/x/ - Paranormal

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Anonymous 01/24/2023 (Tue) 20:44:04 No. 3
The fuck? This very board existed on this very site and it had a few dozen posts. What happened?
>>3 You may be thinking of a different board, with a similar name.
>>4 Hello. >a different board, with a similar name. How? It's one letter - x.
>>3 I never paid much attention to it, if you want it just send me a report.
>>11 whoever gets it, pls upload latest post/s, I'm suspicious about something :P
the cyber deluge happened.
>>18 No one sent me anything, or cockli is acting up
(330.56 KB 128x128 trippy question.png)

Posting custom spoiler for the board
>Level 10 weird Don't know if /x/ tier weird: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/440200548 >media will push fake news event >online reactions/opinions to fake event will be monitered and categorised: >right way to think about it >wrong way to think about it >undecided >op will last 6 months+ Supposed to be happening this Friday, 8th September. >op gets date wrong Corrects himself in thread. Could be a heads-up for a later date. >It's a very big experiment. Do not get sucked into it by reacting to it >That's the whole point of the "thing" happening, they WANT to see your reaction and which camp you'll fall into. >it will be a thing that will be widely reported that is designed to solicit a strong reaction from you. It's not "good" or "bad", but it will be level 10 "weird" and you'll WANT to engage about it, but don't. At least not on any digital format that can be tracked to you. LARP or see what happens on Friday.
>>23 Added Cheers!

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