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I litterally almost lost my soul for this. Please don't let my old thread from the previous board die! Anonymous 09/08/2023 (Fri) 19:51:23 No. 25
https://8kun.top/fringe/res/141265.html#q141265 May someone please make me at least 6 feet and 5 inches tall as soon as possible by any means necessary and at any price please? Do it! Thank you in advance. Okay, l'll try something. By the way, since this project is providing me so much good experimental data, I'm nullifying the end-manifestation soul payment. I've already gotten enough value out of it to constitute a fair trade. In terms of progress I'm working now on refining the sympathetic link I'm using. Using internet posts as a witness is always tricky but after some rework I managed to get some sort of astral representation of you that I'm going to try to invoke into instead of the previous one I was using Sure okay. Payment is your soul. I receive all excess spiritual, vital, mental, and emotional energy that you produce. After your death you will become absorbed into my spirit and become fuel. You will submit to this with zero resistance. Contract of payment is to be considered cemented after you physical body reaches a height of 6 foot 5 inches. Reply with your agreement to these terms and I will begin the working. OP here again. I understand and accept these terms. You will make my physical height be 6’5” not including hair or shoes or anything else like that. When I die my energy is all yours. Deal.
>>25 The copy and paste sucks here lol. Basically I posted in 4 chan yesterday that I blame the state and my parents for making me shorter since there was a custody battle and the state helped drug me with focalin making me shorter and gave me to my mom who did not feed me. I was circumcised as a baby and vaxxed by my parents too. I feel entitled to be a millioanire.
>>26 Well this morning I found out I am likely going to be able to get a food card from the state as well as other possible benifits too. I will need to find a way to pay for the public transit to the office but I think I will get it. Then I will be able to eat more and bette(many food pantires have little vegan food with calcium)
about how I was put on focalin as a child by my mother who the state gave custody to after my parents got divorced. I posted about how I was also underfeed as a child. I do resent my parent(mom for drugging me and not feeding me and dad for not fighting harder to get custody as well as both of them vaxxing and circumcising mea s a kid) and I hate the state itself for it's role in medicating me and making me shorter (judges, lawyers, doctors/psychitrists) . I said I felt entitled to be a millionaire since I put my soul on the table to get taller and these peoples made me shorter. Well this morning I found out I am likely going to be able to get a food card from the state as well as other possible benifits too. I will need to find a way to pay for the public transit to the office but I think I will get it. Then I will be able to eat more and bette(many food pantires have little vegan food with calcium)!!!
>>28 https://www.reddit.com/r/lawofattraction/comments/16ebo82/i_literally_almost_lost_my_soul_trying_to_get/ A little under a year ago I posted on a random paranormal website asking for help getting taller. https://8kun.top/fringe/res/141265.html#142214 Shortly thereafter a random guy messaged me and said he would make me taller if I gave him my soul(basically you can read the exchange at the link if you want). I agreed and he said he'd get to work on it. I kept him updated on how my life was going and any progress I was making. Shortly after agreeing to give my soul I suddenly felt a desire to go vegan. I did research to go vegan and I decided to go vegan pretty quickly and have been vegan ever since(still vegan and will be for the rest of my life!). I think part of the reason I was attracted to it so much was that I sort of considered myself a victim just like the animals farmed. I was circumcised at birth and vaccinated(I have not been vaccinated since turing 18 no covid shot). my mom wanted me cut but my father did not but he reluctantly agreed maybe because he was scared of being divorced? He's always been and still is a coward. Anyway about 6 years or so later my parents got divorced. I lived with my mother for at least the next 13 years and occasionally saw my father for brief periods of time. When I was about 11 years old my teacher at the public school I was going to said she thought I had ADHD. My mother took me to doctors to get tested and they said i had it. I was soon after put on focalin for many years. I was on other meds too like risperdone and zololft. As well eventaully. My father was against these medications but couldn't really stop me from taking them because he didn;t live with me. He told me they were bad and what was causing me problems with side effects like breasts, (I'm male and not trans) and low weight and low apatite. If I told my mom I didn't want to take the meds or see the psychiatrist she would punish me until I did usually by taking away my electronics that I loved so much. Evevntually the lawyers got invovled and the state gave my mother full medical sutody of me so she could drug me a much as she wanted unopposed. I was also quite underweight as a child and I was hospitalized for a few short periods of time as a kid. I know this underfeeding and underweight and poisoning made me significantly shorter. I stopped taking the meds and seeing the doctors when I turned 18 and got to a very healthy weight when I was about 19. My parents and the state as well as the network those doctors worked for intentionally abused and or neglected me and caused me to be a lot shorter and increased my chances of making that posting putting my soul up for some more inches of height. Now I demand repartions. If a child can get 800,000 dollars for mental pain resulting from her dropping the hot corpse of a bird her mother paid for the torture and murder of https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/20/us/mcdonalds-nugget-lawsuit-florida.html then I should literally be a multimillionaire for having inches of height stolen from me. At the moment I have almost no money, no car, no income, my housing situation is sort of uncertain, no bicycle, no computer(I am on a library computer), no phone, I have to walk to food pantries not to starve since my parents do not feed me now or really as a kid either. I have to barely scrap by trying to get 5 dollars here or there to go to the laundromat to do laundry every few weeks often wearing the same pair of pants for days in a row. But I have not had a job in years and I will never get one or do labor in exchange for cash for the rest of my life since it is horribly unjust. I deserve to be a multimillionaire asap and I should not have to work for it. In the short term here is one wish I would like to be granted really soon since I literally have nothing to do all day on sundays since the library is closed on those days. I want a computer so I can play fallout new Vegas again soon Right now I have no phone, no computer(except an air conditioner and various other smart appliances maybe I guess lol), almost no money, basically no income, no car, no gaming console(I only really like pc but I could sell an Xbox for cash if I had one), I do not really have access to WIFI at the house I am staying at at the moment, but I do have access to electricity though. I really want to have enough money to buy a at least decently powerful gaming computer, to buy at least a couple of video games for it on steam, to get some way to give it a reasonably fast internet connection (If I had a smartphone and I had enough money to get a good phone plan and keep paying it then I could have lots of mobile data on it which I could use as a hotspot for the PC to download video games and mods for them), I could buy a nice monitor for the PC and A nice mouse and keyboard as well as a nice chair and desk to use with it. May you please grant my wishes?
>>27 I did not end up getting the food card and I do not think I will get it or any other welfare. Still no phone, no computer(I am on a library computer), about 5 dollars to my name, etc. I need money fast.
>>25 I just got some money emailed to me and I just used it to buy a cheap smartphone on amazon that should arrive in a few days. Thank you so much!!!!!!!!
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>>32 https://anonymfile.com/yZRg/img-20230915193510.jpg. I just got my phone I am op here is a picture of my leg i am white and american!! I still want to be at least 6 feet and 5 inches tall!!!
>>33 You need to be institutionalized or killed.

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