/delicious/ - Cake

It just tastes better.

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Read the rules before posting. 【Loli】【Toddlercon】【Hentai】【Rule 34】【Shota】【Straight Shota】【Trap Shota】【Furry & Kemono】

are there any vr loli vids? 06/28/2021 (Mon) 21:09:13 Id: e63442 No. 15052 [Reply]
I genuinely cannot find any
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>>15054 Exactly what I'm looking for thank you
>>15056 I still think you should look on Youtube, if you know enough japanese is a gold mine because all the japanese people that came from niconico because some rule about how many videos you can post there or something. Is almost impressive the amount of stuff you can get away on youtube if tag your stuff in japanese. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TboM2HRVVeo

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Source Filmmaker (SFM) Thread Lincoln Board owner 05/11/2020 (Mon) 20:43:01 Id: 2c5a98 No. 184 [Reply] [Last]
Post renders of SFM/Blender girls from your favorite games. Preferably Hi-Res JPEG, PNG, Webm, MP4, etc. If generous, share models and tips too. No realistic OC models. Boards have been taken down for this. The only OC allowed are custom Sims/Skyrim, etc or repurposed established characters. DO NOT POST THE FOLLOWING CHARACTERS: >Sherry Birkin (Resident Evil 2: Remake) >Natalia Korda (Resident Evil: Revelations 2) >Alice Williams (Detroit: Become Human) >Emma Phillips (Detroit: Become Human) Posting them will result in a post deletion and a possible ban. Any concerns/complaints should be taken up in >>>/site/ Resource Croix3D Leftovers - https://mega.nz/#F!4JJi1L6J!l12lCN8ZlsaF2D727ny5Ug >Clementine - Walking Dead Season 1 & 2 >Rachel - Wold Among Us >Little Sister - BioShock

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Edited last time by Lincoln on 06/04/2021 (Fri) 02:14:01.
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Sherry Birkin captive EP 7 by KDE: https://files.catbox.moe/jzii4c.mp4
Has anyone else noticed this is, like, the first non-Drawthread thread to get this close to the bump limit?
>>14939 Yes, I figure I make a new thread just because it's so near. That and this thread is bloated now. NEW THREAD >>14943 NEW THREAD >>14943 NEW THREAD >>14943 NEW THREAD >>14943 NEW THREAD >>14943 P.S: Please try not to repost old pics. It's mostly for new shit.

Scalie loli Anonymous 06/18/2021 (Fri) 03:22:48 Id: 848ed9 No. 14781 [Reply]
I'm looking for scalie lolis, i cant seem to find any after gelbooru nuked the scalie tag, does anyone know a good site to find this?
I'm guessing e621.net if you don't mind having to make an account to view loli content. I haven't bothered using the boorus that started doing that shit so I can't tell you for sure if it'll have what you're looking for.
Well thanks d00d, ill go check it out, i appreciate the help
I found it, thank you dude, made me buss a nut

