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strange occurrences in my school Spook 02/18/2024 (Sun) 17:46:35 No. 242
I was sitting in my class and my shoe was feeling very sticky whenever i stepped on the floor. at first i didnt pay much attention to it thinking i probably got some gum stuck under it. later i was getting annoyed so i told my friend to check if anythings stuck to my shoe, he checked and he said there were blood stains on my shoe. i was like what r u talking about then my other friend said maybe its ketchup and then we laughed it off. then again my friend said look blood gets sticky overtime. we forgot about it for some time then suddenly one of my friend goes, look behind. i look behind, under our seat, theres a piece of FLESH just sitting there. that was what i had stepped on and how i got blood stuck to my shoe and why its so sticky. my friends said it looked like the flesh of a cow or goat. it was also covered by a layer, probably skin? it looked a bit pale. like how someones skin would look like after they die. they even said it looks like a humans ear, though i didnt really see it like that. there was a small chunk of red flesh in the middle popping up from under the skin and on the two ends of the skin there wasnt anything under it. we told our teacher about it and he called the janitor and she took it out. not to mention that when i first entered my classroom and put my stuff down i didnt notice anything under my seat. it probably was somewhere around in a corner and when i sat down it somehow got stuck to my shoe and ended up under my seat. now more importantly, just HOW and WHY was there a chunk of flesh just lying around in our classroom?? did someone bring it? why would anyone ever bring such thing? and even if someone did, that thing belonged to him for quite some time for it to turn pale like that. or what if it was an animal who somehow found its way inside our classroom and was just having a meal? that isnt much likely since our classroom is on the 4th floor of the building. though what i like to believe is that there was a jinn in our classroom that left his meal unfinished (jinn are invisible creatures that we believe exist and they eat stuff like flesh). ive had other encounters in my school aswell but they werent as strange as this one. when id show up to class early id sometimes find chicken or crow feathers in our classroom. it makes sense for crow feathers because a crow couldve flown by the window and its feather made its way inside the classroom. but for chickens feathers, i dont really find any explanation for that. not only there arent any chickens around my school, and even if there were i wouldnt think they would go inside or climb up to the classrooms. pretty strange set of incidents, but i sure want to encounter more
crows do eat chicken and any kind of meat they can find, all evidence supports the crow theory. it is not strange at all, crow is a well known chicken killer, hence feathers in classroom on the fourth floor.

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