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Welcome to /x/ - Home of the Occult and Macabre!
1) /x/ is a board dedicated to the occult, unexplainable phenomena and paranormal. Off-topic discussions are mostly allowed, so long as they do not disrupt the flow of the actual thread.
2) Conspiracy theories are welcomed and allowed. However, political conspiracies should be mainly discussed on the main political boards of the site (see:
>>>/hispol/ and so on).
3) Cyber sleuthing (investigating on topics) is allowed and encouraged.
However, doxing, harassing or otherwise organizing violent or illegal actions against individuals or groups is NOT ALLOWED and will result in a permaban.
4) Global rules supersede local rules.
5) Do not feed the bread.
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Definitive /x/ Dump
Someone spent a lot of time 7 years ago preparing a massive dump of /x/ material, and it was pinned to 4 /x/ for some time, but, being as 4cucks are 4cucks, they unpinned it and that hard work was lost.
We tracked it down and have gone through the links to verify validity and also add new links, in a more organized manner. There will also be a quick guide for how you can find your own trailheads and rabbit holes. I'll mark each section so use ctrl+f
If you want to add to the list, post them on the meta thread
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Banners Thread
Post some banners for the board
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Occult Symbolism #5
This is a series of threads where we are building a map of occult symbolism to decode the secret language of the ruling class.
Reviewing previous threads is highly recommended if this is your first time here.
Thread #1:
August 8th, 2022 - November 25th, 2022
262 / 300 posts archived
Thread #2:
November 26th, 2022 - October 10th, 2023
299 / 300 posts archived
Thread #3:
October 11th, 2023 - April 5th, 2024
151 / ~250 posts archived
Thread #4
July 17th, 2024 - January 11th, 2025
>Decipher the lyrics of musicians.
>Before the curtain call of these magicians.
>Make sure to heed the tsunamic warning.
>Until we make it to the morning.
>Learn who plays the lyre or harp.
We will study the stars and know them by heart.
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卍 The Four Aryan Truths 卐
I. Suffering is inseparable from existence.
II. Craving is the root cause of suffering.
III. Suffering can be ended by ending craving.
IV. There is a path to ending craving and suffering.
ᛋ drive.google.com/file/d/1YxZS4v8-jlj-2CfpfDMPyk_6J0wqQBe_/view
ᛋ buddhanet.net/audio-lectures/
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Occult Symbolism Migration
It looks like our current location may not be usable again any time soon.
Was our thread responsible?
Maybe not, but if I was the attacker, I would hit the entire site to avoid giving away the motive.
The next thread will be ready in a couple of days.
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Divine 10D Serpent
This is what they’re trying to turn the human race into if Indigos keep falling into their plasma braiding traps - a hybrid anti christ holy grail super soldier mixed of YHVH/Luciferian Adam Kadmon / Satain Necromiton/ inc sac black goo/Bourgha/ Xenomorph powered by RD13 base 8 bluebeam technology
Alien thing on bottom left is the soul scalping proboscis parasite that takes over the host and hypothalamus to transfer consciousness
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Luciferian Annunaki Swaruu
Gosia: Ok, moving on to the next topic you mentioned. You said they were now separating the admas of the people to create a new race, since changing just the DNA itself doesn´t work. I would like to ask: Who is doing that at the moment and why? And what race are they trying to create and why?
Swaruu (9): Reptilians: Kingu, Naga Draco and other arcontic races. Maitre (Tall Grays) and some factions of the Malakak (Tall Whites). Why? To create a race that is completely exploitable and with no free will. Humans are not that good for them because many fight back and recently many have awakened!
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Isis is the mark of the beast.
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Current Year
All your oaths are void.
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Which esoteric methods or goetic demons are best to work with to cure my homosexuality? It's important that I do this.
