/delicious/ - Cake

It just tastes better.

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Read the rules before posting. 【Loli】【Toddlercon】【Hentai】【Rule 34】【Shota】【Straight Shota】【Trap Shota】【Furry & Kemono】

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Old Barbie comercial girls VHSEPHI 09/11/2023 (Mon) 05:58:00 Id: 68f66e No. 38200 [Reply] [Last]
Some artist are drawing these two girls of old comercial of Barbie
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>>46599 And most of their pranks involved bondage, with Wednesday usually as the domineering. It was funny watching it as a child and not understanding shit.
>>38246 >And you haven't seen the Latinos, they went crazy for the cunny in a cement commercial. Which commercial?
>>46601 This is prob not on topic but thank you for reminding me of this version of Wednesday Adams. I needed to draw her <3

Suno AI songs about cake 🎵🎵 Anonymous 08/22/2024 (Thu) 14:06:31 Id: e0321a No. 46349 [Reply]
I've been having fun exploring AI generated songs with suno.com and making a few myself. Since it's free, we could use it and share songs here. I haven't made a loli-centric song yet, but it could be very fun. I've found a few by searching the terms "loli" and "cunny". Would you create some songs and share them here? Would you help us find more songs about the subject? Here's the fist one that shows up when you search for "loli": I Want a Loli https://suno.com/song/e1951e19-8e75-42b6-a6ae-ad966f06cd7c All I want is a little Loli Play with and folly (yeah) You don't get this This is my fantasy Want her to be with me

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I used to have a fanfiction with the nuns from Ponpu. Where I was the priest. Adding 1 more nun. I created a song. There wasn't an AI who could do that. Now my dream became reality. Thank you Suno. https://suno.com/song/b1b621f9-9542-43a8-91bc-514e4272d022 Lyrics: (Verse 1) In the heart of Castile, where the shadows conceal, A haven of freedom, a sanctuary so real. Lost as a pilgrim, by nuns I was found, Four sisters embraced me, our stories unbound. (Chorus) Six nuns hidden in Segovia's embrace,

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>>46592 >>46594 That's BEAUTIFUL!

Fat/Chubby Lolis Anonymous 05/28/2020 (Thu) 07:56:49 Id: f24bc3 No. 1372 [Reply] [Last]
A thread for all the thick cuties.
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Everybody forgets Princess Fisk
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Re...Return of the loli Cyoa Game Aston LeClover 09/20/2023 (Wed) 19:22:10 Id: c7ea0b No. 38582 [Reply]
Been awhile... but in a new style
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>>46438 >I'm fine with sodomy as long as it doesnt use the wrong word lol lmao
>>46462 Weird post, and we're the loli board.
>>46468 Ok homo

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Bottomless/no panties Anonymous 08/30/2021 (Mon) 03:12:22 Id: 230733 No. 16864 [Reply]
Nothing from the waist down (shoes and/or skirt optional)
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Kiff (Draw-Fags welcome!) Anonymous 07/11/2023 (Tue) 22:18:49 Id: 2f45e6 No. 36664 [Reply] [Last]
Alright, let's get things straight. It's been 4 months since this cartoon came out and yet everybody in the R34 community is still sleeping on it because "Ew, the art-style's too ugly!". I mean for fucks sake! I thought the entire R34 community would be going crazy over it after they noticed that the main heroine (Kiff Chatterley) is voiced by Peni Parker (Kimiko Glenn). And it REALLY doesn't help that whenever I search for "Kiff" over on Twitter, I get tons of French gay porn (mainly because "Kiff" actually means "Like" in French) and men ejaculating into sneakers. Well, now that "Kiff" is on a 12-week Hiatus as it won't return until September 29, 2023. It's about time we finally let "Kiff" shine in the R34 spotlight, because it's finally about time everybody realizes that Kiff is king, yo! (In other words, realize that Kiff is not just "Some generic BeanMouth/CalArts slock that looks like every other American cartoon ever since the Chowder/Adventure Time/Regular Show epoch" but actually a beautiful yet wrongly misunderstood Masterpiece that's full of charm, creativity, coziness, and a huge cast of colourful characters). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiff_(TV_series) https://disneynow.com/shows/kiff
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Bumping for squirrel cunny

