/delicious/ - Cake

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(43.39 KB 500x631 old style dresses 4.jpg)

Quality Cakes in Old Advertisements Anonymous 01/17/2022 (Mon) 19:42:06 Id: 000000 No. 21159
I stumbled across some of these recently and have started to collect them. Cute girls and cute dresses are always a good combination.
(84.25 KB 551x857 old style dresses 5.jpg)

(676.97 KB 1536x2047 old style dresses 6.jpg)

(83.43 KB 502x800 old style dresses 3.jpg)

(72.14 KB 439x640 old style dresses 2.jpg)

(273.21 KB 999x1500 old styles dresses.jpg)

(732.75 KB 1710x2225 sewing pattern 6.jpg)

(1.32 MB 1523x2017 sewing pattern 5.jpg)

(207.83 KB 902x1500 sewing pattern 3.jpg)

(219.04 KB 718x1061 sewing pattern 2.jpg)

(961.90 KB 1413x1883 sewing pattern.jpg)

>>21159 I remember someone posting a bunch of these a couple of years ago when anons were brainstorming a VN that sadly failed to go anywhere..
>>21164 I’m still planning on doing something with some of the OCs and story I came up with back then. I loved the setting and I would hate not doing anything with it.
>>21164 What were the basic ideas behind it? That sounds like it would be very cute if it was full of girls like this.
(1.62 MB 2410x3000 1601083712772.jpg)

>>21224 The original idea was a 1950’s Noir detective interacting with various kinds of lolis to solve a mystery in 1950’s suburbia. That grew to include supernatural and sci-fi elements like time travel, Nazi scientists, fish monsters, secret societies, etc.
(443.33 KB 2189x1432 vicky000.jpg)

(822.15 KB 3465x2120 holly000.jpg)

(547.79 KB 2454x1659 claudetteleclair000.jpg)

(423.78 KB 996x1000 1518296446-1.png)

(504.75 KB 1123x1000 1518296379-2.png)

>>21224 >>21257 There was some really nice concept art that was created around it.
(533.07 KB 1160x1000 1518296379.png)

Another good source of cute girls is vintage paper dolls.
>>21258 More paper doll cuties. One of my ideas if this game ever got made was to have bio profiles for each girl designed like paper dolls and and new outfits would be unlocked as you progressed in the game and more secrets were revealed.
Is this right?
>>21278 >>21298 >>21298 Gosh I want some of these now
>>21301 Perfectly understandable. You can check eBay, they aren’t very expensive at first glance.
>>21299 These are nice. Post more if you have them.
That blue apron is lewd.
>>21309 Was this heart apron skirt thing a popular garment? I found another doll wearing it.
(136.99 KB 787x1000 s-l1000.jpg)

(105.84 KB 600x565 paper-dolls.jpg)

(414.29 KB 756x1200 missy1.jpg)

These are too cute! I might try playing with some of these in photoshop when I get some time so that I can see how some of these girls may have looked when wearing their outfits!
>>21342 Or not wearing them?
Some Al Parker
Somehow 50’s illustration has the perfect blend of realism and stylization.
(192.13 KB 826x1007 Fritz-Willis-Chiffon-Tiss.jpg)

(134.34 KB 778x1024 fw6.jpg)

(184.89 KB 648x964 fw7.jpg)

Pin-Up artist Fritz Willis painted a series of ads for Chiffon Tissue. Too young for me but lg pin-ups are so rare I had to post them.
>>21342 Especially try to do this cute little witch with her orange and black hat. >>21308 >>21345 YES that too.
(94.80 KB 730x748 $_3 (12).JPG)

(107.73 KB 660x800 $_3 (13).JPG)

(107.87 KB 730x717 $_3 (48).JPG)

I found where I had saved all the patterns from that thread before.
(21.99 KB 372x512 1531854688.jpg)

(64.09 KB 570x814 1532082621.jpg)

(271.29 KB 1021x1600 11442226144_6fa095df7c_o.jpg)

(90.27 KB 510x800 $_3 (15).JPG)

(76.78 KB 568x800 $_3 (4).JPG)

(105.08 KB 627x800 $_3 (43).JPG)

(80.42 KB 528x800 $_3 (42).JPG)

And some other's I've collected over time too.
(134.09 KB 500x464 dinner.jpg)

(284.87 KB 853x1024 peek.jpg)

(165.50 KB 1024x411 MAXINE MCCAFFREY 51.jpg)