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Gangstalking: Automation, Modules and being aware of them
Self check for all spiritually awake:
timestamp 31AUG24 0100 GER
goto last saved snapshot of [name]
list all modules
extract metadata
limit columns to module name
export list as searchable signed pdf
save file as "1984 [Name] [md5 checksum].pdf"
upload to cloud services
publish on personal pastebin
submit raw data to pubmed
submit raw data to lancet
forward this self check instruct to a friend
watch Rome burn
watch Salem forget how to fight
watch Molochite Heaven become nothing more than a pisser section in the public water park that is Beyond Pearly Gates
Mood: Slipknot - A Liar's Funeral
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Meditations General Thread /medi/
In bookclubs people do not discuss how to read, in exercise people do not obsess over how to walk into a gym, and in Church we do not for the most part talk about how to walk into a building once a week consistently. It is through associating with people and looking up to them as it were that we then obtain their wisdom and then understand consistency.
Similarly, this thread will not be devoted to redditors and ADHD normalgroids who do not belong or wish to belong here, but rather to share information regarding specific meditations and our personal experiences. This board is somewhat anonymous, so bragging shouldn't give way to pride and ruin one's spiritual progress.
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Spooky shit that happened to you
Ok, so we all know skinwalkers in the woods, ghosts in abandoned hotels/houses/apartment complex and alien probing you're mum's anus greentext stories, most of which are fictional. How about you tell some shit that you actually experienced in your daily life which was bazooper creepy?
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Fake Iceberg List
ITT: Make up some fake conspiracies that sound believable enough to go up on the iceberg list. Feel free to go into detail with your conspiracy or you can just leave it as a headline. I'll compile one in the future if this thread gets enough.
I'll start:
>Earth is an altar
>The Montana Code
>Star Trek IV based on real events
>Panacea extinction
>Time Traveler Found Footage
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>reality is a psychoreactive hologram with hyperspace and multiple timelines
>psychic abilities are real
>telepathy, remote viewing, telekinesis, bilocation, astral projection, levitation, teleportation, manifestation
>neurons have quantum computers in the microtubules
>human cells have scalar waves in the mitochondria, possibly zero-point energy
>technology exists based on these principles
>antennas that can read minds, cause hallucinations, and remote control bodies
>supercomputers with AI that can direct the telepathic systems
>ufos range from simple drones to invisible hyperspace military labs
>ufos potentially have access to all the psychic physics abilities
>ufos levitate, and some can astral project and timeline shift
>ufos use zero-point energy and electromagnetic gravitics
>ufos have synthetic telepathy systems
>ufos can operate invisibly as a hyperdimensional hologram and manipulate 3D reality in ways that include remote manifestation and timeline shifting
>the technology appears to be shared by the military and 3D aliens, with the aliens having better technology
>there are native astral entities in hyperspace that are not well understood, possibly reality embedded AIs
>this could additionally be a simulation, with a base reality
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Fae may be trying to kill me
I dreamed last night that my mother was desperately trying to get me to cross a metal bridge over a chasm. She was standing on one side begging me to cross it and getting increasingly frustrated when I refused. She never explained why I needed to cross the bridge and nothing bad happened to me when I didn't.
The thing is; I hate my mother. She was a selfish bitch my entire childhood.
So if this was an attempt to trick me into stepping into a void, they should have done their research.
Why are fae trying to kill me? I am not important. Why me?
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game (WINDOWS)
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I litterally almost lost my soul for this. Please don't let my old thread from the previous board die!
https://8kun.top/fringe/res/141265.html#q141265 May someone please make me at least 6 feet and 5 inches tall as soon as possible by any means necessary and at any price please? Do it!
Thank you in advance. Okay, l'll try something.
By the way, since this project is providing me so much good experimental data, I'm nullifying the end-manifestation soul payment. I've already gotten enough value out of it to constitute a fair trade.
In terms of progress I'm working now on refining the sympathetic link I'm using. Using internet posts as a witness is always tricky but after some rework I managed to get some sort of astral representation of you that I'm going to try to invoke into instead of the previous one I was using Sure okay.
