick meaty lolis and butts and managed to make them not look forced or gross, and he was the one of the artists who inspired me to draw, and he was the one and only (imo) who made the best Mayl Sakurai art, just as much as Drew is the Gwen Tennyson guy to go.. I would give A LOT just to know what happened to ISU and if i can talk to him, i would ask him to either drew me some Atsuko Fukune or some classic roll.
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Sparkster. Looks like he was called LAHSparkster, maybe because he was on the Little Angles Hentai forum or something.
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>>18469 Some more examples.
>>17356 Does anyone know where akirat went? He was such a good artist for his time, and a good chunk of his stuff still holds up. Probably not gonna get a response since I think he switched from drawing loli/shota to furries and orcs near the end of his online presence (2006 iirc)

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Banner Thread Anonymous 07/20/2020 (Mon) 05:34:53 Id: 3e7e3a No. 4131 [Reply]
I noticed that we didn't have a thread for banner submissions so I'm going to make one. How many banners do we have anyway?
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>>20599 best I could do so far
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Delicious vs loli/Dicussion thread Anonymous 04/30/2021 (Fri) 06:53:26 Id: 1c8188 No. 13330 [Reply]
Sooooo, what the difference between this board and /loli/? Is this board a variation of /cake/? Also, what are your favorite media for this type of thing? Do you have a notable example of it? (Like, a book series?) What the MVP for each media/art for this? :)
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I find it telling that /loli/ has no active discussion going for any related anime series. That's how you know when a community's fucking dead. >>13339 >this site hasn't managed to pick almost any of them up. Nevermind that there are those who still haven't found the new site from when the site was kicked off the old webring.
/loli/ does admit western content if its drawn in manga style or in semi-realistic styles, what it does not allow is on model-porn, or styles that clearly resemble the OG cartoon style.
More this cute and funny pls?

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Screenshot Edits Lincoln Board owner 05/11/2020 (Mon) 19:37:47 Id: e5499f No. 172 [Reply] [Last]
Post your nude edits here. You can also request an edit as well. Rules 1: Make sure the image is large enough and high quality to be edited. 2: Don't behave greedily or spam the same request. 3: Have fun, be nice, be patient and be grateful. 4: Troll edit and/or bad edits will be removed.
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>>20359 No panties for her how about uncensore the whole dam movie. It is all censored.
>>20364 blame censored law, ever worse they censored on real life japan/Asian porn video... i mean what wrong with it, why censored them when we can see it on other one that has uncensored?
We hit the bump limit! Finally time for a new thread. >>20404 >>20404 >>20404

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Anonymous 05/29/2020 (Fri) 06:44:43 Id: 687d2d No. 1459 [Reply] [Last]
Why is this board hidden? Is there any more hidden boards?
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Does the delisting have anything to do with the random 404 errors? Or am I the only one having the issue? >>12892 As a super depressed insecure artist I can confirm this works you son of a bitch you
>>12892 Cake is not for necrobumping
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Does anyone thinks have to lost the or and only having uberbooru? >>12892 Okey, the in this cake.

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Drawthread G Superior_Dragon 08/17/2021 (Tue) 04:41:07 Id: 7c36d8 No. 16439 [Reply] [Last]
Welcome to Drawthread G! Please observe the rules posted as follows. Rules: - Leave reference images and/or clear descriptions. No tl;dr, please. - Linking past Requests are not allowed. They must be new. - Repetitive requests will be deleted. Repeated offenders will be warned and/or banned. - the Bump Limit is 600. Once we reach 550 posts, ALL BETS ARE OFF! If you have a new request, it can wait until the new thread. FOR REQUESTERS Add "+REQUEST" in the subject title for artists to find easily. - 6 is the max number of request per user per thread, no exceptions. Chain requesting is fine (5 per post), and you may be free to swap out a request for a different one. - Do not request male original/self insert characters (You) created. - No bumping/seconding your requests within the same thread to avoid clutter. - Past Requests are not allowed, nor are repetitive requests of the same theme, character, and/or series; variety is important. FOR ARTISTS Add "+DELIVERY" in the subject title.

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

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Big Words, Small Stories Octopus having his way with Chrissy and/or Christy
>>19892 Wrong thread moron
>>19502 >>19487 >>19194 >>19217 Thanks you guys, I tried thanking before but I guess the post didnt go up idk, but I appreciate the deliveries

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Survivors of the boards Pepipopo 08/07/2020 (Fri) 08:01:48 Id: d006ea No. 5206 [Reply] [Last]
Anyone else feels like these type of boards are dying thanks to the wokies and sites like 8cuck and Shitchan bending the knee, and even Julay World pulled the same crap. On top of it all, i barely notice any activity within this board, which i feel partially responsible in a sense since i got discouraged because of what happened over the last few months, not to mention what is going on in the real world.
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>>5304 >>5307 >Implying 4chan or anything born out of SA is good
>>5538 This girl is legit a specific fetish of mine
>>5304 >8chan was shittier than 4chan from the start simply because it gave power to any anon via allowing you to make and run your own board a la reddit, and this was criticized for good reason What the fuck are you talking about that approach is basically the only reason a board like this can even exist.

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