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Asian girls ACTUALLY getting fucked by dogs Dog x Asian girls 08/24/2023 (Thu) 23:37:25 No. 8330
Aren't you tired of looking forward to seeing that one sexy Asian beauty getting dominated by a dog just to realize it's just a guy holding the dog's dick and the girl is just there clearly faking it? Yeah, me too, so I made a thread for that.
Don't mind the spoiler, I think I clicked it by accident, there's an actual video if you click it
you made a thread but only posted one thing? a great video, to be fair, but just one.
>>8330 I've been watching zoo porn for over 20 years and this is the first time I've seen an Asian not engaging in lame dildogging BS..
>>8423 Also usually Japanese and pixelated, too. If you check zoo porn tube sites it seems that there's been more stuff coming out of China recently. Googling "Chinese dog gangbang" will probably lead you to a woman who's put out several vids of herself with a pack of dogs getting railed by some of them. Think she might be selling them on TG maybe.
There's some good JAV MAD-series by Gloryques
>>8423 she's technically russian
(1.99 MB 136x240 9271_240p.mp4)

>>8330 Holy fuck excellent, where'd you get this OP? Did you check out the watermarked telegram group by chance? I'd be willing to pay for more content like that personally. I love that fucking paw tattoo, what a slut. In the mean time lemme share some wealth, I'm glad to see there's others out there who share my interest in asian girls specifically being mounted by dogs and not the typical lame shit. It really is tough finding, that being said I'm sorry the stuff I'm about to share isn't perfect/the girl isn't the hottest but it's like the best I've found. Hopefully someone else enjoys too.
(836.11 KB 138x240 3742_240p.mp4)

>>8533 Fuck I have another of this dog and girl with better quality and a better camera angle from another time she was mounted but of course for some reason the server wont accept it. Still a small mp4 file, idk what the deal is.
(1.14 MB 426x238 13768_240p.mp4)

>>8537 Also of course everything else is potato tier, irritating in the age of smartphones and a country as big as china you'd think wed get more and better quality vids of chinks getting pounded and taking the knot in HD. Sigh.
(988.71 KB 426x238 14975_240p.mp4)

Gonna have to try messaging this watermarked username, dunno why I didn't before, probably post-nut clarity lol
(1.38 MB 426x238 15697_240p.mp4)

Look at this fucking cocktease of a vid, looks like shes been knotted but of course we only get that part and not the lead up.
(1017.03 KB 138x240 11517_240p.mp4)

Not positive this girl is asian but I got it from the same friend who sent me a lot of these others/knows I only wanted asian ones. Her squealing seems pretty asian but the setting and skin tone give me doubts.
(9.41 MB 134x240 11923_240p.mp4)

I have the full stream from this girl playing with her dog but it's mostly pretty boring and just her talking to the chat and not fucking the dog, this is probably the best part.
(3.34 MB 134x240 4879_240p.mp4)

(5.37 MB 426x238 4677_240p.mp4)

A favorite Translation of dialogue- Man- "Is it in?" Woman-"It's in!" Man- "Did that feel good?" (Repeated) Last thing he says hard to understand.
(6.20 MB 426x308 8484_240p.mp4)

This one is mostly major blueballs as she tries to get him to mount near the end with maybe 1 split second of success, need more of her so bad, shes hot.
(2.88 MB 180x240 9494_240p.mp4)

(2.54 MB 120x240 12782_240p.mp4)

