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Uniform Feet 03/29/2023 (Wed) 13:04:32 Id: e2fda3 No. 43982
Hi everyone. I really like girls in uniform showing their feet. We could collect all the photos in this section. Do you have any?
TICKLING board dude.
>>43985 Sorry for the mistake. I hope my post stays the same.
>>43992 Stays the s-what?
>>43993 I meant I hope my thread doesn't get deleted anyway.
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>>43993 He means this could stay as uniform tickling, i think.
>>43997 Dude just stop posting non tickling content on a tickling board. This thread will be deleted soon so just give it up.
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This is a ticking forum, but feet and tickling go hand in hand, so I say we compromise.
>>44011 I mean sure I’m cool with that but a hundred people before you have attempted to make foot fetish threads and every last one drew the ire of the board and got deleted rather quickly so we’ll see how this goes.
>>44018 Bro stfu and let people enjoy things, don't you have *anything* better to do than scaring off ppl of a tickling thread?
>>44011 Agreed. It's a cool niche that hasn't gotten its own thread yet.
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This classic is definitely a favorite of mine
I feel like the Metal Slug girls are a gold mine for this. Leona is probably my personal favorite, but I honestly love them all. Fio and Eri are real hotties too. Honestly I'm kinda glad this thread didn't get deleted, even if OP wasn't even thinking about tickling when he posted it. Tickling soldier women in uniform is a great idea with a lot of potential for different fun scenarios. Also, women in the military are supposed to be super tough and disciplined, so tormenting them with tickling and embarrassing the hell out of them is super hot. Only downside is the misleading name and thumbnail of the thread is likely greatly reducing the attention the thread gets, especially since OP has basically nothing to do with tickling. Also the fact that OP put "Uniform Feet" down as his name instead of the thread subject. If you made a thread called "Military girls tickled" or "Tickling Girls in Uniform" and the thumbnail was a picture of Eri from Metal slug or some R6S girl getting tickle tortured, it would probably get a lot more traffic than this thread does. So I dunno, maybe it SHOULD be trashed, and a proper military girl tickling thread made to replace it. I'm not so sure.
We need to start preemptively banning footfags stg
>>44172 I've always had a weakness for people getting the crap tickled out of them in otherwise serious situations. The mocking of the sergeant, the fact it's a cute blonde, and the crossed ankles (best pose) tickling are all bonuses.

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