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Jujutsu Kaisen Anonymous 09/07/2024 (Sat) 01:21:26 No. 8 [Reply]
The popular series is ending in 4 chapters. Are you satisfied with the ending so far?
7 posts omitted.
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>>127 Honestly I'm kind of happy that so many plot points were clearly dropped and that Nobara reappeared out of nowhere because now even the diehard fans have to admit Gege is capable of making mistakes. I've been criticizing the manga since mid-Shibuya but everyone would go "you can't judge it until the manga is over" or some bullshit like that lol.
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This guy Gege really spent 10 pages talking about shin kage ryu (new shadow style) huh? At least we got official feet focus, I got hard.
>>127 just wait for the sequel in V Jump

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