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Animal Enthusiast 02/15/2022 (Tue) 20:52:06 No. 2330
Amateur Girls + Dogs thread I have no idea how this isn't the most popular thread on this board.
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There is something very sweet about the relationship a girl has with her dog.
I wish I had an 18yo gf who's only had dog cock to be my gf. And she makes an exception for my human cock, no other human cocks for her (not that she wants any besides mine). That would be perfect. 35yo Male here.
>>2748 i think im just the girl for you ;D
>>2752 Exchange discords so you two can meet and fuck already.
>>2752 :O big if true
>>2752 I'm just a lil guy, so I'm scared (but I'm bein' brave and tryin' anyway), here's my discord Jazz#0300 I'm not very masculine and I'm a sensual lover, I know how to pound too though (like a rabbit). I give good aftercare too. And I love worshipping your body with oil and massages. I have agoraphobia and don't leave my house much, but I used to and am moderately streetsmart. I am not obese, and I smell good. My teeth are of slightly above average quality, some fillings but not many. Good hygene. No hemorrhoids (I like getting and giving rimjobs so it's a factor). I'm pretty cool, chill, even tempered. I get anxious without a lot of sex and haven't had sex in years so I'm very anxious generally. I have an androgynous face with a slight lean toward male. I look like a cute lesbian. If I get in shape I have an androgynous physique leaning toward male. I'm not very hairy. I like cartoons. I used to be involved in a combat sport, I won competitions. I'm a cool guy, but sad in life for a long time now. All my friends were people no one else would hang out with, I realized they were toxic one day and moved on but never made new ones. My family is supportive and know I'm a pervert, so if you are beautiful and compatible and would like to get married and live together, that living here with me is an option, and I have plenty of food and a clean house with clean floors, that doesn't smell like garbage. My bathroom is the cleanest room in the house, and the toilet looks as new as it did when it was installed, this is to give you an idea of the quality of life you would have as my wife. I don't work, and live frugally. That is a firm boundary I have so know that going in. We won't be going on vacations or getting a hot tub, but it's an easy life. I don't use hard drugs or drink alcohol. I'm non religious and non spiritual. I believe in consent.
>>2756 nigga you need professional help
>>2781 Sigma grindset
>>2781 you're on the fucking zoophilia board
>>2756 >>2781 >>2786 This is some superb bad comedy, truly hilarious!
Im a male looking for a girl in the northeast TN and virgina area that's would wanna get fucked by a dog and me at the same time. You must weigh no more than 160 or if you are at least be tall enough that you arnt fat. Im 180 and 6 foot tall, my dicks 7 inchs and I have an athletic build.
>>2803 Yeah! No fat chicks allowed.
>>2330 more of her? who is she? i'm in love already.
>>2330 i sent you a friend request on discord!
>>2882 Awww yee!
>>2752 >>2752 You should add me on discord, 6' cute white guy- Sol Invictus#4944
>>2922 By cute, you mean rather obese?
>>2923 ? that would be the opposite of cute
>>2752 >girl Post feminine penis.
>>2330 need more of this girl desperately. such a hot young perv.
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>>2748 >>2939 >>2786 >>2781 >>2756 >>2752 >>2803 I think this thread is proof of two things: -Meet up threads and dating between zoophiles who wanna fuck animals and watch each other fuck animals should not be allowed because you clowns can't do anything right. -You should all kill yourselves.
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There is something amazing about watching the knot pull out especially if there is a lot of squirting. Does anyone have more compilation videos?
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>>3761 I have exactly one, and it's probably already around here somewhere
>>3761 I have a literal whole folder of compilations. Maybe special for knot pullouts. If you want me to make a torrent and drop them to you I probably can arrange. Not sure if we can put torrents here on this site.
>>3263 poster like you is why I don't make thread in this board. BO who let troll running around is no different than cuckchan, only do it for traffic
>>3814 I would love if you could make a torrent with them. You probably could post the magnet here or use another website like pastebin and just post the link to it here.
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>>3780 There used to be so fucking many of these on 8chan. what the fuck happened to them? They couldn't have just vanished. I found some floating around on animalpornrocks but that place is a shit hole and is probably harvesting data on zoo's
>>2781 You need to kys. retard.
