/x/ - Paranormal

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ghost story Spook 10/27/2023 (Fri) 07:56:32 No. 80
Lets get some tales of ghosts up in here. Either copy pasta or screenshot.don't let me down.
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speaking of anons with haunted problems, whatever happened to the anon from 8chan /x/ who one day lost his entire identity? The one who tried to go to work one day only for his workplace to say they didn't know him, his landlord not recognising him, and getting himself checked in as a john doe?
Anyone have screen cap of that story about the guy who tried to fuck his sleep paralysis demon and never posted back?
I got a few but nothing crazy >visiting family up north >uncle showing off his new house >me and brother staying up late playing Xbox in the living room >stop playing because we keep hearing something clicking on and off in the kitchen >go check it out >see one of the light switches moving up and down on its own >get out of there and go to sleep Its not the only paranormal thing I've seen happen there. Some of my family refuse to sleep in one of his rooms because they hear whispers coming from the closet and usually have weird dreams, Another time I was living with him because he got me a job and one night while I was playing video games I saw out of the corner of my eye a something run down the hall and head down stairs. I thought it was one of his kids but he had just dropped them off at the pool and I was alone in the house.
>>256 First post here, IIRC he posted weeks later, he checked himself to the hospital if they could identify him and at some point doctors found some lumps in his brain, probably a tumor. I don't recall if he was identified and then given treatment or something but he deduced he had lost his bird due to his brain not connecting some data.
Not exactly ghost-related but I just opened an article on Beelzebub and my cat immediately started mewing. I almost shit myself, Jesus Christ.

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