/wsj/ - Weekly Shonen Jump and More

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WebM thread - now with 50% more anime Anonymous 09/14/2024 (Sat) 18:35:18 No. 206
post your webms, try to keep it anime related
>>159 Here's some more Caligula clips.
(2.92 MB 1080x1080 1726198585262200.webm)

olfactory activation
(20.04 MB 1920x810 Ghibli War Planes.webm)

Why hasn't any other studio even try to copy ghibli's style? Doesn't have to be one-to-one but this mixture of fantasy, weight, character and joy is rarely scene in other studios work
>>276 Please go back to twitter/reddit
>>276 You mean child-like fantasy on a war like topic? Its done many times since 70's, ghibli weren't the ones who invented it. I would say they pioneered it though. As for the artstyle, well its the artists themselves, jap artists don't usually copy artstyles due to their honor or something
(20.19 MB 854x480 Gate Capital Assault.webm)

Post war themed webbums
I dont know if OP songs or amv are accepted here, if it isn't vol please feel free to delete it
>>388 What's "vol"? I think it's fine though! It seems a lot of people love the first opening but for me Homura is way better!!!
>>391 >What's "vol"?
>>392 CHISA NICE BUDDY!! I still don't know what vol is...
>>397 It's short for volunteer, newfriend. Think of it as another term for janny.
(378.14 KB 1920x1080 1719793675278133.webm)

>>399 Thank you!!
(1.20 MB 1280x720 1681485426135350.webm)

Watch this at your own peril...
(3.00 MB 960x540 attack attack attack.webm)

>>548 Oof, that looked like it hurt.

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