Quiero Aprender a Dibujar desde Cero!. Sujeto_Inexperto 10/08/2023 (Sun) 11:11:48 Id: c9931d No. 39154 [Reply]
Hola a toda la bella comunidad de artistas dibujantes que están aquí en este bello tablón /Delicius/ - Cake. Les mando mis más honorables saludos. 🐻🖖🖖 ======= El Motivo del cual quiero abrir este Hilo, es para pedirles, Que por favor... Pásenme Libros, videos Tutoriales, ejemplos de bocetos, y todo tipo de material... Que me explique y a la vez me enseñen a Dibujar desde cero!. DESEO APRENDER A DIBUJAR, QUIERO DIBUJAR DESDE LOLIS NORMALES... HASTA CUALQUIER TIPO DE PERSONA; ANIMAL; OBJETO. MI SUEÑO ES ALGUN DIA VOLVERME MANGAKA, ... TENGO MUCHAS IDEAS, ... PERO NO SE MUY BIEN COMO DIBUJARLAS PAPEL!! .... ASI QUE ESTARE MUY AGRADECIDO ... SI USTEDES ME AYUDAN CON ESTA PETICIÓN...

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>>39154 Negrito, le aconsejo que aquí hable en inglés, Delicious no tiene nada que ver con los bunkers de Hispa. O si quiere, vaya a >>>/arte/ y pregunte ahí.
>>39154 Hola estimado (negro) aqui le dejo 2 consejos. Le recomiendo practicar (constantemente) y ver los videos de dibujar desde 0 de JS Linares (en jewtube) Tambien buscar el libro de Anatomy for the artist de Sarah Simblet. Suerte y que tenga buenas noches.
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ima gonna share you the tutorial that helped me ALOT when starting to draw cake. Hope it is useful for you.

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Psychonauts Anonymous 06/15/2021 (Tue) 00:27:17 Id: 50445e No. 14707 [Reply] [Last]
In honor of Psychonauts 2 finally getting a release date (August 25th) let's celebrate the delicious cake of the wonderful Double Fine series!
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Trying my hand at an Inktober concept せくれたひで 08/16/2024 (Fri) 02:45:24 Id: 12eeea No. 46223 [Reply]
I dunno what this site's stance is on WAM content, even after having read the rules fully, but eh... I've had this concept in my head for an Inktober-like since last year, and wanted to see if it might gain any interest? There's no guidelines on how any potential participting artworks could be drawn, btw (sketch, full-color, penciled, digital, etc.)... I dunno, I'm just shy about introducing new concepts to the public.
It’d be nice to do do something for Inktober but with this site being as dead as it is I don’t know how many people would participate, least of all with something as niche as Splat-ober.
>>46244 Splat-tember actually, but yeah... I don't really expect there to be any takers honestly, and the concept itself is a bit rough, but to have at least one person interested in the idea and niche would make me happy enough.

2nd Rule 34 Paheal Migration albertdx 05/25/2021 (Tue) 16:47:00 Id: 779b29 No. 14130 [Reply]
Since the rule came in that you can't publish underage content, I started to wonder about it, because we should rescue as many loli and shotas as possible, and I'm already very worried about it. I'm telling all the artists. RESCUE EM ALL. (https://rule34.paheal.net/post/list)
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And now certain artists are getting purged from Paheal
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in ATF is a alert to
>>46166 It is nice to see that ATF is still playing for our team.

Anonymous 08/11/2024 (Sun) 18:48:56 Id: 576ebe No. 46132 [Reply]
Techno, cyberpunk, mecha and space lolis!

