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Screencap/Creepypasta dump Spook 02/05/2024 (Mon) 23:48:18 No. 128
I'll be dumping the creepy screencaps and creepypastas that I have saved. This is totally unorganized and most aren't even named so forgive me if it seems unprofessional. I'll ping when I'm done with my own dumps, I won't be doing it all at once, just kinda throughout the day. Feel free to dump your own disorganized uncategorized screencaps here as well. Or repost my stuff to the designated threads that they relate to. Whatever.
>>128 Thanks OP, your efforts are appreciated by at least one anon spook.
>>128 Thanks for sharing these. Been looking for some good stories.
>>143 Cute, and scary?
>>146 Me, too. How come anonymous creepypastas tend to be scarier than any horror movie that Hollywood shits out?
>>178 I totally forgot about the shrine collapsing. It all makes sense now.
(472.44 KB 1221x271 the picture.png)

(1.86 MB 1932x6935 wooder.jpg)

And that's all she wrote. Hope you all enjoyed it.
>>218 Thank you for the dumps, anon.

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