/delicious/ - Cake

It just tastes better.

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Read the rules before posting. 【Loli】【Toddlercon】【Hentai】【Rule 34】【Shota】【Straight Shota】【Trap Shota】【Furry & Kemono】

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Splooge Anonymous 11/18/2023 (Sat) 13:04:24 Id: dc44c6 No. 40196 [Reply]
Does anyone have an archive of his work? There's so many missing pieces
i found a good place to gather artist's collections. If u go to imhentai and search up by name people collect artist's work and u can download it. ive got slooge from there

Source Filmmaker (SFM) Thread PART 4 VHSEPHI 12/10/2023 (Sun) 09:53:45 Id: 46a874 No. 40637 [Reply]
Post renders of SFM/Blender girls from your favorite games. Preferably Hi-Res JPEG, PNG, Webm, MP4, etc. If generous, share models and tips too. No realistic OC models. Boards have been taken down for this. The only OC allowed are custom Sims/Skyrim, etc or repurposed established characters. Please do not flood new thread with old images Previous threads: PART 3 >>40635 PART 2 >>14943 PART 1 >>184
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Suggest and Borderline NSFW Anonymous 11/07/2023 (Tue) 15:20:16 Id: ea585d No. 40013 [Reply]
Sexy but non-explicit loli pics.
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( ¡ ) EXO-CAKE ( ¡ ) Anonymous 09/23/2023 (Sat) 04:09:37 Id: 81d48e No. 38673 [Reply]
EXTRATERRESTRIAL CUNNY Delicious alien cuties from beyond the stars.
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>>40400 Yes I am a fan of star trek and similar. I had previously had some rough ideas for an illustrated fanfic / comic thing, however this was not going to be explicitly a star cadets thing. Some more traditional trek like stories. However AI generation makes it much easier to branch off in my own direction with regards to the visuals, and also the alien species encountered. One of my ideas was a hybrid human \grey (a Roswell alien) and it was a prototype image for that, that evolved into Jinara. I intend to flesh out these hybrids too at some point. Once I had designed the character, it took about half an hour to work out her lore. So upcoming, there will be some human grey hybrid girls, with their own lore. Unfortunately the rest of the plot ideas I have so far are not really cake based and just involve adult crew members in typical ST type stories. I could flesh them out a bit here, since it's a quiet thread, if board mods are happy for me to,
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Experiment XC-76SD4, later known as Cassie. Zetan (Grey) - Human hybrid created by Zetan scientists. Age - 13 ( human equivalent) Created using a mix of Zetan and Human genetic materials, Cassie is one of a batch of such hybrids, created to test the possibility of Zetan colonisation of a wider variety of worlds, due to limitations in Zetan biological tolerance of especially warm environments and bright light, given their origin on the night side of a tidally locked planet. The XC-76 series of laboratory created hybrids varies from mostly human with some Zetan features, to mostly Zetan with some human features. The hybrids are artificially aged to skip childhood, however the more human ones are less compatible with accelerated aging and need to be aged removed from maturation tanks early. Cassie and hybrids like her are routinely sent to prospecting worlds and invasion targets to test livability and biological compatibility for later Zetan occupation. They are brainwashed for loyalty, however are treated poorly by the Zetan society and considered as property.
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>>40400 3d style AI gen of Martian type girl. Although X2's daughter is a redhead, based on the Queen, we know that they can be blonde or white haired too.

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Trolls movie Jameskb18 11/25/2023 (Sat) 12:13:50 Id: f0d914 No. 40312 [Reply]
Hello, we need more of poppy and other trolls (cute, panty shot or other)
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>>40312 >Hello, we need No, you need to take your thinly veiled request thread to /rule34/. >>40353 Agreed.
>>40363 alright thanks for let me know
>>40353 Wait does this mean that baby doll Batman isn't a loil?

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Lolicon Artist Directory (LOAD) flatsims 06/07/2020 (Sun) 22:36:47 Id: 68ae8c No. 2179 [Reply]
I can show you the world.... https://load.blogs.allthefallen.moe/ Artists, History, Links, Loli, Shota, 2D, 3D, Eastern, and Western.
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>>2179 Kino
Dang why ur tags broke?
Did you add / fix some things on your site?

Sweet Games KonamiYung 05/13/2020 (Wed) 06:13:43 Id: bf224e No. 288 [Reply] [Last]
A dedicated thread for video game lovers, especially its cakes or lolis that contain Linda of Stretch Panic drawn by ta777371 This thread is for drawings only, not for models drawn from games. There is an SFM thread here >>184
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>>14842 been a hot minute since I've looked at this thread she's from Gnarled Hag: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8yUGE3kUsE and I thought she was too adorable to not make something for the game
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Has anyone ever talked about the girls from Blud? I like how they got the classic Cartoon Network style going on with their character designs.
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Do obscure characters from semi-popular webgames have a place here too?

Alkemanubis Showcase Lincoln Board owner 05/13/2020 (Wed) 05:29:19 Id: 06dd41 No. 281 [Reply] [Last]
As much as you can post.
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>>39657 nah, he is doing pretty well - right now he is working on a new set, but usually he plays all day long... - dont worry, alke never will give up drawing ;)
What is the bump limit here? Is it 600? Asking because I want to know when is it okay to make a new thread.
>>40201 600 for posts, not sure on the image limit seeing how some threads go past 1000 images.

