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Is there a tag for? Anonymous 04/12/2023 (Wed) 05:57:56 Id: 0529c6 No. 34365
Facing the camera, preferably looking at it, pulling down their own pants/panties and pulling up their shirt. Made me think, is there a tag for this? So I made this thread, for specific things you see repeated as a pose or as a theme, but that you're pretty sure have no tags on any Booru or Pixiv. And maybe, just maybe, you can discuss a tag into existence. Sister thread: >>34214
>>34365 >Facing the camera, preferably looking at it, pulling down their own pants/panties and pulling up their shirt Pulling down her shirt works too, because it's in the spirit of the theme if she's showing nipple. Right?
In the first pic here, Silver Spoon and Scootaloo are doing it. The fifth one isn't looking at the viewer, in fact she's evading eye contact, so that one doesn't work but I guess it could be edited?
Pulling up the shirt with teeth instead on a hand may be the best variant.
The squid kid may not count, she's using her head tentables to spread her C instead on lowering her pants, but it was too clever to no include. ALso, it may be edited?
Pic number five counts, except that the camera is not where it should be...
Seconds before the pose is achieved... inches away...
>>34365 well... the correct tang should be pants_pull or panty_pull...
Do western and european animation count?
>>51973 Of course! Here, those count even more.
>>51974 Oh goodie! High Five!
>>51973 >Elspeth is Cutie >Manson is Cuteness
OP here. This pic is exactly what I was talking about, 100% precise. Too bad I hate Simpsons designs, specially for lewds. It's like I asked a monkey paw to give me the best possible example of this theme.
>>51992 Aww.. thank you!
(562.67 KB 1125x1600 1.jpg)

OP here, again... I kinda feel like explaining why I enjoy this so much but I'm not sure anyone cares.
>>52689 I think I know why you enjoy it but go ahead
>>52689 Name of manga please
>>52698 Waku Waku Baishun Shoujo by Senju Rion

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