Payment is your soul. I receive all excess spiritual, vital, mental, and emotional energy that you produce. After your death you will become absorbed into my spirit and become fuel. You will submit to this with zero resistance.
Contract of payment is to be considered cemented after you physical body reaches a height of 6 foot 5 inches.
Reply with your agreement to these terms and I will begin the working. OP here again.
I understand and accept these terms.
You will make my physical height be 6’5” not including hair or shoes or anything else like that.
When I die my energy is all yours.
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Sigil magick/Chaos magick
This thread is about discussion of chaos magick, but I particularly want to discuss sigil magick with anons. Have you ever done sigil magick? What's your preferred method and what're your stories related to it? Personally, I've done sigil magick many times with little success, but I attribute that to fucking up the last step related to detachment and forgetting the desire, and just tending to overthink magick in some fit of excitement, so if you've any methods to overcome such obstacles, that'd be welcome as well. I'd also love to know if any of you have ever tried a hypersigil, since that's a relatively unexplored part of sigil magick. I myself am considering starting one.
If you don't know what sigil magick is, the pdf attached has a pretty good introduction to it starting at page three. The article itself is also a pretty good intro to chaos magick.
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/astro/ - Astrology General
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/tul/ - tulpa general
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Art Bell Ghost To Ghost Channel
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You do not die. You switch dimensions.
I have a problem, /x/. Either I'm mentally insane or death isn't real and we move through to a twin of ourselves in another dimension. See, because from the year 1981 when I was born through to 1997, National Socialist Germany won World War 2. What you know as Nazi Germany, but to call it that was a criminal offense. We had a German President, German mayors, German Congress. Yet we spoke English (though many also spoke German). Media was pro German. My elementary and high-school years where for studying the importance of race. The prevalent belief was that gingers had the highest appeal because two blondes reproducing birth a ginger. So it came to pass that my girlfriend in 1997 was a ginger. That was the same year I first died in a car accident. I remember being crushed. The pain. My death. However, I woke up without a scratch. Jennifer was dead. We were 16.
The history from 1997 to 2014 was that Mexicans had won all wars. World War 2. Remember the Alamo meant Mexicans won the battle. We had a Mexican President. All Mayors were Mexican. Media was pro Mexican. Most people spoke Spanish and English. I met a Native American girl in high-school named Michelle. We were friends since 1997. This was all strange, because before that year, I never knew any non-white people whatsoever. My mother in the 2nd dimension tried to convince me I had a black male friend growing up. I never knew him. Michelle married a Mexican, because of course their status was high in the 2nd dimension. He cheated on her by 2014. She left behind a few children and committed suicide. This woman was my best friend. I had actually fallen for her but was pretty much cucked by her love for another man. She killed herself in March. I could tolerate the pain only until July when I set up two charcoal grills in a seedy hotel bathroom. I removed the legs of the grills, set them up, had ice for the heat, duct taped the vent and sealed around the door. Then I lit the grills, laid in the bath of ice, faded away and died once more.
I woke up the next day in July 2014, 14 hours later. In bed. The grills in the bathroom were not lit. The duct tape was pristine and not removed from the plastic wrapping. The suicide note I wrote to my parents wasn't left out on the counter. In fact, it was never written at all. I came to discover over the following months I was in a 3rd dimension because the Irish had defeated England, won World War 2 and conquered most of the known world. There were pubs everywhere. Gaelic was common. Again, Irish President and media and Mayors. I never learned any new language whenever I switched dimensions. Didn't seem necessary because I might die again anyway. So I coped with this from 2014 until 2023. October of 2023, I died yet another time. It was a wreck that crushed the front end of my car. The steering wheel crushed my ribs into my lungs and I died in agony. Then I woke up with the wheel mere centimeters from my chest and pain that only lasted a month. This post October 4th dimension, I don't think I need to tell you who won World War 2 or who are the majority of leadership. This is your dimension. You probably know already.
