/wsj/ - Weekly Shonen Jump and More

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Have any anime or manga (especially) for the halloween season? Anonymous 10/28/2024 (Mon) 20:16:33 No. 624 [Reply]
I'm hoping this is useful to others on the board as well Anything you can think that is Halloween Themed, Creepy, Mysterious, Mystery, or Dark themes. Even if you think your anime/manga doesn't falls under these post it anyways.
Welcome to Demon School Iruma-kun It isn't creepy or anything as its a comedy but its definitely packed with Halloween vibes.
>>624 Higurashi! The VN is a strong recommend from me!

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Who will come out on top as the best rated loli character of this decade? Anonymous 10/20/2024 (Sun) 05:03:12 No. 515 [Reply]
I'm really thinking Anya has a super high chance if nothing else comes out for the next 6 years, but maybe that's too mainstream for you?
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2013 and 2017 but these two are strong contenders.
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>>586 I'm a bit disappointed we haven't got more mainstream loli. We need to fundraise a new JP animation studio to bring back the old days of television. But i feel like artists have to cater to the morals of the united nations... You will only find good loli in manga now :( I want another Taiga!!! Countries should be different from each other!! That's why they are separate!!! guh x_x
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Puniru seems to be well liked.

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Japanese thread Anonymous 10/21/2024 (Mon) 10:06:24 No. 534 [Reply]
日本語で喋ってくださいw English is okay too but please keep in mind the focus of the thread
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>>619 Thanks, I'll check out those threads. I'm not Japanese. 勉強、頑張ってね!俺たち皆応援してるから!
>>619 In addition, there's the /librejp/ board if you guys want to test your skills with actually Japanese people: https://sportschan.org/librejp/
>>620 僕は日本で統合する。子が日本人でだろう!

Bleach Cour 3 Anonymous 10/28/2024 (Mon) 18:24:38 No. 623 [Reply]
Have you been enjoying THE CONFLICT?

Visual Novels: /VN/ Anonymous 10/21/2024 (Mon) 10:03:09 No. 533 [Reply]
Which VNs do you LOVE? Use proper spoiler tags! (** around the spoilers)
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>>550 a beautiful story that touched my heart.
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>>533 Does Nekopara count? Yes... I am a degeneracy man.
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>>607 Is it fun? I suppose it's a moege?

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DanDaDan Anonymous 09/30/2024 (Mon) 20:19:45 No. 354 [Reply]
Hopefully the anime-onlies won't come here.
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>>482 Thank you dumpanon. I sorta plan on following in your footsteps once I get a stable Internet connection in a month.
Haven't seen the manga in a while, remember alien child. Got scared when i saw the anime because i thought they would butcher it. I think its a good adaptation, but your never gonna draw the monster as weirdly good as the mangaka. It almost felt like Junji Ito's drawings on certain chapters, and i wont be surprised if inspiration was taken.
>>608 the author has impressive art autism, the detail is a sight to behold.

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Decided purely on the merit of the opening Anonymous 10/22/2024 (Tue) 02:08:50 No. 566 [Reply]
What anime have you decided to watch mostly based on the song (or/and art) of the anime? I know we do not all share the same taste in music or anime so I'm asking for bravery In trade for an internet user's admiration. Admitting your favorite closest opening to your core that drove you to watching a series whether you are willing to admit if it was good or not. Personally for me Kiznaiver's "Lay your hands on me" By Boom boom satellites Is forever the best opening ever made. Say what you will about the actual anime adaptation, but when i first listen to the song I was awestruck with the absolute magnitude of the music's aura. Boom boom satellites have since moved on after the passing of one of the lead performers and he will always be greatly missed. Thank you if you decide to participate.
>>566 Dandadan would definitely have been one of them but I already know what the manga is like (not my cup of tea). But I might still check out some episodes to check out the direction/animation choices. > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LM6RhRm2GQM Wow, Kiznaiver's opening is so cool, never seen anything like it. (Honey and Clover's opening is pretty unique too though.) The song reminded me of some of Owl City's more techno songs.
>>587 Dandadan is very fresh in whatever combined genre it gave birth to and using Creepy Nuts, who are well known for making unique openings was a great choice to make something hard to describe. Dandadans opening is like a unique sour food you never had before and each time you try it you find new stuff you enjoy. This is a really great post! (Check out "TVアニメ「マッシュル-MASHLE-」第2期ノンクレジットOPムービー|Creepy Nuts「Bling-Bang-Bang-Born」" as an example of their music if you haven't seen it already. Found out about it because it was a meme on japan's youtube) >>595 Tokyo Ghoul is a classic!! The openings beginning with those impossibly high pitched vocals that cause me voice cracks every time i half drunkenly sing along. This song feels like every noise and every drawing was deliberately thought about and you can feel the exact emotion they wanted you to feel. This song will never get old. Thank you for replying to a random internet user!! I genuinely wish you well.