Last one for now. Sorry it kinda falls into the "doggy dildo" category but I thought it might still be worth. Everything else I have is not postable cause of size, file type, shitty quality/nonmounting, or *cough* not allowed on the clearnet Hope somebody enjoyed one or two of these.
>>8547 What do you mean? Also, source?
>>8547 Thank you very much, anon. Please post on this board more often.
>>8547 Thanks for sharing, you’re the best. where can I find the non clearnet stuff?
>>8547 You got telegram?
>>8551 I mean the asian girl in the vid is a cute + funny wink wink
>>8554 Np anon, I would but that's most of the good stuff I have like I said, if I find more I'll post here tho >>8555 np anon, I got it from like a bizarre Chinese torrent service, complicated explanation and I probably shouldn't advertise the seed list. Personally I wouldn't try in the US anyway if I were you, I only have it cause I reside in a third world cunt that doesn't care lol >>8564 Nah I really should tho, can you sign up with one of those anonymous burner text numbers you can get online? I really despise that Telegram needs a phone number, very unsafe imo.
>>8570 >>8551 Oh sorry didn't reply to your second question, these are mostly from a friend who sent me this stuff on element or session, idk where he got em. I think I found a few on this site tho too, here's a link to one of the vids I posted(?) https://www.bestialitysextaboo.net/3318/%E5%9B%BD%E4%BA%A7%E4%BA%BA%E7%8B%97/ Also protip, this chinese phrase from the vid title sometimes finds stuff- 国产人狗
>>8571 Yes you can, that's what I did
here's some good Asian content I don't think has been posted yet
>>8570 on the one hand I really want to bust ropes to that kind of content - on the other I'm scared of crossing that threshold and adding even more permanent damage to my mental state and sexuality. beast was already a hard threshold to cross with no going back
>>8780 I can't tell if this is regular fetish play or if she really isn't willing with her screaming no like a JAV scene. Hard to tell with shit like these. >>8547 >>8538 >HD/sources Lot of these are being sold on Telegram because porn is still obstencibly illegal and they do prosecute it in China. That and simpery is greater when you have I dunno, a few MILLION men stuck as perpetual batchelors? There's a legit Chinese torrent site for this but uh, it's not to welcoming to foreigners (You have to show a legit Chinese ID) and basically would be a honeypot if the Chinese ever busted them. I think they are based outside of China and backed by someone in China thought so YMMV.
>>8537 >Fuck I have another of this dog and girl with better quality and a better camera angle from another time she was mounted but of course for some reason the server wont accept it. Still a small mp4 file, idk what the deal is. upload it somewhere else and post a link
>>8330 >Dogs again.. Aaah~ I want some asian girls properly giving a full blowjob o horse and not only dogs, hell I want tp see a big breasted asian girl doing a titjob o horse dick but that"s to much to ask I guess. Still is nice to see new content being produced.
>>8570 Whats ur tele
>>8927 Nice try, FBI
Greetings from China. Here is some amateur stuff. They crack down on stuff after 2018, sorry not too much newer stuff with new english title. Lot of it bad "dildodogging*" I think in english? If you have OC, maybe can get in invite only sites like vip or j4. They trade 1 for 1. Be aware to not use the pizza section. >video is busted Not sure how to use VLC to convert properly. Anyone know how to add sound? >>8889 >horse stuff Try Mongolian, indo or maylay torrent. Careful of the pizza in the packs though, extremely so in the indo torrent.I guess no good Islam Haram does for that. Cambodia torrent can get anything, but sir FBI and PSB (China FBI) like to watch the seeders. *Where woman pulls dog dick 180 degree and pushes on it herself. Not sure what it is in english? Will exchange for woman or horse penis stuff. Or if you have dolphin/jellyfish video.
(2.34 MB 360x640 狗狗后入式.mp4)

>>14182 >video not upload Sorry. Does this site not support .webm?
>>14183 >2/2
>>14182 Thanks anon. Any useful words or phrases for use on asian sites?
>>14182 >Not sure what it is in english? Yes, you said it correctly. Thank you, China-anon.
>>14182 >>14183 >>14184 Based, thanks anon
>>14401 人与兽/人兽交 (or "RYS") - Bestiality/zoophilia 国产 - Domestic (Mainland China/ Taiwan) produced 赠品 - Free videos (Usually they want you to sign up to site) X交 - (X is the animal name) mean Intercourse with X. 公/男 different word for male 母/女 different word for female Phrases to avoid: 萝莉 - loli 迷J (or 迷奸) - Drugged assault 强J (or 强奸) - Rape 乱伦 - Incest 杂项/Misc - Usually means the free van type stuff of questionable age. If you are M/M and lucky you will find the man with alligator (? crocodile?) video.
>>14616 I would like to know more about the man with alligator. Care to share?
>>14655 >Alligator has mouth taped shut and drugged >Man takes alligator dick >Supposedly died after trying to fuck female alligator from the spin of death I have never seen the video, only a still and only rumors.
>>14668 If you mean gatorvent's videos, they've been around for awhile. There's 3 or so that I know of, and they should all be on zx18.
>>14698 I do not know who that is. Should be a Chinese man
What's with the stupid cutsie falsetto that all the pros speak with? And, God, Chinese cameramen do that same irritating shit that Russian cameramen do where they don't shut the fuck up.
there was a news story that went viral a few years ago with a screen cap of a girl getting fucked doggy with a livestream overlay (little gifts and shit) maybe from HK? Never found the video, not sure if its around or good or not?

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