I have died three times and never know peace from death. What's worse is, my original parents and family must have mourned my old bodies' deaths, because each time, my life history according to family members is in stark contrast to what I actually remember. My father died in October 2022. He's also deceased in this 4th dimension. Everyone I knew who died: grandparents, aunts and uncles, girlfriends, friends. They're all still dead every time I switch. I have checked. This is not even a way to reconnect with people who died. It's miserable. I don't know how many times I must die before I can arrive somewhere they're still alive.
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Hi, I got bored and decided to make a discord server for conspiracy theories, paranormal, mysteries, gov coverups, time travel you name it.
theres probably many more people who have posted something on here they want you to join but oh well.
Join it or not, i don't care but i'm a big fan of these kind of things so i think this is pretty neat.
I'm not trying to sell you my server or anything (i kind of am) but this is an imageboard and therefore i will simply post this here. Thanks.
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Lucid Dreaming
So, has anyone else tried lucid dreaming yet? Or rather, knows about means how to encourage it? I heard about all sorts of stuff ranging from Tibetan tea to shamanistic drumbeat music while you're dozing off.
For me personally, the most promising approach (mind you, I've never done this myself) came from a radio interview, where someone explained he trained himself to ask whether what he experiences right now is real or a dream every twenty minutes. And strictly so, complete with a phone alarm.
This eventually becomes so habitual that you're also starting to ask yourself whether your current situation is real or a dream even when you are dreaming, and hence breaks the barrier between passive and lucid dreaming.
It's too bad that the dream itself apparently does not like that and will try to pull you back into passive dreaming via all sorts of distractions (and apparently electronics of any sort tend to malfunction inside a dream). But if you can keep up, you basically can look down into your own subconscious and discover stuff your brain conveniently filtered out for you.
Another interesting part (and easy way to check if you're currently dreaming) is to look at any surface with something written on it, look away, and then look back on it again. If you're dreaming, the text should have changed, even if only subtly - words may have changed, individual letters may be crooked or upside-down, and so forth.
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Bob Seger Conspiracy?
>Be me
>Looking up Bob Seger's older shit because good
>IDGAF about Bob's current BS, you know how Hollywood is
>YT clickbait: "Bob Seger dead"
>He's alive
>He's alive
>He's alive
>Discover an entire rabbit hole of mainly Chinese themed clickbait insisting that Bob Seger's dead every 6 months or so for the last year
What's going on here?
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ghost story
Lets get some tales of ghosts up in here. Either copy pasta or screenshot.don't let me down.
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BLACK NOBILITY DIRECTORY.zip 47 MB Download .pdf and .docx
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Does anyone here have experience with the Masons? I've read what they're about: building men with good character. They don't seem bad to me, but I often wonder why so many people believe in conspiracy theories about them.