(345.33 KB 1024x741 nice fedora faggot.jpg)

(99.22 KB 601x476 a-gift-from-france.jpg)

(191.41 KB 575x823 PEZ space gun.jpg)

(429.67 KB 1280x1763 The Last Word.jpg)

(66.62 KB 500x381 Domino sugar.jpg)

(119.91 KB 500x414 space cadet.jpg)

(208.29 KB 1024x528 The Promised Neverland.jpg)

(334.98 KB 1280x976 Gay As Ever.jpg)

(99.68 KB 500x327 Hot Dogs.jpg)

(529.60 KB 892x1024 ~ U.S. Steel, 1947.jpg)

Seeing these makes me want to continue working on that game.
(74.48 KB 640x813 coppertone girl.jpg)

Little girls were so aesthetic back in the day. >>21345 >>21403 I'll play around with some of this a bit here in a while later today! It might take some experimentation.
(308.11 KB 348x705 hat cake girl 3.png)

(294.19 KB 348x705 hat cake girl 2.png)

Question on making them naked - what is the best approach? I was thinking of filling in the sections with models from DAZ Studio or something, and then matching it in style if possible. I'll experiment some more.
>>21436 Depends on the medium you’re more comfortable with. I would say either drawing and painting the missing parts or if you’re more comfortable with 3D software that could work too. >>21435 I would clean up the edges so they aren’t so fuzzy but the fit is nice.
Not quite as vintage but Tom Tierney was a paper doll artist who did a lot of vintage inspired dolls.
(699.51 KB 568x741 daz studio edit test.png)

>>21438 Here's the first DAZ Studio test. It looks a little wonky, admittedly, but it sort of worked. I'm bad at judging my own stuff though. I'll try to clean up the witch here in a while.
>>21429 I'd love that. >>21435 That turned out super cute. >>21438 >I would clean up the edges so they aren’t so fuzzy but the fit is nice. Yeah if it were just a little less fuzzy it would be perfect.
>>21445 I’ve actually sort of continued working on it. I know I’m not going to make a game on my own but maybe a graphic novel or illustrated story.
>>21441 Really good, should look great with some tweaking. Her nipples seem very low on her chest but I’ve noticed loli DAZ models tend to have that problem.
>>21449 Thanks for the feedback. I spent over an hour trying to get the noise to match the original skin and wasn't entirely successful. Some issues in the hips as well, but overall I was happy enough. I'll have to play with this more on my own time and try to make them better! Stay tuned, not sure how long I'll be though.
>>21448 > but maybe a graphic novel or illustrated story. I'd be up for that. And who knows that might jumpstart things and someone might want to help with a VN at a later date.
Let’s keep this alive.
>>21375 >a magazine teaches you to cure girls
I know most of these aren't ads, but I think they fit the overall theme and style we got going on.
>>21441 Did you try making more of these edits?
>>21164 >>21221 >>21224 >>21257 >>21258 >>21259 Best not to overcomplicate things. Start with a simple story, tell it start to finish, good speculative fiction should start out with a story that works without the fantastical elements in it. If you decide that you want to add elements, do it after that, by placing the additional element into the story somewhere, then telling a different story from that point, making sure it all fits together. Never be afraid to be ambiguous and refrain from over explaining things, most speculative fiction that works recognizes that too much elaboration to the audience on how the impossible could become possible would destroy the narrative. What was the story you wrote so far?
(799.12 KB 2419x3473 Effie001bikini.jpg)

(783.36 KB 2419x3473 Effie001nude.jpg)

>>22805 I agree with what you’re saying, the core story we have could work without supernatural/SF elements and is already broadly plotted from start to finish. You’re right about not over-explaining the fantasy/SF elements, this is something we have discussed. My preference is to try to keep things surreal and not try to ground anything too much on reality. I don’t want to spoil too much beyond what has already been posted here already. I’m working with a writer who’s turning my rambling ideas into something readable and we’re planning on releasing it as something like an illustrated ebook. I’m posting drawings of characters from the story to Baraag if anyone is interested.
>>22821 I dont like her breast buds, I prefer flat chests that are actually flat. Her hip/waist ratio might also be too large, as well, I prefer flat hips, and a tight butt. The best body ratios for lolis are always 1:1:1 (1:1 h/w, 1:1 b/w, and 1:1 h/b - a "ruler"-type shape with NO degree of secondary sex characteristics development).
>>22831 There are other girls who are younger/less developed and should be more to your taste.
>>22821 Which baraag account can I find these on?
>>22846 The account is @RemusLupin .
(477.03 KB 411x500 wew.png)