TheFabian/Fabian Martinez Anonymous 06/05/2021 (Sat) 20:03:14 Id: 35e4b1 No. 14530 [Reply]
I was posting about this elsewhere but I'd rather leave it here since it pertains to a western artist. I was happily browsing some nice doujinshi when I stumbled upon this Colorium Comic 7 Chu♥Lip. This compilation doujin had one additional artist that for whatever reason wasn't tagged. Fabian Martinez (TheFabian). Thankfully, his old geocities page was linked at the end. I visited it and saw what was archived, which wasn't much but it gave me a good idea of what his work looked like at the time. Archives for his website go all the way until Geocities closed down back on 2009 https://web.archive.org/web/2009*/http://www.geocities.com/thefabian I don't think that having these interests that he had, particularly the photographers part made it a good idea to use his real name during the early days of the internet but it would probably be a lot worse today. I visited that website out of sheer curiosity, this (3rd pic) is what it looked like around the time his work was in that doujin. It looked that way up until about 2007, when it just leads you to a page that reads SOLD OUT, whatever that means. This is a relatively obscure doujin that to this day remains untranslated as far as i'm concerned. Not only that but his work wasn't even tagged which made it downright impossible to find for anyone without prior knowledge. To my surprise he is still active under the same name, however his art has a different look to it now which is not really my thing at all , see the last picture I attached, which shall remain spoilered. Here's his twitter account https://twitter.com/fabianbdart Doujin: https://hitomi.la/doujinshi/colorium-comic-7-chu%E2%99%A5lip-%E6%97%A5%E6%9C%AC%E8%AA%9E-1556995.html I can't find any of his old work on any booru site, help would be appreciated. His old geocities page mentions that he was working on some stuff at the time, particularly a doujin called "Busy Child" which doesn't seem to be available anywhere. I have already tried contacting him and am awaiting a reply, if he responds I will ask him about this.
>>14530 Here's some additional stuff from his site, a guestbook where one guy comments in Spanish that he was posting from a SEGA Dreamcast (!!!) That's just how old this is.
>>14530 Interesting relic of the past, thanks for bringing it to my attention. This is where all loli art is heading btw, obscurity and artists switching to drawing adults\sfw. All the more important to enjoy it while it lasts.

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Kodojinshi Party: a first-of-its-kind Loli mangazine competition Anonymous 11/04/2020 (Wed) 14:42:35 No. 7332 [Reply] [Last]
ITT: I am proposing a contest in which anons from /loli/, /delicious/, /sm/, and other related boards can compete. The contest is simple: - anons submit a comic of their own making. - the comic must be wholly original, no rule 34 submissions will be entered. - the comic's subject matter must be restricted to the following: straight lolicon, lesbian lolicon, or straight shotacon. - the comics must also feature main characters (the character(s) who is/are given the primary focus) who is/are, or appear to be, a human who is below the age of 8 years, and above the age of 5 years (you know, squarely within the center of the realm of true pedophiles). - beyond these requirements, the eligibility of a submission will be left up to the discretion of the audition judges. - the entries will then be read and voted upon by anons through some secure means, when the contest ends, the votes are tallied up, and the winners will receive a prize and award. - The "prizes" may or may not include having their future work featured and supported, their entry adapted into another format (say, a video), and so on. Or they may simply be having some cryptocurrency dumped into their account.

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Edited last time by Superior_Dragon on 12/09/2020 (Wed) 03:04:01.
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>>7374 #3 made me LOL >posting code: 235dfc
>>14335 >>14331 >>14333 Does anybody use multporn? Noticed it had no content restrictions and seems to get a lot of traffic. Something about it seems a bit sketch though.
>>14646 Disregard. Looks like they just changed their policy and deleted a lot of shit.

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E3 Week Lincoln Board owner 06/09/2021 (Wed) 17:08:04 Id: d82ed8 No. 14622 [Reply]
So E3 is near and we're sure something delicious will show up. So this thread is just for that, early too just in case we get some early leaks. You can also use this thread to talk games in general as we wait for a cake to be ready.
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>>14673 Notice I said models. SFM is better than anything official.
Oh boy, a Tiny Tina game could be interesting. >>14675 As true as that is, Julie has been a lesbian for decades and they did have a recent power pack book where they all had their own selves (even ignoring the Gurihiru versions where the girls hair color was changed up). Of course that doesn't mean they can't or won't change them up for a new media.
>>14654 The board owner acknowledge my waifu, very awesome! Her model is in Gmod right now!

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PortraitAI Anonymous 05/29/2021 (Sat) 04:55:52 Id: 6ff230 No. 14202 [Reply]
Something fun to do if anyone's interested. It take any portrait image and creates an old painting from them. There is an app version with more features but the browser version is pretty decent on it's own. https://www.portraitai.app/ I will say this as fair warning; don't post anything you know you shouldn't. If you're concern about privacy, then don't do it at all. If you want to try to use lewd, crop just the head. 1:1 Head crops have better results anyways. When passing stylize characters, there will be times you'll get hilarious results. So for honest results, you should use Photoshop, Gimp, etc to make tweaks before passing it through. Tweaks such as: -Warping the eyes smaller if characters have huge eyes. -Eyelashes are sometime mistaken for eyebrows, so tone down the lashes. -Warp circular heads to a make realistic shape. Your tweaks does not have to be a masterpiece by any means, just enough for the AI to use to help it's conversion.
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>>14205 Close enough. You can't use flat colors because it'll suck.
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>The time of needing a japanese man to trace over my CP so its no longer pedophilic is almost at an end The future is now.