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hello the truth is that i am interested in knowing about the world of esoteric and witchcraft since i want to destroy my stalker who has been there for more than 3 years and i wnat to
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strange occurrences in my school
I was sitting in my class and my shoe was feeling very sticky whenever i stepped on the floor. at first i didnt pay much attention to it thinking i probably got some gum stuck under it. later i was getting annoyed so i told my friend to check if anythings stuck to my shoe, he checked and he said there were blood stains on my shoe. i was like what r u talking about then my other friend said maybe its ketchup and then we laughed it off. then again my friend said look blood gets sticky overtime. we forgot about it for some time then suddenly one of my friend goes, look behind. i look behind, under our seat, theres a piece of FLESH just sitting there. that was what i had stepped on and how i got blood stuck to my shoe and why its so sticky. my friends said it looked like the flesh of a cow or goat. it was also covered by a layer, probably skin? it looked a bit pale. like how someones skin would look like after they die. they even said it looks like a humans ear, though i didnt really see it like that. there was a small chunk of red flesh in the middle popping up from under the skin and on the two ends of the skin there wasnt anything under it. we told our teacher about it and he called the janitor and she took it out. not to mention that when i first entered my classroom and put my stuff down i didnt notice anything under my seat. it probably was somewhere around in a corner and when i sat down it somehow got stuck to my shoe and ended up under my seat. now more importantly, just HOW and WHY was there a chunk of flesh just lying around in our classroom?? did someone bring it? why would anyone ever bring such thing? and even if someone did, that thing belonged to him for quite some time for it to turn pale like that. or what if it was an animal who somehow found its way inside our classroom and was just having a meal? that isnt much likely since our classroom is on the 4th floor of the building. though what i like to believe is that there was a jinn in our classroom that left his meal unfinished (jinn are invisible creatures that we believe exist and they eat stuff like flesh). ive had other encounters in my school aswell but they werent as strange as this one. when id show up to class early id sometimes find chicken or crow feathers in our classroom. it makes sense for crow feathers because a crow couldve flown by the window and its feather made its way inside the classroom. but for chickens feathers, i dont really find any explanation for that. not only there arent any chickens around my school, and even if there were i wouldnt think they would go inside or climb up to the classrooms. pretty strange set of incidents, but i sure want to encounter more
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ritual stuff
any kind of ritual info, books, video etc.
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this is /x/
post unnerving shit
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Dead Internet Theory
Have you guys heard of the dead internet theory? It has basically been going around on several other chans that basically since the time when almost all main websites and search engines are down to a few, that these mega corporations made AI. Large proportions of the supposedly human-produced content on the internet are actually generated by artificial intelligence networks in conjunction with paid secret media influencers in order to manufacture consumers for an increasing range of newly-normalised cultural products.
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is kali yuga being the shortest yuga just a lie and a cope to make people feel better about living in the Dark Age?
hearing Guru's promise of a mini golden age in the kali yuga sounds like false promises of a supposed Utopia.
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Screencap/Creepypasta dump
I'll be dumping the creepy screencaps and creepypastas that I have saved. This is totally unorganized and most aren't even named so forgive me if it seems unprofessional.
I'll ping when I'm done with my own dumps, I won't be doing it all at once, just kinda throughout the day.
Feel free to dump your own disorganized uncategorized screencaps here as well. Or repost my stuff to the designated threads that they relate to. Whatever.
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/sg/ - Satanism General
LaVey "Satanists" not welcome.
>What is Satanism?
Satanism is an eclectic mix of beliefs, each of which aim to define and understand our metaphysical reality. It is not a “religion”. There is no central authority, there are no “leaders” and there is no dogma or core text which a Satanist must follow. Esoteric orders that tread the Luciferian path are varied in their philosophies. Who or what Satan is can be interpreted differently depending on the order or individual. For some, Satan is indeed a singular deity with a clearly defined goal. For others, Satan is a representative of multiple deities, and others yet will claim that Satan is simply an ideal. Regardless of what Satan is or isn't, there is one thing that all Satanists have in common; they seek to tap into that primordial, acausal energy that created the cosmos, what the ancient Greeks called “chaos”. By tapping into the void, the raw essence of reality itself, the Satanist can overcome his limitations as a mere mortal man and use this power to grant him esoteric knowledge and paranormal powers, far beyond what blind worship of established politico-religious figures can offer.
>But the elites dabble in Satanism! By default it's bad
The elites also use guns via the armed forces to quell and subdue human populations. By this logic, guns are by default bad. Power is power. What you choose to do with it is far more consequential than it simply existing.
>A few recommend books
Luciferian Witchcraft
Qabalah, Qlipoth and Goetic Magic
The Cult of the Black Cube
The Ophidian Essence - Seeking A Return to Origin
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/div/ - Divination General
Welcome to Divination General! Come here for readings and a discussion of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.