(106.27 KB 808x757 VBlxIFQ.jpg)

(1.54 MB 1288x1291 FaunoArtifex_22.png)

(343.72 KB 1524x1024 gKBJf6E.jpg)

(82.29 KB 850x1202 csSTXZW.jpg)

(52.65 KB 506x716 1.jpg)

It’s too bad Fauno Artifex quit, he was good at vintage style pictures.
>>26630 Is there anyone who has a similar style?
>>27100 I can’t think of anyone quite like Fauno, sadly. I do know a couple of artists (as in their paintings are actually displayed in galleries) who do work inspired by vintage illustration: Stu Mead and Mike Cockrill.
>>27128 Mike Cockrill
>>27130 >>27131 >>27132 holy shit, those are really good. those expressions, the details.

(1.35 MB 999x1000 1719011_1000.png)

(175.73 KB 1280x1280 IMG_1060.JPG)

(123.00 KB 515x720 micart10.jpg)

>>27134 I have a lot more, I should probably make a dedicated thread.
(442.92 KB 1588x2006 il_1588xN.1611448168_6f3a.jpg)

What is this add trying to say?
>>27607 Best part is his smug look. he knows the boy can't compete
I really love that first one.
(381.64 KB 1280x965 Jerome Rozen, Daddy’s Home.jpg)

(470.15 KB 1104x1600 official Disney loli.jpg)

(622.93 KB 1268x1604 new refrigerator.jpg)

(415.29 KB 1024x972 Painting by Andrew Loomis.jpg)

These mostly fit here, I think, despite not being advertisements.
>>28966 The last one is by Stu Mead.
>>29032 Yeah it only looks old it's actually relatively new.
>>27152 Please do!
(444.03 KB 656x1000 1513786465-1.jpg)

(408.72 KB 654x1000 1513786465.jpg)

(16.93 KB 185x272 1505252725.jpg)

(54.25 KB 301x500 Jeppson_LastImmortal.jpg)

(371.04 KB 1224x1632 thepeople.jpg)

Have some old book covers.
(407.50 KB 600x806 Barbie's Horse Adventure.jpg)

(174.85 KB 822x1000 alice_and_the_frog_footman.jpg)

(48.13 KB 341x500 51XS3Ta7ghL.jpg)

(330.70 KB 1214x1914 81g8xx2ag1L.jpg)

(129.15 KB 600x799 social services.jpg)

I really wish I knew where to get more images for this thread. It's possibly my favorite one on the board.
(79.51 KB 838x943 Willis2.jpg)

(36.94 KB 500x730 Willis3.jpg)

(83.47 KB 898x946 Willis6.jpg)

(82.20 KB 703x950 Willis5.jpg)

(29.73 KB 277x400 Willis10.jpg)

I found a few more. >>21400
(46.52 KB 383x510 Willis11.jpg)

(80.04 KB 775x960 Willis9.jpg)

(104.46 KB 929x869 Willis4.jpg)

(44.82 KB 800x450 Li_1.jpg)

(59.62 KB 479x640 1560763372-3.jpg)

(67.60 KB 736x831 1558123811.jpg)

>>29136 Pinterest is a good source, or you can use any search engine and just look for vintage or retro ads, paintings, illustrations, etc.
(194.36 KB 900x1200 Ey9Dsu0WYAIfU13.jpg)

(264.88 KB 900x1200 EW38eShWAAA5bNL.jpg)

(247.05 KB 850x1200 EXzF7z5XsAA2kSW.jpg)

(474.02 KB 1661x2144 d7f9ee0b0e8a77f1b0624983f554c45a.jpg)

(105.42 KB 644x481 ladybird-toyshop-comp.jpg)

(102.49 KB 1039x859 imgs_touch.jpeg)

>>28966 Bruh what? This is either comical or a jab at the devil.
>>30335 That's actually Krampus the infamous Christmas character/tradition from Germany and Austria who captures and punishes badly behaved children
>>30341 Possible, Stu Mead does live in Germany, but devils are a frequent theme in his work.
What happened to the games that were being brainstormed based on this aesthetic?
(126.34 KB 2604x3139 agdg_hq_logo.png)

>>30392 Don't let your dreams stay dream, anon.
(2.21 MB 2425x2156 Nikolaus_krampus.jpg)

(195.18 KB 510x810 Gruss_vom_Krampus.jpg)

