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Lucid Dreaming Spook 02/05/2024 (Mon) 08:14:49 No. 111
So, has anyone else tried lucid dreaming yet? Or rather, knows about means how to encourage it? I heard about all sorts of stuff ranging from Tibetan tea to shamanistic drumbeat music while you're dozing off. For me personally, the most promising approach (mind you, I've never done this myself) came from a radio interview, where someone explained he trained himself to ask whether what he experiences right now is real or a dream every twenty minutes. And strictly so, complete with a phone alarm. This eventually becomes so habitual that you're also starting to ask yourself whether your current situation is real or a dream even when you are dreaming, and hence breaks the barrier between passive and lucid dreaming. It's too bad that the dream itself apparently does not like that and will try to pull you back into passive dreaming via all sorts of distractions (and apparently electronics of any sort tend to malfunction inside a dream). But if you can keep up, you basically can look down into your own subconscious and discover stuff your brain conveniently filtered out for you. Another interesting part (and easy way to check if you're currently dreaming) is to look at any surface with something written on it, look away, and then look back on it again. If you're dreaming, the text should have changed, even if only subtly - words may have changed, individual letters may be crooked or upside-down, and so forth.
I've always wanted to try lucid dreaming, but I can't seem to remember my own "passive" dreams in the first place. How do you start from there?
>>112 The easiest way is a dream diary. Problem is that dreams are only stored inside your short-term memory, so if you plan to write them up, you need to do so fast. So paper and pencil ideally shoud be right next to your bed. One "professional" lucid dreamer I read about even had both installed to be hanging right above him while he slept, all to minimize the amount of movement and conscious thought he had to invest before recording what he dreamed of.
>>112 The easiest way is a dream diary. Problem is that dreams are only stored inside your short-term memory, so if you plan to write them up, you need to do so fast. So paper and pencil ideally shoud be right next to your bed. One "professional" lucid dreamer I read about even had both installed to be hanging right above him while he slept, all to minimize the amount of movement and conscious thought he had to invest before recording what he dreamed of.
Assuming anyone has tried this before - do the figures in your dreams turn "hostile" if they realize you are lucid dreaming? Not necessarily like in Inception where the entire dream in itself comes crashing down, but rather like OP said - other people/your subconsciousness trying to stop you from remaining lucid.
I have this issue where I can't lucid dream no matter how hard I try. I dream a lot and very often, but I don't ever realize that I am dreaming until I wake up. My dreams are also very ridiculous sometimes too. I once had a dream that a guy held a gun up to my head, but the "gun" was literally just his two fingers, and I NEVER become conscious of these silly details until I wake up.
>>117 From my experience, it's less about dream figures suddenly going hostile and more about the dream either increasing in speed (rapid, fragmentary expressions rather than full sequences) or just stopping abruptly. Regarding hostile/antagonistic behavior, I'd assume all dream figures ultimately are reflections of your own consciousness and would react as confused as you would when someone suddenly starts breathing water or something thatalike.
>>111 the ultimate method is to know whats atnolay in any given situation. this means identifying the main energetic oremise behind what you are doing rn. in oractice this means that you will sense external and real factors when awake however in a dream all factors abide your expectations. after this happens you can reset the lucid dream by closing your eyes and imagining a desired landscaoe and the energetic intricacies of it
>>199 replace o with p
>>199 i support this method since it works without any habits needed and naturally leads into more meaningful dream interpretation
>>114 I've heard of using a sound recorder to audibly record experiences. Do you think that would work? t. writing slowpoke
>>114 I've heard of using a sound recorder to audibly record experiences. Do you think that would work? t. writing slowpoke
How does Anon exercise root-level control over his Lucid dreams? Whenever I reach Lucidity innadream deliberately or accidentally I'm always bound to the dream's rules, the only thing I can consistently control is my own "flight" which in itself has had the same rules in every Lucid dream I've had since I can remember. Taking off can sometimes require repeating swimming motions while jumping in midair similar to M64 cheats I used when playing around with PJ64 as a kid in order to get it working, and even then it's more like some weird hovering state where my feet provide thrust, the way I lean my torso provides the direction and my arms providing some mild fine control. The dreams don't allow for plane-like banking to the side and there's always a strong sense of inertia that I have to account for when stopping, it took me years of practice to figure out how to land properly and