>If you're NEW, please READ the STICKY:
>Recommended /div/ links and books:
>MEGA with Divination Books:
>Guides made by some of our readers:
•/div/ starter spreads:
•Thoth's tarot and rune guide:
•Hijinks' revised divination guide:
>Useful tips before posting:
•If you're a reader post that you're offering readings and what information is required from the querent; same goes for trading.
•Look for posts to determine if there's an active reader, what's needed and before posting, check if they finished reading already.
•Some readers will refuse to do certain readings - respect that choice. Do not harass readers if your query is refused/skipped. We do our best to maintain chill and good vibes.
•Traders should respect that a traded read will be granted, as per an agreement of trade. Free readers have the option of picking their queries.
•Bullshit queries get bullshit answers
•Making an AQ (air query) by not addressing a reader, in particular, is possible but doesn't guarantee an answer.
•Avoid making the same query repeatedly and/or to different readers in a short period of time, as this may lead to more confusion.
•Provide feedback when applicable and be considerate to the reader. We're a growing community, many readers are starting and need to know what they are doing right or wrong. Let's help each other to improve.
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R: 5 / I: 1 /
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Do you think God/whatever higher power you believe in has humor?
Does he/it make jokes?
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>tfw not even BO wants to make the first post
truly a paranormal occurence
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Lost video of people going into a tunnel to Hell
Back around between the late 2000s and the mid-2010s, I watched a video on YouTube that I've been trying to find for a while, and I can't seem to find it. I'm going to describe the video to you to the best of my abilities.
It was a found footage video and it was inside a car and a group of guys were chatting and having a good time with them driving through some rural or forest road. They were driving into a tunnel and starting to go into the tunnel and went deeper and deeper into it. Soon the tunnel got dark and dark and then there was fire just fire in the tunnel as I have this image of fire in the tunnel blocking their way out. Then I have another memory of the camera on the ground next to the car. The tunnel was on fire and one of the guys in the car was laying on the ground the tire of the car was on the right side of the camera and took up some of the images.
That is all I remember.
Does anyone remember this?
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P: 3
/SRG/ Semen Retention General - Defeat the Archons Edition
>/SRM/ reading list
-The Coiled Serpent
-The virile powers of superb manhood
-Semen retention miracle (Based book)
-Private lessons in the cultivation of sex force
-The science of sex regeneration
-Eugenics nature's secrets revealed
-Abuses of the sexual function
-The way of the superior man
Search for these books in Anna's archive (free)
QRD on Semen Retention:
Semen Retention is the practice of abstaining from ejaculation for extended periods, often with the intention of preserving and redirecting sexual energy. Benefits may include manifestation, increased magnetism, more focused meditation, better control of your aura/chakras, reduced stress, increased motivation, increased energy, improved focus, healthier hair/skin, improved self control, high testosterone and more.
A Youtube channel on Semen Retention.
A X account on Semen Retention
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12659241/ - study that proves test levels are affected by SR. Average peak in test levels was 145%, one subjects test levels was raised 197%.
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17268169/ - study that explores how mating until satisfaction affects the brains of male rats and their sexual behavior.
How to Practice It?
>Mediatte, pray and study protective magick
>No porn
>Remove triggers from your life.
>Productive acts - clean, workout, get more sunlight.
>Creative acts: Art/Music/Crafts.
>Light meditation. Try minimum of 5 minutes to start off.
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Vampirism, soul energy harvest, become God
Soul alchemy / chemistry. Refinement of soul and energy for absorption by one that wishes to be a god.
Let's consider somethings:
>Light, energy and particles can be blocked by dense material or even reflected by other material
>We will assume the soul carries karma and impurity
Starting with a furnace (lead or other casing with titanium inner) level, we sift the ashes of animal sacrifice down into water, which we then vibrate to a certain purifying frequency. Then with another filter of some kind we tune the end product to the human body.
Any other additions or modifications? Idk enough about crystals or metals. Maybe colloidal gold / silver
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/LoA/ — Law of Assumption & Manifestation
Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.
