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Vampirism, soul energy harvest, become God Spook 02/05/2024 (Mon) 08:21:44 No. 113
Soul alchemy / chemistry. Refinement of soul and energy for absorption by one that wishes to be a god. Let's consider somethings: >Light, energy and particles can be blocked by dense material or even reflected by other material >We will assume the soul carries karma and impurity Starting with a furnace (lead or other casing with titanium inner) level, we sift the ashes of animal sacrifice down into water, which we then vibrate to a certain purifying frequency. Then with another filter of some kind we tune the end product to the human body. Any other additions or modifications? Idk enough about crystals or metals. Maybe colloidal gold / silver
>assume the soul False assumptions.
>>116 You are clearly an ignorant

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