Takeshi1000 Anonymous 05/08/2021 (Sat) 00:05:56 Id: 0e8940 No. 13678 [Reply]
These guys sketches are amazing, and does a wide variety of characters. He does adult characters too, but mostly does lolis. His colored sketches dont translate well and unfortunately only releases these instead of sketches. However the colored works have improved over time. On his Patreon, hey says all his characters are over 18, lol.
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He does great work.
Is he still around? I've commissioned off from him once before and he makes some really excellent on-model artwork.
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>>13711 I remembered I requested her do this obscure character from a show called PINY. I'm pretty sure it's the only piece of rule 34 for that entire show. The colored version actually turned out quite nice in comparison to the shows art style. >>13721 Yes, he sometimes posts on Baraag and Pixiv, but he mostly posts on his Patreon. And it's all colored works now, he hasn't posted a sketch in a while. I would tell him he should stick to sketches, but I don't have the heart too.

How about some fantasy and/or princess lolis? Anonymous 09/01/2020 (Tue) 17:42:17 Id: 9be535 No. 6431 [Reply]
Anything from elves to princesses to halflings and duchesses!
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A few additions

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American Dad Anonymous 04/27/2021 (Tue) 23:14:11 Id: 0b0a10 No. 13238 [Reply]
Is anyone going to make art of these adorable wacky munchkins?
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>>13238 Pics 2 and 3 looks like my wife when she was her age. What episode is it?
>>13250 The newest episode, "Russian Doll". It aired yesterday. It's up on kimcartoon now, but here's an HQ rip aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvZVV4REVRTEojMmx0LU9CWmdOdzg3QVBNSVByZFU5ZXFIX2RaVnFsX2xvQkpUQzNuV3BqRQ==
An artist named Moxxi did a pic of Piper over on Pixiv

BUTTowski Thread BUTTowski thread 05/03/2021 (Mon) 03:02:36 Id: afcb7a No. 13482 [Reply]
It was about time to make a thread about this underrated show, now available on Disney+ Because we all know we have this cake with a cute little fat tush
Hell yeah, bro. Are we just talking about Brianna or are we opening this to everything because Kendall is just the greatest.
>>13509 Well, that's a nice suggestion, but since she's younger, she would be the main XD

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Not just her, but other girls from the series

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Drawthread E Speedy05 02/03/2021 (Wed) 18:05:08 Id: 452aeb No. 10517 [Reply] [Last]
FOR REQUESTERS - Add "+REQUEST" in the subject title for artists to find easily. - Leave reference image (for the characters involved. Pose is optional but can be forgiven if there's description. Any request without a reference image will be deleted) and clear descriptions. No tl;dr, please. - 6 is the max number of request per user a thread. Chain requesting is fine (5 per post) - Every 5 threads you can link to your old unfulfilled requests from previous threads, however you can’t just use all 6 of your request posts to repost the old undelivered stuff. - Past Requests are not allowed. They must be new, (which can be crossed out every 5 threads) - Do not request male original/self insert characters (You) created. (not applied in this thread) - No bumping your requests within the same thread to avoid clutter. - All requests centering on the same fetish (such as oppai loli or futa) must be request chains - Be unique with your ideas, and don't spam things with "x character does a skirt lift to reveal her panties" every couple of days. (one or two requests may be forgivable, but 7 posts with the same trope is too much) - Only 3 requests (from one person/isp per thread) can use the same character. Have some variety. - Ban list: toilet/poop related requests, Harvey Beaks, multiple requests where "x character does a skirt lift to reveal her panties", anything Fernado related (the red loli fox, Sparkle from Craig of the Creek transforming, etc) - Don't ban evade/use different IDs when posting offending requests. We'll know your posting styles and the filenames. - Once we hit the 550 mark, ALL BETS ARE OFF! No new requests can be made until the next Drawthread. FOR ARTISTS - Add "+DELIVERY" in the subject title.

