/delicious/ - Cake

It just tastes better.

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Read the rules before posting. 【Loli】【Toddlercon】【Hentai】【Rule 34】【Shota】【Straight Shota】【Trap Shota】【Furry & Kemono】

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Pragmata Lincoln Board owner 06/13/2020 (Sat) 23:22:50 Id: 539a83 No. 2446 [Reply] [Last]
Thoughts on Capcom's new game. Is she worthy?
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>>36077 Well the announcement vid still had the little blond barefoot robot loli so everything's still good.
I hope the game will not be cancelled or "modified" for being too based and lolipilled.

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Artist- Backstreetgirl Anonymous 02/11/2024 (Sun) 23:51:40 Id: a8acaa No. 41874 [Reply]
This artist is pretty unique and the themes are also pretty hot. Does anyone here can please share their newest pictures? I searched everywhere and you can't find them. I'd love to see them! https://www.fanbox.cc/@backstreetgirl https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/15092046/artworks
>>41874 Here you can see their fanbox post up to june 2023 https://exhentai.org/g/2585788/ae6f1f7e6b/

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Sprites N Pixels (Oekaki too) pepi 10/19/2020 (Mon) 23:30:24 No. 7159 [Reply] [Last]
I know there's almost nothing on this style, but i have started doing pixels, doing some tests since last month, and i have some stuff i wanan show, can we have also some pixelated stuff, official or not? Some of these arent based on my own drawings, but i been turning them into sprites for training myself for something i have in my mind for next year. 1st is a picture of Lisa simpson based on an RDX input i found, i re-sprited it in pixel art form using the same colors as Lisa's sprite in the Arcade Game, the other is a conversion form one commission from Drew G. which i sprited painstakingly into a sega genesis format, including wider dimensions for being playes as a background image on a real genesis (the horizontal width is the same as the genesis resolution). I can also do capcom CPS style graphics, but those take me more. Oh and i can do sprite artwork conversions from simple things like sketch lineart. The roll one's are based on an artwork of mine i havent finished in full.
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>>36842 Then you do it
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Made an edit because I love these art, but I hate insulting nudity.

Thin/Slender thread Anonymous 05/07/2022 (Sat) 20:20:58 Id: 000000 No. 24910 [Reply] [Last]
Show some love for skinny cunny!
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Drawthread M Superior_Dragon 09/18/2023 (Mon) 21:16:00 Id: d9028c No. 38468 [Reply] [Last]
Welcome to Drawthread M! Please observe the rules posted as follows. Rules: - Leave reference images and/or clear descriptions. No tl;dr, please. - Repetitive requests will be deleted. Repeated offenders will be warned and/or banned. - the Bump Limit is 600. Once we reach 550 posts, ALL BETS ARE OFF! If you have a new request, it can wait until the new thread; NO EXCEPTIONS!! - If you have any Requests of a non-sexual/suggestive nature, posting them in the SFW Drawthread helps (less a rule, and more a recommendation to avoid such requests getting buried) FOR REQUESTERS Add "+REQUEST" in the subject title for artists to find easily. - 6 is the max number of request per user per thread, no exceptions. Chain requesting is fine (5 per post), and you may be free to swap out a request for a different one. - Do not request male original/self insert characters (You) created. - No bumping/seconding your requests within the same thread to avoid clutter. - Past Requests are now allowed (this will not repeated until DT P), though repetitive requests of the same theme, character, and/or series are still not allowed; variety is important. - be courteous to others: extreme requests (excessive violence, bodily fluids, scat, vore, abuse/rape, to name a few) must be given a spoiler tag for everyone's benefit. FOR ARTISTS

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Edited last time by Superior_Dragon on 09/18/2023 (Mon) 22:05:40.
567 posts and 1040 images omitted.
Can maybe fico e anabella doing sex wile they watching super bowl
There is a way to see (at least) deleted posts? My request >>41763 was deleted, my post was kinda long and I don't remember how I wrote it.

Incest Anonymous 06/02/2020 (Tue) 06:34:59 Id: d89723 No. 1882 [Reply]
For cake in incestuous relationships
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>>35806 DAMN they wiped out that incest discussion
>>35856 what happened?

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Carrot cake tierlist Anonymous 04/06/2022 (Wed) 11:47:53 Id: 9edf39 No. 24120 [Reply] [Last]
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>>25030 >>41612 >>25094 >>25232 okay, I added the characters
A new challenger approaches
Submitted for the approval of the Midnight Society, I give to you these girls as well: 1) [Edit: I'm a dumbass--her name is Lilli] 2) Julie "Lightspeed" Powers (Power Pack; the girl on the right) 3) Carrie Ravenwood (Monster in my Pocket; sorry for the crappy quality) 4) Maxie (My Fairy Troublemaker) 5) Daphne Spankenheimer (Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer; we never settled on if strawberry blonde was okay) I'd also add in the other Strawberry Shortcake designs (seeing as how I mentioned long, long ago about using the cuter Suzy design in the tierlist), but I feel like we never settled on whether or not that's cheating.
Edited last time by Superior_Dragon on 02/01/2024 (Thu) 21:22:01.