The candy universe VHSEPHI 04/06/2024 (Sat) 20:05:05 Id: 3aeb34 No. 43072 [Reply] [Last]
A thread for porn pics base in The candy universe webcomic: https://www.invinciblesugar.com/comics
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John K's The Heartaches Anonymous 02/20/2021 (Sat) 20:52:13 Id: cdf101 No. 11363 [Reply] [Last]
Oh, what could have been...
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well, speaking of booty, that is actually canon by a certain point of view
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Redhead with full eyes gets no love, huh?
Related, one very obscure JK work with nice tasty cakes.

Anonymous 08/03/2024 (Sat) 20:42:31 Id: e32bef No. 45959 [Reply]
Do you ever feel like you're doing the wrong thing by engaging with this stuff?
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Not a fed, just a long time lolicon that is not horny right now and pondering the ethics of the whole thing. I lost a huge chunk of my youth to sickness and was on the internet unrestricted way before I should have, looking at 7chan's cake board not long after my balls dropped. I'm finding it hard to blame myself but it also kinda doesn't seem right. Curious if anyone else here feels the same way or if it's all ouuuhhh child cunny slobbering.
Sometimes I do. At the same time I'd probably be worse off without the fictional outlet, so I'm glad for the cunny.
If youre really worried talk to a therapist You wont get any useful answers in this echo chamber

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What happened to Lou Créspin? Anonymous 04/19/2023 (Wed) 15:52:36 Id: fd680d No. 34522 [Reply]
Yo. Do you guys know what happened to "Lou Créspin"?? Can't seem to find much about him. Most of stuff got purged from many websites. Mf legit disapeared, i did manage to find some this dude named "Kapueio" that reposted some of his art and removed the old watermark by replacing it to a new one. If you know anything please tell me
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>>45895 >>45899 Not to sound too dismissive but he goes through the same phase roughly once or twice per year, always comes back. Just keep hope in your heart
>>45891 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2fUfJOyKoQ See ya in two months tops, Stego. I wonder what kind of pen name you will choose next
>>45899 >>45923 >>45935 Don't be like this. We need to support him, even if we don't like the idea. If you love someone, let him go.

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Superior_Dragon 02/14/2024 (Wed) 18:45:31 Id: 7d0cd5 No. 41913 [Reply] [Last]
Welcome to Drawthread N! [Title card by KonamiYung] Please observe the rules posted as follows (as of 2024, we've made efforts to clean up or clarify certain rulings). Rules: - Leave reference images and/or clear descriptions. No tl;dr, please. - Repetitive requests will be deleted. Repeated offenders will be warned and/or banned. If this becomes a recurring problem, you'll further risk getting your subject/topic/theme blacklisted as well. - the Bump Limit is 600. Once we reach 550 posts, ALL BETS ARE OFF! If you have a new request, it can wait until the new thread; NO EXCEPTIONS!! This is specifically to allow 11th Hour deliveries, and prevent last minute deliveries from being ignored or buried by kicking off the new thread. - If you have any Requests of a non-sexual/suggestive nature, posting them in the SFW Drawthread helps (less a rule, and more a recommendation to avoid such requests getting buried) FOR REQUESTERS Add "+REQUEST" in the subject title for artists to find easily. - 6 is the max number of request per user per thread, no exceptions. Chain requesting is fine (5 per post), and you may be free to swap out a request for a different one. - Do not request male original/self insert characters (You) created. Male characters are acceptable, so long as the focus is largely/equally on girls. - No bumping/seconding your requests within the same thread to avoid clutter. - Past Requests are not allowed (until DT P), though repetitive requests of the same theme and/or character are still limited to no more than 3; variety is important. - be courteous to others: extreme requests (excessive violence, bodily fluids, scat, vore, abuse/rape, to name a few) must be given a spoiler tag for everyone's benefit. FOR ARTISTS

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Edited last time by Superior_Dragon on 02/14/2024 (Wed) 18:49:38.
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>>45776 UwU, My Favorite Gothy French Cartoons Lolis.💕🇫🇷
>>45779 Thank you!
NEW THREAD!!!!!: >>45784 >>45784 >>45784 >>45784 [If your requests were deleted, you may repost them here instead.]

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