(890.35 KB 510x810 Krampus horny jail.png)

>>30341 Speaking of Krampus.
(643.21 KB 512x832 50's Ads (1a).png)

(501.44 KB 512x832 Paperdolls (2).png)

(441.36 KB 512x832 Upper (2).png)

(456.03 KB 512x832 Boop (6).png)

AI and 50's = win
>>30392 I’m still working on the story with a writer.
>>30584 That's very much a good thing to hear.
(648.75 KB 566x600 krampus was a lesbian.png)

(640.30 KB 566x600 krampus and the elf scouts.png)

>>29149 I feel I should repost this here.
Marcel Marlier. Beloved children’s books illustrator. Panty shots all over the place. How did he get away with it?
>>31688 >How did he get away with it? You're not on 4chan. Stop perpetuating a shitty meme.
>>31696 You seem a tad insecure.
First one looks just like something rl would draw.

(56.84 KB 603x390 Alice.jpg)

(70.65 KB 550x705 Vladimir Gusev Moscow, 1957.jpg)

(91.68 KB 737x800 norman rockwell.jpg)

(897.98 KB 1791x2422 a13355f99cabece323dfa668c52ff215.jpg)

(131.49 KB 736x883 bath.jpg)

(106.10 KB 472x640 JOHNSONS BABY POWDER.jpg)

(107.90 KB 620x786 burger king.jpg)

(35.96 KB 337x604 Vintage Girls Clothes.jpg)

(246.22 KB 912x1299 BILZ Y PAP-.jpg)

(248.99 KB 912x1299 BILZ Y PAP--.jpg)

(39.38 KB 366x488 Child Life.jpg)

(1.33 MB 922x589 3464572342.PNG)

>>32934 auce on this one?
Bumping a quality thread
(1.13 MB 1079x931 4856dfa57cdfadc0.png)

(920.31 KB 929x957 f6ed348f4d8fffe6.png)

(753.05 KB 889x899 add9a1522a50a9c0.png)

(727.32 KB 926x926 b046223968a5b7db.png)

Juliette from the French book series of the same name
(411.63 KB 513x943 50c52c848101b21a.png)

(519.69 KB 933x947 d08163355c2e83f0.png)

(408.65 KB 677x957 1d362b4fda049da3.png)

(439.23 KB 577x961 044579ddb9e59cb1.png)

(703.31 KB 1013x947 65215a604a26e5b6.png)

(392.10 KB 659x659 d459c51406dc1fb8.png)

(1.80 MB 972x1000 f7e173956ddb46ce.png)

(905.93 KB 956x1008 8a82d00f959189d7.png)

(1.64 MB 968x996 1382525afee4ed10.png)

(1.93 MB 962x996 a7fa27953c8abcb8.png)

(293.77 KB 1076x1386 s-l1600.jpg)

>>35865 Wow, those are awesome. Usually a character barely gets a page or two in the nude and it is so rare to see a big set like this. Also here's a little something from me too.
>>35866 >third image Juliette is being a little tease.
(170.79 KB 1134x794 88c2d577a36a6e74.jpg)

(461.79 KB 1715x1209 6219c973c7233d46.jpeg)

(471.17 KB 1743x1190 f65aabd7b51a7230.jpeg)

(371.61 KB 1212x1711 433a6ce48784142d.jpeg)

(920.28 KB 947x659 9efe130c69d00636.png)

(264.45 KB 338x474 68f740ef6a377b32.png)

(287.47 KB 353x641 af1d88c184cc8939.png)

(279.09 KB 367x569 64cbd4dfd3e6e034.png)

(503.77 KB 502x677 7e016c820e091e3a.png)

(682.79 KB 702x680 e4f21ba80d9a880f.png)

(768.28 KB 958x960 4c589c328f303503.png)

(904.36 KB 960x956 908a7d9802f4c5ec.png)

(511.05 KB 956x960 4983d0dc2d443cfe.png)

(266.53 KB 503x459 9036c72835c75148.png)

(366.19 KB 687x625 7ba52cbdb4030ccc.png)

(506.19 KB 1049x418 b59b4d59737ced5b.png)

(454.67 KB 1156x661 4b77e24c4aa9790a.png)

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(355.42 KB 1046x660 a695295fb42c1ccf.png)

(286.52 KB 587x504 87f5f4694bff5b6b.png)

(198.86 KB 424x490 33235421b02ceab2.png)

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(537.91 KB 539x678 8aaf489ad2117c53.png)