0 0 12/28/2023 (Thu) 02:13:14 Id: 322995 No. 40951 [Reply]
does anyone know the name(or have the link) of that loli text based site
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is like a site that you kidnap and "take care of" the girls and you choose what to do, remembered a little bit of what it was like
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>>40951 https://badtraining.quest/story/trainer1 here ya go buddy have a map with it while you're at it
How to deal with delivering babies in game?

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Hentai Recommendations Superior_Dragon 10/21/2021 (Thu) 05:02:46 Id: 5f2f22 No. 18130 [Reply]
It kinda baffles me how there's not a thread for this yet, but how about we just share our own recommendations for loli hentai--preferably streaming, but dojinshi would also be acceptable. (Or is this more of a /loli/ thing?)
Doujins were cunny does the cucking is nice 459110
>>18130 >Or is this more of a /loli/ thing? Honestly, you might have to ask them. I don't know the first place to start with loli-h since all the stuff I've ever seen was lurking early streaming sites way back when and Sankaku, though you really can't lurk on Sankaku anymore.

Anonymous 01/08/2022 (Sat) 04:06:17 Id: ef1a1d No. 20667 [Reply]
How do you become a (Western) loli artist in this day and age? How do you avoid being cancelled and/or doxxed down the road? What are some good OPSEC tips as well? Where do you post art? Thanks and take care.
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>>21030 >>21541 >>21567 It's far more common among western artists, and /delicious/ at large has little issue with cuck and BLACKED. Both are regularly posted with less negative reaction than furshit, or no negative reaction at all in most cases. And yes, people will go the route of "politically correct porn to get away with politically incorrect porn". For example, Sukkanen Fordic draws loli x adult male, but he makes the loli a tomboy, and calls her a short cuntboy in spite of her budding breasts.
>>20692 >rule34 paheal allows cake art No it doesn't. At first they were only banning totcon, but now all loli/shota is banned because they prefer not getting blacklisted by the ISPs of cucked countries. It's been that way for a long time, even though there's still a very old page left up saying they're only banning totcon "for now, until the loli grey area is clarified". Any loli/shota on there is subject to ban upon report, but nobody is reporting and people moved on to other sites years ago.
>>39068 if that were true, I wouldn't be seeing a ton of new Hilda art after Season 3 came out. I do believe other R34 sites have pulled loli/shota art, leaving Paheal as one of the few, if not the only sites that still hosts loli/shota art

Delicious Ideas Lincoln Board owner 01/25/2022 (Tue) 06:54:18 Id: 237d38 No. 21464 [Reply] [Last]
Resurrecting a lost thread. I'll try to post as many ideas that were made from those days. >Got some thoughts for a game, story, anything with cake? Post em here! Refs too!
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>>40765 >>21474 "time machine" by HG Welles, the Eloi are eternally trapped in the stage of being young children, they live in primitive conditions and seemingly cannot fend for themselves, but where they live is a paradise, seemingly a garden of eden. Truth is that they live in a farm, where they are cared for by the technologically advanced Morlocks who live underground, the Morlocks will occasionally capture some of the Eloi to bring back underground, and either eat them or use them as breeding stock, usually both. The Eloi eat nothing but fruits and nuts and other easily gathered plants, the Morlocks eat noting but Eloi, the Eloi are primitive and simple minded, but innocent and beautiful, the morlocks are ugly and predatory, but intelligent and advanced, the Eloi come out only during the day, and hide in their bds at night, the Morlocks sleep underground during the day, and come out by the light of the moon, the Eloi are female, but the Morlocks are male, their offspring are divided into Eloi girls and Morlock boys, it's a bizarre sexual domorphism. May I remind you that the future witnessed in the novel was a postapocalyptic dystopia? Like most resort cities built by tourism industries,a wonderful place to visit, but not a pleasant place at all to remain in. >>21475 I have an idea: A sawney bean simulator. You run a cannibal clan in the wilderness. You breed among your family members and the people you capture to be sex slaves, lots of wonderful debauchery occurs. Your clan are deeply steeped in the occult, regularly performing rituals, casting spells, and interacting with supernatural beings (including sex with demons). Of course, you also capture people to keep as slaves, and also to eat them. You can gather resources from the woods or stock up from raiding travelers for supplies. You grow and manage your clan requiring you to build up from a family of four (man, wife, son, and daughter) to a large family living on the fringes of scotland, in a coastal cave surrounded by the wilderness. >>21476 Candy company makes a brand new product that sells very well, unfortunately it is later revealed to contain a powerful aphrodisiac effect that causes the people who eat the candy to become sex-crazed, this includes the lolis and shotas, but also the moms and dads of the country. >>21477 A gang of teenaged girls groom a loli and teach her to be a dyke, they perform sex acts in front of her and say that this is how grown up ladies play with their friends before getting her to do those things to each of them, or doing those tings to her. This gets extended to a larger operation of older girls and little girls having lesbian sex in secret.

