/delicious/ - Cake

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Quality Cakes in Old Advertisements Anonymous 01/17/2022 (Mon) 19:42:06 Id: 000000 No. 21159
I stumbled across some of these recently and have started to collect them. Cute girls and cute dresses are always a good combination.
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1966 Hanna Barbera Alice
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I wonder if there’s any R34 for this version of Alice.
>>48083 I doubt it, but that looks like it was a fun show. If anyone finds a torrent, I would appreciate an upload or a magnet link if the site does not allow torrents.
>>48086 Youtube okay? https://youtu.be/JdyhdK59GOU?si=Hyz4nH2_mZ0ooZsu Warning: it's not very good.
>>47166 He may have even been the artist of that ad.
>>43570 Any more?
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>>50993 Does anyone have better scans of the first and last Rockwell sketches? Without watermarks/higher resolution?
>>50993 Found a better of the first one anyway.
>>51008 This is one of those images that gets weirder and weirder the longer you look at it.
>>51008 Pop-surrealism avant la lettre. I wonder if it inspired Mark Ryden. It even appears to have anticipated AI images, notice the girl’s hand.
>>51023 That shit is so much fun. I love that it doesn't have to make any sense to provoke a reaction.
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Ride a what horse?
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>>53755 >buy three cakes Palmolive knows what's up.
>>53755 Too bad Andrew Loomis never released a book called How to draw cakes.
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>>53905 they sure did...
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