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Jujutsu Kaisen's last chapter Anonymous 09/30/2024 (Mon) 14:22:32 No. 333
I'll be dumping the last chapter. Come in here and comment on the pages.
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I'll dump 1 by 1 after these so you can reply directly to a single page. Let me know if 5 pages per post would be preferred though.
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>>340 Btw this is just power's entrance from CSM right?
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Nothing will beat how bad the ending of Attack on Titan was.
>>553 Eh, I thought it was decent for what it was.
>>553 Attack on Titan's ending - I felt nothing except occasional cringe. Jujutsu Kaisen - I didn't even keep reading the final arc. Attack on Titan was better throughout. Way better for most of it and then somewhat better to the end

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