I love letting my two mastiffs plow me with their huge dicks.. literally once a night before bed they take turns fucking me and cumming in me. Their knots get so fucking big and i love how they stretch me all while pumping load after load of hot cum in me. Sometimes if I get drunk and pass out before letting them fuck me they will fuck me even while I’m passed out. I’ve woke up before thinking I brought a guy home because I’ll still have their cum draining out of me.
"We are all animals, M'lady" - The Darkness, LEGEND
>>2330 I need a link
>>4698 Any chance you use Kik or discord? Would love for a chance to witness how your dogs plough you to sleep.
Looking for a vid that used to be on pornsocket (RIP), was titled "the best video ever", woman letting herself get fucked by her dog "Rover" while talking shit like "doesn't this dog get laid". Came buckets
>>4698 low quality bait
>>4698 Taking Bait. Would love to help or tag-in. Where from?
>I have no idea how this isn't the most popular thread on this board. Anon, I want to fuck dogs, not watch some random bitch get railed by one.
Im no sure but...
>>9836 thats pretty weird man
>>10653 Very good, very hot, beautiful woman, and KIND, that's the most attractive part
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We need more girls with bitches! Lesbians are hot!!
>>10653 i like that a lot, i wish i had some content to post myself
Sup, you lovely people <3 let me know if there are any girls in AUS who would let me watch a dog knot them.
>>11260 Australia is a big country. You going to travel if you're far off? Because I have a ldr aussie girl that I've got into knots. It can be arranged on my next visit.
Where is the best place to find girls sucking dog cock of smaller breeds?
Dont mind me just trying to revive this thread
>>11452 Where at? I am interested. West Sydney here
anyone know the original?
>>13605 That's not the original, this is https://tickzoo.tv/knot-at-home/
>>10920 still wonder if theres any more of these two out there. I figure if you're the sort to photograph your girl fingering/licking a dog you're gonna take more than 5 photos in your lifetime but i've seen less than 10 total
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>>13606 managed to download the video
>>13716 huh, it played just fine in VLC when I converted it, I guess it's missing something in the web upload or something
>>2819 Photoshop.
>>4006 I have uploaded quite a bunch in the thread "dogs are comfy".
Looks amateur
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>>20731 what makes you sexually attractive to dogs? Just asking
>>20752 From what I’ve been able to tell, in order of importance. History/habit of sexual activity with them Being in their pack Bitch in heat pheromones Willingness clearly expressed through social cues/body language Youth Being naked Personal pheromones Length of dry spell This is all mostly feeling and intuition from observations so I’m not going to die on the hill that this is definitive if others want to argue about it.
>>13714 You probably saw these too, but adding them to the thread
And this one is on the subject. >>20739 Funny how he wasn't into it as much and she gave up and finished by hand, but hot how she reached for a kiss immediately after. She's cute.
bump ffs
>>20766 Why would anyone post the shitty quality luxure tv crap? It's already there, easy to find on clearnet.
>>22576 Great question why would anyone post videos on the internet which one could find on the internet? Only post straight up OC or gtfo, I always say. Nevermind sorting.
>>20731 sauce please
>>22698 Best not to
>>20731 I think I fell in love
>>22757 why come on
>>13716 theres another clip to this where she says "he likes treats" but i lost it
>>24059 gochu
>>24097 fuck that last one was good. Dog on girl anal is way too rare.
>>24097 first and third are <3 I fucking love fat women so much
>>13716 >>24129 Anymore videos of her? I really the private recording feel, like it's from a hidden camera or a shitty webcam.
Anyone got nightstarpincess videos? hard to find but great for the looks of it
>>24189 Telegram videos are really rare to find. SquirtSquid has some of the hottest content out there but there's barely any videos of her shared in the more 'popular' places.
>>24191 sad, that knot dildo vid is pure gold to me, gonna have to w8 for someone to upload it
is every thread on this board larping first and content third?
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>>24926 I take it you're new here? About half the states in the union make some aspect of what we're probably talking about in this basketweaving chatroom illegal, so we're not from any of those states. Nope, not there. Newspapers has proven meeting people is dangerous, and heck everyone here hates meeting people anyway -- its why we prefer dog&pony shows. Larping is the safest thing to do. Always let the werewolf do the typing, and everything is fine.
>>22576 So is most zoo porn lmao, unless we're talking lost media like gingytrix or some some ugly woman from asia in a mask selling shitty 'exclusive' zoo porn on telegram, everything on here is already elsewhere on the internet. 99% of zoo porn these days is just reposted between clearnet sites ad nauseum.

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