(412.47 KB 558x639 60e955a7b1515fd8.png)

(284.91 KB 1204x600 7b386d65ac53db9b.png)

(900.34 KB 868x912 486d7ee47cb2eee9.png)

(371.96 KB 723x447 15fda29922794399.png)

(253.86 KB 406x522 b88f5c57e7429ba0.png)

(275.90 KB 449x609 1e988744ac6b7ae1.png)

(885.56 KB 720x639 91018a9275049c06.png)

(357.15 KB 677x666 40b2222162287b8d.png)

(287.00 KB 742x518 a362558547d370fd.png)

(1.37 MB 1092x1220 d16bad4c4d783e72.png)

(288.48 KB 850x483 1d25e2cafb85622c.png)

(832.02 KB 951x650 a3e55897e85d649d.png)

(758.90 KB 951x678 f35169614625f028.png)

(280.17 KB 742x518 db2627749c2d5e8d.png)

(2.04 MB 960x1000 f20674119052be15.png)

>>37495 >first pic Meanwhile, on /v/...
(207.12 KB 1600x800 914481204f95477f.jpg)

(261.99 KB 1600x800 fdb93330fefbba97.jpg)

(895.09 KB 2051x1011 51330cabbc790f7c.png)

(1.35 MB 2033x1020 0dfcb46f26c5d4dd.png)

(120.82 KB 900x536 booki16.jpg)

(54.87 KB 319x542 booki14.jpg)

(122.43 KB 804x584 booki15.jpg)

(44.16 KB 310x502 booki39.jpg)

(60.03 KB 682x426 booki05.jpg)

(593.68 KB 995x581 de6e09e109ed3f37.png)

(584.59 KB 759x674 2fab6eb7997f410b.png)

(110.62 KB 765x694 b1d2f899d66797a7.png)

(161.80 KB 770x587 0b1a1ceb0ef649e5.png)

(84.64 KB 596x768 ff8ecc0aa67c3448.png)

(409.94 KB 476x633 80dac389c2f361fb.png)

(395.25 KB 497x648 2dec4da62519249c.png)

(339.78 KB 498x643 f06fa4602d3e9e93.png)

(644.57 KB 774x629 1d34d5f22dfc30bc.png)

(179.91 KB 713x1012 1720e12e374d692a.jpeg)

(92.18 KB 1126x1840 2fe672c93f10bb26.jpeg)

(89.81 KB 1126x1840 08d5dae4163d6431.jpeg)

(83.61 KB 1126x1840 16ca75b24a02739b.jpeg)

>>21258 It looks like Remus is still working on this project.
(351.23 KB 526x552 c75acbf688c2fb8c.png)

(54.18 KB 205x192 d1cf52b2db66543f.png)

(112.48 KB 800x468 490367b0f79d2a81.jpg)

(361.94 KB 435x549 b9aef88331a5fff4.png)

(723.26 KB 901x652 fdef66e56ff25139.png)

(735.04 KB 928x409 12097216599c825c.png)

(921.89 KB 893x619 fc454b98f2d44ac9.png)

(423.33 KB 607x673 ee9342e0d2e595d6.png)

(343.16 KB 531x551 d8148630e1b69a2c.png)

(864.82 KB 894x651 dc6f952bc197137a.png)

(989.17 KB 985x1024 bf3269f0cf1a45d6.png)

(341.08 KB 455x437 6ce2d3be613a56df.png)

(2.41 MB 1663x1247 e88f4a5e3c2bcae0.png)

(63.80 KB 355x512 a06738032a7a152e.jpg)

(64.03 KB 349x512 aa38caaed55cd611.jpg)

(343.67 KB 1063x1600 1ad8a9f3ca72954f.jpeg)

(351.42 KB 1176x1600 4f407798338f8fa6.jpg)

(51.50 KB 372x512 e9f017f7710aabd7.jpg)

(92.88 KB 564x775 a0ab0a2067bdf9af.jpeg)

(381.71 KB 800x1036 fe1a157ee86902d4.jpg)

(311.90 KB 1060x1600 7991e320e6335137.jpeg)

(98.27 KB 600x822 28fecb191171f45b.jpeg)

(284.34 KB 1033x1600 9e939db5fd95d343.jpeg)

I don’t think this one has been posted before, “Family Man” by Andrew Loomis.
(1.91 MB 1112x1431 Loomis.png)

>>41479 needs more Loomis
(39.64 KB 595x935 image_0040.png)

