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You do not die. You switch dimensions. Spook 12/15/2023 (Fri) 04:49:21 No. 98
I have a problem, /x/. Either I'm mentally insane or death isn't real and we move through to a twin of ourselves in another dimension. See, because from the year 1981 when I was born through to 1997, National Socialist Germany won World War 2. What you know as Nazi Germany, but to call it that was a criminal offense. We had a German President, German mayors, German Congress. Yet we spoke English (though many also spoke German). Media was pro German. My elementary and high-school years where for studying the importance of race. The prevalent belief was that gingers had the highest appeal because two blondes reproducing birth a ginger. So it came to pass that my girlfriend in 1997 was a ginger. That was the same year I first died in a car accident. I remember being crushed. The pain. My death. However, I woke up without a scratch. Jennifer was dead. We were 16. The history from 1997 to 2014 was that Mexicans had won all wars. World War 2. Remember the Alamo meant Mexicans won the battle. We had a Mexican President. All Mayors were Mexican. Media was pro Mexican. Most people spoke Spanish and English. I met a Native American girl in high-school named Michelle. We were friends since 1997. This was all strange, because before that year, I never knew any non-white people whatsoever. My mother in the 2nd dimension tried to convince me I had a black male friend growing up. I never knew him. Michelle married a Mexican, because of course their status was high in the 2nd dimension. He cheated on her by 2014. She left behind a few children and committed suicide. This woman was my best friend. I had actually fallen for her but was pretty much cucked by her love for another man. She killed herself in March. I could tolerate the pain only until July when I set up two charcoal grills in a seedy hotel bathroom. I removed the legs of the grills, set them up, had ice for the heat, duct taped the vent and sealed around the door. Then I lit the grills, laid in the bath of ice, faded away and died once more. I woke up the next day in July 2014, 14 hours later. In bed. The grills in the bathroom were not lit. The duct tape was pristine and not removed from the plastic wrapping. The suicide note I wrote to my parents wasn't left out on the counter. In fact, it was never written at all. I came to discover over the following months I was in a 3rd dimension because the Irish had defeated England, won World War 2 and conquered most of the known world. There were pubs everywhere. Gaelic was common. Again, Irish President and media and Mayors. I never learned any new language whenever I switched dimensions. Didn't seem necessary because I might die again anyway. So I coped with this from 2014 until 2023. October of 2023, I died yet another time. It was a wreck that crushed the front end of my car. The steering wheel crushed my ribs into my lungs and I died in agony. Then I woke up with the wheel mere centimeters from my chest and pain that only lasted a month. This post October 4th dimension, I don't think I need to tell you who won World War 2 or who are the majority of leadership. This is your dimension. You probably know already. I have died three times and never know peace from death. What's worse is, my original parents and family must have mourned my old bodies' deaths, because each time, my life history according to family members is in stark contrast to what I actually remember. My father died in October 2022. He's also deceased in this 4th dimension. Everyone I knew who died: grandparents, aunts and uncles, girlfriends, friends. They're all still dead every time I switch. I have checked. This is not even a way to reconnect with people who died. It's miserable. I don't know how many times I must die before I can arrive somewhere they're still alive.
i had similar experience when i fell of my motorbike, i woke up in this reality which is similar but more fascist than the previous one, and a lot has changed in the reality albeit it looks and feels familiar it is not the same. in reality before world was more cooperative not so much violence and war.
OP, you might wanna look into montalk.net
>>107 Cheers lad will do
>>98 I just wanted to look at the current state of paranormal boards on 8chan but I did not expect to run into a story this touching. I looked into your case. I have an ability. I can somewhat peer into alternate timelines. I experienced end time scenarios where my twin lives died in the struggle then their leftover energies entered into this dimension and other more peaceful timelines too like at 1 place the cold war did not happen and this commie vs capitalist nonsense did not develop. People just managed to get along somehow because this ideology heated way of propaganda war did not develop. I had sisters in that dimension. They were really sad because in that life my dad had multiple affairs and he was extremely successful and my sisters were unable to handle the brunt of that trauma. After my dad died in this dimension I noticed him to go into a completely different timeline too. It seems he is living a life there that he was unable to live in this one now. I always hope at least he will be happy there. In my current experience timelines move closer and further towards us all the time. Sometimes I have minor dreams with completely different societies that are affecting this current reality without us noticing. Sometimes I look into other timelines to see future possibilities but that skill of mine is limited. So I decided if I can look into the timelines you mentioned. In the Germany won timeline it seems I became a bureaucrat. I got a vision of a military uniform like suit and lot of paperwork. I had a gf there and was kinda fit because a level of fitness and wellbeing was necessary for my rank. Could not decipher what my profession was about but I knew I was going towards becoming a director there. It was a proper life but not too passionate Then in the Mexican one it seems I was a baker. A sort of street baker of sorts. In that one it seems my future led to be attacked in a shadowy street and as I got rid of my attacker I somewhat awakened to my true nature. While that life is poor it might lead out of mundanity. The third dimension was hazy. All I got is some large mixed gender shower with people who clearly finished some sport training. I was quite buff there but most I could see is that I was going to shower with them. That vision did not give too many insights. What I want to say that yes those timelines exist and death can truly put us into different heavens or alternate timelines. It depends how we lead our destiny and I remember other anons in the past saying on other boards how they arrived here after death. The barrier between timelines is thin in the past decades but it changes all the time and those without a strong fate or a strong spiritual inclination end up in a different one instead of passing into the otherside. While I looked into your future it seems some event will happen which will either will be a portal or a vision that might show you an another dimension you might go but the timing is important and I don't know how it will play out. Killing yourself might not help your case because not every dimension around us is "nice" so make the most of this life and stabilize yourself if you can. There will be a next dimension in 3-5 years to appear but it is not easy to say how it will play out because this is no easy matter. If you have no interest in magic and meditation I don't know how to develop your ability to attune yourself to a timeline because there are rituals how to switch timelines but you need a level of ability for that. You might want to watch the movie Everything Everywhere All At Once because that is one of the best description how it works and maybe the Loki series. I know this is a mundane advice but while watching Everything Everywhere I almost lost my marbles because I just figured out how to enter into alternate timelines and acquire skills from my other selves intuitively and suddenly there is a movie about that. I am aware of the Law of Attraction but sometimes the universe is being too funny with us. >Either I'm mentally insane And it is strange you instantly overwrite your memories. They should be somewhat hazy. I would say they were reinforced with the experience of death but there might be something more in this. Sorry that I am unable to pinpoint the causes. This is how far my current divination skills can see.
I remember about a ritual that was about sitting down front of a large mirror entering trance and using some mental trick to shift to an alternate timeline but I was never interested and didn't even consider trying it. The positives that a new timeline has are usually counterbalanced with their negatives. Life is the same everywhere you go. Your wellbeing always depends on how well you can adapt in the end. You may never know what life might bring in the current or in the new timeline.
>>98 Switching worldlines is a valid idea but this is a larp. Or insanity like you said. When one dies they "jump" to a line where they survive, which is quantum immortality. The thing is you jump to the closest version of your previous incarnation, so you can not perceive any difference, and by the time there is a big enough difference "you" are closer to that than your origins. It's an incremental change, every second you die and are reborn, not only in a metaphysical/quantum sense but also physically in that your cells constantly die. You can not experience death only the process of dying, isekai is real but not fanservice romanticism
Also dimension doesn't mean what you think it does. Space and time are dimensions.

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