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creep Spook 11/03/2023 (Fri) 07:39:42 No. 92
One night i was coming home late from "school" it was in the 1990-is,we had extended class for religious teachings and was in a hurry to get home so i took a shortcut, the class was organized in the priests house, next to the church and a graveyard, so i was about 12 years old and i decided to go trough a graveyard to shorten the part of the trip home, because it was a 4 kilometer trip, so any shortcut is welcome, it was during the war in my country so all lights at night where dimmed, cars had dimmers on front lights, and also all posts with lamps where turned off because of the electric reduction, to save on power, my shortcut trough the graveyard had no light, after 200 meters i realized i was in the middle of a graveyard in pitch black, only a trail beneath my feet to feel as a way out and some candles in the distance, it was about 300 meters more to the end of a trail, that distance when it was day i could run very quick but in almost absolute dark it was like something started to play with my mind, some part of a brain got activated, and that part sees strange things, first thing that it felt was a presence behind me, it was a dark presence, i did not see it but i could feel it it was following my steps, getting closer and closer, at first i was thinking to my self that i must be imagining it, but then it started to breathe in my right ear, i was so fucking scared when i heard it breathing i could not turn my head, i was saying to my self it is all i my head, started to make noises, and talk to my self aloud, but the breathing followed me the all the way to the exit, the breathing and immanent feeling of danger, like any moment now something is going to kill me.

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