Nue's Exorcist/Nue no Onmyouji Anonymous 09/08/2024 (Sun) 09:19:07 No. 41 [Reply]
Holy fuck what is this now a Mecha manga? I'm all for it this is goddamn epic. The art might be the highest fidelity art I've seen in Jump. I know its probably 3d assisted but still. The result is insane.
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>>567 We are so back
>>571 giant boobies

Ao no Hako anime is coming out Anonymous 10/03/2024 (Thu) 13:49:15 No. 378 [Reply]
Romcom fans?
I just picked it up today. I'm surprised at how quickly things seem to be moving along. I haven't watched any romcoms except Makeine in the past, must be three or four years, so I don't know if actually things moving along quickly is normal these days, but they're not shouting or slapping each other constantly and they seem to genuinely be interested in creating some kind of relationship? I'm surprised. Is this normal for modern romcoms, am I misinterpreting and jumping to conclusions, or is this just one of those rare series that actually gets somewhere and has a clear beginning, middle, and end?
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>>541 Well Makeine is a LN and this is a Jump manga so there's already that difference. But for Jump romcoms even though this one aims to be grounded, one common point is they tease big events at the start to not get axed and then they start branching out into the friend of a friend's substory and shit gets slow haha. Well, in 2024 I think people wouldn't swallow a new rom-com with that exact same formula though, so some events DO happen relatively early in Blue Box, compared to like, bokuben or nisekoi.
>>576 I'm just thinking that maybe the audience for romcoms has changed. Even Makeine which is just trashy romcom harem # 1451925 is a lot more, how do I say, stable? Features more emotionally mature characters? I dunno, I guess I'll watch/read some other popular romcoms too, it's just a feeling I've gotten.

Jujutsu Kaisen's last chapter Anonymous 09/30/2024 (Mon) 14:22:32 No. 333 [Reply]
I'll be dumping the last chapter. Come in here and comment on the pages.
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Nothing will beat how bad the ending of Attack on Titan was.
>>553 Eh, I thought it was decent for what it was.
>>553 Attack on Titan's ending - I felt nothing except occasional cringe. Jujutsu Kaisen - I didn't even keep reading the final arc. Attack on Titan was better throughout. Way better for most of it and then somewhat better to the end

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Kagurabachi Anonymous 09/07/2024 (Sat) 09:33:38 No. 31 [Reply]
Holy fuck I just read chapter 34. I started thinking "man no way is he gonna be able to make a rescuing civilians chapter good" but damn I was wrong... The fucking parallels, the gavel symbolism with the panels, bro this guy is on another level. Imagine when he turns 50 if he keeps growing, he'll be a monster.
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Just reread volume 1. Pretty slow volume compared to the rest but it really does look cool as fuck. And now that I've come to like the characters more, I actually got emotional when Chihiro did in volume 1.
Is it true that Naruto is the mangaka's favourite manga?
>>552 His first oneshot is literally naruto vs sasuke with no context lol https://readkagurabachimanga.com/chapter/enten-chapter-0/ I would believe it As for the other manga he mentioned idk if I'd believe him.

WebM thread - now with 50% more anime Anonymous 09/14/2024 (Sat) 18:35:18 No. 206 [Reply]
post your webms, try to keep it anime related
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Watch this at your own peril...
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>>548 Oof, that looked like it hurt.

One Piece Anonymous 09/13/2024 (Fri) 09:52:35 No. 176 [Reply]
should Luffy be held accountable for Barto's actions, mafia-style, as his boss?
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New cover!
I thought One Piece had entered its final arc last year. Is it still not done?
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>>544 Looks like it's more of a "final saga" which will comprise of several islands (arcs)

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Anonymous 10/03/2024 (Thu) 11:43:38 No. 377 [Reply]
I'm too old to enjoy shonen jump
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>>504 He WILL finish the boat arc. I believe!
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>>504 Don't jinx it!!
Our prince.

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How to make like this Text ? Anounimous 10/20/2024 (Sun) 16:40:06 No. 522 [Reply]
I always see like this text style in anime and manga poster. and i wanna make like it can someone help me with it ?
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>>522 If you're up for the challenge learn calligraphy. This image was made back to front. First that water art was added then on a separate layer they used Latin Calligraphy to get the specific font for "Tekno" then they used a unique rule of 3rds to get the logo and stars while using a backdrop overlaying the previous font
how to get like this water art ? In photshop
>>536 I would study far out ocean images that don't show sediments like dirt or sand under them. Textures are very difficult when learning them but can be easily applied over many practices

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Anonymous 10/08/2024 (Tue) 11:30:37 No. 419 [Reply]
reminder that latinx niggers ruined 4chan's /a/, let's gatekeep this board from FOTM trash and shipping retards. So now let's start this thread with a good anime
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>>530 if they grew up on dragon ball z, they're in their 30s now aren't they? why are they still doing this stuff. I'm not a kid either but I don't get their mentality is what I'm saying.
>>419 they don't need to have grown up with the first airing of DBZ, DBS exists.
>>535 I would assume most are old(ish)fags though since who actually gets into dragon ball through super and who in 2024 gets into dragon ball and becomes that obsessed

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