even these days I sometimes go off-target there's no fall damage but the sheer sensation of the ground coming at you at high speed is somewhat unpleasant, plus I can't invert my body as it always wants to stay upright or slightly leaned forward which is problematic when trying to apply retrograde thrust by leaning back with my feet in front I can only apply full thrust with my legs straight and my feet pointed downwards. The only variations to this I've experienced are >the amount of effort it requires to take off This ranges from engaging flight at will, to "pushing" myself off the ground with swimming motions as mentioned above sometimes with repeated attempts before my feet start to generate thrust and flight mode engages. Sometimes after taking off for the first time subsequent takeoffs are much easier, like the Dream acknowledged me "unlocking" the feature though this isn't always the case. >the amount of thrust I can generate and the associated inertia The more inertia, the harder it usually is to take off, accelerate and most importantly stop/land but I can go stupidly fast if I want to. In some dreams the flight inertia is so bad I can't sustain flight and instead do something akin to a big jump with some directional control and/or the ability to "glide" like an autorotating helicopter, whereas in others I'm slower than a Cessna but can fly to and land precisely where I want to. Outside of these strangely consistent ruurs attempts to directly influence my Lucid dreams through force of will are spotty at best, the most I've ever managed was summoning a shotgun in my arms to fend off a rabid horde of deer that had the voice of Hillary Clinton and were trying to aggressively recruit me to the CIA flight didn't work in that dream abd the shotgun shells ended up being RPGs, which was a bit surprising. What does work with eerie consistency however is mind-controlling flying vehicles, anytime there's an airplane or spaceship in my dreams I usually grab them to explore my dreamscape because I can not only control them just by thinking but also make them do shit they shouldn't be able to do like VTOL'ing or rapid acceleration/deceleration, though I haven't managed to make an unarmed plane shoot missiles out of an onboard 3D printer like in Ace Combat. Sometimes I can even force cars to fly, though this is less common as they don't respond to mental commands in most cases and have to be driven by hand.
>>117 In my experience they don't notice your lucidity unless you're doing something so off-script that the Dream tries to "correct" itself in response, I've never been attacked simply for gaining lucidity but have managed to set off horde attacks from random NPCs by striking first a few times, though often the NPCs will simply freeze up like statues in response to nonsensical player actions.
easiest way to lucid dream is, wake up 2 hours before you need to get up to work, or school or whatewer, when you wake up, try to remember if you had a dream, lie in bed and concentrate, if you remember write it down or record on a dictaphone, and after that it shal stay in long term memory, when you record the dream if you can remember it, or not, go back to sleep, and repeat the same thing when you wake up after an hour or so. best results are if you wake up at around 3 in the morning. that is all the technique you need and lucid dreams shal happen.
Btw dreams are a way of communication with subconscious, it is the only way it can reach you, the ego, trough those dream stories, if you try to control the dream it shall brake apart very shortly, it is a communication tool not an ego boosting mechanism, best practice is when you wake up in a dream to experience it, cognize your experience and do not interfere in the process.
Woke up and decided to jot down this weird dream I had. In it, I was on this journey, trying to let go of stuff that felt like baggage, you know, like ties and attachments. Even saw the Queen and Buckingham Palace in the mix, but they seemed off, like a shift was happening. There was this bizarre scene of burning money in the palace – a bit like saying material stuff doesn't mean much. And then, I had this realization that nobody knew how to make money there anymore, like the usual ways weren't working. It felt like a wakeup call to rethink success. In the dream, my friends seemed embarrassed, like I was changing or something. It echoed this feeling of wanting something different, not what society expects. So, I wrote it down in my dream journal, curious about what it all meant. Just another odd night in dreamland.
>>111 I've tried it. Shame what it amounted to was just a Left Path/Right Path type of choice within the dream. Usually I get stuck/fixated on the first deviation I take and then wake up shortly after. I wish I could get it on a topic I wanted instead of just altering the direction of whatever dream I was stuck in. I always wanted to use it as a brainstorming setup for stuff I was working on.
Asking something much more basic, how do you even begin dreaming?
>>254 As someone who barely dreams any, this is something I have been asking myself a lot. The general consensus among believers is that dreams are either a peek into alternate realities (why can you create concepts that are almost identical to real life but altered very slightly from it) or into the spiritual world, as described in Project Gateway.

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