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Edited last time by speedy05 on 04/11/2021 (Sun) 23:28:59.
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>>13398 Interesting. Hopefully you'll put your skills into good use in the next drawthread. I plan on posting it in the next hour or two in case anyone's interested.
Edited last time by speedy05 on 05/01/2021 (Sat) 22:08:36.
Something I've been wondering. Riley from Inside Out is a loli, clearly. But, does that mean her emotions, like Joy and sadness count as Loli''s too?

MimMom (cherrybum09) Anonymous 04/05/2021 (Mon) 22:13:04 Id: 25b0ad No. 12615 [Reply]
We shall have a thread dedicated to the recovery of the content made by this wonderful artist who, sadly, has decided to wipe themselves from the Internet. I'll post everything I've managed to find from them in hope that a kind anon has more and will share with us
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The rest I have are all shotas found on r34 or this sad panda gallery, https://exhentai.org/g/1835014/fb0e13a79c/ Not sure if /delicious/ allows posting those directly. But if someone has more of their cute bois, please share those too (probably as an off-site link)~

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Crumbles Thread Anonymous 05/30/2020 (Sat) 01:28:39 Id: 1827ce No. 1497 [Reply]
Crumbles is a Western artist who mostly does eastern style art, with a few exceptions. Unfortunately, most of his uncensored work is paywalled. Please post whatever you have.
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>>6109 Why don't you just contact him via baraag or pixiv?
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Drawthread D Speedy05 11/26/2020 (Thu) 13:58:08 Id: a2be04 No. 7881 [Reply] [Last]
FOR REQUESTERS - Add "+REQUEST" in the subject title for artists to find easily. - Leave reference image (for the characters involved. Pose is optional but can be forgiven if there's description. Any request without a reference image will be deleted) and clear descriptions. No tl;dr, please. - 6 is the max number of request per user a thread. Chain requesting is fine (5 per post) - Do not request male original/self insert characters (You) created. - No bumping your requests within the same thread to avoid clutter. - All requests centering on the same fetish (such as oppai loli or futa) must be request chains - Be unique with your ideas, and don't spam things with "x character does a skirt lift to reveal her panties" every couple of days. (one or two requests may be forgivable, but 7 posts with the same trope is too much) - Only 3 requests (from one person/isp per thread) can use the same character. Have some variety. - Ban list: toilet/poop related requests, Harvey Beaks, multiple requests where "x character does a skirt lift to reveal her panties" - Don't ban evade/use different IDs when posting offending requests. We'll know your posting styles and the filenames. - Once we hit the 550 mark, ALL BETS ARE OFF! No new requests can be made until the next Drawthread. FOR ARTISTS - Add "+DELIVERY" in the subject title. - Remember to reply to the Requester via >> - Don't ask for requests. This causes flooding.

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Edited last time by speedy05 on 01/26/2021 (Tue) 14:21:17.
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>>10510 Do we need to wait for a mod to make it, or can I just make one myself right now?
>>10514 I can make one in the next few hours, if you're really that desperate for one.

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Anonymous 01/24/2021 (Sun) 23:47:13 Id: 1df83b No. 10177 [Reply]
Do you think character designers get horny when they have to specify the development of late lolis? How do those meetings go? I'm only asking because I'm guessing all artists are degenerates.
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>>10182 Maybe is just western artists since they don't deal with anatomically correct designs when designing early teens/late lolis.
>>10177 I don't believe those questions really come up so long as they get it done. As for people within the industry being colossal pervs; well yeah. There are innuendo in almost every cartoon since 1920's.
The reason about why not just they draw lolis with somewhat large bust, but also, draw them with big but cute tushies

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