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Lost video of people going into a tunnel to Hell Spook 02/06/2024 (Tue) 10:44:55 No. 150
Back around between the late 2000s and the mid-2010s, I watched a video on YouTube that I've been trying to find for a while, and I can't seem to find it. I'm going to describe the video to you to the best of my abilities. It was a found footage video and it was inside a car and a group of guys were chatting and having a good time with them driving through some rural or forest road. They were driving into a tunnel and starting to go into the tunnel and went deeper and deeper into it. Soon the tunnel got dark and dark and then there was fire just fire in the tunnel as I have this image of fire in the tunnel blocking their way out. Then I have another memory of the camera on the ground next to the car. The tunnel was on fire and one of the guys in the car was laying on the ground the tire of the car was on the right side of the camera and took up some of the images. That is all I remember. Does anyone remember this?
>>150 Sounds interesting, I'd like to see that. Maybe try on >>>/vhs/?
>>150 I recall watching a film with a similar premise, featuring a scene akin to the one described. It involved a group of individuals searching for an artifact within the tunnels of Paris or a similar setting.
>>152 I'll be sure to check the board out
>>152 I'll be sure to check the board out
>>165 As Above, So Below? Haven't seen it myself so can't say if it's what OP watched, but it seems to fit your description.

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