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Spook 04/07/2024 (Sun) 23:00:05 No. 264
Hi, I got bored and decided to make a discord server for conspiracy theories, paranormal, mysteries, gov coverups, time travel you name it. theres probably many more people who have posted something on here they want you to join but oh well. Join it or not, i don't care but i'm a big fan of these kind of things so i think this is pretty neat. https://discord.gg/XyWUgAn8TK I'm not trying to sell you my server or anything (i kind of am) but this is an imageboard and therefore i will simply post this here. Thanks.
>create board to discuss a topic >some fag does the same in a 10x shittier platform to discuss the same topic, and advertises it in your board everytime

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