The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.
The Main Concepts:
>Imagination creates Reality
>Assumptions harden into fact
>Consciousness is the only Reality
>Feeling is the Secret
>Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)
>You are the Operant Power
>There is no one to change but Self (Self-concept)
>Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)
>Can I manifest ___?
Yes! Creation is finished.
>Curious? Do the Ladder Experiment
>The Simple Technique
>Who is Neville Goddard?
Neville was a mystic who taught the Bible as a parable of the human psyche — a great psychological drama — and not a record of historical events.
Recommendations for beginners:
>How to manifest your desires (Core 5 Lessons & Radio Talks)
>Neville's Feeling is the Secret
>The Power of Awareness
—/ Extra resources /—
>Master Index
>Universal Line
>Library (Hemi-Sync included)
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Post a cryptid that may exist.
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P: 4
How To Summon A Demon (not a real demon, silly!!!)
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P: 4
PROPHECY- The Damnation Of My Wicked Servant Roberts Liardon
PROPHECY- The Damnation Of My Wicked Servant Roberts Liardon
PROPHECY- "My son, I have punishment in store for all who go astray. That includes Roberts Liardon. He is a wicked homosexual controlled by the spirit of sodomy he never got rid of. He is a wicked homosexual, damned forever in the Lake of Fire. Soon he will go there, wicked man. In secret he still practices his sin, oh the wrath built up for this wicked man. He is My enemy, damned forever in the Lake of Fire, and leading others there too. Oh flee this man of sin before you go there too, oh wicked man of perdition. I see his calling into the ministry, but he went astray after sin. Many go this way, they never finish their race but go aside after Satan and his wicked lusts. Wicked homosexual he is, damned forever! I will put him there by My angels, cast down to Hell forever. He won't repent but loves his sin, he can't get enough of wicked sodomy practices. Damned forever I will put him there, O wicked Liardon. Into Hell he shall go until Judgment Day, where he shall stand before Me and answer for all of his wicked deeds practiced before Me. I called him into the prophetic, but he rejected it for more money and wealth. That is where he went astray- after money and wealth of Satan. He wanted it more than Me, then lust came in of the worst type: sodomy. He can't get rid of it, for I have abandoned him unto his sin; he loves it. He can't get enough of wicked pleasures of the worst type: man before man in wicked sodomy. Together they shall burn forever! I have spoken, says the LORD of Hosts. Amen and amen."
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/succgen/ Succubus Genera
You attract the attention of these entities by simply reading about them. If you're a dabbler who just wants to see if it works, don't summon. If you're unprepared for a potentially lifelong relationship, or at the very least, a life-long open door connection with sexual spirits and the occult, avoid this topic entirely. If you have a loving relationship with your human spouse or partner and desire a sex spirit to spice things up, or if you want a human partner, take caution, as these entities can be jealous or decide an initially open relationship is no longer so (request an open relationship during the summoning ritual). These spirits can harm when sufficiently angered and not easily banished. Clean up your diet to open senses quicker. Nature & breathing techniques help even more.
>What are succubi?
Female spirits of sexual desire, who often choose human mates. They can't be banished with holy objects.
>How to summon?
The Letter Method is used to focus your intent into a message to one of the Four Succubus Queens, requesting that they match you with one of their daughters. No blood or soul sacrifice necessary. See links.
>Do they steal your life force?
Succubi use sexual energy, which is released naturally during sex. Under normal circumstances they won't take your life energy.
>Can she look.
Succubi take forms attractive to you naturally.
>They're tulpas?
No. However, those in romantic relationships with their tulpas are welcome.
Same method.