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Rolling StrokeOfLuck 10/31/2021 (Sun) 15:31:27 Id: 7319a0 No. 18477 [Reply] [Last]
Made this roll image for /b/, it isn't 100% loli but thought you guys might still enjoy it. The PNG is too big for many imageboards, which is why I'm posting a JPG as well. I might make version 2 at some point, feel free to let me know if there are any changes that you think would improve the thing, such as moving characters around for comical effect. If a "key character" is missing I could replace one of the lesser known ones. Also feel free to post other "roll images" in this thread. Rolling probably won't work so well on /delicious/ since it doesn't move so fast, but the images are good fun nonetheless.
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10d20 = 132 lets see who i get
>>40179 Nicole Watterson it seems decided to draw whoever i got
Alluka Zoldyck forgot how much i hate drawing anime style

loli/shota web hosts? Anonymous 09/23/2023 (Sat) 18:54:49 Id: 365355 No. 38689 [Reply]
Been thinking about making a knockoff danbooru with some interesting software modifications. I'd like to host loli on it, but I don't know any good providers off the top of my head. Anybody know of any? Oh yeah, and bonus points for it not complying with DMCA
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i want to make a website with my loli art. i was looking into 1984 hosting. no one has their own website anymore so im scared of taking the plunge
>>40143 1984hosting is pretty cheap. The main concern is weathering scrutiny if you get popular. People will try to report your site and domain. I know kawaiidetectiveenthusiast (3d loli animator) had a site on orangehost for a while (2+ years) before he quit loli, so it is possible. Details on why he quit here: files.catbox.moe/ngdvgb.txt Sites are cracking down on loli stuff now more than ever. If you plan on monetizing, you'll likely need to use bitcoin. Won't be much, but its better than zero. Overall, if a website is too much to maintain, I say stick to communities like ATF and network with other artists. I plan to use P2P like resilo sync or syncthing for my stuff. 3D loli is getting squeezed more and more. People won't like it but that's how things are now.

Protegiendo los sueños de Sol/Protectin Sol's Dreams ??? 11/04/2023 (Sat) 17:06:32 Id: a2f9ad No. 39945 [Reply]
Peruvian Short Animated Film https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8BxhJn9bxg
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>>40073 Translation Mommy mommy! Some bad guys are stealing outside. Don't worry, my life... Mommy is going to take care of it. Those kids just need a little love.

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Homunculus100_ treath 08/14/2023 (Mon) 15:33:09 Id: e7557f No. 37504 [Reply]
This guy apparently has been dozed and his art on Twitter has been lost, he was knew because his drawings of belly rub, but also regularly drew loli art,
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>>40098 probably died in a gender corrective surgery somewhere in brazil or something
>>40098 In hiding.
>>40093 Never read that. I made the girl somewhere in the 4-9 range and the guy a 30-something because I like extremes, and lolis within that range, also the shotas in works of /ss/, though no lady would want a kid that young IRL (most female predators are caught with boys aged 12 at the youngest).

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Drawthread L Superior_Dragon 03/05/2023 (Sun) 20:53:12 Id: 9cd68a No. 33420 [Reply] [Last]
Welcome to Drawthread L! Please observe the rules posted as follows. Rules: - Leave reference images and/or clear descriptions. No tl;dr, please. - Repetitive requests will be deleted. Repeated offenders will be warned and/or banned. - the Bump Limit is 600. Once we reach 550 posts, ALL BETS ARE OFF! If you have a new request, it can wait until the new thread; NO EXCEPTIONS!! - If you have any Requests of a non-sexual/suggestive nature, posting them in the SFW Drawthread helps (less a rule, and more a recommendation to avoid such requests getting buried) FOR REQUESTERS Add "+REQUEST" in the subject title for artists to find easily. - 6 is the max number of request per user per thread, no exceptions. Chain requesting is fine (5 per post), and you may be free to swap out a request for a different one. - Do not request male original/self insert characters (You) created. - No bumping/seconding your requests within the same thread to avoid clutter. - Past Requests are now allowed (this will not repeated until DT P), though repetitive requests of the same theme, character, and/or series are still not allowed; variety is important. - be courteous to others: extreme requests (excessive violence, bodily fluids, scat, vore, abuse/rape, to name a few) must be given a spoiler tag for everyone's benefit. FOR ARTISTS

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

Edited last time by Superior_Dragon on 03/05/2023 (Sun) 20:58:28.
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>>39650 I apologize for the mistake post. Can I try posting this again ?
>>39648 >>39650 >Both the requester and the person guiding him to the new thread don't know how to use imageboards Why? Why are you using a url to link to the new thread? There's a proper regular link to the new thread 3 posts above yours. Why does /delicious/ attract all the underage newfags?

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Wilykit (Thundercats) Anonymous 05/31/2021 (Mon) 17:51:19 Id: 12824b No. 14268 [Reply]
You can't beat this staple, 80's or 2011 version are all welcome.
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Has anyone tried generating any images of Wilykit in Stable Diffusion yet? There needs to be more of her out there.

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No Nut November Anonymous 11/02/2023 (Thu) 14:19:01 Id: e29aa5 No. 39882 [Reply]
November has began Moustache are growing And people are edging The rules are simple in this thread: >You can post non erotic pictures to help your comrades finish this month without falling >Or you can post the hottest and sexiest pictures you have, so you can make the task more difficult You can also count the days
A classic
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Go parade your bandwagon somewhere else.

Anonymous 11/01/2023 (Wed) 05:24:52 Id: 67032f No. 39828 [Reply]
Woah, my love, my darling I've hungered for your touch A long, lonely time.

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