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>>40766 >>21499 Escaping a prison where they at children or harvest them for organs or use them for sex or whatever, you are a girl like six who is escaping from the place, you witness the horrors of the operation, and might need to endure sexual encounters if you fail, or maybe you need them to escape, you have to make choices about who to help, hurt, or abandon. Ideally you can save all the prisoners, or just all the girls, but the world your in doesn't work like that, just because they are a fellow victim, doesn't mean they are a friend you can trust. >>21500 Or make it about baking a pretty cake, but occasionally she gets down on it. Like in the music video from lazy town. Cute baking tutorial, broken up with very sexual content featuring the loli show host. Maybe the sexual content is related to her baking show/business, sleeping with suppliers for discounts, sleeping with reps for sponsorships, etc. >>21501 One idea was a sort of loli x-men but with disabled lolis. The power they would have would be related to their disability, one suggestion was that a blind girl would be invisible, or that a deafmute loli would be a telepath, genius since the powers synergize with the disabilities. >>21515 Cunnydale is an of-putting name, but I like the setup, I'd like it to be about a time-traveling or isekaid detective who is sent into wonderland to rescue alice after her older sister declared her missing, you beat the red queen and then you get the rescue sex with a 7&1/2 year old loli of the book. Maybe you;d also rescue wendy from neverland and dorothy from oz, with more rescue sex.
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>>40768 I’m curious, what’s off putting about “Cunnydale”? My native language isn’t English so I might be missing something. I already changed the name back to “Cunnyville” though. I’ve been working with a writer and the story is pretty much set now. There are dream sequences involving Alice in Wonderland that’s as close as it gets to your idea. It’s an interesting concept though.

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Anonymous 01/14/2024 (Sun) 19:44:43 Id: bb5225 No. 41321 [Reply]
Why does people think that lolicon art and artist are problematic in the internet? Does they cannot differenciate between reality and fiction or is something else? I heared that their basic argument of why they despise those things is because loli/shotacon art its a representation of the artist's mind and that it also leads to real problematic people to think its normal to do it with real children when they see an art of it. Its like, they're not the main problem? I'm sure loli/shota artists doesn't want to be related to problematic people since they don't know them and doesn't want to end in big problems. This situation bugs me a lot.
>>41321 More often than not it's literally deflection from their own actual crimes & fetishes.
>>41321 It's been drilled into their heads that the idea of sex with minors is a terrible thing, especially now that news reports of minors being victims of sexual assault has reached the point of normalcy. Ergo, it is not surprising those who advocate against child abuse will go as far as banning any and all forms of loli/shota content regardless of the medium. EXCEPT Stephen King's IT, which the original novel DID depict a loli/shota sex scene. But because the adaptations omitted that, no one either knows or seems to mind the scene from the novel is still there, nor has there been any attempts to censor it. Right now, the only reason loli/shota art still exists is either because the laws in some countries still allow them to exist because said depictions aren't real, or they're only available underground. Companies like reddit or twitter are not bound by these and are free to decide for themselves what is and what is not allowed, and thus loli/shota is banned there. Artist Conoghi does frequently post his work on Twitter but under heavy censorship and redirects everyone who wants it uncensored on his Fanbox account. As far as I know, Paheal is the one of, if not the only remaining image hosting site that still posts loli/shota content. Others scrubbed it entirely from their catalog. If there are indeed other places to see/view loli/shota art, I'd like to know myself.

Achthenuts thread Anonymous 01/12/2024 (Fri) 06:51:14 Id: 60dd7f No. 41283 [Reply]
Post any Achthenuts pictures & Achthenuts rule 34! & EVERYTHING THATS DEDICATED TO ACHTHENUTS!

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Harmonium: The Musical Anonymous 01/01/2024 (Mon) 04:22:05 Id: 465273 No. 41045 [Reply]
This game Discuss about it: its deaf loli, possible plot & gameplay and impact in rule34

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Giulia Marcovaldo (Luca) Anonymous 07/13/2021 (Tue) 22:33:06 Id: 2da0f4 No. 15533 [Reply]
Let's face it, she earned herself a place on here.
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redhead, Italian and a cake. What else ? I'm sure her cunny smells like the sea. Give me that pink mussel for one night, and I will transform into Chowder.

Food inuendos Anonymous 12/25/2023 (Mon) 19:13:17 Id: d86392 No. 40919 [Reply]
I was creating a fanfiction when suddenly I had to put an innuendo that described a Loli pussy. After some reflexions a came up with just a few ideas: - pink mussel - strawberry/chocolate macaron - double patty burger - opened tangerine >>can you help me find more ?

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