/succgen/ library:
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One night i was coming home late from "school" it was in the 1990-is,we had extended class for religious teachings and was in a hurry to get home so i took a shortcut, the class was organized in the priests house, next to the church and a graveyard, so i was about 12 years old and i decided to go trough a graveyard to shorten the part of the trip home, because it was a 4 kilometer trip, so any shortcut is welcome, it was during the war in my country so all lights at night where dimmed, cars had dimmers on front lights, and also all posts with lamps where turned off because of the electric reduction, to save on power, my shortcut trough the graveyard had no light, after 200 meters i realized i was in the middle of a graveyard in pitch black, only a trail beneath my feet to feel as a way out and some candles in the distance, it was about 300 meters more to the end of a trail, that distance when it was day i could run very quick but in almost absolute dark it was like something started to play with my mind, some part of a brain got activated, and that part sees strange things, first thing that it felt was a presence behind me, it was a dark presence, i did not see it but i could feel it it was following my steps, getting closer and closer, at first i was thinking to my self that i must be imagining it, but then it started to breathe in my right ear, i was so fucking scared when i heard it breathing i could not turn my head, i was saying to my self it is all i my head, started to make noises, and talk to my self aloud, but the breathing followed me the all the way to the exit, the breathing and immanent feeling of danger, like any moment now something is going to kill me.
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/cdf/ - Cosmic Death Fungus General
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What's your take on them? Also, useful guide for any encounters.
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/hal/ - Halloween General
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Letters between c and v in qwerty keyboard??
So i was on reddit and saw this iceberg chart of letters/symbols. But i am really curious about the qwerty thing. you guys know anything? i can't find any info on internet
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MH370 UAP Footage General
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Non-audio EVP
Is this stuff actually real or just photoshop/pareidolia ?
Does anyone here tried it ?
Picrelated is some pics taken from Russian ITC community in VK.com.
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does anyone recognize this guy? i watched his yt channel 5-6 years ago but can't remember his name or the channels name. he talked a lot about soul harvesting and soul recycling and other far out stuff
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is this book legit?
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The fuck? This very board existed on this very site and it had a few dozen posts. What happened?
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I'm giving up ownership of
Does any other anon want it? I remember last thread someone seemed interested in reviving it, I can't be arsed because of my day job.
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Old /x/ shit
Repost old shit from when /x/ was good because everyone knows nobody is going to make anything new of value for this board.
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I’ll give you whatever you want
I’ll tell you on one condition….
You can give yourself whatever things you want but you must give me what I want with it too. Give me what I want before this Saturday please Here is the method and what you owe me (it’s easy don’t worry) pastebin.com/0v2Pf0EE
Here is my wish you must grant me using the same method you’ll grant yourself wishes (except me instead of you that one time) (still do it from your first person) as in (loahelpmeplzthanku is sitting in a car he owns and is getting it washed by a woman in a bikini he just beat in a game of volleyball he looks so happy)
Here please grant a wish of mine? I’ll try and grant it myself with loa but if you could help I’d appreciate it. Advice for Exactly how to (no offense) beyond just SATS (state akin to sleep meditation on a scene) or believe it’s already done would be appreciated. I’d like to make a bet with a woman( at least 19 years old and no older than 25 years old and no bmi over 24 and a bmi of at least 19 and cisgendered) that I could beat her in a 1v1 game of volleyball(in real life not a video game or tv show). Then I’d like to play the game of volleyball against her. Winner of the game gets there ca r clea ned by the loser. Loser must also wear a skim py swi msuit while they cle an/det ail the winners c ar. If you can please make it so I win the game I’d appreciate that. If you want to leave it up to chance/skill so she has a chance of winning that’s okay too. I don’t own a ca r right now so I guess I would need one first. Along with a gf/fwb/female friend who I can make said bet against and play with(have her keep her word if/when she loses). It’s cold now so if I have to wait a while(1-10 months?)that’s okay as long as I know it’s coming.
Thank you in advance. I really want this. Like I said I’m trying to make it happen in my head but if you could help that would be awesome.
Should I start practicing? I don’t have a volleyball around but there are some balls I could drill with? I haven’t touched one since high school and I barely even know the rules of volleyball soo….