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Pinch gripping. Anonymous 04/05/2023 (Wed) 02:21:07 Id: bbc83f No. 34214
Panties coming down, but the cunny lips are still grabbing the fabric like weak, tiny, delicate fingers pinching it. Which means the panties were slightly caught in the cunny folds before they started coming down, and that's why I call this a reverse camel toe. Or eotlemac. As far as I know there's no tag for this on any booru or Pixiv. Am I wrong? Is this a tag? I love it, but maybe it's too niche and speciphic to be a tag? To have a name? I'd love to know if we have the numbers to start a movement, and get a tag going. Remember though, zettai ryōiki and even more rare elements of fetish art became established only after people on IBs and forums started discussing them. So, let's talk about this? Post more examples if you have them? I like this for many, many reasons. One of them being that almost the whole cunny can be seen, but also it can be pretty much censored by the panties themselves. The artist can make the panties cover juuuust enough for the cunny not being considered explicit, while showing it clearly.
>>34214 You have excellent taste my friend. I'll keep an eye out and this to my Hydrus tags if I find any. I think I'd prefer to >Pinch gripping >reverse camel toe. Or eotlemac. I'm gonna call it he pussy pinch. I thought of calling it the pussy panty pinch, or the panty pinch, but this wonderful phenomena can happen with lower garments other than panties.
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Ah, I found one. That was fast, though it's not panties, and the clothes are torn.
>>34217 >You have excellent taste my friend Why, thank you! As for the name, I think we should suggest a bunch of names and then vote. I'll tell you later all the other reasons why I love it. I already told you one of the reasons, but I have many. If we actually succeed and it becomes a tag, that'll make it more common because it'll be more visible. That would be wonderful.
Who's the artist of the third pic? I think I saw him before.
>The pussy pinch >The cunny clamp >The vaginal vice >The hole hold >The chub chomp >The mons mangle >The snatch snatch >The labia lock >The twat tuck The possibilities are endless.
I think the word "pinch" is mandatory, and alliteration is always fun but >>34217 is correct: some times the pinch happens to garments that aren't panties, so the "P" in "panties" can't be included, sadly. But that's okay because we still have the "P" in "pussy", so I say this is called the pussy pinch.
>>35317 Snatch snatch is the best pun, but cunny clamp is the best overall, for cute factor alone.
>>43665 But "clamp" sounds like an infection, "snatch" is downright rude, and although it would be super cute to have the word "cunny" there, that would be limiting because the tag will only be useful if it applies to every case of pinching, which has to include adults and teens (which means, no cunny). So, Pussy Pinch it is.

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