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Anonymous 10/08/2024 (Tue) 11:30:37 No. 419
reminder that latinx niggers ruined 4chan's /a/, let's gatekeep this board from FOTM trash and shipping retards. So now let's start this thread with a good anime
>>419 I share your overall sentiment although I do believe it took lots of countries and cultures coming together as a united front to make 4/a/ the piece of shit it is today. Are those real screenshots from the show? Might have to watch it now.
>>420 > I do believe it took lots of countries and cultures coming together yes but like 80% are latinx and the rest pajeets. I feel they're bots or many samefagging because it's unbelievable they enjoy the that trash to keep the board active. >Are those real screenshots from the show? yes they happen during the fights and are like 1 second
>>460 There's one black guy, Jeremy/Ruggarell who keeps spamming kappashit and mods do nothing about it. It's a sad state. >real screenshots that's based, reminds me of this.
>>419 >muh spics lawl fuck off retard
>>472 I am a spic. Spics are retarded redditors normalfaggots.
>>485 Based desu
Funny thing is half of the site are Spanish speaking anons, so gatekeeping would be a little hard. Also PLW and smuglo lack any spics IIRC and they ended becoming big turds too, so please don't gatekeep too hard either.
>>502 So we need the perfect ratio of Mexicans to non-mexicans? Gotcha.
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>>419 >latinx
>>512 New anon here, can you get misuzu-chan to say that to me? Thanks...
>>419 i watched /dbs/ fags invade wsj and turn it into a general i absolutely despise their kind.
>>519 It's the same people colonizing wsj into a kagurabachi thread now right? or is that similarly horrible group but different
>>520 same one same obsession with rape and kappaing
>>530 if they grew up on dragon ball z, they're in their 30s now aren't they? why are they still doing this stuff. I'm not a kid either but I don't get their mentality is what I'm saying.
>>419 they don't need to have grown up with the first airing of DBZ, DBS exists.
>>535 I would assume most are old(ish)fags though since who actually gets into dragon ball through super and who in 2024 gets into dragon ball and becomes that obsessed

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