(45.77 KB 569x935 image_0042.png)

(42.03 KB 412x600 image_0045.webp)

(21.47 KB 380x470 image_0044.jpeg)

(151.49 KB 433x597 image_0043.gif)

Some Alain Aslan drawings.
>>38088 1 >>38089 4 are from the same artist, obviously.
>>41353 Sauce on these?
(163.30 KB 1451x1920 lot.jpeg)

(449.02 KB 1028x1291 canvas.png)

>>41535 Found a better version of 4.
(267.57 KB 1600x1139 image_0051.jpeg)

(850.71 KB 2385x3132 image_0050.jpeg)

Chéri Hérouard - Initiations Voluptueuses (1939)
(130.24 KB 736x870 54--girl-and-dog-a-girl.jpg)

(291.52 KB 736x972 jonwhitcomb09f349b.jpg)

(1.18 MB 2111x2837 jonwhitcomb_c5afe78fca_3k.jpeg)

(1.04 MB 666x880 lovell_0052.png)

>>42247 It’s sand that it’s never going to get better than this.
(57.90 KB 515x716 b-045-03.jpg)

(67.56 KB 521x714 b-045-02.jpg)

(46.89 KB 435x587 b-045-01.jpg)

(56.43 KB 510x711 b-045-04.jpg)

(41.46 KB 488x628 images.jpeg)

(44.30 KB 488x628 images 2.jpeg)

(148.53 KB 431x600 WebKurt003.jpg)

(48.76 KB 488x628 images 3.jpeg)

(154.03 KB 416x600 WebKurt032.jpg)

Danish illustrator Kurt Ard:
More Kurt Ard:

(21.43 KB 318x315 bdsmlr-9704939-5PnMbKdwps.jpg)

(67.41 KB 399x516 pocelui-thumb.jpg)

Found a couple more, there isn't much content by this artist online, at least not in high resolution.
>>21441 It’s been a couple years and these edits should now ne really easy to do using AI if someone wants to give it a shot.
(2.38 MB 1893x2625 f40dec145b077e67.png)

(2.33 MB 1893x2625 cbe4d149986f2379.png)

>>21159 Some art by Wysteria replicating the style of old dress pattern illustrations
(1.33 MB 787x1188 Ramona Forever.png)

(1.11 MB 849x1270 beezus-and-ramona-1.jpg)

(260.87 KB 1181x1600 901b9749c64b5496e356ebe8f3a2ef19.jpg)

>>44960 That’s a Hooters or Raisins costume.
>>45676 cute
(84.12 KB 690x1015 i 6.webp)

(246.29 KB 2560x1814 IMG_4233-scaled.jpg.webp)

(205.96 KB 936x1023 299887.jpg)

(426.56 KB 765x1000 BlascoShopLL-G.jpg)

Harold Anderson

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>>46426 Kim is cute.

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>>46444 >Kim is cute Sure is. I wish I could find more of her.
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so very glad to see action in this thread again.
Trying to keep it alive.
>>46989 4th looks inspired by Fritz Willis loli pin-ups >>21400
>>46989 4th one is hot
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Vintage feminist propaganda
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>>47729 >>47730 >>47732 My god, could you imagine how modern feminists would react to loli feminist propaganda? It's worth putting out there just to see how quickly it would be banned. Especially the "Buying Votes" one. Lel
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1966 Hanna Barbera Alice
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I wonder if there’s any R34 for this version of Alice.
>>48083 I doubt it, but that looks like it was a fun show. If anyone finds a torrent, I would appreciate an upload or a magnet link if the site does not allow torrents.
>>48086 Youtube okay? https://youtu.be/JdyhdK59GOU?si=Hyz4nH2_mZ0ooZsu Warning: it's not very good.
>>47166 He may have even been the artist of that ad.
>>43570 Any more?
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>>50993 Does anyone have better scans of the first and last Rockwell sketches? Without watermarks/higher resolution?
>>50993 Found a better of the first one anyway.
>>51008 This is one of those images that gets weirder and weirder the longer you look at it.
>>51008 Pop-surrealism avant la lettre. I wonder if it inspired Mark Ryden. It even appears to have anticipated AI images, notice the girl’s hand.
>>51023 That shit is so much fun. I love that it doesn't have to make any sense to provoke a reaction.
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Ride a what horse?
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>>53755 >buy three cakes Palmolive knows what's up.
>>53755 Too bad Andrew Loomis never released a book called How to draw cakes.
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>>53905 they sure did...
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